HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1981-11-16 Regular 219 , MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL November 16 , 1981 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall at 8 : 00 p.m. on Monday, November 16, 1981 , with the following members present: Mayor Dale Whittenburg City Manager Jim Morgan i Councilman Mary Brown City Attorney John Olson Councilman Bob Wicklander City Secretary Bobbie Henry Councilman Ed Zeitler � - Councilman Loren Wood Councilman Paul Schrader Councilman Todd Stewart With a quorum present, and with none absent, the following business was transacted: � INVOCATION - Rev. Gary Taliaferro , Church of Christ. � MINUTES - Regular Meeting November 2 , approved as corrected. � � — S pecial Meetin g November 5 , approved as read. � Regular Meeting November 9 , approved as read . � � � ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE MAYOR - Mayor Whittenburg explained that the meeting started thirty minutes late to enable Council members to attend a dinner hosted by Friendswood Utility Department for water and sewer workers from surrounding cities . The Mayor also proclaimed Monday, November 23 , to be "Soccer Day in the City of Friendswood. " PRESENTATION - Ernie Matt presented the No. 1 print of Lori I Whitehead ' s painting "4th of July in Friendswood" to the Mayor, personally, and announced that other prints will be on sale Saturday at the Friendswood Frame Shop. PETITION - Marshal Davis, 902 Layfair in Fox Meadow, asked for permission to encroach on city right of way be erecting a small fence where the street curves around his property to discourage cars from cutting across the corner and onto his property. The City Attorney and City Manager are to work together to find an acceptable solution for the problem. COUNCIL REPORTS l. The Mayor announced that Friendswood City Attorney John Olson has just been elected to the Board of the Texas City Attorneys Association. 2 . Councilman Brown reported that she is presently working with the finance officer on a study of the City' s insurance. 3 . Councilman Wicklander explained the proposed BFI land-fill on FM 2234 and its possible effect on waterways rthrough Friendswood, and made the following motion: MOTION: (Wicklander) To adopt a resolution opposing the BFI landfill on FM 2234 . ��� _ Second: Wood � Vote : FOR (6 ) Wicklander, Wood, Schrader, Brown, Stewart, � Whittenburg AGAINST: Zeitler MOTION CARRIED 4. Councilman Wicklander said that a representative from the f Social Security Administration spoke at the police meeting ��'; '!` last week regarding withdrawal from SS by the City. The police group voted for withdrawal, and Councilman Wicklander suggested that a resolution be adopted by Council to that effect and be submitted to SSA by January 1982 . By so doing, the way would be opened for the city to withdraw sometime within the next two years , but would not be obligatory. No action was taken. 220 5 . Council agreed that there would not be a Council meeting on November 23 or 30 . The next meeting will be December 7 . ' ^SALE OF PORTABLE SEWER PLANT - Jeff Scripture presented his � °. check as final payment on the plant and stated that he will �.�`' be moving it to the Conroe airport for installation there . RESOLUTION N0. 16-81 - AUTHORIZIN� THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY SECRETARY TO ATTEST, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY, A '��� � CONTRACT BETWEEN APAC-TEXAS , INC. , AND THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD . i MOTION: (Schrader) To adopt Resolution #16-81 . i Second: Zeitler Following a suggestion from the City Attorney: '"��'g � MOTION TO AMEND ORIGINAL MOTION: (Schrader) To amend by adding method of payment. Second: Zeitler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED VOTE ON ORIGINAL MOTION: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCES #81/21 - REGULATING WRECKERS IN CITY - Second reading. MOTION: (Wood) To pass Ord. #81/21 on second reading. Second: Zeitler Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � ����I #81/24 - SETTING NEW GARBAGE RATES - Third and final reading MOTION: (Schrader) To pass and finally adopt Ord. 81/24 on third and final reading. Second: Stewart Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � #81/25 - AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , TEXAS, TO INCLUDE ALL LAND AREA WITHIN CERTAIN LIMITS AND BOUNDARIES AND ANNEXIN� TO THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ALL OF THE AREA WITHIN SUCH LIMITS AND BOUNDARIES; APPROVING A SERVICE PLAN FOR ALL OF THE AREA WITHIN SUCH LIMITS AND BOUNDARIES ; AND PROVIDING A SAVING AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE - First reading. MOTION: (Zeitler) To pass Ord . 81/25 on first reading. Second: Stewart Vote : FOR (4) Zeitler, Wicklander, Schrader, Whittenburg AGAINST ( 3) Brown, Wood, Stewart MOTION CARRIED #81/26 - REPEALING ORD . 71/18 , KNOWN AS THE MECA CORPORATION CATV FRANCHISE ORDINANCE , REVOKING THE FRANCHISE, MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS , AND PROVIDIN� OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT - First reading. �"r��$� MOTION: (Schrader) To table until December 7. Second: Wicklander Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED - ` #81/27 - CANVASSING THE RETURNS AND DECLARING RESULTS OF A BOND ELECTION HELD ON NOVEMBER 3 , 1981 - One reading only. I���� MOTION: (Wood) To adopt Ord. 81/27 on one reading . � Second: Stewart Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ��1 WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following warrants were approved £or payment: Waste Disposal Fund #558 - Engineering-Science $2 , 001 . 70 #559 - Engineering-Science 6, 382 , 37 General Fund #7746 - International Disposal 3,416 . 38 CALLING PUBLIC HEARING ON DECEMBER 14 AT 7 : 30 p.m. TO CONSIDER � A REQUEST FOR REZONTN� FOR LOUISE BACON I MOTION: (Stewart) To call the hea�ing to be held jointly �(}� _. with the Planning Commission on December 14, to consider �� rezoning the Bacon property from R-1 to R-4. f�j Second: Brown v� Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION - Pursuant to Sec. 2 (g) , Art. 6252-1� VTCS . '�I WARRANT OFFICER � (� MOTION: (Schrader) To concur with recommendation and engage �r a person to serve as warrant officer and court bailiff, �, ': � and to fill the position within two weeks if possible. � `�� Second: Wicklander �i '� Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED `T� / APPOINTMENTS TO PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION <ht MOTION: (Brown) To reappoint Ken Hoppe to a full three year 1���"� term and to appoint Tom Sheeran to a full term filling the vacancy of Bob Wetzel . �Q,� Second: Zeitler "L�� I Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � I . INTERVIEW WITH PROSPECTIVE ENGINEERS FOR STREET BOND PROJECT In the closed session, Council interviewed the following: Don Roberts , Malcolm Collins of Coenco, representatives from Bernard Johnson, Inc . , and representatives from Chas . R. Hale Inc. No decision was reached and no action taken on this matter . ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned . ./��� � � ��_��- City Secretary APPROVED: I Mayor �