HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1981-04-20 Regular �33 � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL April 20 , 1981 , A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday , April 20 , 1981, at 7 : 30 p .m. with the following members present : Mayor Dale Whittenburg Acting City Manager Melvin Meineke ! Councilman : Paul Schrader City Attorney John Olson Loren Wood City Secretary Bobbie Henry i Todd Stewart Mary Brown Bob Wicklander With a quorum present , and with Councilman Zeitler absent , the , following business was transacted : I y—� INVOCATION was given by Rev. Sam Broughton , Baptist Church. I � APPROVAL OF MINUTES � Minutes of a Regular Meeting of April 6 - Report of Councilman Wood` s Washington trip to be attached. to 'I Q minutes . Minutes of Special Meeting of April 13 - Reverse motion maker and seconder on pay increase for court officials . ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE MAYOR I 1 . Mayor Whittenburg told of his viewing at NASA of the landing of the space shuttle Columbia, and being a member of the � welcoming group when the astronouts returned to Ellignton � Airport. He said that it was all very impressive and he � _ was pleased to have been a part of the activities . 2 . He then presented plaques to Bob Wicklander expressing the City' s appreciation for his serving on the Planning and Zoning Commission , and to Bruce Goss for his years of service on the Library Board. COUNCIL REPQRTS Councilman Brown reported that her Future Planning Committee which has been holding sectional meetings , will all be together for a joint meeting this week. NEW PARK FACILITIES IN REGENCY ESTATES - A proposed agreement between the City and the Jaycees for their operation of the hangar , , � was presented by the City Attorney. Council raised questions ( `� regarding approving a contract for 25 years and the method of � handling fees received for use of the facility. Mayor Whittenburg will meet with the Jaycees at their next meeting to discuss the contract length and other arrangements for the operation. NAMING THE NEW PARK - Dr. William Jones, developer of Regency Estates and former owner of the hanger, has requested that the ' park area location of the hanger be named for his first grand- I son , John William Leavesley. The Parks Board so recommends . MOTION: (Schrader) to name the new pank area "John William Leavesley Park. " /�/�/ Second: Wood Vote : FOR (4) Scharder, Wood, Stewart , Wicklander AGAINST (2 ) Whittenburg, Brown MOTION CARRIED 134 AWARD OF BID ON POLICE CAR - Mr. Morgan recommended that the low bid on a second-hand car be passed over, and that the bid 1 be awarded to Gene Hamond Ford for a new LTD at $8 , 925 ; $4 , 000 ,�` being reimbixrsement from the insurance company and $4 ,925 � to be appropriated from Unappropriated Surplus . Council dis- � cussed the matter and took the following action : � � �/O ) MOTION : (Stewart) To purchase the 1979 Impala from M. Cox � � at 6 , 500 . 00 . Second: Wood Vote : FOR (5 ) Stewart , Wood, Brown , Whittenburg, Schrader AGAINST: Wicklander MOTION CARRIED ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW CITY-WIDE SEWER AVERAGE - In a memo, Mr. Morgan reported that the Sewer Rate Study Committee .has made • ,� the following determinations : ,, , l. New 2-month average : 17 , 000 gals . (down from 23 , 000 gals ) ;, 2 . No special rate for filling swimming pools. ;. ' 3. A leak during base period would be cause for use of customer' s lowest 4-month average. 4. New customers with no usage history to be billed at city- wide average until they have established a 4-month history. 5 . School District to be billed at 50�/student per month times 9 months divided by 6 (billing periods ) . 6 . Multi-housing units without individual meters to be charged 1 at the same rate as single family residences . Morgan recommended that Council establish the above as a City policy. Council chose not to endorse the recommendation pending receipt of additional information on how the determinations were reached. AUTHORIZE ADVERTISING FOR BIDS ON COMMERCIAL GARBAGE COLLECTION (�f/�O ) ��� MOTION: (Wood) To go out for bids on commercial garbage ! �' / � a: �� serUice within the city, with bids to be due June l. Second: Schrader Vote : FOR ( 5) Wood, Schrader, Whittenburg, Wicklander, Stewart AGAINST: Brown MOTION CARRIED The City Attorney will present a proposed contract for Council � review prior to receipt and opening of bids . PUBLIC HEARING ON REZONING FOR OIL WELL With a quorum of the Planning & Zonning Commission present , the joint public hearing was called to order. It was explained that the request from Visa Exploration Corporation was for rezoning 5 . 