HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1981-05-18 Regular 145 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL i May 18 � 1981 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, May 18 , i981 , at 7 : 30 p .m. with the following members present : � Mayor Dale Whittenburg City Manager Jim Morgan Councilman Todd Stewart , City Attorney John Olson Couneilman Paul Schrader City Secretary Bobbie Henry Couneilman Loren Wood ' ' Councilman Ed Zeitler Councilman Bob Wicklander Councilman Mary Brown ' With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following business was transacted : II � INVOCATION - Rev. John Barfield Methodist Church �, (� APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular- Meeting of May 4 (� and a Special Meeting of May 11 approved as read. , � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS Mayor Whittenburg welcomed Councilman Zeitler back after several weeks in the hospital. He also introduced the newest police officer and Friendswood`s Pirst female officer, Eiaine Hake ; and reported that so far the two motorcycle officers are working out Pine. Councilman Schrader reported on the status of HB 2301 as coming , out of Committee with unanimous approval and is now on the House floor. PETITIONS FROM THE PUBLIC - Carl Smith , representing the Village Green Civic Association requested that the City clean along the banks and under the bridge on Mary' s Creek; asked who is responsible for keeping drainage open on Melody Lane ; and requested that the City oppose opening any more culverts under FM 518 . Mr. and Mrs . Silber again requested that the City exchange the lot across from the Publie Works Building for certain property* from their windows rather than have the city parking lot next door. Council indicated they did not feel the proposed exchange was equitable to the City, but asked the City Manager and the City Attorney to study the matter and bring a recommendation back to Council. *(line omitted) which they own. They want to preserve the trees and the view RESOLUTION.: #781 -, WIDENING FM 518 - Mayor Whittenburg introduced a resolution requesting the Highway Department to widen FM 518 between Pearland and Friendswood but opposing increasing the flow of rainwater under the roadway. After some discussion , the , subject was tabled. �i - MOTION: (Schrader) To table Resolution #781. Second : Zeitler // Vote : FOR (5 ) Schrader , Zeitler , Wicklander, Stewart , Wood AGAINST (2 ) Brown , Whittenburg MOTION CARRIED � 146 CONTRACT WITH GALVESTON COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ��j MOTION: (Schrader) To authorize the Mayor to sign and i ��a� � L ,� the City Secretary to attest the contract with Galveston Q�.� � Gounty Health Department. Second: Brown Vote : FOR (6) Schrader , Brown , Wicklander, Whittenburg, Wood , Zeitler AGAINST: Stewart MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION #581 AUTHORIZING THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT TO CHARGE A 40 FEE FOR INSPECTIONS OF FOOD HANDLING ESTABLISHMENTS WITHIN THE CITY °�G O� MOTION: CSchrader) To adopt Resolution #581. Second : Wicklander Vote : FOR ( 5 ) Schrader , Wicklander, Brown, Whittenburg, Wood AGAINST ( 2) Zeitler, Stewart FISCAL A�ENT - INFORMATION ON STREET .& BRIDGE BOND ISSUE Frank Ildebrando of Underwood-Neuhaus discussed with Council the condition of the city insofar as bonded indebtedness is concerned, and gave them figures showing approximate increase in taxes would be necessary as a result of the bond issue under discussion. COUNTY JUDGE RAY HOLBROOK - Judge Holbrook stated that land acquisition for left turn lanas . at FM 518 and FM 528 is being finalized and said that the project is on the Highway Depart- ment calendar for October. He also voiced his support of House Bill 2301. He suggested a Galveston County District if the legislation does not pas.s . REPORTS & ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS 1 . Councilman Wicklander said he has been contaeted by the developers of Miracle Mile about the 10 acres they have offered Eo give to the City. Council felt that the stipulation that this be used for a municipal complex Ccity hall) is not acceptable . Councilman Wicklander will discuss: this with the developers . No action is to be taken �, untilfinal report from the Future Needs