HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1982-09-13 Regular ��i MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL September 13 , 1982 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Ha11 on Monday , September 13 , 1982 , at 7 : 30 p.m. with the following members present : � Mayor Ralph Lowe City Manager Jim Morgan i Councilmen : Loren Wood City Secretary Bobbie Henry I Todd Stewart Leon Brown Evelyn Newman Jan Jordan Bob Wieklander (Arrived at 8 : 20 ) , With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following busi- ' � ness was transacted: � INVOCATION was given by Rev. Paul Como , Living Way Church. � ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE MAYOR � �( Mayor Lowe announced that a blood bank will be at City Hall on September 21 for those who would like to donate blood to replace that used by Mrs . Imogene Somers . BUDGET ORDINANCES #82/17 - AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS , GENERAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR � 1982-83 ; MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY FOR SUCH PISCAL j YEAR AS REFLECTED IN SAID BUDGET ; AND MAKING CERTAIN FIND- ',__ INGS AND CONTAIIQING CERTAIN PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. ( $7 , 547 , 681 . 00 ) MOTION: (Brown) To adopt Ordinance 82/17 on one reading . � Second: Newman � Vote : FOR (5 ) Brown , Newman, Jordan , Lowe , Wood ���3� A�AINST : Stewart MOTION CARRIED U #82/18 - AN ORDINAPdCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS , RF.VENUL SHARING BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1982-83 ; MAKING AP1'ROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY FOR SUCH FISCAL YEAR AS REFLECTED IN SAID BUDGET ; AND :1AKING CERTAIN FINDINGS AND CONTAINING CERTAIN PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. ( $70 , 3�F6 . 00 ) MOTION: (Jordan) To adopt Ordinance 82/18 on one reading . Second: Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTTON CARRIED /��� (Councilman Wicklander ar. rived at this point) � CITIZEN' S COMMITTEE TO STUDY POLICE DEPARTMENT MORALE - Glynn Lunney , as spokesman for the committee , outlined what the group � has done to date in the way of research. He stated thart the five � percent increase recommended for the Police Department was an r�,t-' arbitrary figure resulting from their rather preliminary study�t1`�' necessitated by the short time they had to work on it. He emphasized that this did not reflect , ualit of lf committee has not yet addressed this a.rea. yHe iPdicatednthat�the committee would be wil7_ing to contin.ue their study but would be making pcl.icy recommendations to the Council rather than specific action to be ta]<en. He strongly recommended a standard procedure for handling citizen complaints about the police department and that such complaints should be made in writing. i 352 '� I� Annette Mullins of the committee stated that she felt that � this group has been asked to study the Police Department � because it is the most visible , public group of city employees ; that possibly a review of the rest of the city is in order. She stated, however, that she feels this is an administrative problem and that somewhere along the line there has been a break-down, otherwise this committee would not be necessary. She also stated that she does not feel �his committee can act as a complaint board between the citizens and policemen. Walter Wilson proposed a definite system for receiving complaints from citizens and opportunity for response from the police , and he endorsed a proposal by Mr. Lunney that ' all such complaints be made in writing , documented, and the response also be writ'ten and documented. Police Officer John Echoff, also a member of the committee , confined his statements to reasons why Council should approve the five percent increase for all employees of the police department , dispatch office , and court clerk' s office without further delay or study. , During the ensuing discussion , some members of Couneil felt that a five percent increase for the Police Department across the board should be approved now; others favored awaiting further study of the Police Department and possibly ..of other employees of the City. FOR THE RECORD, Councilman Newman made the following statement : I ee1 that Council has come to a time when we are putting on I someone else ' s back something that should have been someone else ` s responsibility a long time ago . If I were a department head-- if I had men or girls or whoever working under me , I would know I that they are undexpaid. I would have referred my thoughts to the Council. I would have come to the City Manager and I would � I have recommended increases for their salaries . I can not accept ' the fact that we did not have such a recommendation this year. I ca.n not accept the fact that we have put it off and said that we should have a comparison of our city with other cities--and this department.. As far as I am concerned, that