HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1982-08-23 Special �39 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL August 23 , 1982 A Special Meeting oP the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, August 23 , 1982 , at 7 : 30 p .m. with the following members present : Mayor Ralph Lowe City Manager Jim Morgan " Councilmen : Evelyn Newman City Attorney Larry Schenk Jan Jordan Acting City Sect . Ruth Henry Leon Brown Todd Stewart Bob Wieklander Loren Wood 4..i With a quorum present, and with none absent , the following business � was transacted: � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR � a� l. The City has received word that revenue sharing for the �( coming year will be $70 , 346 , down from the $93 , 350 projected in the budget . The budget wi11 have to be adjusted to reflect this lesser amount . 2 . Mayor Lowe and Councilman Stewart met with TDWR in Austin on August 19 to request an extension of TDWR' s commitment to Friendswood on low-interest bonds . Councilman Stewart felt that the proposal was well received. Councilman Jordan also said she had received word thart Mayor Lowe ' s presentation was favorably received. Additional information relating to the up-dated cost of the force feed line will have to be presented to the TDWR in December when final answer on an extention will be given. 3 . The Mayor complimented the Police Department on handling of traffie during opening of school. �E . Couneilman Newman said she is working with the Fire Department on acquiring funds other than from the City budget. She is working with Penny Burlce on this and on other equipment needed for the Fire Department , and will make a report to Council next week. 5 . Councilman Stewart has been appointed by County Judge Ray ,. 7�� Holbrook to serve on H-GAC ' s Chemical Abuse Committee. ��� f ANNEXATION - Mr. Morgan reported that he has revised the annexa- tior�calendar to allow an extra week for any changes that m.ight be necessary. Maleolm Collins is preparing metes and bounds of the area t.o be annexed which includes the industrial district less Randolph County Park and land belonging to the Harris County Flood Control District. I� T�LEPHONE SYSTEM UPDATE - Russell Williams outlined the telephone system]<no�on as "Horizon" and requested approval to proceed with installation. Cost would be an increase of $150/mo . over the p.resent system, with an installation cost of $3 , 969 . 75 and monthly lease Cfor 48 months) of $1 ,492 . 80 , with additional cost for inclusion of the public works building and fire station. Williams was asked to come bacic with figures including these additional departments . NEW SPECIFICATIONS FOR POLICE CARS - Mr. Morgan has proposed that � 4 the city consider foreign cars as police vehicles due to the lower�r�1� cost arld possibly lower maintenance . Mayor Lowe said that in the 340 past year maintenance of city vehicles , exclusive of purchase price and oil and gas , was $54 , 000 , over $1 , 000 per week. Council had no objection �o Mr. Morgan altering the specs and requesting bids on foreign cars . SKILL OR PLEASURE ORIENTED COIN-OPERATED MACHINES - Mr. Morgan has been investigating controls on video machines and recommends to Council that restrictions on use not be imposed now, but that a tax of $7 . 50 per machine be levied on machines in service . i Mr. Morgan is to discuss tl�iis further with the City Attorney . STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - i�r :iarwood and Greenbriar Brid e .;J __--- �. 4 � Malcolm Collins reported that the right-of-way for Briarwood �`"ais only 48 feet ; 60 feet is needed for a street and open ditches . 'I'he Offenhausers will be contacted to see if additional R. O.W. can be secured from them. Collins said he had not been able ta get with the Drainage District on a tie-down for the Greenbriar bridge . ORDINANCE CREATING A PUBLIC SERVICE DEPARTMENT Councilman Wicklander introduced the ordinance by relating how and when the idea originated. He said that soon after the April election, Council asked Mr. Morgan to prepare a plan which would streamline cirty operations and keep the budget down this year, result being that Mr. Morgan did prepare such a plan . This plan raised some objections from Council. He presented a second plan whieh included the creation of a new department which would in- corporate the