HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1982-11-01 Regular ��5 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL November l , 1982 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday , November 1 , 1982 , at 7 ; 30 p .m. with the following members present : Mayor Ralph Lowe City Attorney John Olson Councilman Bob Wicklander City Manager Jim Morgan ' � Councilman Loren Wood City Secretary Bobbie Henry Couneilman Todd Stewart Councilman Jan Jordan , Councilman Evelyn Newman j With a quorum present , and with Councilman Leon Brown absent , rthe following business was transacted: ' INVO�pN Was given by Rev. Norman Fry of the First Baptist Church. y--� ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE MAYOR , (�� 1. Mayor Lowe said he had invirted Dale Whittenburg, Constable for the new Justice of the Peace District which includes Friends- � wood , to explain the procedure he will be using in his new ' � job. Mr. Whittenburg had not arrived at the meeting. �[ 2 • Texas New-Mexico Power Company has written a letter setting I out their agreement with the city to move the overhead power ilines from Friendswood Drive and install decorative srtreet lights along the main street . It will be the responsibility of the eity to acquire righrt-of-way one-half to one block away from Friendswood Drive for relocation of rthe power lines . 3 . Mayor Lowe met with the Moody Foundation this week to ask if they would consider a grant to purchase a telemeter for the Friendswood Ambulance Division. His request was accepted Pavor- , ably and the city is to make application for the grant in ' -' January. ,1�"1.,. 4 • A franchise check for the quarter ending September 1982 from �'' Texas-New Plexico Power Company is for $50 , 626 . 91 . HIGHWAY IMPROVEMENTS - MOORE ROAD AND KOCUREK CURVE - Mr. Selman , County right-of-way representative , was present and concurred ' with the Mayor s understanding that the County has now decided to give the city a choice between having the County blacktop Moore Road or purchasing right-of-way for straightening the curve on FM 528 . Mr, Morgan stated that some time ago the County had agreed to help Friendswood with topping Moore Road, and that he has now completed the preliminary work as per his understanding with County Engineer Jim Horton and is waiting for the County to complete their share of the project. The County has also been involved in the on-going Kocurek curve project and had their right-of-way people helping to expedite this program. Charles Baumgartner, transportation director for the Friendswood Schools , urged the topping of Moore Road, stating that the road in its present condition is practically impassable and becomes dangerous when it rains . He said thart unless something is done , , he will not be able to run school buses on it this winter. Councilman Wicklander stated that he understood the Counrty had agreed to help with both of these projects and he was unhappy with their decision to weigh one of these vital programs against the other. Councilman Newman asked that the subject be tabled until she and Councilman Woods could discuss the matter with Commissioner Paul Hopkins . They w.ill attempt to have a report for the next Council meeting. 376 D06 COMPLAINTS FROM HERITAGE ESTATES - Mr. Young, dog owner against whom the complaints are being made , told Council that he has complied ' with all County health regulations in setting up his kennel , that he �; does raise dogs for show, and he does sell puppies at dog shows but �� not from his home in Heritage Estates . He said he met with the City Prosecutor and complaining citizens , and has complied with the agreement to confine his dogs at night . Several citizens testified that the barking is sti11 a nuisance during daytime . No action was taken by Council, but the subject will be placed ' on the agenda for November 15 for .further conside.ration. i BIDS ON SALE OF TWO SEWER PI,P�;J''£S - Mr. Morgan reported that the bid from Mr. Cobb for 18 , pU0 was the only bid received and recom- I mended that sale of the plants to him be approved. ���6g�, ti,�' MOTION: (Newman) To accept the bid for $18 , 000 and authorize III �. sale of the two plants to Mr. Cobb . ' Second: Stewart Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED PURCHASE OF DUMP TRUCK - One bid was received for purchase by the city of a heavy duty dump truck. North American Mfg. Corp . offered a truck .. .fitting the city ' s specs for $38 , 500 . Mr. Morgan recommended I `,'that the bid be awarded to North American at this price . � g c/ `* MOTION: (Wood) To award the bid to Nor.th American at $38 , 500 . � 0�{^, Second: Newman Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED QUOTATIONS ON CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION FOR TRUCK PURCHASE Quotations were opened and read as follows , based on $43 , 000 : Community National Bank -For 5 years - Inrterest rate 9 . 74% I Texas Commerce Bank -For 5 years - Interest rate 8 . 