HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1981-08-03 Regular 1�1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL August 3 , 1981 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday , August 3 , 1981 , at 7 : 30 p.m. with the following members present : Mayor Dale Whittenburg City Attorney John Olson ' Councilmen Loren Wood City Manager Jim Morgan Mary Brown Acting City Secretary Ruth Henry Todd Stewart Bob Wicklander Paul Schrader Ed Zeitler With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following business was transacted : � INVOCATION was given by Rev. Gary Taliferro � , �� APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of July 20 , � 1981 approved as corrected. `� PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED REVENUE SHARING FUNDS FOR 1981-82 � Mayor Whit�tenburg opened the hearing with Mr. Morgan stating that the purpose of the hearing is to take in-pu� from the public concerning the use of the revenue sharing funds for the 1981-82 . Mr. Morgan stated the city would receive approximately $105 , 000 in revenue sharing. With no input from the public the hearing was closed. PETITIONS FROM THE PUBLIC 1. Steve Setliff of the Wedgewood Village Homeowners Assn. j�" r+-^`� presented a petition bearing approximately 300 names requesting annexation by Friendswood. David Drake asked that available information be furnished to Wedgewood residents regarding what the change would mean to them insofar as taxes versus bond payments , etc. is concerned. The Mayor proposed that he and Councilman Wicklander gather such information and possibly attend a homeowners meeting to pass this on to the Wedgewood residents . 2 . George Bell o� the North Shadowbend Civic Association gave a presentation of drainage problems in the area and requested that some action be taken to correct this situation. ,�Malcolm Collins, City Engineer, recommeded building up the low areas which. hold water by filling with asphalt. It was his opinion that removing curbs and cutting open ditches would require rather deep ditches . Further discussion regarding specifically the drain pipe in the area of the Engel home , proposal was to enlarge the drain inlet and extend the outlet pipe so that it drains into the creek rather than into a citizen 's yard. This would require a drainage easement from the property owner. Cost Por this work will be estimated and reported back to Council next week. 3. Richard Rosenkranz presented a letter following up on his earlier request that Council pass a resolution asking the Galveston County Commissioners Court to reorganize county precinet boundaries to create one precinet in the northern section oP the County. Mayor Whittenburg will be contacting League City Mayor Lamb regarding this proposal. PROCLAMATION - Mayor Whittenburg proclaimHd the week of August 2 - 8 ,� 1981 as Texas Building Safety Week. 172 REPORT FROM MECA - Mr. Peraza ac�owledged receipt of the city s letter and gave an up-date on status of completion for cable installation and hook-up. He stated that he still feels the job can be completed by August 31. CITY/FIRE DEPARTMENT CONTRACT - Councilman Schrader reported that he and Councilman Zeitler met wi�h Fire Department repres- entatives this week and have reached tentative agreement on a contract. Copies of the proposed contract were distributed to council members for review. ��.u� APPOINTMENT TO BLACKHAWK TREATMENT PLANT ADVISORY BOARD - The � Mayor stated that he wished to appoint Councilman Zeitler to / represent Friendswood on this Board. C �$ � MOTION: (Wood) To accept the recomme�dation of the Mayor and appoint Zeitler to the Blackhawk Advisory Board. Second: Schrader Vote : ' �Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CURRENT LEGISLATION - Councilman Schrader, reporting on the Governor s special session of the legislature , said that under Clayton' s water bill, any entity within a watershed which received funds must have its project accepted by all other entities lying within that watershed. This would prevent one enity using the state funds to ease flooding in their own area to the detriment of another area of the watershed. Schrader also reported that Senator Brown has introduced another version of the Clear Creek Watershed bill to the special session which would exempt Pearland and the Brazoria County Drainage Dis,trict #4 from inclusion in the watershed. Schrader stated that because of this exemption , he could no longer support the Watershed Bill. Councilman Sehrader reported on a meeting with the Highway Dept . regarding widening of F.M. 518 between Friendswood and Pearland indicating that he felt there are quite a few hurdles yet before any action will be taken on this project. COUNCILMAN WOOD reported that a Minute Order From the Highway Department has been received by Galveston County Commissioners Court regarding straightening of the curve on F.M. 528 . It is expected that the engineering work will be completed by the end of the month at which time the County will proceed to acquire right-of-way. The city will be respons�ble for moving any utility lines and for maintenance of the old road when the change is made. �ti, EMER�ENCY PREPAREDNESS - Councilman Wicklander presented a letter �� which would make citizens aware of the city' s preparedness plan and a card bearing telephone numbers and radio and TV stations � where information would be available to them in event of an emergency. He proposed that this letter be mailed, at the city' s expense , to each household within the city . � �nl MOTION: (Schrader) To approve mailing of the letter and card, v�6 g, and authorize expenditure of funds to do so. Second : Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCES #81/12 - Revisions to Fireworks Ordinance - 3rd and final reading Following discussion regarding permitting public fireworks displays , decision was made to defer final reading o£ the ordinance pending investigation of this by attorney. #81/13 - Repealing Ordinance setting out Rules of Procedure for Council Meetings - 3rd and final reading 1�3 MOTION : (Schrader) To adopt Ord. #81/13 on third reading. Second: Wood �C}7��/ Votd : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � #81/14 - Amending Zoning Ordinance by changing permited uses in C-2 Commercial Districts - 3rd and final reading MOTION : (Zeitler) To adopt Ord. #81/14 on third reading. !D� Second : Wicklander �� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED / #81/15 - Rezoning Lots 29 , 30 and 31 , Block l , Annalea Sec. 1 � from R-1 to C-2 - Third and final reading MOTION: (Zeitler) To adopt Ord. #81/15 on third reading. Second : Brown ! Vote : FOR (6 ) Zeitler , Brown , Whittenburg , Wicklander ���/ Wood, Stewart AGAINST : Schrader MOTION CARRIED WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL � Water & Sewer Fund Check #3551 to Texas-New Mexico � Power Company in the amount of $3 ,287. 31 ., � MOTION: (.Wood) To approve #3551 � Second : Zeitler � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � W&S Check #3533 to Gulf1 Coast Waste Disposal Authority for $37 ,612 . 45 was approved contingent on Councilman Zeitler and Mr. Morgan receiving satisfactory justification from the Authority for the charges when they meet later this week. Approved unanimously by Council. METHODI.ST CHURCH CARILLON - A complaint has been received by the Mayor regarding loudness and frequency of the bells . A letter from the church explains and defends the church in use � of the bells . Council' s feeling was that the complaint is a ipersonal matter and the woman should file nuisance charge if __, she so desires , since the carillon does not violat!e any law of the city. E1P'POINTMENT TO GULF COAST WASTE DISPOSAL AUTHORITY BOARD - A letter from the Mayor of Texas City places the name of Len W. Robkie who presently serves asrepresentative for the Galveston County cities ' member on the Board, for reappointment. No action was taken by Council on this matter. BUDGE'P REVIEW AND TAX RATE DECISION - Following review of certain items in the budget , and request for additional information, a � hea�?ing was called for the proposed 5% tax increase for 1982 . , "i MOTION : (Schrader) To increase the tax rate 5% and call a public hearing for 7 : 30 p .m. on August 20 , 1981 for consideration by the public of this increase in accord- /���/ ance with requirements of the Property Tax Code . Second : Wicklander Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION - No formal action was taken as a result of this session. ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The m---�`eeting was adjourned. - �� � �.l City Secretary from no s and tapes of the meeting) APPROVED: C______.__ C�/-�___�%✓ Mayor'