HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1982-10-18 Regular � 369 I MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL October 18 , 1982 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday , October 18 , 1982 , at 7 : 30 p.m. with Is the following members present : I ! Mayor Ralph Lowe City Manager Jim Morgan Councilmen: Leon Brown City Attorney Larry Schenk ' Bob Wicklander City Sect. Bobbie Henry ' Evelyn Newman Loren Wood Jan Jordan Todd Stewart ,� With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following busi- � ness was transacted: � INVOCATION was given by Reverend Gary Taliaferro , Church of Christ . � � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS PROM THE MAYOR , � l. Mayor Lowe presented a p�oclamation read last week making II Irene Robinson an honorary citizen of Friendswood , to Mrs . W. C. Rudolph who will £orward it to Ms . Robinson in England. I, 2 . The Mayor proclaimed Saturday night , October 30 , as "Trick I or Treat" night in Friendswood. 3 . Mayor Lowe , Councilmen �TOrdan and Stewart , Jim Morgan , and � i David Quick will be meeting with GCWDA Tuesday night to further discuss capacity in the Blackhawk treatment plant. — 4 . Mayor Lowe plans to mee� with representatives from Alvin on Tuesday to discuss the industrial district proposal . EXXON PROPOSAL IN LIEU OF ANNEXATION Attorney Bill Sutton , representing Exxon , proposed that , in lieu of the city' s plans to anneic , that the prior industrial district agreement be renewed under the same conditions aa, t}�e old contract. Questions regarding degree bf depletion of oil in the area and benefit to the city based on ,present tax structure through annexa- tion or renewal of the contract will be pursued by Mr. Morgan who will report back to Council on these items on iVovember l . ABANDONMENT OF WHISPERING PINES CUT-OFF Ray Utley reviewed for Counci:l his donation of the new route f•or Whispering Pines where it in ersects FM 518 in exchange for the old road which was to be clo�ed and abandoned. Al'though no legal agreement for the exchange was ever executed, Mr. Utley said that this was the understanding at the time he deeded. the new ROW to the City. The I�layor and Cit� Secretary , who were in office at the time (1975 ) concurred with tl�ese statements . P1r. Utley asked that this agreement be consummatec�. The City Attorney was asked to review the files on the matt�r and make recommendation to Council � ; on how to accomplish the trar{sfer of the property to Mr. Utley . The pastor of the New Life C1-iurch , which owns the adjacent property said they do not wan-t the ro�d abandoned. TEXAS-NEW MEXICO POWER COMPAI�Y FRANCHISE REN�WAL , , Mr. Dwighrt Spurl.ock, company vice president , told Council that n�j} the bond rating of his company is parrtially based on future condi-0 tions affecting operartions including the leng�th of tirne remaining on franchises , thus their request for renewal of a 30-year franchise which has ten years to go before expiration . Mr. Morgan asked about increasing the street rental on gross receipts from the present 2o to 3% or 4% . Mr. Spurlock said that if there is an increase it will be passed on to the consumer. in their cost for services . � ��o "�� ` �o� MOTION: (Brown) To direct the attorney to draw up an ordin- ance renewing the franchise with Texas-New Mexico Power Company for a period of thirty years on the same conditions as the present franchise. Second : Wicklander Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Mayor Lowe asked the at-torney �o also draw up a letter of agree- ment with the Power Company regarding new street lights on FM 518 . ' The letter is to be approved by the Community Appearance Board before being signed by the Mayor. ' FRIENDSWOOD INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BOARD �, Mr. Paul Maaz , in a letter to Council , reports that he and Mr. I George Poe , who were designated to select a slate of possible ' candia�es to serve on this Board , have found only three people who are willing to serve. He asked that Council and the news media help in recruiting prospective members . (Copy of his letter attached hereto and made a part of these minutes . ) REQUESTS FROM AMBULANCE DIVISION OF FIRE DEPARTMENT Gregg Mapp , president of the Ambulance Division , requested tha� proceeds from the sale of the old back-up ambulance (Unit 87) be � used to repair the chassis for Unit 88 which will serve as back- ! -b up when the new ambulance is received. It has been anticiparted I ' � that proceeds from this sale would be applied to the cost of the �I :. new ambulance but Mr. Morgan said that the lower cost of the new �i ^'aambulance and a higher offer for Unit. 87 would amount to about ' �'� the same overall outlay including the cha�sis repairs . Mapp also requested approval to negotiate with Clearwoods to increase the fire protection fee by $2/house per month to cover I ambulance service , with proceeds pledged to purchase a telemete- for the ambulance. Council voiced agreement with both proposals . � TML LEGISLATIVE POLICY COP�MITTEE ON FINANCE & GENERAL MUNICIPAL AFPAIRS Councilman Jordan , who served on this committee , said there were a number a items