HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1981-02-16 Regular ' 113 li MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL February 16 , 1981 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, February 16 , 1981. , at 7 : 30 p.m. with the following members present : Mayor Dale Whittenburg City Manager Jim Morgan Councilmen : Mary Brown City Secretary Bobbie Henry Paul Maaz City Attorney John Olson Paul Schrader Loren Wood With a quorum present , and with Councilman Ed Zeitler absent , the following business was transacted : INVOCATION by Rev. Bill Sterling of the Church of the Good Shepherd. , � MINUTES of a regular meeting of February 2 , 1981 approved as � corrected. � ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE MAYOR � 1 . Order calling city officials election for April 4 . 2 . Proclaiming March 2-7 as Student Government Week. �[ 3 . Letter of resignation from Planning Commission from Dennis Holt. 4. Welcome to visiting students from San Jacinto Junior College. PRESENTATION OF 1979-g0 AUDIT AND FINANCIAL REPORT - Mr. Lairson of the City s auditing Firm revlewed briefly the contents of the reprot which he distrib.uted to Council . He indicated that the city' s financial condition and aceounting system are in good Icondition and in keeping with standards for municipal accounting. ! _. PUBLIC HEARING ON PUBLIC UTILITY REGULATORY POLICIES ACT OF 1978 This hearing was to cover ratemaking and. service standards #1 through #6 for electric service , these being (1) Cost of Service ; C.2 ) Declining Block Rates ; ( 3) Time-of-Day Rates ; (4) Seasonal Rates ; (5 ) Interrupible Rates ; and (6 ) Load Management Techniq�es . Required notice had been given to Community Public Service , Houston Lighting & Power Company. � CPS filed with the City a statement on each of the six rate � t� categories listed above. HL&P submitted a proposed resolution for consideration by the city. These two documents are on file in the ofti�e of the City Secretary for reterence when reporting to the PUC. No other statements were received. PETITIONS FROM THE PUBLIC 1. Mrs.. Brakebill, speaking For her father , Mr. Cleaves , protested the cutting down of 5 foot pine trees when the city had weeds mowed on their property. She claimed a loss of $2 , 000 ; Mr. Cleaves also protested the City` billing for $270 to cover cost of mowing. Mr. Morgan was instructed to investigate the matter further and bring a recommendation back to Council whieh would be _ fair and equitable to all concerned. 2 . Mrs . Pat Beam asked that Shady Nook be lePt open as an access ? ., to Autumn Hills Rest Home to afford parking space based on ��" J1 the �act that paving of Heritage and Quaker eliminated some of the Home ' s parking. She also stated that the alternate driveway to the service entrance to the home will not aecommo- date the delivery trucks , ambulance , fire truck , or garbage truck. Council encouraged her to discuss the situation with the residents on Shady Nook, with the help of the City Manager , to see if .some equitable agreement can be reached for use of the street. 114 CHIGGER CREEK - PROPOSAL BY BRAZORIA COUNTY DRAINAGE DISTRICT I N0. 3 TO INCREASE WATER FLOW INTO CHIGGER CREEK WATERSHED I��^, � MOTION: (Schrader) To authorize and direct the City � � q ` X � Manager and the City Attorney to file a complaint with 2 the Texas Department of Water Resources requesting i the following action : ' l. That the Brazoria Drainage District #3 cease con- � struction of additional water outlets under the Brazos River Authority canal. �� 2 . That the Brazoria Drainage District #3 take no �� further action which would have the effect of increasing the volume of water in Chigger Creek. Second: Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED REPORTS FROM COUNCIL MEMBERS l . Councilman Schrader reported that the next meeting with the Fire Department to discuss a contract with the City W.ill be held on March 16 . 2 . Couneilman Wood reported that the Highway Department will be present engineering plans on the FM 528 curve at the February 23 meeting. He also noted the flood meeting at the Houston Library this week. Councilman Schrader said that he plans to attend. 3 . Councilman Brown reminded Council oF a joint public hearing with P&ZC Thursday riight to consider rezoning of two parcels of land. ADMINI:STRATI"VE TTEMS FROM THE CITY MANAGER l. Mr. Morgan reported that the two bids received for a new police car were considered too high, and asked permission I(ti/�I to refuse all bids and advertise for bids again. `� MOfiIQN: (Maaz) To authorize the City Manager to go out for bids again for a police unit. Second: [�ood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �3"� + 2 . Mr. Morgan presented a letter from Powers Engineering offering to donate to the City a 1. 2 acre and a 3 . 8 acre tract of l�nd out of Regency Estates Subdivision for recreational purposes . The. 3 . 