activities of several separate areas including Fire Marahal, Civi1 Defense , Inspections , and Health and Welfare at a savings of approximately $8 , 500 . l�� Oh MOTION: (Wiciclander) I move that a roll call vote be taken i � �O" with each member of Council votin g yes or no to the i establishment of a Public Service Department with the department being created no later than November 15 , 1982 . Second: Brown Councilman Jordan read a prepared statement and reguested that the entire statement be iricluded in the minutes . Her statement is attached hereta and made a part of these minutes . Fo7_1Qwing a, length� discussion Qf the pros and cons of creating the new department, Mayor Lowe called for a vote on the motion on the floor. VOTE : For ( 3) Wicklander, Brown , Lowe Against (4 ) Jordan , Newman , Wood, Stewart MOTION FAILED Mayor Lowe stated that the proposal of moving_ pQlice Chief :Mitch Wright to head the new department , if created, has been inter- preted as a personal vendetta against Wright . Although untrue , the question is no longer pertinent ; nevertheless , he added, there does exist a morale problem in the Police Department , and he proposed to appoint a ci.tizen committee to study this situation and make recommendation to Council on what they feel is a solution ' to the problem. He proposecl to appoin-t Reverend Bill Sterling, Annette Mullins ,Glynn Lunney, �nd Jacic Lousma, plus one person from the Police Department to this committee . He asked that the appointment of such a committee be placed on the agenda £or Thursday night, August 26 , when this meeting will reconvene. SOUTHWESTERN BETL TELEP.HOidE RATE INCREASE REQUEST F.;----_--_____. .n. � .;,, MOTION: (Jordan) To join TML and orther cities opposing Bell ' s � �� s°�- rate increase . � Second : Wood Vote ; Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ' � 341 ' RESOLUTION R21-82 - A RESOLUTION OPPOSING PROPOSED FEDERAL � LEGISLATION REQUIRING �VERY CORPORATION TO PAY MINIMUM FEDERAL ', INCOME TAXES OF 15% . Councilman Jordan, who introduced this resolution, explained that the proposed legislation would adversely affect the bonding posi�ion of cities . � MOTION: (Jordan) To adopt Resolution R21-82 . /� ' I Second : Wood lh Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �aC. �-- , RESOLUTION R23-82 - A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF � NOTICE TO BIDDERS AND NOTICE OF INTENTION TO ISSUE CERTIFICATES � OF OBLIGATION (for the purchase of an ambulance ) MOTION: CStewart) To adopt Resolution R23-82 . �.c� Second: Newman `J� � Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �� � RESOLUTION R24-82 - A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, T�XAS , TO INSTITUTE PROCEEDINGS TO ANNEX � � CERTAIN TERRITORY ; DESCRIBING SUCH TERRITORY • SETTING THE DATES t , �C TIMES , AND PLACES FOR TWO PUBLIC HEARINGS AT �WHICH ALL INTERESTED� , �[ PARTIES SHALL HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD ; AND PROVIDING ' FOR THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICES OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARINGS . MOTION: �UWicklander) To adopt Resolution R24-82 . Second: Newman �� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �/ Y�9� _ CALL PUBLIC HEARING ON REZONING SERA PARK LAND � �i MOTION: (Wicklander) To call a joint public hearing with _ the Planning Commission for Thursday, September 16 , 1982 , at 8 : 00 p.m. to consider a reguest for rezoning� SERA par]<. S3 Second: Brown � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �� REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL SEWAGE TREATMENT - Mr, Morgan told Council that a new development in Forest Bend has requested 40 , 000 gpd sewage treatment . Forest Bend has formally made the request in line with the fact that they presently have ample capacity through their agreement with Friendswood, to handle this . Council said if the capacity is available , they would have no objection to acceptance of the additional sewage . CITIZEN' S COMPLAINT - Mrs . Helen Klumas told Council that an incident involving recovery of some personal property of hers with ��,4 the help of the Po7_ice Department had been misrepresented in the ;� newspaper. She related the incident to Council who asked that �° Mr. Morgan follow up on what actually happened and try to find a solution to the situation. -- MOTION TO RECESS - Motion was made and seconded to recess the meeting until 5 : 00 p. m. on Thursday, August 26 . Vote was unanimous . � The meeting was recessed. _ ���% � J � � Acting City Secretary APPROVED: Ma� ��.