Committee. • ��� From the Police Department he reported that at their last meeting they reviewed patrol procedures ; that Saucida is no longer Dis.patch Supervisor and Linda Hamm now holds that position ; Gary Edwards has been designated as "Officer of the Month. " 2 . Councilman Wood announced that YNOC Summer Work Program is now underway. To hire one of the young people , call 482-3470 . D'I:S'COUNT ON WATER BILLS - To encourage prompt payment of water bills , Mr. Morgan proposes to increase each block of present water rates by ten percent , then give a ten percent discount if payment is made by a certain date. ��g � MOTION : (Wood) To direct the City Attorney to draw up an - ordinance adopting the inerease in rates and provisions for discount for . early payment, Se.cond: Zeitler Vote : FOR (.5 ) Wood, Zeitler, Wicklander, Schrader , Stewart AGATNST (2 ) Whittenburg, Brown MOTION CARRIED PUBLIC OFFICIALS INSURANCE - A proposal £or public officials ' laability insurance has been received from Forum Insurance Company- /�CJ�� I MOTION: (Brown) To table the matter pending receipt of �� additional quotations . Second : Stewart Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 14� REPORT ON VESTER' S DAM ON COWARD CREEK - Mr. Morgan reported ����' that Mr. Vester has cut four holes in the levy to allow the water to flow through, and has contracted with Arden Hill to begin moving the levy. AUDITOR FOR 1981-82 �.E °i MOTION : (Wood) To accept the proposal from Lairson , Young �� & Co. to do the next audit for $8 ,700 plus $900 for �� /� examination of Revenue Sharing Funds , plus cash ` �C�� expenses to be limited to $400 . f�/ Second : Brown � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED OIL WELL DRILLING PERMIT � �� . MOTION: (Zeitler) To authorize the City Secretary to issue C�` 4 a drilling permit to Visa Ecploration Corporation for � � a new well on their A. J. VanRiper #1 site south of �/ Moore Road. ,� Second : Schrader �/ � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � INTEREST RATES BIDS ON $500 ,000 LOAN - The following .proposals � were read and considered: � Pasadena National Bank 10 . 0% per annum ���=��� �' Friendswood Bank 10 . 5% per annum �j Baybrook National Bank 11. 25o per annum Allied American Bank 12 . 5% per annum MOTION: (Brown) To accept the bid from Pasadena National / � Bank at 10 . 0%. �J/� Second: Zeitler / Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �_ RESOLUTION #681 AUTHORIZIN� BORROWING OF $500 ,000 FOR REGIONAL WASTE WATER TREATMENT PROJECT MOTION: (Wood) To adopt Resolution #681. �9�` Second : Stewart �Y/ Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCES #81/l0E - Cbnstruction Speed Zones on FM 2351 - One reading only MOTSON: (.Wood) To adopt Ord. 81/l0E as an emergeney on one �/ reading. /�// Second : Stewart /� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #81/9 - Adopting Latest TML Plumbing Code_Second Reading MOTION: (Schrader) To pass Ord. 81/9 on second reading. Second : Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � #81/8 - Rezoning for Oil Well - Third & Final reading. MOTION: (Wood) To adopt Ord. 81/8 on third and final reading. � -. Second : Stewart �� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �/ #81/7 - Making Revisions to the ETectrical Code - Third `.& Final / MOTION: (.Schrader) To adopt on third reading Ord. 81/7 . Second : Wood ��j Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � � 148 r/ #81/6 - Adopting 1976 Edition of Southern Meehanical Code - ���a � Thzrd � Final reading O � MOTI'ON: (tiJood) To adopt on tfiird reading Ord. 81/6 . Second : Schrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #81/5 -. Adopting latest Standard Building Code - Third & Final ��!$' MOTION: (Schrader). To adopt Ord. 81/5 on third reading. Second: Wood ', Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following warrants were approved for payment : General Fund #6319 - C.P. S . 6320 - Gulf States As halt Co. $5 >253 . 67 6321 - International Dis osal 5 , 663 . 82 P 3 , 782 . 61 Water & Sewer Fund #3180 - C. P. S . 4 ,666 . 40 Waste Disposal Fund #523 - Brown & Root , Inc. $140 , 911. 46 524 - Jesse Lovelace Const. 392 ,431. 23 525 - Texas Sterling Const. 40 ,755 . 27 ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The m—�- eet ig was adjourned. � City Secretary - - APPROVED: I � I � Mayor