25 acres of land, parts of Tracts 57 and 58 ia-i the I&GNRR Survey A-616 , from R-1 to Specific Use - Oil Well. \ Mr. Cline , owner of property next to the site , was told that ` there would be no reason for t,urcks to trespass on his property �, " during the drilling preparation process . He said he had no further opposition to the rezoning. .. Atchison and Glines of the P&ZC felt that the 1 . 97 acres included in the request for the access road need not be rezoned, and the company' s agent agreed, so the amount in question was reduced to 3 . 28 acres . Thereafter the Planning Commission quorum present voted and recommeded tb Council that the 3 . 28 acres be rezoned as a Specific Use - Oil Well. MOTION : (Wood) To approve rezoning of the subject property ��QI contingent on assurance that the Cline property be �� protected from damage. Second : Stewart Vote : Unanimous £OR MOTION CARRIED '< CALLING PUBLIC HEARING ON REVISION TO SIGN ORDINANCE ��'' Chairman Wetzel of P&ZC called a hearing of that body for May 7 ,C; at 8 : 00 p.m. to consider revisions to the sign ordinance. � 135 I ` MOTION: (Schrader) To call a ' oint ublic hearin with J P g (� ' P&ZC for May 7 at 8 : 00 p.m. to consider revision to 7'�� � Ordinance 323 , Section l, Paragraph 6 by eliminating / all portable signs from the City. Second: Brown Vote : FOR ( 5 ) Schrader , Brown , Whittenburg , Wicklander, Stewart AGAINST: Wood MOTION CARRIED �, CALLING PUBLIC HEARING ON REVISION TO ZONING ORDINANCE - Some time ago, Planning Commission recommended to Council that three __ o£ the Permitted Uses listed in the ordinance under C-2 (i. e . Liquor store , grocery store , neighborhood convenience center) be transferred to �-l. Since there is no land in the city pre- sently zoned C-2 , this change would not constitute a change to the zoning map. MOTION: (Schrader) To also consider at the joint public � hearing on May 7 , the revisions to the Zoning Ordinance � �� � as recommended by the Planning Commission. �/ � Second : Brown � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � APPOINTMENTS TO COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD - With three vacancies , '� CAB recommended three persons fro appointment to the Board. ,-� ` ', 'Q i MOTION: (Schrader) To appoint Mar Ellen Bellard, Lynn Lary , McLean, and Carol White to the �ommunity Appearance Board. �/� Second: Wood l / Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED I CON6I.DER REVIEW OF ENTIRE SIGN ORDINANCE AND APPOINT COMMITTEE The Mayor said he is not prepared to appoint this committee , i so this matter will be handled at a later date . ' ELECTION OF MAYOR PRO-TEM - Council ' s wish was to postpone this until all o� the Council is present . Mayor Whittenburg asked c i if there would be any objection to his appointing a Councilman � 6 rto this position on a temporary basis . There was no objection , so the Mayor appointed Councilman Wicklander to serve until an election is held. APPOINTMENT OF LIAISON POSITIONS FOR COUNCIL - Mayor Whittenburg announced the following appointments : Councilman Wood: YNOC, C. C. Drainage District , and Counseling Board �� ��� Councilman Zeitler: Finance , School, and Surface Water Councilman Schrader : Parks & Recreation and Community Appearance Board Councilman Stewart : Fire Department and Library Councilman Wicklander : Police Councilman Brown: Planning & Zoning RESOLUTIONS IN SUPPORT OF DRAINAGE AND FLOOD CONTROL - Councilman Schrader reported on a trip he made to Austin to press for passage of legislation supporting drainage and fldod control in this area. He presented four resolutions for Council con- � s.ideration , three dealing with State legislation , and a fourth '� urging Federal representatives to support the Corps of Engineers - Clear Creek Project. These resolutions and Oouncil action were : Resolution #181 A RESOLUTION ENDORSING SENATE BILL SJR 30 WHICH PROPOSES A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT DEDICATING A PORTION OF THE STATE' S SURPLUS REVENUE TO A SPECIAL FUND IN THE STATE TREASUI2Y