HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1982-09-07 Regular , 345 I MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUPdCIL ' September 7 , 1982 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Tuesday, September 7 , 1982 , at 7 : 30 p.m. with i the following members present : � Mayor Ralph Lowe City Attorney Larry Schenk Councilmen : Todd Stewart City Manager Jim Morgan I Leon Brown City Secretary Bobbie Henry Jan Jordan Bob Wicklander � Loren Wood Evelyn Newman With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following , y--� business was transacted: � INVOCATION (?J ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE MAYOR i.� � r'Y 4 ('. ( � Liaison - Mayor Lowe appointed Councilman Newman as liaison to ,' the Community Counseling Service Board. He announced that a meeting will be ]Zeld at City Hall on Tuesday , morning with property owners and State and County officials involved to discuss straightening of FM 528 , particularly the acquisition of right-of-way for this project and where Greenbriar � should intersect the highway. All Councilmen were ur. ged to attend. I � CABLE TV - RATE INCREASE AND FRANCHISE - Attorney Tom Lay , ; representing MECA, explained that under federal law the base rates — may be approved by local governments , premium services are not r, - subject to the city ' s approval , being pre-empted by ICC a number ,' of years ago. I TEXAS-NEW MEXICO POWER COMPANY l. Moving pole and lines at Sunset Bridge has been resolved by the power company , on request of Mayor Lowe , cutting off service in the area beginning at midnight when it would have i the least impact on customers . This was necessary to expedite construction of the bridge. ' 2 . Street lights on Friendswood Drive was discussed with Dwight Spurlock of the power company. He stated that the company is agreeable to moving the light poles back one half block, running underground lines to FM 518 and installing the decorative lights . Cost to the city would be the new light poles on FM 518 plus additional cost due to the number of , additional lights involved. 3 . The question of renewal of the 30 year franchise at the 20 year mark will be studied by Council and considered at a later date. 'i ; STREET PROGRAM - REPORT FROM ENGINEER - Malcolm Collins reported that progress on Castlewood ha5 been held up pending moving lines by the Telephone Company. Bringing in street material for fill :7`�-� at the Sunset Bridge site must be completed before actual work ��`4 V on the bridge can begin. Taking bids on the Greenbriar bridge� , will proceed when the exact location of the bridge has been �------ determined. This will take some additional engineering work. '- : MOTION: (.Jordan) To authorize Collins to determine the center- line of Chigger Creek for 300 feet upstream from Green- ��'„ briar, and locate the Germany house , at a cost not to j exceed $500 , for the purpose of locating the bridge site. 4 Second: Stewart i Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED / 346 � �a `"'�ANNALEA SEWER LINF - Mr. Collins wzs zsked to review the �; original plans for this line for the �urpose of determining if �rjsome expense on this project can be eliminated. He is to give Council his opinion in October. OPENING OF BIDS ON AMBULANCE - Only one bid was received. It was opened and read as fo=lows : Superior Southwest Inc. - for a Prestige Ambulance , $40 , 223 . 00 FOB Friendswood, less $788 . 00 if the unit ;;, is picked up at the factory, with 80 days delivery . ��`blg�, `� ' ;:}3 }40TION : (Wicklander) To refer the bid to the Fire Departnient , �, Ambulance Division , and City Manzger for review and ' recommendation back to Council . � Second : Wood � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � Mr. Morgan stated that he plans to talk to both banks to see where he can get the best interest rate on certificates of obligation to pay for the ambulance . PETITIONS FROM THE PUBLIC I 1. Joe Lockridge of Clover Acres requested that the sewer line which comes to his property be extended to the County line to make it available to him for a second house he plans to build beyond his present home . He is to discuss I this in view of city policy, with the City Manager. ' 2 . Pat Riley addressed the question of safety for children I going to school along Cedarwood where the one-way restric- tion is not being adhered to . The Mayor asked that she meet with the Chief of Police , City Manager, Carol Wicklanc �, I� and Councilmen Stewart and Brown in an effort to find a ' solution for this problem. ' � 3. ,'.', I•1rs . Riley also asked if a bike path is planned for the ' ' Sunset Bridge . Mr. Morgan said he feels there is sufficient � ,, width but he wi�.l check with Engineer Collins and Melvin `''�,. 