HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1982-10-04 Regular �! ��tl , MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL October 4 , 1982 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, October 4 , 1982 , at 7 : 30 p.m. with the i following members present : i � Mayor Ralph Lowe City Manager Jim Morgan Councilmen: Bob Wicklander City Attorney Larry Schenk Jan Jordan City Sect. Bobbie Henry Loren Wood Evelyn Newman ' Leon Brown With a quorum present , and with Mayor Pro-tem Stewart absent , � the following business was transacted: , � INVOCATION was given by Rev. Quentin King , South Gate Baptist (� Church. � ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE MAYOR a l. A meeting will be held on Tuesday evening with Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority and participants in the Blackhawk Plant to discuss allocation of extra capacity in the plant. 2 . Mayor Lowe , Jan Jordan and. Evelyn Newman met today with rep- sentatives of Amoco to discuss a proposed industrial district in Brazoria County. 3 . County Judge Ray Holbrook has informed the Mayor, in response �` ` ; to the request for $300 , 000 from the County to help on flood ',}-�� ^ i control, that money is not available in the new fiscal budget ; however, a bond issue is being planned which may make it possible for some help from the County. 4 . Mayor Lowe presented £ormer Councilman Mary Brown with her portrait and a plaque of the City' s appreciation for her service to the City. Mrs . Brown stated that she enjoyed her tenure as a member of Council and that she is still available to serve the City in any way she can. 5 . The Mayor read a proclamation making October 3-9 4-H Club Week in Friendswood, and presented it to Janet Cass for the group . ���r'`�°-� 6 . He presented a proclamation making October 7-8 Homecoming Days at Friendswood High School to Channing Burke , the Mayor' s��'1-0; gr. anddaughter. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PUBLIC l. Postmaster Sonia Hernandez said that with the help of the Mayor she has been authorized extra man-hours for her srtaff so that they can better handle traffic at the post office windows . 2 . Jalna Westerfeld, speaking for a group of citizens , protested Council ' s decision to furnish water and sewer to Jim Baker' s proposed mobile home development in Brazoria County. She based the protest on the fact -that the mobile home park is not in keeping with the philosophy and guidelines which have been followed in Friendswood. Other speakers stated tha-t the proposed development will be next to an exclusive sing.le resident subdivision and would depreciate the value of those homes . Mr. Jerry Worth, who owns property near Mr. Baker' s property said that if utility service is granted to Mr. Baker that he would also like to reques-t service for some large , single family lots he proposes -L-o develop soon. Council decided they would meet with the Planning Commission next Monday night to discu.ss these questions with them. _ 364 3 . �) Gary Ezell, speaking for a group of homeowners in Heritage �SEstates , asked �hat some solution be found to a problem � involving a person in the neighborhood keeping 16 German �vShepYzerd dogs . He emphasized the noise nuisance and the �'r,possibility that the anirnals are being so1d, thus constitut- ing operation of a business in a residential area. Council asked that the dog owner be asked to attend the next Council meeting to discuss the situation. RENEWAL OF TEXAS-NEW MEXIC+:? ' c�t�J.I;R COMPANY FRANCHISE - The City '�� Attorney said that before 'J-ie m<ide any recommendation on renewal of the 30-year franchise which has 10 years to go , he would ' like to see some correspondence from the company' s hond rating ' services which would substantiate the request for renewal at this time. Company representatives said they will get this ' information for the City ' s review. REPORTS FROM ENGINEERS 1. .;`Malcolm Collins said that he has coneluded from his review �; of plans for the Annalea trunk line , that it possibly can 'ube built for around $200 , 000 . 2 . Collins and Don Roberts discussed the status of the Greenbriar bridge plans , stating that the Drainage Distric-t had given them directions for staking the centerline of Coward Cree]< realignment , the engineers had made some slight necessary changes , had placed the stakes (except through the Germany property when the owners objected) and have been waiting for the Drainage District to inspect the staking and give the�s approval . This would enable the engineers to determine the exact location of the bridge and proceed with final drawings and specifications for the bridge . Council asked if they had enough information to get on with the drawings and specs � and they stated that they do but understood that they were to go no further until they had approval from the Drainage District. ���1�Z, rMOTION: (Brown) To direct the engineers to proceed with the bridge design based on the opinion of the two engineers on the location of the bridge. `: Second: Wicklander Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION - Council adjourned to a closed session under Sec. 2 (g Art . 6252-17 VTCS . No action resulted from this session. PURCHASE OF POLICE CAR - Mr. Morgan reported that the investigation " into use of a foreign compac-t car indicated that this would not �'be satisfactory for police department purposes . Mayor Lowe ,.tsuggested that the Concord, assigned to the Inspection Department rybut not presently being used, be assigned to the detective . Mr. 