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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1982-09-27 Special I ��� MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETI�G OF THE PRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL September 27 , 1982 A Special Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday , September 27 , 1982 , at 7 : 30 p.m. with the following members present : I Mayor Ralph Lowe City Manager Jim Morgan __ Councilmen : Leon Brown City Secretary Bobbie Henry - Bob Wicklander Evelyn Newman Jan Jordan Todd Stewart With a quorum present , and with Councilman Loren Wood absent , the following business was transacted : � ,� PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION �.� This hearing involved rthe proposed annexation of the Industrial � District #1 in Harris County, less the property involved in the � Harris County Park. Mayor Lowe invited anyone present to address ,� the subject ; noone asked to speak. Councilman Jordan asked about the value of subsurface minerals within the park area which might justify annexation of the par]< land. Mr., Morgan was asked to check this out . With no other questions , the public hearing was closed. REQUEST FROM JIM BAKER FOR WATER & SEWER SERVICE IN BRAZORIA COUNTY Mr. Morgan said he had replied to this request by pointing out �._ the following to Mr. Baker : 1 . It would be the responsibility of Baker to extend the water .� and sewer lines from where they are now on FM 2351 to his �`� property at no expense to the City. ,-� �{� � 2 . Mx. Baker would have to purchase and install at the point of tie-in to the City lines , to City specifications , one master water meter which will actively record the amount of water transmitted into his line 3 . Baker must pay a $253 . 75 tap fee paid in advance to the City for each of the68 units , i . e . prior to each mobile home unit being placed on the tract . 4 . Rates for water will be 1-1/2 times the water charge within the City Limits . MOTION: CBrown) To extend F�ater and sewer services to Jim Baker ' s development in Brazoria County based ��% on the City Manager' s report and discussion in prior � Council meetings . , Second: Newman Vote : FOR ( 5 ) Brown , Newman, Lowe , Wicklander, Stewart f�GAINST : Jordan MOTION CARRIED STREET AND BRIDGE PROGRAM STATUS REFORT Mr. Morgan reviewed stages of construction on the various streets and bridges . He also reported that in driving stakes on 6reenbriar, the contractor punetured a crude oil line . The line has been, but Yias to be moved to accommodate the street paving . Exxon offered to move the line for $1& , 000 city cost . Mr. Morgan feels that the original roadway was there before the line , in which case it would appear to be Exxon " s responsibility to move the line. Mr. Morgan was directed to confer with the attorney on � this matter. 1`'' ' 358 ' Malcolm Collins reported that the information requested from ' the Drainage District relative to location of the Greenbriar ' bridge was received last Thursday , that Don Roberts has made ' some alterations to the District ' s drawings , and that the Chigger Creek ;enterline will be staked out within the next few days for the District' s approval . Council asked that Roberts be present at the next Council meeting . REP6RT FROM CITIZENS COMMTTTrL STUDYING POLICE MORALE i I �+a Chairman Glynn Lunney said that the Committee recommends a 5% ' "'� increase for a11 police officers and dispatchers , recards clerks ' ^� and court personnel not to be :i_ncluded. Mr. Morgan said that he ��' could implement the So by moving each employee involved up one step on the pay plan. , I�5/� MOTION: (Jordan) To accept the Committee ' s recommenda- l tion and award a 5% incnease for police officers and dispatchers for a total of $24 , 000 , excepting records clerks , court personnel, and humane officer. Second: Newman Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED A memo from Councilman Wood was read srtating that he had faith in the committee and would endorse whatever they recommended. Mr. Lunney said the members of the committee would like to con- ' tinue their study , that two members had not been able to partici- pate so far and he would like to get their thoughts on the matters ' involved, and would like to pursue proposed communicating group sessions between citizens and the Police Department . He proposes I to make a set of written recommendartions to Council following � more investi.gation. 