HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1982-06-21 Regular 305 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL June 21 , 1982 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held in the City Hall on Monday , June 21 , 1982 , at 7 : 30 p . rr�. with the following members present : Mayor Lowe City Manager Jim Morgan Councilman Stewart City Attorney L . Schenk Councilman Jordan City Secretary R. Henry Councilman Newman Councilman Wicklander Councilman Wood Councilman Brown With a quorum present , and with none absent the following business was transacted: � ANNOUNCEMENTS ANU COMMUNICATION FROM THE MAYOR � Mayor Lowe read a letter to Council from State Senator Buster c�r Brown . Senator Brown thanked the Mayor and Council for their � help and support and is looking forward to working with them � and the people of Friendswood. Mayor Lowe annouced the re-naming of the Ponly Colt Field to Zeitler Field . The ceremony was held on Thursday, June 17 , 1982 . A piaque was presented to Mrs . Zeitler and children . CARL SMITH - CLEAR CREEK DRAINAGE DISTRICT Mr. Smith of the CCDD addressed the Council inviting them to join the CGDD members Saturday , , June 26 , to walk. some of the I areas of the creeks . Council accepted their offer and will i start out at 8: 00 a . m, this Saturday . � INDUSTRIAL �EVELOPMENT COP4MITTEE Lee Nichols and Gary Taliaferro presented a plan for Industrial Development in Friendswood . Their presentation included purpose , procedures and methods used in developing the plan . They also included comments on past , present and future of Friendswood ; including critical areas and a plan of action time table . Mayor Lowe said the Council will want to go forward and to establish how and when and to orientate the City in the interest of �he people in this matter . He suggested a work shop the 2nd meeting in July with the board and each member of Council to bring 2 or 3 people who would be interested . At the close of the presentation the board submitted their resignation , but stated that they would still be a�vailable for workshops . ����- MOTION : ( Newman ) To accept the resignation of Loren Wood, 1'� Bob Wicklander, Jim Morgan , Lee Nichols and Gary Taliaferro ,,�ij_ Friendswood Industrial Development Committee . `c� Second: Brown Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION C,4RRIED �� Jordan asked to make a comment , s.aying about 3 months ago '_' Mr . Womack made one of the most professional present.ations she had ever heard and she has been in the bond business a long time . Jordan also thanked the members saying they had done an incredible job . 306 RESOLUTION 82/9 ��3!Q , MOTION : (Jordan ) During the month of July , 1982 the City ��"' Council , shall hold two regular meetings . Such meetings shall be held at 7 : 30 p . m. on the second and third Mondays , being July 12 and July 19 , 1982 . Second : Wicklander Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION C.ARRIED � FRIENDSWOOD COUNSELING SERVICES - REVISION -', � Q� MOTION : (Wood) To accept the revised by laws of the �' ��" Friendswood Counseling Services which Council ask the FCS to do . Second : Newman Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED .� WARRANT OFFICER f'� Resume of Ralph L . Wykes , Jr. was presented . � Council referred the application to the City Manager to come back with a recommendation next week . GREENBRIAR RIGHT-OF-WAY ACQUISITION A traffic safety report commissioned by the City in the late 1970 ' s recommended that Greenbriar be extended directly into F . M . 528 instead of its present alignment . This will require „' the acquisition of the original righrof-way , that was abandoned � by the County prior to the annexation by Friendswood . The f�' right-of-way is located on the land owned by Mr. and Mrs . Goza . �� The acquisition of the right-of-way was anticipated and the estimated value was inclued in the bond issue passed in 1981 . The proposed right-of-way would be going through a portion of land that the Goza ' a have plans for adding a pond and other improvements and would prefer it be done another way . Mayor Lowe suggested the City Manager meet with the Goza ' s and the Highway Department . Councilman Wood suggested the County and the other property owner Mr. Offenhauser , be included in trying to reach a compromise. RELINQUISHMENT OF CITY PARK CAND The developer of Regency Estates has requested the City give back a portion of the park land they had donated to the City . �, There is a reserve"A" and reserve "B " , "B" being the smaller � tract for the purpose of a homeowners swimming pool . The City t'aAttorney had advised us the City cannot give any portion back ; ��7it must be legally construed as parkland with the citizens vote . � Councilman Wicklander suggest we lease the property to them . Council ask the City Attorney to check the legal aspect of a possibl.e lease agreement and report to Council . DELINQtlENT TAXES Councilman Newman reported she met with Alta Carbone and ;' Mrs . Carbone had already sent out deliquent notices and �'� was not getting information on the new evaluation . The � second delinquent notice would be sent out in August ; she recommended they send the second notice out and see what the response was . She told Councilman Newman it would be up to Council if we wanted to have an attorney proceed with i the collection of the delinquent taxes . Council asked the Attorney to come back with recommendation at the next Council Meeting June 28 , 1982 . ANNEXATION OF INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT � �� MOTION : (Wood) That notice be given of the intent to g� ,�; annex Industrial District I in 1982 . Second: Jordan � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �0� HOUSTON LIGHTING AND POWER COMPANY RATE INCREASE REQUEST � :.. , Mr. Morgan sent Council a memo on suggested actions that could be taken . Council referred the request to the City s`'% Manager and City Attorney for review , and be placed on the agenda for action July 12 , 1982 and on July 12 , 1982 suspend the effective date increase for 120 days from July 22 , 1982 . I� BUDGET WORKSHOP DATES � Possible workshop budget dates will be July 6 , 7 , and 8 , 1982 . � _ UPPER MARY ' S CREEK COMMITTEE � : Councilman Jordan submitted a memo to Council su ! �n � ggesting .�_, that Jack Keith and Jerry Kowalchik be appointed to the Committee from Dunbar Estates , l MOTION : (Jordan ) To appoint Jack Keith and Jerry Kowalchik to the �� , Upper Mary ' s Creek Committee from Dunbar Estates 4 Second : Wood � Vote : FOR ( 6 ) �'j AGAINST ( 1 ) Stewart MOTION CARRIED � ORDINANCE 82/11 � MOTION : ( Stewart ) To adopt ordinance 82/11 on second reading . ,� Second : Brown �a�, Vote : FOR (6 ) � AGAINST ( 1 ) Jordan MOTION CARRIED .,� ORDINANCE 82/12 MOTION : ( Brown ) To adopt ordinance 82/12 on second reading . Second : Stewart l� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �� ORDINANCE 82/13 -- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , TEXAS , ORDINANCE N0 . 81 /18, PASSED AND APPROVED AUGUST 31 , 1981 , AND BEING AND ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CITYS GENERAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1981 -1982 ; PROVIDING AMENDMENTS TO SUCH BUDGET; AND PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS RELATED TO SUBJECT . MOTION : ( Stewar�) To adopt ordinance 82/13 on first and �� final reading , � Second : Wicklander Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �O�' WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL Water and Sewer 4384 - Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority $17 ,837 . 07 4385 - Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority 8 , 355 . 60 4386 - Bud Brown Ford , Inc . 6 , 253 . 18 4387 - TML Worker ' s Compensation 2 ,999 . 00 4393 - Rohan Company 4 , 222 . 75 4400 - Zenith Instrument Service , Inc . 3 , 117 . 01 Capital Projects ; 1071 - Donald W . Roberts & Associates 3 , 833 . 81 IBy unanimous vote , the warrants were approved for payment . � Adjournment 12 : 55 p .m. _ � City Secretary APPROVED : Mayor � `���,