HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1983-01-10 Special � 40�
January 10 , 1983
A Special Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at
the City Hall on Monday , January 10 , 1983 , at 7 : 00 p.m. with
h ; the following members present :
Mayor Ralph Lowe City Manager Jim Morgan
�_.. Councilmen : Leon Brown City Secretary Bobbie Henry
Evelyn Newman
Bob Wicklander
Jan Jordan ,
Loren Wood
Todd Stewart (arrived late)
� With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following
� business was transacted :
(,� ANNOUNCEMENT FROM COUNCILMAN WOOD - Councilman Wood stated that
� he will not be a candidate for office when his term expires
� in April.
e� He also announced that the Industrial Development Board Selection
Committee will meert in the Mayor ' s office Thursday at 6 : 30 p.m.
to start screening the applicants fdr the Board.
POSTPONEMENT OF NEXT MEETING - Since several members of the
Council will be out of town next week for the inauguration in
Austin or on vacation , a resolution was adopted setting the second
regular meeting for January 24 . Council had already agreed to
� meet at 7 : 00 rather than 7 : 30 p.m. during the winter months or
! until further notice .
POLICE MORALE COMMITTEE REPORT - The second report has been sub-
mitted by thls committee and will be discussed at the January 24th
that elimination of the sewer plants at the Public Works location
will result in more than enough parking space , and he recommended
that the residential lot across the street which was purchased
as additional parking space several years ago , be sold. With
Council concurrence , he will clear with the attorney about taking
bids on the property.
BLACKHAWK PLANT EXPANSION - Dick Brown of GCWDA and Col . Kiessling
of Clearwood Improvement District were present to review the
agreement reached on expansion of the Blackhawk Plant . Council <<Tx
has received copies of a letter from EPA stating that since no '���
�PA grant participation is involved , no approval from EPA is � �
necessary on the subject financial agreement between participants .
A Phase I Cost Breakdown per participant for Phase II Biackhaw]c
Plant Expansion, dated December 20 , 1982 , which is the basi.s for
the agreement between GCWDA, CID , and the City, is attach�d to
and made a part oF these minutes .
, GCWDA has stated by memo dated January 7 , 1983 , "We will proceed
� preparing the necessary documents in conjunetion with this
expansion and you will receive them in the near future . Engineer-
ing will proceed immediately on the design phase for 6 . 0 mgd
expansion. "
I�fOTION: (Jordan) That the Council indicate their interest in
pursuing the first expansion to the Blackhawk Wastewater �
Treatment Plant in accordance with the Phase II Blackhawk /�cy
Plant Expansion dated December 20 , 1982 � dT1C1 related
correspondence between GCWDA and EPA.
Second : Brown
PROJECTS PRIORITY LIST - This has been seheduled for workshop
on February 14 , 1983 .
CHANGES TO CITY C011ES �.- Mr. Morgan told Council that the Building
Inspector has request�d several exceptions to the Standard Building
Code as adopted by the City. These deal primarily with more
restrictive structural requirements .
Council asked that Mr. Morgan discuss these items with some of I �I
the principal builders in the city to get their feelings on such ' �
requirements .
RODENT PROBLEM ON GREENBRIAR - Mr. Morgan reported that the street
contractor has cleaned up the lot in question and he feels that
the problem has been solved.
POLICE RE1xbRT - Chief Wright made an oral report on the history
��� and present activities of the Police Department. He stated that
ttwo changes are being``made in procedures : (1) On certain charges
� wherein violators have been handcuffed and brought in to the
'� police .station for booking, local resident violators will now
be "booked in the field" and ( 2 ) A new procedure is being devised
for handling citizen complaints wherein each phase of -the pro-
cedure is documented.
WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following warrants
were �pproved for payment : .
General Fund #689 - Galveston County Appraisal Dist. $ 6 , 742 . 75
799 - Best Waste Systems , Inc . 33 , 099 . 19
W&S Fund #306 - Texas New Mexico Power Co .
#307 - Texas New Mexico Power Co. 2 , 290 . 661 �
i i
Capital Projecrts #1114 - The Rohan Company 6 614 . 97
ADJOURNMENT - Mortion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned.