1leinecke on this . � 4 . Carol Wicklander and Councilman Brown, represent;ng the Community Appearance Board , asked thart the City consider means to improve the appearance of Friendswood Drive , whether � it be done with city personnel or property owners and busi- nesses through the down-town area. OTHER ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION l . Changes to Zoning Ordinance - A memo from P&ZC Chairman 61en Cress presents some ideas the Commission has on streamlining certain parts of the ordinance . Council indicated that they saw no objection to the proposed changes and P&ZC will be asked to proceed with s�eps to make their request official . 2 . Eousing Cade - Council is still waiting Por a copy of this II code to see if it will enable them to take some zction to clean up the part=.aily Surned 518 Club builZing. � 3 . Revisions to Subdivision Ordinance - This document has now been reviewed by the attorney and engineer and will be an item for Council ' s agenda the first meeting in October. 4 . Flood Insurance Study - Councilman Wickl�nder reporte3 that he has reopened thi.s discussion and looks forward to some interaction with FE:•tA in the near future . 5 . Opting out of Social Security - Councilman Wicklander said he will have a report on tnis next Mondzy night . i i' II � 34'7 I' CALLIIdG PUBLIC HEARING ON A!d11EXATIOtd MOTION : (Wood) To call a public hearing on the proposed /� annexation of the Industrial District at the City Hall �Q on September 27 and in the area to be annexed on � j� September 30 , both to begin at 7 : 30 p .m. �U4 Second: Jordan Vote : Unanimous FOR '+j�TTON CARRIED i i ! FROM THE CITY SECRETARY ' I l . Councilman Stewart agreed to work with the City Secretary I on problem areas of Supple�ient �5 of the Cirty Code . 2 • A proposal rto use temporary numbers for ordinances until final adoption was agreeable with Council . 3 . Pictures of council members elected in April should be ready for hanging within the next two weeks . At the first � meeting in October former r�embers of council will be invited � to attend the meeting to receive their pictures and plaques . 'Z� WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following warrants (!� were approved for payment : � General Fund �9478 - TML Worker' s Compensation Insurance $2 , 999 . 00 Water � Sewer Fund #4516 - Maintenance Engrg. 3 , 265 . 00 4519 - Rohan Company 2 , 891. 49 ORDINANCES #T-15 Adopting rates for Houston L�ghting � Power Company i , MOTION: CWood) To pass Ord. T-15 on first reading. Second : Jordan Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #T-16 Renaming and renumber; ng streets I�10TION : CG7ood) -. � To pass Ord. T-16 on first reading . Second : Idec,rnan ?�10TION : (Jordan) To amend the ordinance by revising the time allowed for implementing address changes . Second : Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION FOR (6 ) Jordan , 4)ood, Newman , Wicklander, Stewart , Lowe A6AINST ( 1 ) Brown Ii0TI0N CARRIED CALLIId6 SPFCIAL I9EETINC - Mayor Lowe called a special meeting for 5 : 00 p. m. on Friday , Septer:ber 10 , to receive and consider recom�nendation from the cit_zen ' s com�-,zttee regerding police szlaries . I ADJOUR?;?:ENT - i:otion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn . j Tne meeting was adjourned. ��� � �� City Secretary APPROVED: /f �l i�..X%i'�i�� ('�i,�-e N,ayor Ral Lowe �"� 348 il CALLI 'G PUBLIC HEARING ON AN2dEXATIOId � MO ON: (Wood) To call a public hearing on the proposed �I nnexation of the Industrial District at the City Hall o September 27 and in the area to be annexed on � Se tember 30 , both to begin at 7 : 30 p .m. Secon : Jordan Vote : nanimous FOR ?�10TION CARRI FRON THE CI Y SECRETARY 1 . Councilma Stewart agreed to work with the ity Secretary I! on proble areas of Supplement #5 of the C ' ty Code . i 2 . A proposal to use temporary numbers for rdinances until rinal adopt ' on was agreeable with Coun 1 . 3 . Pictures of ouncil members elected ' April should be ready for han ing within the next t o weeks . At the first meeting in Oc ber former members f council will be invited ' to attend the eeting to receive heir pictures and plaques . WARRA?dTS FOR APPROVA - By unanimo s vote , the following warrants were approved for pa ent : ' General Fund #9478 - TML W rker' s Compensation In rance $2 , 999 . 00 , 47ater � Sewer Fund 5i - Maintenance Engrg. 3 , 265 . 00 19 - Rohan Company 2 , gg1, 4g ORDINANCES #T-15 Ado tin r tes fo Houston Lightin & Power Com an . MOTION : (Wo d) To pass rd . T-15 on first reading. Second : J rdan Vote : U animous FOR MOTION CARRIED nT-16 R amin and renumberi streets MO ON : (G7ood) .. � To pass 0 d. T-16 on first reading. S cond : 1Qecaman MOTION : (Jordan) To amend the ordinance by revising the time allowed for implement 'ng address changes . Second : Wood Vote : Unanimous POR MOTION CARRIED VOTE ON ORIGINAL MUTION FOR ( 6 ) Jordan , 47ood , Newman , Wicklander, Stewart , Lowe AGAINST ( 1) Brown l�OTION CARRIED CALLI1dG SPECIAL :�iEETING - 1�?ayor L�owe called a special meeting for 5 : 00 p. m. on Friday , Septer.:ber 10 , to recei��e and cons=der recomr,ienda.t-on from the cit_zen ' s corn*.,ittee regarding police salaries . ADJOUr�?d1:ENT - i:otion made and seconded that the meet?ng adjourn j The meeting was adjourned. � City Secretary APPROVEp: �G!��3����_�C7�^�' �" Kayor R lph Lowe