'I ' REZONING OF SERA PARK ' A recommendation to rezone this area to R-3 and C-3 as requested was made to Council by the Planning Commission. I „� 6�Q�Q`C1+� `y? MOTION: (Wicklander) To accept the recommendation from b �'` P&Z and instruct the attorney to draw up an ordinance �'`�; for reading to accomplish this rezoning. i Second: Brown Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED BRAZORIA COUNTX INDUSTRIAL PARK - Councilman Newman said she had � nothing new to report on the subject. ' BLACKHAWK ADVISORY BOARD MEETING On the question of additional capacity in the sewer plant , a meeting has been set up by Gul.f Coast Waste Disposal Authority with a11 participants for October 5 , at 7 : 30 p.m. A letter from GCWDA dated Septembe.r 22 , 1982 , informs the ci.ty of requests they have received for treatment capacity in the plant . A copy o£ this letter i_s attached to these minutes and made a part of same . - A letter from Attorne�= James Murdaugh, Jr. to Mayor Lowe sets � out his opinion of. the contract between GCWDA and the City. A � copy of this letter is also attached and a part of these � minutes . All Council members plan -to attend the October 5 meeting . MEETING WITH DRAINAGE DISTRICT ' A meeting with CCDD is to be postponed from October 5 due to the conflict with the Blackhawk meeting. Councilmari Stewart is to make arr.angements for a future meeting with the drainage district . A copy of the District' s letter inviting Council to the Ocrt . 5 meeting is attached and made a part of these minutes . ' � � �59 WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following warrants were approved for payment : General Fund #9596 - Best Waste Systems $ 24 500 . 00 > Water & Sewer Fund #4563 - Harris Galveston Coastal. Subsidence 5 , 482 . 50 ' I! Tax Debt Service #1612 - Texas Commerce Bank 2 , 200 , 00 ; 1613 - United Bank - Metro 56 , 712 . 50 � Capital Projeets ¢�1088 - Coenco , Inc. 8 377 . 03 , � 1089 - Don Roberts Inc. -� 4 , 125 . 00 �k1089 was approved eontingent on Mr. Morgan ' s ascertaining that 50% of the bridge design work has been completed. `�'I PETITION FROM FRED KRCH � (� Mr. Krch asked that some grade work be done on Woodlawn to �r bring it down to grade , and that entrances to culverts at � Woodlawn and Shadowbend be cleared to relieve a drainage and I � possible flooding situation near his home . Mr. Morgan was directed rto look into the situation with advice from the City j Engineer. li Li�ttering - Mr. Krch also asked that some attention be given 'to trash being thrown out at the recreation center at the , intersection of Shadowbend and PP� 518 . He said that the trash also blows around to pollute the surrounding property. He was assured that this situation would be looked into. � ADJqURNPqENT .- Motion was made and seconded that the meeting - ad�--`ourn;"- The meeting was adjourned. I'I City Secret� � APPROVED : '' ayo��'��"`��:--a-E1�-ti.,r-s� � � �� � a _ ' i ' i��v� , �,�i,�� Guif Coast V",/aste Disoosai Authoriry t.�= ZZ �(� �] Y.J.32j/.'t'Dei30Ji°°VZ.'G' �.^I.^.fC�J�.. �°%?_` .r�JE . ... .'�n�.'�:�� � / 1JHG { ' 'Ihe F�rx�rable Ra1ph Zr�we, i,ayor } I City of Fria�cswoo3 '� � 109 Willac,�.ck E'r-i�1, i'exzs 77546 Rec Blac7d;awk E�arsion Ph�se II D°ar N,ayor Ir�c,�: As you are aware, on Apri1 22, 1982, the City oi Frien3sca-�od re.^_eived ra�tice =*�n the Au�ority ��at Y.asris Cnunty M.U.D. =;55 had requ�ted addi- tional ca.-�acity in the Blackhawk P,�gional 4�astewater Traa�nt Plant in the am�tmt of 1.0 m3d. That le��er also re3uested that if the City o£ rrierr�s- woo3 desired additional capacity, please noti£y the Authority of your desires. Since Apri1 22, ]982, three (3) additional requ�.stshave beei2 made to the Air thority, �.h3t being CDC Co*_poration, DHK Corporation and the City of fiouston {M.U.D. �142) ; the Authority has held an Advisory Co�ttee N�eting on July 12, 1982; contracted £or Prel�m;na,-y �ign Ericineerinc; and prepared ne- cessary doc,-�nts and es�it:�ated �sts £or the E�nsion Phase II. It is ti�re to �xgiS1 the �nGion of the Blackhawk FaciLity with the authorization to pz-oc�ed �,d th the eng;r,�ar�q, � I, therefore, re3uest that i£ the Gity of FriencLscaoai wishes tp pax-`�.ci- E pate in Phase II of this Ea�ar�sion that written notice be given outlini„� capacity r�uested and financial assistance desied prior to Octaber 11, 1982. Please, if there are any q�stions, do not hesitatE to call. Y , Dick � Assis�-int General Manager £or Mtmicipal C�erations DB:dt cc: Mr. Jaires Morgan, City Manager City of Frien�?sc,��od Mr. 4,'illi�sn 01son, Attorney Olson & Olson i�:_Jac}c Davis, G�ne.�-al Manager G�lf Coast Y:aste Dis�sal A_uthority � , DALE G.ANNA Preaitlent CHARLES G.HOOKS /J /� (� ViarPreaitlant � ��,rL (�,�.EEi� LJ�.a�na,9E �L�,�2LL'� GARL L. SMITH Secretary/ireaauror P.O.BOX 607�PHONE(713)482-0404 . JAMES l.VOGAS FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS 77546 Oqeretione�ireMw ' � - LARRY E.BELL � S�xcial Pro�ede t � 1 September 27, 19II2 The Honorable Ralph L. Lowe, Mayor City of Friendswood _ 109 Willowick Friendswood, Texas 77546 Dear rfayor Lowe: Some months ago at a joi.nt meeting, the Clear Creek Drainage District and the Friendswood City Council agreed upon a program for improving Cowart's Creek from the area of the Sunset Bridge downstream to Castlewood Bridge as a part of the Sunset Bridge project. The agreement was that the City of Friendswood would fund and execute the design and construction, and that the Clear Creek Drainage District would review and approve the de- si�n. We have not receive,d the design details for this project and are interested in the status of the worlc. A1.