HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1983-02-07 Regular i y/S -4�-�-. � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIEtdDSW00D CITY COUNCIL I � February 7 , 1983 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday , February 7 , 1983 , at 7 : 00 p . m. with ' I the following members present : Mayor Ralph Lowe City Attorney Larry Schenk `_ Councilmen : Jan Jordan City Manager Jim Morgan Evelyn Newman Acting City Secretary Ruth Henry Bob Wicklander Loren Wood Leon Brown Todd Stewart With a quorum present , and with City Secretary Bobbie Henry absent , � ,� rthe following business was transacted : � INVOCATION was given by Rev. Judd Edwards , Heritage Baptist � Church. � APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of January 24 approved as read. '�( ANtdOUNCEMENTS & CQMMUNICATIOPdS FROM TF3E MAYOR ty`7 , 1. A franchise check in the amount of $15 , 694. 19 has been �'•�� ' received from Storer Cable TV. 2 . Mayor Lowe called attention to SB 287 called the "Pot Hole Bi]_1" which is being introduced in the Legislature to assist � I cities in repairing streets and bridges . �1 3 . A City Officials Breakfast will be held in Austin next Monday. t4ayor Lowe said he plans to attend and urges other members of the Council who can to go to this state-wide meeting . 4 . The Mayor reported on a meerting today with the Corps of Engineers, and sponsors of the Clear Creek Project. He said �S�C+� that $89 , 240 , 000 has been named as the total cost of the � flood conrtrol project ; that Harris County has already voted bonds to cover their share of this cost , but Galveston Coun�ty will need voter approval of a $9 , 000 , 000 bond issue . 5 • PROCLAMATION - Setting February as"Chamber of Commerce Membership Month. " 6 . PROCLAPIATION - Making rthis week "Vocational Education Week. " OPENING BIDS ON CITY Mf1NAGER' S CAR - The following bids were opned and read aloud: ---' Charlie Thomas Chrysler-Plymourth - Fury $ 8 850 . 00 Ron Car. ter Chevro_let - Impala 9 � yZ� /9 Dan Boone Chevrole-t - Impala $ 882 �� �`.� A. C. Collins Ford - LTD 9 , 435 . 16 \' Gay Pontiac - 13onneville 10 , 585 . 35 McRay Ford. - Victoria. 9 , 579 . 04 I ' Bob Robertson Chevrolet - Impala 9 200 . 00 --k MOTION: (Wood) To refer the bids to the City Manager for evaluation and rer_ommenda-tion . / Second: W.i_ekland.er �j^ Votc : Unanimous POR MOTION CARRIEll �"� PCTITIOIQS � CGrIMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC l . Bob Eascn �f the Jaycees er>tended an invitaticn. to bresk- fast at 9 ; 30 Pebruary 26 at Jones Hangar honoring youth athletic leaders of the community. �/6 -5�0�-� 2 • Norman Gerard of the High School Booster Club requested permission to install a reader sign at Stevenson Parlc or some other location where information could be made available to the public regarding school activities . 3 . Paul Schrader, a candidate for council in the April 2 electioii , presented a resolution supporting the Clear Creek Project funding and asked Council to adopt it. Mayor Lowe said he would like -to as]< Judge Ray Holbrook to be present at next JF� week s meeting and let him advise Council if submission of I such a resolution at this time would be advisable . No action was taken by Council . 4 . Community Appearance Board representative Kent Ballard voiced appreciation to Council for providing funds for special clean- up work along highways and br,idges on the main thoroughfares in the City, and presented Ed Stuart and Ron " s Fried Chicken with certificates commending them for the appearance of their places of business . 