HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1981-06-15 Regular 155 I MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCI L �, June 15 , 1981 ; A Regul�r Meeting of the Eriendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday , June 15 , 1981 , at 7 : 30 p.m, with the following memebers present : � Mayor Dale Whittenburg Acting Cirty Manager Melvin Meineke Councilmen : Todd Stewart Acting City Attorney Bob MeConnel Paul Schrader City Secretary Bobbie Henry Loren Wood Ed Zeitler Bob Wicklander Mary Brown , With a quorum present , and with no councilmen�ers absent , the following business was transacted: S°'I � INVOCATION - Reverned Norman Frq, First Baptist Church � APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a regular meeting of May 18 , � approved as corrected; minutes of a regular meeting of June 1, approved as read. � � ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM TI�E MAYOR - Mayor Whittenburg asked for suggestions from Council for an appointee to H-GAC Water Quality Committee. He made Council aware of a letter ha has written to Sabine Construction Company regarding damage they are doing to streets in Imperial Estates while working on that section of the North Interceptor Line, and asking that they repair this excessive damage . � He also informed Council that he has requested a joint meeting with the Clear Creek Drainage District for June 22 to try to clarify responsibility areas between the City and the District. PETITIONS FROM THE PUBLIC Richard Rosencrantz of Kingspark/Whitehall Civic Club , requested Council to intervene in proposed changes in County precinct lines . He also again asked that some action be taken on improving drainage in the Kingspark/Vlhitehall area. OPENING BIDS ON COMMERCIA'L GARB'AGE SER'VICE - Bids were opened and read from four bidders. A tabulation of proposed charges 8-�`���� from these bids is attaehed hereto and made a part hereof: MOTIQN: CSchrader? To refer the bids to the City Manager o�review and recommendation on award. �" Second: Wbod /�j Vote : Unanimous FOR � MOTION CARRIED RE.FORT ON S"PATUS OF CABLB TV - Henry Peraza of MECA outlined p'!,' �� ! the s—q ce in which various parts of the city will be hooked up to the cable, He expects the cable to be available to all parts of the City by the end of August . He also explained some of the special services that will be available via the cable. Mayor Whittenburg requested bi-monthly progress reports from MECA until all work is completed. Jack Colovin; who teaches a television course in Friendswood Junior High. School , told Council about this unusual school program in which students participate in all phases of TV pro- duction from reporting to manning cameras . The program will be expanded into the High School next year and to gifted students in elementary school. He said additional equipment is needed to transmit so:me of the student programs over the cable , and asked 156 that interested citizens make donations toward this equipment . He showed video portions of programs and activities of the class during the past year. i q �'�.�g��� DRATNAGE - FLOOD CONTROL �, J Councilman Schrader .proposed that Council review the history of the 36 ' drain opening in Brazoria County including any � engineering studies and recommendations on that action as well as any information on enlarging the culvert on Mary ' s Creek. � I Dale Anna oP the CCDD explained some offers of help which have I, been made by Brazoria County Drainage District #4 , and what would be required of CCDD for this to be accomplished. Carl Smith, a resident of Village Green stated that the people of Kingspark/Whitehall should do what they can toward cleaning out ditches and moving fences off the drainage easements to improve drainage as much as possible themselves . On the subject of further engineering studies For this particular area, Mayor Whittenburg stated that he wished to go on record as be,ing opposed to spending, any additional City money on suuh studies s.ince he feels tliis is the responsibility of the Drainage District. �s?