>o of great interest to us is the status of the study of Upper Mary's Creek being conducted by the city's citizen committee. The Clear Creek � Drainage District's project for improving Mary's Creek from the 3razoria , � County line to Clear Creek has progressed to the point that we are ready to begin staking the improved channel. Therefore, timing is becoming , critical for recommendations from the City regarding Upper Piary's Creek. The C1ear Creek Dr.ainage District hereby invites appropriate representa- tives of the Friendswood City Council and its Upper Mary's Creek Committee to meet with us on ?'uzsday, October 5, 1982, at 7:30 p.m. to review the status of the two items mentioned above. Sincerely, CLEAR CREEK DRAINAGE DISTRICT .�..� ,�. G�.----�-- Dale G. Anna, President DG:;:fd cc: *?er�bers oi Friendswood City Council`'� *ir. James C. Morgan �fr. Pialmlm Collins Mr. Ted Bogren :�:r. Linn Eignus SMITH F� MURDAUCH W, JAMES MURDAVGH, JR, ATTOFNEYS AT LAW CYRIL J. SMITH MERMAN I. LITTLE, JR. I811 HOUSTON NqTURAL GAS BUILDING OF COUNSE� C�AY E. CRAWFORD 1200 TRqViS STREET HOUSTON. TEXAS 77002 JAMES D. BONNAM ER�N GOAG IITTLEJOMN �13�658-8315 t September 28 , 1•982 Honorable Ra1ph Lowe biayor, City of Friendswood 109 Willowick Friendswood, Texas 77546 Re : Contract with Gulf Coast TnTaste Disposal Authority dated December 12 , 1974 Dear Mayor Lowe : This firm represents Clear Y7oods Improvement District. Mr. E . H. Kiessling, President of Clear 4Toods Improvement District, has requested that T provide certain advice to you and the City of Friendswood concerning your contract (the "Contract") with the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority (the "Authority") described above , which Contract is very similar to one between C1ear Woods and the Authority. � You have requested a review of the Contract as well � � as some s ecific advice on p possible actions to be taken in light of porposed additional contracts by the Authority with Coventry Development Corporation and DHK Corporation. Tt is my understanding that both the City of Friendswood and C1ear Woods are concerned that the Authority is operating the Blackhawk Regional Sewage Treatment Facility (the "Joint P1ant" ) in a manner not entirely acceptable to such parties , and that, further, additional parties to contracts with the Authority for ownership and use of the Joint Plant may feel likewise . One o£ your primary concerns involves the possibility of imminent, final contracts for oapacity in the Joint Plant between the Authority and the two new entities mentioned above which are not presently participants in the Joint Plant. Section 9 . l of the Contract appears to require 'that written notice be given, by the Authority to all the present participants of such proposed contracts and enlargements in accordance with the terms of Section 7 .02 of the Oontract, and, I therefore suqgest that you make certain the Authority provides you and all participants with such notice . Additionally, the Contract provides that if any of the present participants owns Reserved Capacity, as Honorable Ralph Lowe -2- September 28 , 1982 defined in the . Contract, in any present component or element of the Joint Plant, such Reserved Capacity wi11 first be made available to the present participants at the cost at which it was initially acquired. Thus, I recommend that further consultation with the Authority be held to determine the precise nature of the proposed expansion and contractual arrangements . Finally, Article XVIII of the Contract provides for an Advisory Committee to be composed of a representative of each participant in the Joint Plant in order, among other things , to "consult and advise with representatives of the Authority concerning the Joint Plant. " Further, in Section 6 .09 of the Contract the Authority agrees to operate the Joint P1ant in "a prudent, ef£icient and economical manner and to take such steps as from time to time may be reasonable to reduce both fixed and variable costs of operation, consistent with the needs of Friendswood and any Participant. " Moreover under Section 5 . 04 , Friendswood or any other participant, as well as the Advisory Committee, has the right to object in writing to the manner of operation of the Joint Plant, and the Authority is obliged to respond in writing within � 30 days . : ! , Thus, there are several provisions in the Contract which enable the City of Friendswood, Clear Woods , or any other participant to require certain actions to. be taken by the Authority. There is always the chance that part of the presently perceived problem is simply due to lacic of communication and sufficient information. Thus, I suggest that you and the other participants consider calling a meeting o£ the Advisory Committee as the first and most logical step to determine the present status o£ plans for the expansion o£ the Joint Plant, and to then elicit sufficient in£ormation to determine what steps, i£ any, need to be taken next. I hope this provides you with the. information you seek, and hope that I can be of further assistance to you. Yours truly, � . Ti�1 James Murdaugh, J Attorney £or Clear W ds Improvement District WJM/jmr.i cc: N;r. E , H. Kiesslinq