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City Secretary �
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� prjnss xT ui,ncxr�n�;�c r�Lnl�rr cxP�+niszo�i •
Propo�ed CosC Dreakdoi•m per ParL-icipant
� December 7_0 , 19II2
Phase I CosLs
� �t per gallon: ? 2.496275
Plant $7,399,7�47 Cash-Participant ;fi
Road r 2, Og1 , 120
713. 1l17 Federal Grant 6,021 , Gb�{
TOTe1L $$� 112 B�J{ TOTAL
, $ 8, 112, 89�i
PARITY COSTS: Original Changes Per Final Cost pEr Participants
Gallons A�reernent Gallons Gallon Share
iendsaood 2,000,000 (12� ,000) 1 , 875,000 x 2,4962'75 $ �+, 680,516
C eartaoods 500,000 - 500,000 x 2,596275 1 ,248, 13$
' ' S5 500,000 125,000 625,000 x 2.496275 1 ,560, 172
uston (P1UD 142) 250 ,000 250,000 x 2.496275 624,p6II
TOTAr 3,250,000 3,250,000 x 2.49E275 $ 8, 112, 894
,� -
P��' I CREDITS: Participant Federal Changes Per Phase I
Cash Grant A�reement Credi�s
Friends�,rood $ 208 ,737 $5,095,550 $ (571 ,7113) v� 4,732,5114
Clearvroods 305,325 g2o , 13jE - ' 1 ,231 ,1159
1-N� 55 1 ,078,858 - 515,073 1 ,533,931
Houston (I�IUD 142) 558�290 - 56,670 614 , 960
TOTAL �2,091 ,210 $6,021 , 6FtlI _
� 8, 112,II94
�_' � .
Phase TI Costs
Cost Capacity per Callon
Pha�e II �8, 112, 891! 3,250,000 $ 2 J19o275
(incl, land) 14,002 093 6 000 000 .66701f
, _�_L_
iOTAL $12, 11�{ , �67 9?50,000 ,� 1 . 09728 �
PART?Y COS?S: Phase I Phase II Total Cost er
P Participar�ts
Gallons Gallons Gal.lons G111on Share
Friends�rood 1 � 875�000 2�02f1� 620 3� �03�620 $ 1 .309�28 $ 5� 112� 6(30
Clearcroods 500,000 150,000 650,000 1 .309?28 p51 , 3��
t�tiD 55 625,000 1 ,000,000 1 , 625 ,O�J0 1 ,309728 2, 120 , 309
r!ouston (1-1UD i42) 2�0,000 66U,000 910 ,000 1 .3�9728 1 191 053
CDC Co,poration - 1 ,511 ,3�0 1 ,511 ,380 1 .30y72o 1 ,979,�a99
Dy"f. Corpo:^ution - 650 ,000 650 ,000 1.�Oy728 g�7 �?;
lOT[�j, 3,250,OOD 6 ,0OO,OpO 9,250,000 �' � -
$ 1 .3o, T2S ;�12,11lI , 9t3',>
CO flRE�':D�vii?: Phas� II Phase IT
� ; Phase 2 Credit for Cost �xpanded
Credits Land (Credit) Plants 0;•mership
C'riends:;ood ��l ,732,5t1t{ $� - � 380, 136 $ 5 , 11?_, 690 tE�.rO
Clear;aoods 1 ,231 ,A{59 - iiE0, t3o) 851 , 323 7 .03
P,UD 55 1 ,533, 93� 152,093 t142,2f35 2, 125,309 17 .57
Flo�_i�*on (tiUD 742) 61�I , 9G0 - 57u, s93 1 , t9' , �53 9.blF
CDi. COT`p0!^3�10?7 - ^ 1 �`)�T� �{99 � � �17y� 1i�� 10 .�3
ll:3� Co�•porati.ori - £i51 �323 E151L;23 7 .03
TOTAL ;5, 112sfi9?I � 152,(1):> �3, u50y000 $12111ii ,y�l. 700 .00