'Morgan stated that he would prefer to purchase a new car but he is to eheck with Lt. Williams oF th.e PD regarding this action . , RESOLUTION #$25-II2 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF NOTICE TO BIDDERS AND NOTICE OF INTENTION OF THE CITY OF FRIENDS- bd00D, TEXAS , TO ISSUE CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION TO PURCHASE A HEAVY-DUTY DUMP TRUCK FpR THE CITY PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMET(T. � �` oov MOTION: CBrown) For adoption of the Resolution. Secondt ' Newman Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED REVISIONS TO SUI3DIVISION ORDINANCE - Councilman Wicklander, who met this week wi�th the Chairman o� Planning Commission a.nd the City Attorney, stated tha-t it now appears that the technical � 365 flood control provisions originally planned for inclusion in �I the Subdivision Ordinance should instead become a part of Ord. No . 304 which contains existing flood control requirements . The Attorney also stated that enforcement of all of these flood controls should be based on the opinion of. the City Engineer rather than approval of the Drainage District , inasmuch as the District is not an agent of the City. Work will proceed in putting the subject new provisions in proper ordinance form for adoption. IOPTING OUT OF SOCIAL SECURITY - In December 1981 , by Council vote , ' ! the City indicated that they wished to drop out of the Social ��' ,� � Security program for its employees at the end of 1983 . However, "j this request was subject to resc$nsion any time prior to that �' date . No alternative program has been presented to replace SS . � � The question now arose as to whether the City should continue in Social Security. MOTION : (Wood) To rescind the request to opt out of Social // � Security. Y�� „�,I Second: Brown p � Vote : FOR (5 ) Wood, Brown, Newman , Lowe , Jordan /�,� � AGAINST : Wicklander MOTION CARRIED � � FILING SUIT FOP. PAYMENT OF D�LINQUENT TAXES � �Sj;"� MOTION : (Jordan) To direct the City Attorney to file suit r,_�' � for collection of all delinquent taxes . ,/ , Second: Wood �� Vote : FOR ( 5 ) Wood, Newman , Lowe , Jordan, Wicklander �� AGAIPIST: Brown For the record, Councilman Brown stated that he is strongly opposed to suing or delinquent taxes at this time. He said that the $164 , 37'7 . 57 past due is small compared to what has been collected, __ and he feels that since these people are paying interest on what they owe , that a longer period of time could be allowed before filing suit , perhaps five years . He also said that the City should be less demandi ng inasmuch as the tax money which has been collected is not being used as efPiciently and effectively as it should. RENEWAL OF PEARLAND/FRIENDSWOOD AGREEMENT (re furnishing utilities .t�`" by one city to homes located within the other city) � t: ` MOTION: (Wood) To renew the agreement for one year. '�"` Second: Brown �� Vote : FOR ( 5 ) Wood, Brown, Lowe , Jordan , Newman � ABSTAINING : Wicklander (who stated that since he lives .Z in one of the areas involved, he felt his vote would constitute a conflict of in�terest) MOTI0IJ CARRIED ORDINANC�S #T-15 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A RATE ORDER REQLJIRING HOUSTON LIGHTING & POWER COMPANY TO FILE WI'PH THE CITY OF FRIENDS- WOOD, TEXAS , MODIFIED RATE SCHEDULES TO BE CHARGED IN SUCH CITY; PROVIDING CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SUCH RATE SCHEDULES MAY BE CHANGED, MODIFIED, �AMENDCD OR WITHDRAWN; AND CONTAINING FINDINGS �Nll PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT. MOTIOAT : (Jordan) To adopt on third and final reading (and /� to assign it permanent number 82/15 � �� Second : Wood p_ Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �� T-16 AN ORDINANCE DESI�NATING OR PROVIDING FOR THE REDESIr,PdA- TION OF NAMES 0'F VARIOUS STREETS AP�D THOROU6HFARES W.LTHIN THL CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS ; ESTABLISH- ING A PROC�DURE FOR DESSGPIATING AND REDESIGNATING STREET ADDRESSFS ; PROVIDING PROCEDURES FOR IMPLETIENTING SUCH CHANGES ; MAKIN� VARIOUS FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO TIIE SUBJECT ; AND PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE . - . II 366 � "��` p„4 MOTION: (Wood) To adopt T-1G on third and final reading i (and to assign permanent number 82/16) . Second: Wicklander Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED I T-17 AN ORDINANCE REPEALIIQG ORDINANCE N0 . 80/7 AND AMENDING ' SECTION 18-3 (a) OF CHAPTER 18 OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY CODE TO ESTABLISH NEW WAT�R RATES FOR CUSTOMERS CONNECTED TO THE CITY' S WATER SYSTEM; MAKING VARIOUS FINDINGS AND I, PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT ; AND PROVIDING AN I EFFECTIVE DATE . MOTION: (Jordan) To pass Ord. #T-17 on first reading. Second: Newman Vote : FOR (5 ) Jordan, Newman , Lowe , Brown, Wood AGAINST : Wicklander MOTION CARRIED T-18 AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE N0 . 81/24 AND AMENDING SECTION 8-6 of ARTICLE ONE OF CHAPTER 8 OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY CODE , BY STRIKING TFIEREFFOM ALL OF SUBSECTION A AND SUBSTITUTING THEREFOR A NEW SUBSECTION A PROVIDING NEW RATL'S FOR THE COLL�CTION AND DISPOSAL OF GARBAGE , TRASH, AND REFUSE WITHIN THE CITY ; MAKING OTHER PINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT ; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. MOTION: CBrown) To pass Ord. #T-18 on first reading . Second: Newman Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED T-19 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ORDINANCE N0. 291 , PASSED AND APPROVED ON NOVEMBER 7 , 1977 , AND KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY, BY CHANGING THE ; ZONING OF A CERTAIN PARC�L OF LAND FROM R-1 to R-3 AND I C-3 ; CHAN�IN� THE ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. MOTION : (Jordan) To pass Ord. #T-19 on first reading. Second: Brown Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - The following warrant was approved for payment by unanimous vote of the Council : General Fund Check #151 in the amount of $22 ,106 . 25 made payable to the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department . ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn . The meeting was adjourned. e � c�ty s��y APPROVED : � �� .ti-�-i ay�� -4-