HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1983-01-03 Regular 4�1
I January 3 , 1983
A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held
at the City Hall on Monday , January 3 , 1983 , at 7 : 30 p. m.
with the following members present :
, Mayor Ralph Lowe �irty Attorney Larry Schen]<
Councilmen : Jan Sordan City Manager Jim Morgan
Loren Wood City Secretary Bobbie Henry
Evelyn Newman
', Bob Wicklander
Leon Brown
With a quorum present , and with Councilman Stewart absent , the
� following business was transacted:
� INVOCATION was given by Reverend Daryl Green of the Church of
(� Christ.
� APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of December 13 ,
I � approved as corrected.
1. Mayor Lowe talked with Ridge Arnold while in Austin last week.
Mr. Arnold is head of a new State group which will administer
$�4.8 million for flood control projects throughout the State .
Unsure as yet just how these funds will be distributed, Arnold
I said he would be amenable to visiting Friendswood to look at
our flooding problems .
- 2 . Ralph Somers ' term on the Subsidence Board is expiring, and
it is the responsibility of the Mayors of cities in Galveston
County to decide who will serve in this position for the
next two years . Mayor Lowe has contacted most of the Mayars
involved and all have agreed to support another term for
Somers .
3 . Mayor Lowe presented a check donation of $100 to the City
Manager made payable to the Ambulance Division of the Fire
Department from Mr. and Mrs . John Bencal in appreciation for
services rendered to Mr. Bencal ' s father who passed away
4 . Councilman Jordan announced that she has entered into an
arrangement to do consulting work on a part-time basis for
Underwood-Neuhaus . She said that even though this rirm is
fiscal agent for -the city , she does not anticipate any condlict
since she will be wor]<ing with water districts and woul.d not
do any work where the City of Friendswood is concerned.
5 . Councilman Wick.lander said he has been in contact with the
Corps of Engineers regarding the new flood maps in an effort
to get more inforrnation which will be passed on to the Flood
Insurance Committee in the very near future .
Mrs . Blesset , who lives on Greenbri.ar across from the High School ,
said that materials being placed on the lot adjoining hers by the
street paving contractor�, contains old pi_pe and debris which is
creating a h.aven for rates which a.re now invading hei^ house . Mr.
Morgan was directed to discuss the m�tter with the contractor and
with the Health Departmenrt , arid follow up to see that the s5_tuation
is corrected.
Presentation from Jaycees - Clay Clemens , Past President of the
Frie—T ndswood Jaycees , presented the Mayor with a $1 , 000 eheck for
402 �
use in improvements to Leavesley Park, and made a short report
of what work has been done at the park recently . Mayor Lowe
expressed the appreciation of the City for the Jaycees efforts .
and read the following bids ;
Pearson Chevrolet $7 , 78g , 16 Trade-in $1 ,150 . 00
Bud Brown Ford $7 , 857 . 08 Trade-in 1 , 150 . 00 I
� I� ^ MOTION: (Wicklander) To refer the bids to the City Manager '
� � r. for review and recommendation to Council.
Second: Jordan
Vote : Unanimous FOR , MOTION CARRIED
The Mayor asked Councilmen Jordan and Wicklander to serve , with
Councilman Wood as Chairman , on a committee to select the seven
members of the board from among the volunteer applicants . I-t
was suggested, and agreed to , to ask Lee Nichols and Gary Taliaferro
to also serve on the committee .
Volunteers for the Board are : Mike Montz
Gary Ezell
Paul Thompkins
Richard Stapp
Dave Brown
Malcolm Collins
Ed Stuart
Sandra Quinn
Elsie Mills �
Freddie Musgrove i
Ed Stelis j
James Clark
The committee will meet at 6 ; 30 p.m. Thursday , January 13 , to
start screening the applicants .
COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD - Request for additional $2 , 800 for
maintenance of areas araund bridges and other sections on state
h:ighways through the city not tended by the state. Mr. Morgan
advised Council that this amount could be transferred from the
contingency fund in the 1982-83 budget if they wish to fund this
�/�� MOTIODi : (Newman) To appropriate $2 , 800 from unappropriated
� funds for CAB use in cleaning and maintaining Friendswood
Drive and F. M. 2351.
Second: Jordan
BLACKHAWK PLANT EXPANSION - Mayor Lowe reported that negotiations
between Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authori_rty, Clearwoods Improve-
ment District , and the City of Friendswood have been firmed up ,
and will be presented to EPA for their approval . Under -the agree-
; ment , Clearwoods and Friendswood wil.l rece.ive their pro-rata share '
(; ' of the additional capacity in the plant under the expansi.on. Betwel I
� the city and Clearwoods an agreement has been reached whereby the
` District will exchange this extra planti,capacity to the city for
part ownership in the trunk lir.e used to transport sewage to the
Blackhawk p7_ant .
Councilman Brown commended Mayor Lowe for his efiorts on behalf
ot the City whereby the expansion, as originally proposed by Gulf
Coast which would have meant a loss to Friendswood, intc a credit
of sufficient sewage treatment capacity to essentially ta]<e care
of a total build-out within the present city limits . Other
members of the Council also expressed appreciation for Mayor Lowe ' s
success in turning the situation -to the city' s benefit .
' 403
PRIORITY LIST OF COUNCIL GOALS - Mr. Morgan presented a compila-
tion of Council-submirtted goals and asked that Council rate these
according to their priority. The list will then be revised as
to the priority rating and copies returned to Council fo'r work-
shop discussion.
', KOCUREK CURVE RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION - Councilman Newman reported
that agreement has been reached with some of the property owners , y
( ' negotiations are continuing with the others , and to Finalize the �����
, � acquisition the City needs to commit necessary funds to cover �
one-half the cost of these rights-of-way ; Galveston County has
indicated that they wil7. furnish the other half.
Mr. Morgan said that he felt the city probably will receive sales
, tax funds in excess of those anticipated ,which would be sufficient
to cover this expense .
� FINANCE POLICY - Mr. Morgan has presented a finance policy for
' � Council' s consideration ' and adoption. Councilman Jordan said she
had no opposition to the policy as presented, but would like to
� have the fiscal agent , Underwood-Neuhas , review it and give their
(� opinion to Council.
,� DUNBAR-VILLAGE GREEN DRAINAGE DITCH - Mr. P4organ reported that � ?
� an easement between the two subdivisions was deeded to the City �z
, by the developers of Dunbar, and that in the future this ditch
will be kept open and maintained by the City.
WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following warrants
were approved for payment :
General Fund �624 - Be11 Telephone Co. $ 2 ,621 . 56
� 625 - Truman Taylor Ins . 43 , 080 . 00
626 - TML Workers Comp 2 , 920 . 00
,...' W&S Fund #282 - GCWDA 19 ,979 . 54
284 - Truman Taylor Ins . 6 233 . 00
EXECUTIVE SESSION - Council adjourned to an executive session
under Section 2 (e) Art . 6252-17 VTCS. No action resulted from
this session.
MORE FROM THE MAYOR - Mayor Lowe told Council that he has discussed
the possible appointment of Councilman Jan Jordan to the Public
Utility Commission , and would like to officially recommend such
an appointment . He said that if she is willing to serve in this
capacity , he would li]ce Council to adopt a resolution endorsing
her for the position .
Councilman Jordan indicated she was pleased with the proposal but
said she would need to determine how much time it would require
before she agreed to having her name submitted.
ADJOURNMENT - T4otion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn .
The meeting was adjourned.
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City Secretary � �
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