HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1982-07-19 Regular �, 319 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL July 19 , 1982 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at ' the City Hall on Monda,y , July 19 , 1982 , at 7 : 30 p . rn . with the following members present . ' � Mayor Ralph Lowe City Attorney Larry Schenk � Councilmen : Leon Brown City Manager Jim Morgan , Evelyn Newman City Secretary Bobbie Henry Bob Wicklander '� Loren Wood , Jan Jordan , Todd Stewart With a quorurn present , and with none absent , the following business was transacted : s'� ' � INVOCATION was given by Rev . Paul Como , Living Way Church � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 'Q 1 . Mayor Lowe reported that he and Councilmen Newman and Jordan Q had attended the Police Meeting on Wednesday evening and he had discussed with them some plans for the City . 2 . He said he has been receiving many c�lls at night from residents of Sunset aiid Castlewood �ao"are unhappy with construction conditions , and asked Mr . Morgan if h2. would set up some system for handling these calls . He said he has made arrangements for interin mail delivery to these areas while the streets are under contruction . 3 . The Industria7 Board will meet on Monday evening and anyone _ interested in serving on that Board will be welcome to attend . 4 . The Mayor met this week with David Quick and Doc Kiessling to discuss Clearwood ' s. funds payable to the City . It was decided that attorneys for the two entities are to .get together to try to iron out the differences between interpretations of the contract . ANNOUNCEMENTS AND REPORTS FROM COUNCIL 1 . Councilman Jordan said the paper reported that tax rolls may not be available from the County Tax Appraisal Board until Septe�berl ar October 1 , which could put the City in position of not being abte to comply with the Charter in the adoption of a budget by Septe�ber 15 . The City Attorney was asked to check out this possible situation . She said she had reveived at least one call regarding added safety measures for swimming pools , and suggested that the " Pool Ordinance" be reviewed . The Secretary has requested copy of an ordinance from Nassau Bay which may cover some of the points in question . 2 : Councilman Wicklander reported that he and Mr . Morgan attended � a FEMA meeting in League City this week . New rules on flood I insurance are due in October. He stated he will soon be giving Council a written report on the findings of the Flood Insurance Study Group which he recently chaired . PETITION FROM THE PUBLIC - Mrs . Wendy Remington reported an incident which occurred at her home in Sunmea.dow recently regarding a drunk man parking in her driveway and going to sleep with his car ' s motor running . Her concern was with the fact that officers she summoned stated this was an often repeated act by this man and that they would ta e him in custody until he was sober. She asked that for the p� tection of others some further action be taken in such cases to try to prevent a reoccurrence . Council asked Mr . Morgan to talk to the Police of Chief about this matter. 320 'i � CITY MANAGER REPORTS AND REQUEST FOR COUNCIL ACTION 1 . Counselin_ Services - Council has already received a report ' from the Counseling Service�Board recommending that the City continue to sponsor this program for another year. The City Attorney stated that he saw no problem with extending this contract if Council so wishes , wi.thout going out for bids I� since it is considered "professional services " . �0��!� MOTION : (Jordan ) To place renewal of the contract on next week ' s agenda . i Second: Wood �ote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 2 . Garbage Rate Increase - Mr. Morgan asked that this subject be postponed until August 2 . ', 3. Street Number Chan es - In a situation on Greenbriar where some errors in street numbers exist , has been called to the attention of Council and P1r . Morgan recommends that these numbers be corrected along with those recommended by the Street Name Committee . Council agreed with his: recommendation . NEW POLICE CAR - The Police Department proposes to purchase a new f,ycompact 6- cylinder, 110 " wheelbase car for the Detective Division . �� The unit would paid for by using $4 , 700 from insurance paid for e�... a vehac7e which was recently totaled , and $2 ,500 estimated trade- �� in 'of a 1978 Pontiac Cataline ( 66 ,492 mileage) , for the total �� � price of $7, 200 . ���/�h_ MOTION : (Wood ) To approve the. recommendation of L.t . Holland I l o� as outlined for purchasing car providing there is no ' additional expenditure . i Second: Newman ' Vote : FOR ( 6 ) Wood , Newman , Wicklander, Stewart , Jordan , Brown AGAINST: Lowe MOTION CARRIED ' AUTHORIZING BIDS ON PHASE II STREET PROGRAM - Postponed till next ! week to clarify what streets are to be included in this bid . ' REVISIONS TO SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE - Council ' s decision was to refer a copy of Engineer Malcolm Collins and Ted Bogren for review and comments , put it on the agenda for August 9 , for study , and then refer it to the Attorney for legal survey . 'i WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following warrants were approved for payment : General Fund #9228 - Coenco , Inc . $ 5 , 330 . 80 9236 - Wartex Oil 3 , 371 . 94 Water & Sewer #4432 - Gulf Coast Waste Disposal 24 , 270 . 35 Debt Service #1602 - American National Bank 31 ,875 . 00 Capitol Projects #1076 - Donald W . Roberts & Assoc . 3 ,607 . 31 ` CITY/DRAINAGE 'DISTRICT AGREEMENT - The interlocal agreement presented ;. to CCDD relative to 4 ,000 from the City for an engineering study , � has been returned by the Drainage District with revisions they have made . cag�� MOTION : (Wood) To accept the agreement with the proposed changes as made by the Drainage District . Second : Jordan „� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �;;. OATH OF OFFICE FOR MUNICIPAL COURT JUDGE - Mayor Lowe administered �� the oath of office to Charles M . Kinsey who was recently appointed ^' as Judge of Friendswood Municipal Court . i �' 3�1 ORDINANCE #$2/14 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ORDINANCE N0 . 81 /18, PASSED AND APPROVED AUGUST 13 , 1981 , ' AND BEING AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CITY ' S GENERAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1981 -1982 ; PROVIDING AMENDMENTS TO SUCH BUDGET ; AND PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS RELATED TO THE ' SUBJECT. MOTION : ( Newman ) To adopt Ordinance #82/14 on one reading . /_y Second : Brown q� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �p'.y a� � SALES TAX RECEIPTS - Mayor Lowe announced that sales tax receipts for the month of July were $11 ,434 . 50 . DELINQUENT TAXES - Councilman Jordan proposed that a letter be composed and printed for inclusion with the second del.inquent tax notice to be sent out by the Tax Office . BUDGET HEARING - Councilman Wood said that at the budget hearing � last year, Paul Schrader gave a graphic review of what the budget covered , stated that he would like to see this done again c'� this year, and suggested Councilman Jordan be designated to do (� this . There was general concurrence with this but no official � action was taken . � CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION - Council retired to an executive session under Sec . 2 g Art . 6252- 17 VTCS . No action resulted from this session . ADJOURNMENT - Motion was made and seconded that the meeting adjourn . The meeting was adjourned. - Cit�ar�� � APPROVED: � �-���C�i�� Mayor Ralph Lowe