5 . Joyce Supina, speaking for YNOC , voiced appreciation for Council s past support of that organization, and gave a brief report on the accomplishments of YNOC during the years it has been in existence , recognizing Councilman Wood as founder of the youth group. She also made recommendation for appoint- ments for the coming year as follows : Cynthia Hearn Pam Harrell Joyce Supina Mike Kot.rla � Sam Broughton Tracy Stiek /� Karl Newman Jay Williams / Gratia Lousma James Lunday Matt' Jones -r MOTION: (.Wood) To accept the recommendation of the Board � '�� and appoint those named. � Second: Wicklander Vote ; Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED KQCUREK CURVE - ROW ON FM 528 - Councilman Newman said that the County R1ght-o�-way agent � Pau1 Selman, is ready to begin acquiring this right-of-way, but Council needs to send a. letter to the County stating that the City will pay one-half the cost of land purchase and $15 , 000 toward necessary refencing and 'rebuilding a pond. A letter� will then be sen-t by the County to the City confirming this agreement. WIDENING QP F,P�I 518 TOWl�RD PEARL:AND � A l.etter has been received from Omer . 00rman oF i.he H:�ghway Departmerit requesting information from the City regarding type section (curbs , gutters , storrn sewers) preferred in widening this road between Friendswood and Pearland. COMMiTNITY APPEARANCE BOARD APPOINTMENTS - CAB has recommended the �� follow3n.g appointments to the Board: "'�. Reappointment to another ter.m: To fill Board vacancies : Jan Erickson Ron Hoove.r __ Lynn MeLean Betty Collier � I�� Lila Ritter Mic Macmanus !( �TOe Prihoda � ����2 MOTIO;V ; CNewman) To make the appoin-tments -as recommende<l by J the CAB Second ; ti�icklander Vote: Unasiimous FOR MOTION CARRIEI) � _2^ 2 . Norman Gerard of the High School Booster Club requested permission to install a reader sign at Stevenson Parlc or some other location where information could be made availa.ble to the public regarding school activities . 3 . Paul S rader , a candidate for council in the April 2 election , present d a resolution supporting the Clear Cree Project funding nd asked Council to adopt it. Mayor L we said he would li e to aslc Judge Ray Holb.roo]< �to be present at nex�L week' s me ting and let him advise Council if s bmission of such a res lution at this time would be advis ble . No action was taken Council . 4 . Community A earance Board representative appreciation to Counci7. for providing fun up work along highways and bridges on the in the City , � presented Ed Stuarf and with certifica es commending them for thq places of busin ss . / 5 . Joyce Supina, spe Council' s past s report on the acc has been in exist of the youth grou ments for the com Cynthia Hearn Joyce Supina Sam Broughton Karl Newman Gratia Lousma K nt Ballard voiced for special clean- ain thoroughfares on ' s Fried Chic]<en appearance of their aking for YNOC, voice appreciation for pport of that organiz tion, and gave a brief �plishments of YNOC during rthe years it e ce , recognizing C uncilman Wood as founder p She also made r commendation for appoint- in� year as follow : MOTION: (Wood) To acc� pt and app�,iry Second: Wicklander \/ Vote ; Unanimous FOR % KQCUREK CURVE - RQW ON FM 52 County Right-of-way agenta P this right-of-way, but Coun sta.ting that the City will p and $15 , p00 toward necess y letter will then be sen'r y agreement. 518 Pam Mike Jay il ne� ay one refen the Co �rre11 otr_la Stic]< illiams Lunday Jones he recommendation of the Board those named. MOTION CARRIED ncilman Newman said that the man, is ready to begin acquiring s to send a letter •to the County half the cost of land purchase �ng and rebuilding a pond. A ty to the City confirming this ���,�� �„�C,. c�c,rman or t e xighway Depar from the City regardi g type section C prei'erred in widen�_n this road betwee,n COMMUNITY APPEARANC BOARD APPQINTMENTS iollowing appointm nts to the Board: Reappointment _to - other term: To Jan Eric]<son Lynn MeLean Lila Ritrter MOTION ; (.Newrnan) To �the CAB Second : Wicklander Vote : Unanimous PQR letter has been r. eceived �ent requesting information urbs , gutters , storm sewers) Friendswood and Pearland. CAB has recommended the vacanci Ron Hoover Bett Collier Mic acmanus Joe P ihod� make the a.ppointments �a1� —2— MOTION recommended by �D I l � I � 1 �w. � � � � 418 BUD�ET PREPARATION - Mr. Morgan presented a calendar