is something that should have been on-going instead of coming up today, making the decis.ions that we have to make, and saying that we can not ' consider one department because we can not consider all of them. � I can not acce.pt this. " Mr. Morgan was asked to mal<e a recommendation on the subject. He recommended that the committee continue their study of the salary situation for the Police Department , that the $27000 remain in the contingency fund until some decision is reached, and in the meantime a study be made of the salaries of other city employees . MOTTON: (Stewart) To accept the City Manager' s recommendation ��n� '�� that the $27000 remain in the contingency fund, that the ���� committee malce a more detailed study and report back to Council hopefully by September 30 . Also , that Council direct the staff, committees , or this committee -to make a study into the salaries of other departments and employees . � Second: Brown Vote : FOR ( 5) Stewart , Brown, Wood , Wicklander , Lowe AGAINST ( 2 ) Jor. dan , Newman FOR THE RECORD Councilman Jordan stated that "I was voting against recommendat�.ori #l. S was actually in favor of recommendation #2 but I didn' t have a chance to vo-re on it . Councilman Newman asked that the record. reflect her feelings the same as Jordan . FOK THE RECORD Councilman Stewart said "I would like to thank Jim Morgan for helping us part-time of.ficials who don't ]<now all that we need to know, and for helping us find our place . " � �V tJ FOR THE RECORD Mayor Lowe stated that "I appointed this committee because we felt like it would �ive us information the Council could act on that might improve the morale of the Police Depart- ment and we are receiving that information. Now we must work that into the structure of the City of Friendswood without creating another problem by the way we solve the first problem, and we hope the committee can give us some insight into this in rthe next two weeks . " ; ORDINANCES #T-15 AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A 12ATE ORDER REQUIRING HOUSTON LIGHTIN� AND POWER COMPANY TO FILE WITH THE CITY OF FRIENDS- WOOD, TEXAS , MODIFIED RATE SCHEDULES TO BE CHAR6ED IN SUCH CITY; PROVIDING CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SUCH RATE SCHEDULES MAY BE CHANGED , MODIFIED, AMENDED OR WITHDRAWN; AND CONTAIN- ING FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT. S'� MOTION: (Jordan) To approve Ord. T-15 on second reading. � Second: Newman , � Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � #T-16 AN ORDINANCE DESIGNATING OR PROVIDING FOR THE RE- � DESIGNATION OF NAMES OF VARIOUS STREETS AND THOROUGHFARES �C WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS ; � ESTAIILISHING A PROCEDURE FOP. DESIGNATING AND REDESIGNATING ', STREET ADDRESSES ; PROVIDING PROCEDURES' FOR IMPLEMENTING SUCH CHANGES ; MAKING VARIOUS FINDINGS AND PROVISIONS RELATED TO THE SUBJECT ; AND PROVIDING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE . MOTION: (Jordan) To approve Ord. T-16 on second reading. Second: Wood i Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED AWARDING BID ON AMBULANCE - Mr. Morgan recommended that the bid be awarded to Superior Southwest Inc. for a Prestige ambulance at the cash price of $39 , iF35 . 00 . , ,,X� MOTION: (.Stewart) To concur with the recommendation of the t'�` City Manager and award the bid to Superior Southwest LInc. �/ Second: Wood `U� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � Q SOCIAL SECURITY PROGRAM OR ALT�RNATE - Councilman Wicklander said that the report is not . ready ; it will be made available later. IILACKHAWK SEWER PLANT EXPANSION - The City Manager, Finance Officer , and Councilman Jordan are to work with Gu1f Coast Wasrte Disposal Authority on this matter. PETITION - Mrs . Marie Moore requested that Council refuse water and sewer service to Jim 13aker for his proposed mobile home park located in B.razoria County . Her reasons involved drainage , fire and police protection, and traffic which would be generated by the 68 units proposed. Mr. Morgan was asked to follow up with Mr. Baker on his request for services from the City. �— WARRANTS POR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following warrants were approved for paym.ent : General F'und #9503 - Texas New Mexico Power Co. $ 2 ,ggg , g3 9504 - Best Waste Systems , Inc . 25 , 064 . 73 950C - Merdhants National Bank & Trust 22 , 456 . 97 3499 - Texas New Mexico Power Co. 4 , 697 . 55 Wa.ter & Sewer Fund ;�4542 - Texas New Mexico Power Co. 4 , 562 . 77 4541 - Texas New Mexico Power Co . 1 , 321. 44 4539 - Gulf Coast Waste Disposal 16 , 063 . 44 4540 - Gulf Coast Waste Disposal 9 , 357 . 85 Capital Projects #1087 - John Carlo Texas , Inc . 172 , 891 . 31 I 354 '� I ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and second ed that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. �/�+"�-¢- � City Secretary APPROVED : � ( /.�'�--f�-�id�� ��"C�, .�„_,.9`, � , Mayor i I ii 1 � j III II I