TO BE USED FOR FLOOD CONTROL AND DRAINAGE , WATER DEVELOPMENT, WATER CONSERVATION, AND WATER QUALITY ENHANCE MENT PURPOSES , AND ESTABLISHING A RESERVE FUND IN THE STATE TREASURY. _ i�� Resolution #281 (Councilman Schrader asked that since #181 and #281 are closely related, that they be considered together) A RESOLUTION ENDORSING HOUSE BILL HJR 33 WHICH PROPOSES A CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT DEDICATING A PORTION OF THE STATE' S SURPLUS REVENUE TO A SPECIAL FUND IN THE STATE TREASURY TO BE USED FOR FLOOD CONTROL AND DRAINAGE , WATER DEVELOPMENT, WATER CONSERVATION, AND WATER QUALITY ENHANCEMENT PURPOSES , AND ESTABLISHING A RESERVE FUND IN THE STATE TREASURY. �` � I MOTION: (Wood) To adopt Resolutions #181 and #281 (to send copies as indicated, and to H-GAC) Second: Wicklander Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Resolution #381 A RESOLUTION ENDORSING THE U. S. ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS CLEAR CREEK FLOOD CONTROL PROJECT, CLEAR CREEK, TEXAS . � ��� gf MOTION: (Wood) To adopt Resolution #381 Cand send copiea as indicated , and to H-GAC) Second : Wicklander Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Resolution #481 A RESOLUTION ENDORSING HOUSE BILL 2301 RELATING TO CREATION, ADMINISTRATION, POWERS , DUTIES , OPERATIONS , AND FINANCING OF THE CLEAR CREEK WATERSHED DRAINAGE DISTRICT. ��1 � � MOTION: (Schrader) To adopt Resolution #481. Second : Wood , Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED PROPOSAL FROM HARRIS COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT - A letter has been received from this District offering to review plats and drainage plans in connection with new development for the City. Council authorized the Mayor to answer stating that this city declines the offer, that such reviews are done for Friendswood by the Clear Creek Drainage District . BELLAIRE REQUEST FOR OPPOSITION TO H. B. 2225 - This Council has been requested to go on record as opposing this bill which would require small cities to obtain written permission from the large city it bounds prior to taking any action which would in any manner restrict traffic to or from the larger city. Council was in agreement to support Bellaire in this request. A letter will be written and sent to legislators conveying this . ORDINANCES #81/3 - Rezoning a parcel of land from R-2 to R-4 to permit the building of a duplex centered on two lots - Final �l � � MOTION: (Brown) To adopt Ord. #81/3 on third and final reading, ' Second: Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #81/4 - Authorizing auctioning of unclaimed property by the Police Department after certain procedures - 2nd Reading MOTION: (Wood) To pass Ord. #81/4 on second reading. Second: Schrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �� / #81/5 - Ado tin Standard - p g Building Code lst permanent readin g ' MOTION: (Schrader) To pass Ord. #81/5 on first permanent ' reading Second: Brown Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #81/6 - Adopting 1976 Edition of Southern Standard Mechanical � Code with revision on Page l, a. Each Permit - from $5 . 00 to $10 . 00 - lst permanent reading ' MQTION : (Schrader) To pass Ord. #81/6 on first permanent reading with revision. Second : Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � #81/7 - Revisions to the Electrical Ordinance with correction i on Page 3 under Section 10 . 05 setting fee for permit at I $10 . 00 instead of $5 . 00 - lst reading. � � MOTION: (Schrader) To pass Ord. #81/7 on first reading � with correction. � Second: Wicklander � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Q #81/8 - Rezoning for Oil Well - lst reading MOTION: (Wood) To pass Ord. #81/8 on first reading. Second : Schrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL By unanimous vote , the following warrants were approved for payment : � General Fund _ Galveston County $ 9 930 . 00 Gulf Coast Portland Cement 7 ,953 . 20 Ike Hall, Inc. 49 ,286 . 10 International Disposal Corp. 3 939 . 28 � Water & Sewer Community Public Service 2 969 . 07 � CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION - Held under Sec. 2 (e) Art. 6252-17 VTCS. No action resulted from this meeting. ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded tha� the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. Cit�����'r{y"'"" �F--- APPROVED: � Mayor �