and budget process suggestions for preparation of the budget for the next fiscal year which he feels will streamline the project . �5/ � MOTION: (Stewart) To adopt the procedures and calendar as � presented by the City Manager with certain revisions as to dates for handling certain activities as suggested by Council. Second: Jordan Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED BUILDING CODE REVISIONS - Some revisions to the Building Code have been proposed by the Inspector. Council felt that these should be reviewed by a committee of builders before implementing such changes . It was proposed that council members submit names of builders who might be appointed to serve on such a committee . POLLY RANCH REQUEST RE PARK TAXES - Polly Ranch Homeowners have � requested that the city pol.icy regarding charging only 10% of � s regular ci.ty taxes for subdivision parks be applied to the air strip in their subdivision. The City Attorney said that under -the new tax law suc9i a reduction would be illegal . Mr. Morgan was directed to answer the letter, citing the statute applicable . UMBRELLA INSURANCE COVERAGE - Mr. Morgan presented a table showing ' _'-------- coverage suitable for the all-coverage purpose with approximate I cost figures . Council proposed changes in some of the coverage �� and asked Mr. Morgan to review the proposal and to see if funds � can be found to pay for an umbrella policy at this time . I ORDINANCE T-183 - Changes to Zoning Ordinance - Second reading ' --� MOTION; (Jordan) To approve second reading of Ord. #T-1B3 . �I i Second: Brow.n � Vote ; Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED DISCUSSION OF VARIOUS ORDINANCES 1. Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance - The City Attorney passed out cop�_es and proposed Forwarding a copy to FEMA for review in view of the ..deadline of April 16 . Some disagreement was rr^I� } voiced from Council regarding the run-off section which has e� been added to the basic ordinance proposed by FEMA, but because of the time involved, it was felt that the ordinance should be mailed to FEMA as soon as possible. MOTION : (Stewart) That the ordinance be mailed to FEMA as is , marked as a DRAFT and subje.ct to changes . Second: JORDADT Vote : FOR CS ) Stewart , Jordan , Wood , Newman , Wicklander AGAINST C2 ) Lowe , Brown MOTION CARRIED 2 . Dog Ordinance - Most of the discussi.on centered around whart comprises a kennel and how kennels can be regulated. Several sugge.stions were made for changes to the ordinance as written. The attorney will continue to work on this . 3 . Jun.k Car Ordinance - Councilman Wicklander asked that the i i attorney review a revisioa to the existin g j u n k car regu lations I to d.etermine iP the revised copy complies with th.e changes mad� by -the State Leg:islature in 1981. If not , the atrtorney is to make necessary changes a.nd preserit fo.r adoptior. . , 4 . Contract wi�th Olson & Olson for co;.lecti.or? of de7.inquent taxe� - Mayor ?,owe. questior;ed wordi_ag which would indicale that th.e law iirm will collect a fee for all delinquent taxes paid eveti though they had no-t been instrumental in colleeting them. 'I'he City Attorney was aslced to review the contrac r. i.n l_igh�L oF t1i:i_s question and this will be discussed. at a later mec�L-ing. _3_ ,. 419 WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following warrants were approved for payment : General Fund �/837 - Coenco , Inc . $ 4 ,47.3 . 00 841 - Truman Taylor Ins . 4 , 449 , 00 846 - Olson & Olson 3 , 271 . 00 848 - Best Waste Systems , Inc . 28 , 000 . 00 852 -. Houston-Galveston Area I Council 8 , 418 . 96 I W&S Fund #470 - Texas NM Power Co . 6 , 019 . 39 A W&S check #438 to Gulf Coast was held up pending a report from the Finance Officer regarding rates , presently being charged by GCWDA. �� ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn . The meeting was adjourned. 4� e"� � (,� ` � � City ec e ary � � APPROVED: y o r �--.. I I _ � � `--- �._.,