HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1982-02-01 Regular 249 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL February l , 1982 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, February 1 , 1982 , at 7 : 30 p.m. with the following members present : Mayor Dale Whittenburg Cirty Attorney John Olson Councilman Bob Wicklander City Manager Jim Morgan __ Councilman Ed Zeitler City Secretary Bobbie Henry Councilman Loren Wood Councilman Paul Schrader Councilman Todd Stewart With a quorum present , and with Coun:¢ilwoman Brown` absent., the foll'owing husiness was transacted: �{ INVOCATION was given by Rev. Bill Sterling , Church of the Good y-� Shepherd. � ANNOUNCEMENTS & PETITIONS � l. Ralph Lowe announced that he will be filing for the position .. Q of mayor in the April election. 2 . Bob Supina asked about the status of the Vester levee. Mr. �ry Morgan said that Vester has received permits and let a contract ��"� for moving the dirt to two building sites outside the flood plain. 3 . Jim Vogas asked about control of dogs in the city stating that there is still a problem with dogs at large in Sunmeadow. He commented on the method used to pick up dogs , and asked if some method other than simply calling the dogs could not be used. Mr. Morgan was asked to review the activities of the humane _ officer for the past year, and it was suggested �hat she might be asked to attend a meeting of the Sunmeadow Homeowners Associa- tion to discuss their problem. 4. Mayor Whittenburg annouced that he will not be running for another term as mayor, but has filed for position of constable for the newly formed Justice of the Peace District in Galveston County. ��y� 5 . Councilman Paul Schrader submitted his resignation as councilman� ' effective as of March 2 , and announced his intention to file 'for mayor in the April 3 election. 6 . Councilman Schrader reported on the Corps of Engineers meeting in League City last Tuesday night , stating that the citizens of Friendswood responded well, and requesting that letters also be sent to the Corps up to February 15 stating approval of the plan. BUSINESS ITEMS l. Encroachment by Ryland Homes - Mr. Morgan explained thart one of the houses being built by Ryland lias a chimney which extends over y the utility easement on� foot , but recommended that no action be �=(� taken at this time since letters have not be submitted from other utility companies waiving the encroachment. 2 . Sale of Garbage Trucks - Mr. Morgan reported that he has had - quotes for purchase of the garbage trucks as follows : Davis Truck Company $39 , 500 for all units �t,pfd 31 ,000 for all except one (which / tYie city proposes to retain as a water truck) Sun Belt $ 39 ,110 Por all except the one the city chooses to keep. 250 Pearland $20 ,000 for the 1979 truck. They do not want any of the others . No bids have been received on the 96 containers . Mr. Morgan recommended that Sun Belt be awarded the sale. c3�$�, MOTION: (Zeitler) To accept the offer from Sun Belt for $39 ,110 for all of the trucks except the one the city chose to keep — Second: Stewart Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 3 . Sunmeadow Drainage - Councilman Schrader stated that since the c�, lawsuit with the developer of Sunmeadow was settled, $60 , 000 is ,: available for the purpose of improving drainage in that subdivi- ��� sion , and he proposed that these funds be used to complete the q recommendations made by Malcolm Collins in his study of that area. Mr. Collins and Mr. Vogas , who is' president of the Homeowners Association , are to study the matter and mak,e recom- mendation back to Council on how this work should be accomplished. 4 . Fire Marshal - Bruce Ure , who is serving as Fire Marshal following ,��the resignation of Cathy Wilcox, presented Council with a report ° on needs for the job including salary and equipment. He was told of �N the shortage of funds , but Mr. Morgan was asked to make recommenda- tion to Council , if he feels it is necessary. 5 .� Cable TV Revenue - Henry Per.eza with MECA presented Council with M. a check in the amount of $4 ,997 . 97 which represents the city' s � �hare of revenue from cable TV service in the City during 1981. 6 . Public Utilit Commission - In discussing a reply to Senator Brown ` s letter requesting in-put from this council on effective- ness of the PUC , Council decided this will be handled on the March 8 meeting. 