HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1982-01-18 Regular �' � 9 . 3 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIEIQDSWOOD CITY COUiQCIL ��� January 18 , 1982 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at ', ' 7 : 30 p. m. on Monday , January 18 , 19II2 , in the Council chambers at City Hall , with the following members present : Mayor Dale Whittenburg City Manager Jim Morgan Councilmen : Paul Schrader City Secretary Bobbie Henry Mary Brown City Attorney John Olson Ed Zeitler Bob Wicklander Loren Wood Todd Stewart With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following business was transacted : �'� INVOCATION was given by Rev. Gary Taliaferro , Church of Christ . � � READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of January 4 and of � January 11, approved as corrected. `� ANNOUNCEMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR `� {�+�' 1. The Mayor announce'd a meeting to be held on January 26 by ' ` the Corps of Engineers to discuss a plan for flood abatement � , on Clear Creek. He urged all those who can to attend this meeting and support the plan. 2 . PROCLAMATION setting January 18-24 as National Jaycees Week. The proclamation was presented to Jaycees President Floyd Williams . et, ' DONATION: Dr. Williams also presented Council with a check G't�t from the Jaycees as a donation toward development of Jones Hangar as a recreational center for the city. YOUTH COACHES BREAKFAST: Chuck Talbot , also from the Jaycees , invited all of the Council and city staff, or others who are interested in honoring those who have worked this year with the young people of this city in baseball , football , soccer, and other sports , to attend a breakfast on Saturday, January 23 , at 9 : 30 a.m. 3 . PROCLAMATION setting January 23 as Better Speech Day in keep- ing with speech competirtion to be held this Saturday at the high school. PETITIONS FROM THE PUBLIC - Bob Supina asked the status of work to be done by Sam Vester in removing or making certain alterations to the dam which he has built around his house on Fall.ing Leaf. ;s^' Mr. Morgan informed Council that Vester has secured a permit from '� the city to do the work and had been given 30 days in which to do 1a same , but so far no work has been done . Mayor Whittenburg said that if work has not begun in one more week, the subject should be on the next meeting agenda for action. ' COUNCIL REPORTS 1. Councilman Schrader addressed some high points in the Corps of Engineers ' proposed plan for Clear Creek, and emphasized ` i�'�'" the importance of local support. He said that the Governor' s Task Force on Flooding, of which he is a member, has not had � a meetinb called recently , therefore has not taken a stand on this plan. Mayor Whittenburg said he would send a telegram to Governor Clements tomorrow urging that a meeting of the Task Foree be called prior to the meeting on the 26th in order to allow this group to take an official stand on the Corps plans . 240 `'�Y RESOLUTION #R1-82 - Councilman Schrader proposed a resolution \n endorsing the U. S . Army Corps of Engineers Clear Creek Flood 5!g� Control Project , and moved for its adoption . MOTION: (Schrader) To adopt Resolution #R1-82 . Second : Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 2 . Councilman Stewart presented the names of nominees to the Executive Board of Houston-Galveston Area Council as : President : Councilwoman Mary Elizabeth Wilbanks , Baytown ; �/g� Vice President : Commissioner pouglas Dugat , Sr. , Chambers � � County ; Sect/Treas . : Mayor Tom Reid, Pearland. MOTION: ( Stewart) That Council vote to support these nominees . Second: Zeitler Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED He also announced that the group who are working to establish a recreation center will meet at the High School on Wednesday, January 20 , at 7 : 00 p .m. 3 .� Linn Eignus , Chairman of the Charter Review Commission , �� addressing the flood problem, suggested that lack of support �i for the Corps of Engineers plan might possibly lie in the \' fact that flood insurance is being used as a orutch to over- ride the urgency for action on flood control, and he also appealed to citiz.ens to attend the meeting on January 26 and support the Corps plan. DISCUSSION OF CHAPTER REVIEW COMMISSION REPORT - Chairman Eignus and Commissioner Gary Taliaferro explained the philosophy of the group in making the recommendations they did, stating that they attempted to look at general long-range changes which would have some flexibility at the time they are utilized rather than addressing items which might be altered to fit a given situation. Although they were noted and discussed , the Commission refrained from making recommendation on "housekeeping" changes . The recommendation on council districts met with some opposition from council members . Recommendation that ineumbents wishing to �.� file for a different position must submit his resignation from the '�,: present position sixty days prior to date of the election , such • resignation to become effective no later than the day before the ��' election, was generally favored by Council , but it was felt the wording should be changed for greater clarification before being placed on the ballot for popular vote. Recommendation to change date for budget adoption from September 15th to the 30th was weighed against the new tax laws to determine advisabilit� of this change. It was decided to leave this date at the 15th. Council also requested that the Committee give them a list o£ the "housekeeping" items which had been discussed in their meetings . It was determined that final decision on presentation oP charter changes on the April 3 ballot must be made by February 8 . �41 WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , rthe following warrants were approved for payment : General Fund #8024 - Gulf States Asphalt Co. $3 , 147 . 76 8041 - TML Workers Compensation 2 , 999 . 00 8042 - Truman Taylor Ins . 2 , 688 . 00 8053 - Texas-New Mexico Power 7 ,661. 55 8056 - Olson & Olson 2 , 625 . 00 � 8088 - Wartex Oi1 3 ,053 . 81 Water & Sewer #3876 - Texas-New Mexico Power 4 ,475 . 43 ORDINANCE - #81/27 AMENDING ORDINANCE #323 (SIGNS) - Third and Final Reading. MOTION: (Schrader) To adopt Ordinance #81/27 on third and �y /M final reading. /��� Second: Stewart � Vote : FOR C5 ) Schrader, Stewart , Wood , Brown , Wicklander � AGAINST C2 ) Zeitler , Whittenburg MOTION CARRIED � CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION - Under Section 2C3 ) Art . 6252-17 VTCS . �� No action resulted from this meeting. � � ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. C it��t�Y � APPROVED : I ��� Mayor