�����'�- � �lt l7Zt fZtG�'� -- �fi�..�2Z,��D�a.--- — -- ---- ---- --------- _. _ - ---- � .f�� .'f� tXf.0 YY1��� � y �,�n,��G �, i�, d �o Yla� Cdrt _ ,1leCa�rwr�rrnG.r�b�rna Ccncvznvr�t Jy',� �✓��mQ � --�--- -__ --=.��i�r G�����(.C',.�'�l/l'� e,.���__-�.��!'�- --- -- ------��'a���,cf r�t�-, Y� �du., Gcfi�_m_?�%n_�c�, �w -- --- --- .v���:ct�,� �t'wvzar��C,o_tvY_�`!`�.�'m u�uC�_�d,r���vl�rvs'_— _ u�..�%���_�a� .� �r2i�ma(� ,�� o� ��) /tc�� �rl�c. --- �/u�t .�.ti'm .t�__����.�o�u'r,G ar,�� Cb� �T�3'� . _. -— j���;;:��=<°- �r2 Y�uk .� �t�d, Nor�'2�__,�u, --- �--- ; r.0 ,1m�a�, .� �2�,f� ���� , – � � _�?��-G��-�'� l9$2 ;f.�t�d�� ,Mj-rr�OYCG - Q�?vu� n0� _ _� _/_I'j'ti4!'✓�Q!v_ -_J�'� �. �'I'1_0��2 Q'n.' .�/7Gt� ..'�l. 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The new council met ir_ &pril, minus i�s. Jordan *,a�o wzs in a rua-oi'f and v:as not seated u_til late April, to be�in discussittg the state of the City ar_d the r�1e t�e Council vrou2d �lay. tdo position on the state of af£�irs o£ the Ci�y �uas estzUlishe3 until a£ter 2I=. Jcrd�.n c•.as seated» 4t that ti�e� the an�ire �s���x1�X�z� xx xxxxx couscil too�> a �esition tn<t we wanted the city to be strea:.nlir>ed aad rua an a "ar_d I quote" one of t�e councilmens terms, ��austere buset�� Ir_ snort, �he council w:.nted the city to beco*�e " a 1ezn, :aean f Tax Suvinb i�achine.'� This is obviously ,�P over si.r.-�=ified, <.s � council put in Many a riicnigY.t F:ad =£ter d�scass_n�, new probleras as weli as soiae iar�;e old �ro'alems. �t �his time, council askefl Cit;y nIana�;er F•for�;an to :r�p�re a glan thet would reflect a �t:e��lined City Operztion werki^g with a auste^e bnd�et. The City I:ana�er pre�ared sucn a plan and presented it tc counci7. 8ome objections �nere rai�ed an3 hir. Iioroan withd=ew his original plan and Za�er :eturned with a modifification to his plan. I be:Lie�e �ir. Morgan left t:iat meeting, as ��e:.l as a u.c�.tv� majoritg oi Ccunc�l�emb2rs, that hi� recomendations �e acceatable. ?art of I=1r. Mo:oans =1a. is :or tYe creation of a new de�t. wiihia z?.e Ci±;� to be c�a.l=ed thz "ivSlic S2rvice �e_t." The � or3inar_ce u;e are discussin;, acx c:eGiea tl:e �zb'_ic Service '�ept. � � Here I stznd tellinU yon some of us t,ant the City to be "le�n, f �ean Tax Saving i�ach_ne'" in one breatr.a �a the next breath sayir_g rrC�eate a new department." Ia most busines�•ess the two do not o0 hand in hand. In tris case I thin_ic the� do< �Show Cards) Y CireO. Z Q+ I be?ieve tl?is plan shcwe �s�as��xx� b3r Mr. Noroan. i�,T:iile the actual savin�s aro_osed a�ounts �� 58540, th<_ fact of the ��.t�er is we are gett=r.g znuch more in services a.nd atil? savin� r.!onies ocer last 5-ears zctual bud�et. �1e zre raaking pro�ress� bnt let us ^ot make progress Iik= a crab--bacY,vrards. -- ------------ _^- - �� ' We talk zbout a total bud�et in th= nei�hborhood of 4.3 million doI'_ars, �'hat is 10 ti�es z�lhat the Drainage Dist. can budge�. re-examine I crar�e each o£ you to �k�t���;� within yourself ihe :es_onsibi Iities� we ha�e to the entire Ta: �'aj-in� Cit��, Let�`s move forward ar� establisiz tze de.�t, cf Public Service. ;:thile t:e ordi:��,r_ce nefore us ray not be per.iect, i� is a waate of ever�*uodies ti�e� if we have no intentio�as�o� f establishin� sucn de�t.to d'iscuss ths m�rits of' the or@i�2nca: Therefore, I move 31h.at a ro31 call vote be twken with ezch =:en4er oi council votin� a�•e or :ay to t�e establishment af the Public Service �ept. K*i�t. �he de :ti being created no ?ater than :dov. 15, 1982 , f Chart presented by Councilman Wicklander Budget 81/82 Requested 82/83 Proposed 82/83 87 ,114 87,114 68 , 738 Public Service 0 Q 38 , 861 Fire Marshal 3 , 775 46 , 780 0 Civil Defense 1, 323 1,&b0 0 Inspections j 46 , 546 56 , 840 26 , 619 � , • Health and Welfare 4> 000 4 , 000 0 142 , 758 196 , 334 134 , 218 f 'i �43 MINUTES OF A CONTINUATION OF THE AUGUST 23 MEETING ON AUGUST 26 , A Special Meeting of August 23 , recessed at that time , was recon- vened at 5 : 00 p.m. on Thursday , September 26 , 1982 , with the following members present : Mayor Ralph Lowe City Manager Jim P4organ Councilmen: Leon Brown Finance Officer David Quick I Jan Jordan Acting City Sect . Ruth Henry � Evelyn Newman Todd Stewart Loren Wood (arrived at 7 : 15 ) With a quorum present and with Councilman Wicklander absent , the Council continued their study of the proposed 1982-83 budget until approximately 7 : 00 p.m. NEW TELEPHONE SYSTEM FOR CITY OFFICES - Council took under considera- , � tion a proposed new phone system which would improve communication ' � � to and within city offices , and would particularly benefit the dis- a;}'� } patching for police and fire fighters . The system can be insrtalled � ` i � and operated for $1 , 502 . 