-`�t� COWARD''S CREEK - On the subject of Brazoria County Drainage llistrict U� 4 ' s plans. for putting additional water in Coward ' s Creek which , it is felt , will increase flooding in Sun Meadow , Councilman Schrader moved to have the City Attorney contact the BCDD for information on exactly what their plans are. The motion died for lack of a second, it being generally felt that the contact should be. made by someone other than the attorney. ���Q � MOTI'ON: (.Stewart) That a request be made from the Mayor' s b office that the BCDD .furnish the City this information. Second : Brown � Vote.; Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � REPORTS 'F'ROM COUNCTL Councilman Brown said the Planning Commission is meeting Tuesday night with the Drainage District to diseuss revisions of the Subdivision Ordinance relative to drainage.. Councilman Wicklander reported that Detective Palmira has been designated as "Officer of the Month" for his work on apprehending the savings and loan robbers . Councilman Wood, answering a request that the City reguire all houses to be numbered , cited. an existing. ordinance which makes this requirement but which has not been diligently enforced. Councilman Schrader presented each member of the Council with an annual report from Hanover, Massachusetts , with a suggestion that such a report might be issued by Eriendswood. Councilman Stewart said he will have a report next Monday on his attendance at the Mayors and Councilmen ` s Conference in Lubbock the end of May. EMERGENCY PREP7�REDNESS PLAN - Russell Williams presented Council with copies of the entire plan; however, he stated that there will be an up-date issued following the next EP meeting. � In response to a letter from Judge Holbrook proposing a county- wide emergency preparedness organization , Williams said he would favor such an organization provided every city participates . He would not recommend participa-tion unless it is unanimous : Mayor Whittenburg will contact Judge Holbrook regarding this matten. CONTAINER SIZE-cu. ft. 3 4 0 � , _. .� N0. PICK-UPS PER WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 COMMERCIAL GARBAGE SERVICE BIDS BIDDERS BROWNING $ 28 . 00 51. 00 60 . 00 44. 00 81. 00 117 . 00 99 . 00 143. 00 DISPOSE-ALL $ 39 . 00 46 . 00 53 . 00 71. 00 88 . 00 106 . 00 44. 00 69 . 00 103 . 00 138 . 00 172 . 00 206 . 00 50 . 00 100. 00 151. 00 201. 00 252 , 0� 302 . 00 65 . 00 131. 00 196 . 00 261. 00 327 . 00 392 , 00 $ 40 . 00 55 . 00 65 . 00 75 . 00 85 . 00 95. 00 55 . 00 69 . 00 98 . 00 117. 00 146 . 00 175 . 00 60 . 00 98 . 00 132 . 00 175 . 00 219 . 00 263. 00 80 . 00 131. 00 175 . 00 234 . 00 292 . 00 351. 00 $ 40 . 00 60. 00 80 . 00 100 . 00 120 . 00 140 . 00 50 . 00 70 . 00 90 . 00 ' 120. 00 150 . 00 180. 00 60 . 00 85 . 00 125 . 00 200 . 00 250 . 00 290. 00 65 . 00 110 . 00 170 . 00 250 . 00 325 . 00 400 . 00 ` _.-- ri , �5� ORDINANCES #81/11 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD AMENDING ORDINANCE N0. 81/1 ADOPTED MARCH 16 , 1981 WHICH AMENDS CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 3 , ARTICLE II OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY CODE , AMENDING SEC. 3-16 PROVIDING PROCEDURE FOR LICENSING OF DOGS AND CATS ; AMENDING SEC. 3-17 PROVIDING FOR NOTIFICATION OF OWNER OF DOGS FOUND RUNNING AT LARGE . ' MOTION: (Stewart) To pass Ord. #81/11 on second reading. ���� Second: Brown Vote : FOR (6 ) Stewart , Brown, Wicklander, Whittenburg, Schrader, Wbdd AGAINST : Zeitler MOTION CARRIED #81/12E - AN QRDINANCE AMENDING ARTICLE III OF CHAPTER 7 OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY CODE BY STRIKING THEREFROM ALL OF SEC. 7-50 AND 7-51 THEREOF AND SUBSTITUTING THEREFOR � NEW SECTTONS 7-50 AND 7-51 AND BY ADDING A NEW SECTION 7-52 ; PROVIDING IT UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO POSSESS `C-I FIREWORKS WITHIN THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF (� FRIENDSWOOD OR WITHIN 5 , 000 FEET OF THE CORPORATE � BOUNDARIES ; AND MAKING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATED THERETO . � MOTSON: (Wood) to adopt Ord. #81/12E on one reading as an emergency. � Second : Brown �� Vote : FOR (4 ) Brown , Wood, Stewart , Wicklander /p� AGAINST (.3 ) Zeitler, Whittenburg, Schrader �G7 MOTION CARRIED WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following warrants were approved for payment : General Fund #6575 - C. P. S. $6 ,399 . 39 #6576 - International Disposal 3 , 770 . 58 W&S Fund #3440 - C.P. S . $ ��g 88 Waste Disposal Fund #530 - Lovelace Const. 155 ,666 . 17 #531 - Texas Sterling 40 ,425 . 99 ADJOU.RNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. i y Secret�y - ""`� APPROVED: Mayo� I ; j