7 . Personnel Policy - Council received copies of the City Manager' s ' ,ti proposed "Pay Plan and Job Classification" for review. Council �asked for information which would indicate to them exactly what � positions and people in the city are in the various classification. 8 . Wrecker Ordinance - Mayor Whittenburg posed a situation which he feels might present a problem in enforcing this ordinance , i. e . �if a number of wrecks were to occur simultaneously and more �' wreckers are needed than are available , who could authorize un- �� licensed wreckers to come into the city. The City Attorney said that the ordinance can be amended to give this power to the ChieP oP Police or to the Fire Cnief. 64ARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following warrants were approved for payment. Water & Sewer #3906 - Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Auth. $18 , 735 . 69 3907 - Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Auth. 8 ,699 . 54 Waste Disposal #564 - Engineering Science , Inc. 4 , 878 . 61 ORDINANCES #82/2 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ORDINANCE N0. 291, PASSED AND APPROVED ON NOVEMBER 7 , 1977 , AND KNOWN AS — THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY, BY CHANGINa THE ZONING OF A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND FROM k-1 TO SPECIFIC USE - SCHOOL FOR HANDICAPPED CITIZENS ; changing the zoning map accordingly ; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. MOTION: (�ood) To pass Ord. #82/2 on first reading. Second: Schrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 251 MOTION: CWood) To pass Ord. #82/2 on first reading. Second: Schrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #82/3 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ORDINANCE N0 . 291, PASSED AND APPROVED ON NOVEMBER 7 , 1977 , AND KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY , BY CHAN6ING THE ZONING OF A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND FROM R-1 TO R-6 ; CHANGING THE ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY ; AT1D PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. MOTION: (Stewart ) To pass Ord. #82/3 on first reading. Second: Zeitler �__ . Vote : FOR (5 ) Stewart , Zeitler, Wood, Whittenburg , Schrader AGAINST: Wicklander MOTION CARRIED #82/4 - AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A PERSONNEL POLICY FOR THE CITY ; AND REPEALING CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS , ORDINANCE N0 . 93 , PASSED AND APPROVED MARCH 7 , 1967 , AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE N0 . 147 ; PASSED AND APPROVED JULY 15 , 1971 , ADOPTING PERSONNEL � POLICIES FOR THE CITY. � MOTION: (Zeitler) To approve first reading of Ordinance #82/4 with one amendment , i. e . adding to section 3 . 04 Vacation , � A. 1. the words , " . . . up to a maximum of 20 days . " �[ Second: Schrader � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #82/5 - AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A PROGRAM OF COMPREHENSIVE EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT WHICH INCLUDES THE MITIGATION , PREPARED- NESS RESPONSE AND RECOVERY PHASES OF CIVIL PREPAREDNESS ; ACKNOWLEDGING THE OFFICE OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR; AUTHORIZING THE APPOINTMENT OF AN EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT COORDI- NATOR; AND PROVIDING THE DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THOSE I OFFICES ; IDENTIFYING AN OPERATIONAL ORGANIZATION; GRANTING iNECESSARY POWERS TO COPE WITH ALL PHASES OF EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT � WFIICH THREATEN LIFE AND PROPERTY IN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD; AUTHORIZING COOPERATIVE AND MUTUAL AID AGREEMENTS FOR RELIEF WORK BETWEEN THIS AND OTHER CITIES OR COUNTIES AND FOR RELATED PURPOSES ; PROHIBITING UNAUTHORIZED WARNING AND ALL-CLEAR SIGNALS AND MAKING VIOLATIONS A MISDEMEANOR PUNISHABLE BY FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200 . 00 . MOTION: (Stewart) To approve first reading of Ord. #82/5 . Second: Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED VOICED FROM THE PUBLIC 1. John Lewis announced that he has filed as Republican candidate for U. S . Congress against incumbent Jack Brooks . 2 . Jan Jordan announced that she will file tomorrow morning for City Council Position 5 . ADJOURNMENT - Motion was made rthat the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. C i t�E�2��r.—(��.Y APPROVED: � Mayor