50% Mr. Morgan recommended that Council aecept the quotation from ! Texas Commerce Bank based on the lower interest rate . $(�� �� ,� MOTION : (Stewart) To award the contract to Texas Commerce Bank based in accordance with recommendation of the City Manager. Second : Jordan Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED REPORT FROM UPPER MARY' S CREEK COMMITTEE Linn Eignus , Chairman, and Bob Creamer and John Blake , members of the Committee , reviewed the written report for Council , members of the Clear Creek Drainage District , representatives from Brazoria County Drainage District #4 , and Pearland Mayor Reed and members of the Pearland City Council , who were present to hear and discuss this report. The "Rectification Plan" recommended by the Committee for imple- mentation was chos�?n '.based ori .the following : 1. Uses natural creek channel . 2 . Concrete lining employed for high velocity turns and under bridges . 3 . Sized for expected growth in area and designed for 25-year frequency fl.00d: 3 , 900 CFS flow , 10 , 000 acres @ 55% de�r� .>pment Safety margi.n of appr� . ' ,�Eately 1 . 5 (current development approximately 35% ) 4 . No major easements 5 . Major constructior. is ].:i.. . ; �.ad to intersection of Brazoria County drainage ditch and Na:: . ' . C:reek pl.us lining underneath bridges . 6 . Uses existing bridges 7 . One pipeline encounte.s� 8 . No adverse effects downstream. -'- � 37� CCDD was supportive of this plan. They stated that work they have done on Clear Creek was in preparation for this project , and they are ready to start irnmediately to implement the plan . The Brazoria County Drainage District said they are willing to use their equipment and manpower on the project and will move in any time . Mayor Lowe said that the City has $150 , 000 which could be transferred from another planned drainage projecrt to the Mary' s Creek project and could contribute some help in moving dirt . P4ayor Lowe then diseussed widening of FTY 518 between Friendswood and Pearland with Mayor Reid. They agreed to go to the Highway Department with a request that this project be given top priority based on the approval of plans for drainage improvements on Mary' s Creek which has held up the FM 518 project pending a solution . �REENBRIAR BRIDGE PLANS - READY FOR BIDDING Engineer pon Roberts reviewed his final plans for this bridge and the City Manager asked for authorization to advertise for bids . � � MOTION: (Wood) To proceed with advertising for bids on the � `� Greenbriar bridge . q� Second : Jordan `�l � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �,� (Councilman Stewart was out of the room for the vote) � ESTIMATE ON COST OF ANNALEA FORCE MAIN AND RELIEF SEWER Malcolm Collins , in a letter to Council , stated. that , with certain �t revisions he is proposing , this project is estimated to cost „�,t,s' $190 , 000 including necessary engineering and inspeetion. He also •' estimates that if the project is bid in the near future it could probably be completed before June 30 , 1983 . MINUTES FOR APPROVAL - Minutes of a Special Meeting of October 11 , �_ and a Regular Meeting of October 18 , approved as corrected. BIDS ON CITY DEPOSITORY MOTION: (Jordan) To authorize the City Manager to advertise for bids on a city depository . Second: Newman l9��Q Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED `�� CALLING PUSLIC HEARING ON CHANGES TO ZONING ORDINANCE MOTION: (Wicklander) To call a joint public hearing with the Planning & Zoning Commission for Thursday, November 18 , at ��. 8 : 00 p.m. to consider certain proposed changes to the Zoning � Ordinance . � Second: Jordan ,� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED REPORT FROM CITY MANAGER ON FINANCIAL EFFECTS OF YROPOSED ANNEXATION Mr. Morgan , on information frorn the Tax Assessor, said that the 1982 oil value in the industrial district is $50 ,153 ,170 ; land '� and improvements value is $2 , 490 , 920 . At the 73 . 5 tax rate , the city will realize $386 , 934 in revenue. I'- An estimate from the Police Department is a cost of $149 , 868 for police protection for �the annexed area, but the Ci.ty Manager said he does not agree with this projection. He stated that it is estimated that gas production value will in- crease over the next 5- 8 years about 50% . t� -3- 378 SURFACE WATER - BRAZOS RIV�R AUTHORITY - The Brazos River Authority is proposing to build a water tre.atment facility near the League City/Friendswood boundary and has asked if Friendswood would be interested in purchasing reserve capacity in this facility. Mr. Morgan reported thart the Authority will be available in meetings in League City on November 9 to discuss the matter with Priendswood and other near-by cities which may be interested. Mr. Morgan and Councilmen Jordan and Stewart indicated they would like to attend such a meeting. � DONATION NOTICE - Mr . Morgan gave Council a sample of the notice on water bills requesting