30 per month, this price to be locked in for � 72 months . Installation cost of $4 , 209 . 75 will not be due and ,� payable until after January l , 1983 . I � MOTION: (Newman) To approve installation of the new system, I to include the public works building and fire stations , ��/�_ at a locked-in 72-month agreement . 'J i Second: Jordan � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED PUBLIC HEARING ON HOUSTON LIGHTING & POWER RATE INCREASE - At 7 : 30 p.m. Mayor Lowe called the public hearing to order and read Resolu- ' tion R22-82 adopting the rate increase : � � �<J A RESOLUTION EXPRESSING THE INTENT OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE `e CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS TO ADOPT A RATE ORDER REQUIRIN� � � CERTAIN FATE TARIFFS TO BE FILED WITH THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD,' TEXAS , BY HOUSTON LIGHTING AND POWER COMPANY TO SET RATES WHICH SAID COMPANY WILL CHARGE ITS CUSTOMERS FOR THE SALE OF ELECTRIC POWER AND ENERGY WITHIN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS . MOTION : (Jordan) To adopt Resolution 22-82 , �,�,� Second: Wood �� Councilman Jordan gave an in-depth review of the steps which led � to the present accept.able rate increase . Houston took the lead, supported by most of the other cities in the area including Friends- wood, to reduce the increase from the original request of approximately $336 million to $181., 561 , 000 . Mayor Lowe opened up the floo.r for comments . Paul Schrader stated that he felt the cities have done the best they can to keep these rates down . No other comments were made . VOTE ON THE P40TION: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Mayor Lowe closed the public hearing. i VIDEO GAME PARLORS - Ken Hoppe of Sunmeadow stated that he would like to urge Council to pursue the problem of proliferation and negative _ . impact on family life of video game parlors in the City, which was discussed recently. Council expressed concern over the matter and stated that Mr. Morgan has been directed to work with the attorney in formulating an ordinance addressing this matter. 344 �� , CITIZENS COMMITTEE TO STUDY POLICE MORALE - Mayor Lowe announced that the four people he has p.roposed for this commirttee are "' willing to serve unless Council has some opposition. These are ""' Glen Lunney, Annette Mullins , Rev. Bill Sterling, and Jack Lousma. �`, A representative is to be selected from the Police Department and � rr,Mayor Lowe asked Council to propose how this member can be selected. ,.,,,,Councilman Jordan presented and Mayor Lowe read a proposal from !wthe Police Department setting out the make-up of and guidelines ! for the committee and a commitment from the Council in regard to �i the study oP morale in the department . L-t . Williams said rthe j PD would like to see Walter Wilson or Ted Thomas serve as a member of the committee , and a vote of the PD would select their own representative from the department . It was agreed to appoint ' Wilson and the person selected by the PD. It was also agreed that ; the committee will be asked to make a report back to Council re- garding salaries by September 8 . Mayor Lowe suggested that Glynn Lunney act as Chairman of the committee , that they meet neRt Monday night at 7 : 30 , and he asked ' that Council take official action on this committee as discussed. ' ���1�� MOTION: (Jordan) To concur with appointment of the committee. Second : Brown Vote : FOR ( 5 ) Jordan , Brown , Wood , Lowe , Newman AGAINST: Stewart (Who stated that he fel-t a vote by Council was not needed) ADJOURNMENT I Motion was made and seconded that the meeting adjourn . The meeting was adjourned. � (_/ ,Cis.A..! „ eting City Secreta y APPROVED: /1f �(`��`✓ Mayor alph Lowe I i �� -2-