proposed which would affect Friendswood. She presented a copy of all of the proposed bills for Council review. A vote will be taken at TML conference to determine which ones TML will lobby for or against at the new legislative session in � January. i OPEN WORK ITEMS LIST presented by Councilman Wood was discussed and—clar f cat n made on several of the items . Mr. Morgan asked ' that Council indicate their feeling on priority of the various items . The City Attorney requested that assignments to him be recapped in writing the day following each Council meeting by the City Manager to enable him to fol].ow through better on these ; items . I COUNCIL LIAISOIQS l The Parks & Recreation Board has requested that a council liaison I� continue to be assigned to them. Mayor Lowe said that he thought it had been agreed not to assign liaisons to groups caork.ing with a department headed by a city employee . Mr. Morgan sa:i.d he agre2s with this concept since liaisons tend to take departrnent matters directly to the Council , by-pa.ssing the administrative chain of command. Mayor Lowe asked for a vote on assigning a lia.ison to the Parks Board. -2- 3'71 MOTION: CWood) That a liaison be appointed rto the Parks �,� and Recreation Department . / Second: Newman �� Vote : FOR (4 ) Wood, Newman , Wicklander, Jordan AGAINST ( 3) Lowe , Brown , Stewart MOTION CARRIED Mayor Lowe asked that the secretary list the liaisons presently I serving and appointments and reappointments wi11 be considered ii at the November 1 meeting, with each Councilman indicating where he would like to serve . CCouncilman Brown left the meeting at this point) ORDINANCES #T-17 - Increase in Water Rates Mr. Morgan said that the ordinance as written makes a small ,� increase in rate for usage above the initial 6 , 000 gallons . � Council had indicated that a $5 increase on the basic use � was all they intended to increase . The ordinance was revised to reflect only this $5/month increase . � C[ MOTION : (Newman) To pass Ordinance T-1"I on second reading � for new rates to become effective November l. Second: Jordan Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #T-18 - Increase in Garbage Rates MOTION : (Stewart) To adopt Ordinance T-18 on second reading. Second : Newman �� i Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �„_ . T-19 - Rezoning SERA Park � MOTION : CWicklander) To adopt Ordinance T-19 on second reading . /r,+� Second: Stewart a Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED l�� ANNALEA SEWER LINE - Mayor Lowe said he and Councilman Stewart i� will be returning in December to discuss with the Texas 4dater ` Development Board the postponement of building the Annalea line ,�" + and asked Mr. Morgan to get a letter from Malcolm Collins stating his findings as to the possible cost of the line at this time . The Mayor also asked Mr, Morgan to talk to the County about work they had planned to do on Moore Road this month . STREET & BRIDGE PROGRAM - Mr. Morgan presented a proposed calendar for action related to this program, and asked for authorization to advertise for bids on Phase B of the street program. MOTION: (Jordan) To authorize the City Manager to advertise-,.'s'` for bids on Phase B , Street Program, on October 23 � / and October 30 , with bids -to be opened on November 8 . �'� Second: Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � � 1982 TAX RATE NOTION: (Jordan) To authorize the required Notice of Tax � Rate Hearing to be published. �� Second; Newman Vote : Unanimous FOK MOTION CARRIFD �,� -3- 3�2 � I�l �j �f' MOTIOId: (Jordan) To allow a 40;% homestead exemption on ;,' the city' s 1982 ad valorem taxes . ;4' Second: Wood ' Vote : FOR ( 5 ) Jordan, Wood, Wicklander, Lowe , Newman AGAINST : Stewart MOTION CARRIED SALE OF TWO SEWER PLANTS AND OLD AMBULANCE ���IO� MOTION: (Wood) To authorize the City Manager to advertise for bids on two portable sewer plants and the old Unit 87 ambula.r�< „ . li Second: Newman ' Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED REPRESENTATIVE AND ALTEP.idAT� 7'U t��,;tA.>7)ON-GALVESTON AREA COUNCIL ����h � P40TION : (b:tu<>d) To designate Courici�man Newman as Friends- e � �' wood re.preseirLative to H-GAC , and Councilman Jordan . r�� dS d.�.'te'1 Tld"t2 . . � Second : Wicklander Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED HOLIDAY - FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING �0�`p/� MOTION: (Wood) To make Friday , INovember 26 , the day after Q� Thanksgiving, a holiday 'for city employees . Second: Newman Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimouslvote , the following warrants were approved for payment: I General Fund #212 - Wartex Oil $ 2 ,633 . 65 220 - Texas New Mexico Power 7 , 2gg , gg ' I, 237 - Coenco , Inc. 4 058 . 00 Water & Sewer #134 - Gulf Coas� Waste Disp. 20 , 563 . 28 135 - Texas New 'Mexico Power 9 , 562 . 50 Capitol Projects #1094 - John Carlo , Texas 112 , 036 . 99 , 1095 - Coeneo , Inc. 9 , 149 . 16 ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn . The meeting was adjourned. Cit�(s rY APPROVEU : aybr �°������ ,�° I '. ADDENDUM: Mr. Morgan informed Council that Mike Schmidt has come to work for the City as Glarrant Officer. -4-