a $2 dona-tion with each billing to help support the Friendswood Ambulance Service . (For information only) � �; CABLE TV INSTALLATIONS - Mr. Morgan reported that all areas of ;�� the city now have service except the back side of Mustang Meadows t'� and a portion of Wilderness Trails where contractors have destroyed the underground cables and have not yet completed repairs to them. STARTING TIME FOR GARBAGE PICK-UP - Mr. Morgan has determined that „dstarting the routes at 7 : 00 a. m, would indicate the best service ;h`and he recommended Council approve this time . Council had no �objection to his recommendation. ORDINANCES #T-17 Increase in water rates - Third and final readin � "��boC� MOTION: (Newman) To adopt Ord. #T-17 on third and final read- ing (and assign permanent number 82/19 ) Second: Stewart Vote : FOR ( 5 ) Newman , Stewart , Jordan , Lowe , Wicklander AGAINST: Wood MOTION CARRIED I #T-18 Increase in garbage rates - Third and final reading C��` �d, MOTION : CStewart) To adopt Ord. #T-18 on third and final reading (and assign permanent number 82/20) Second: Jordan Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #T-19 - Rezoning SERA Park - Third and final reading G�`�Lgo�+ NOTION: (Wicklander) To adopt Ord. #T-19 on third and final reading (.and assign permanent number 82/21) Second: Stewart Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #T-20 - Annexation of Industrial District - First Reading MOTION : (Wood) To pass Ord. #�T-20 on first reading. Second: Jordan Mayor Lowe said that he would not vote on the issue since he owns property in the area to be annexed and he felt this constitutes a conflict of interest . Councilman Wicklander stated that he would vote in favor of � the. first reading but he is not sure that consummation of the I annexation is the proper thing for Council to do at this time . I VOTE ON THE MOTION: POR: ( 5 ) Wood, Jordan, Stewart , Newm3n , Wicklander AGAINST : None ABSTAINING : Lowe MOTION CARR.IED WAR�2ANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanir.ious vote , the following warrants were approved for payment: -4- ' 3�9 , General Fund #233 - Truman Taylor Ins . $ 5 , 395 . 00 263 - Gal. County Appraisal Dist. 5 ,175 . 46 284 - Olson � Olson 4 ,191. 25 Water � Sewer Fund #165 - Texas New Mexico Power 2 , 775 . 51 � Capital Projects #1097 - Hi11s Sand Company 11 , 020 . 00 I, LIAISON APPOINTMENTS Following up on the proposal that liaisons be rotated to the ' various groups , Mayor Lowe proposed the following new assignments : �`�%� I V�7 , Counseling Board - Councilman Newman �" I YNOC - Councilman Brown Fire Department - Councilman Jordan (Councilman Newman who is ', presently liaison to the Fire Department a.sked to remain in this position through November to complete some work � in progress . This was acceptable . ) „� Drainage Commission - Councilman Wicklander � Houston-Galveston Area Council - Representative : Councilman Newman I � Alternate : Councilman Jordan Police Department - Councilman Wood , C[ Parks � Recreation Board - Councilman Stewart C( Mr. Morgan again asked that liaisons not be assigned to work with those areas served 'by a department head� who answers to the City Manager , i. e . Police and Parlcs & Recreation since the Couneilman tends to serve as a buffer between the employee and the City Manager. MOTION: (Stewart) Not to make liaison appointments to any �j department that interfaces with the City Manager. �7�1 � Second: Wicklander pj� � Vote : FOR ( 3 ) Stewart , Wicklander, Lowe <1 � --- AGAINST C3 ) Wood, Jordan , Newman MOTION FAILED MOTION: (Wick3ander) To accept the appointment of liaisons � as proposed by the Mayor. Second: Stewart �� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ,� OTHER ITEMS BROUGHT BEFORE COUNCIL l. Councilman S�tewart asked that liaison positions be placed on the next agenda. 2 . The City Attorney said that annexed land can no longer come in to the city with blanket zoning of R-1 , and suggested that art the next meeting Council direct P&ZC to consider zoning for the industrial district in the event it is annexed. 3 . Mayor Lowe reported that he has telephoned 6overnor Clements ' assistant to suggest that Councilman Jordan would be an excellent choice as a woman appoi.ntee to the Public Utilities Commission . 4. Penny Burke as]ced that all council members plan to attend the Fire Department annual aw�rds banquet on November 20 . 5 . Mr. Morgan called attention to a letter from James Blackburn regarding the effect of work proposed for Coward Creek in con- junction with construction of the Sunset Bridge . 6 . Mr. Morgan also reported that #5 Water Well is sanding heavily � and has had to be shut down until the situation can be remedied. ' He estimates that irt may cost between $10 , 000 and $50 ,OU0 to put the well back in satisfactory working order. ADJOURNMENT - Motion was made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. C 1 t��t����.r�_ APPROV�D : � May� ��"' ��"�� �