8 acre tract contains a hangar building which would also be donated. �ouncil requested that the City Manager make a cost study oF operating these additional facilities and report back to Council on his findings . �D/ CALLING HEARING ON REZONING REQUEST FROM L�THERAN CHURCH l $� MQTI:ON: (.Maaz ) To call a joint public hearing with P�ZC for March 16 to consider this request. Second : Schrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED TNCREASE IN LANDFILL PEES - Since the cities are to negotiate their rates with Browning-Ferris individually , Mr. Morgan was directed to contact other cities using the landfill to determine what they are proposing to pay. He will also contact Pearland about using their landfill again in the future . COUNTY-WI"IIS ENfS 'PROGR3�1M - Judge Ray Holbrook , by letter, is pro- posing that all cities in Galveston County form a county-wide EMS program. Council expressed satisfaction with the present city EMS operation , but referred the letter to Mr. Morgan for hi.s review. '' �.15 ORDINANCES #81/1-E - Revisions to Dog Orginance MOTION: (Schrader) To read this ordinance on an emergency �� basis so that it can be implemented immediately. /�/ Second : FTood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ' I #81/'1 - Revi'sions to Dog Ordinance - Second Permanent Reading ` MO'£ION: (Schrader) To amend Ordinance #81/1 as follows : �C{7/ Section 9 of Ordinance becomes Section 10 �/ Section 3-30 of Article II , Chapter 3 of the Friendswood City Code becomes Sec. 3-31 (Penal Provision) . New Section 9 of Ordinance. Section 3-30 of Article II , Chap�er.,3 of the Friendswood�i. City Code shall read a follows : i �-{ ''Section 3-30 Abandonment of Domestic Animals , �� Tt shall be unlawful for any person to abandon , cause to be abandoned, or permit the abandonment of any � � domestic animal. For the purposes of this Section , ' �( abandonment shall mena placing, leaving, or otherwise � deserting a domestic animal at a locatior� ather than I the premises of the somestic animal' s owner , and, where such domestic animal is required to rely upon itself for food , shelter , or care. " i Second: Wood Vote : Unaimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ' MOTION: CSchrader) To adopt Ord. #81/1 as amended on second� reading. Second: Wood � ry/ Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �� #81/2 - Rezoning for Church of Latter Day Saints - Second Reading MOTIpN: (Maaz ) To approve second reading of Ord. #81/2 . Second: 6'chrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following warrants were approved for payment : Gen. Fund #5583 - C. P. S. $3 ,003 . 52 5584 - Friendswood Building Co. 2 , 925 . 00 W�S Fund #298fl - �, p, g , 3 ,843 . 53 2990 - Gulf Boast Waste Disposal 11 , 991. 67 W'aste Disposal Fund #504 - Brown & Root , Inc. $152 ,560 . 87 505 - LEM Construction Co. 105 ,639 . 10 506 - Texas Sterling/E. P. Brady 50 ,509 . 2g (506 subject to receipt of a certificate of completion fnom the engineer) CLQSED EXECUTIVE SESSION (Sec. 2 (g) Art . 6252-17 VTCS) APPOINTMENT - Mayor Whittenburg, with Council concurrence , 3 �� a�� appointed Tom Haansz to the Planning & Zonning Commission to ` replace Dennis Holt. AA'JOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The m--'-'eeting was adjourned. ����� ��-�,� City Secretary � APPROVED : . . �r�.ox .. - Mayor "� �, — 1�� MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL i February 23 , 1981 A Special Meeting and Workshop of the City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, February 23 , 1981 , at 7 : 30 p.m. with I° the following members present : Mayor Pro-tem Paul Maaz City Manager Jim Morgan Councilmen : Ed Zeitler City Secretary Bobbie Henry , Loren Wood ' Mary Brown Paul Schrader With a quorum present , and with Mayor Whittenburg absent , the following business was transacted : ' � ' �� PRESENTATION BY JAYCEES - PARKS DEVELOPMENT PROJECT ' (� Charles Robertson and Francis Comeaux presented a proposal ', .5"^ �''� � whereby the Jaycees would develop and operate recreational � facilities on the property (including hanger) which has been � offered to the City out of Regency �states . Council requested i that the Jaycees attend the March 2 meeting to discuss the Imatter futher. ROBERT P. SUPINA, President of the Cowart Creek Civic Associa- tion, stated that Article II of the City Code , dealing with Flood Damage Prevention, is not being enforced, and on behalfi � o£ the Civic Association , he requested that this code be enforced. I Council asked the City Manager to investigat€��e situation and report back on March 2 when the matter wil��e.on the ag.� PAUL SELMAN OF THE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT pN.esented a preliminary drawing of rerouting for the curve on FM 528 , and stated that � r �1 � il final plans should be available in six weeks . He could give no , time schedule for actual work on straightening this curve , but he feels that it will be given a high priority as soon as the right-of-way is made available. He said that a four-lan� road with a turn median is in the 20-year plans of the Highway Dept . CLOSED �'XECUTIVE SESSION (Sec. 2 (g) Art. 6252-17 VTCS) F'ORMAL CREATZON AND APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEE TO STUDY FUTURE GROWTH 0'F£RTENDSWOOD � MOTION: (Schrader) To establish a committee to (1,) identify the goals and future character of the City ; (2 ) outline � the alternative land use plans : (3 ) assess their impact �" o� on the character, growth , zoning, fiscal and related i policies , and to appoint to the committee the following : Councilman Mary Brown, Chairman 3 �_ u7( � Leon Brown Charles Hooks Marvin Clark Bill Finger Skip Horn Gene Taylor , � Al 0' Farrell David Merrill I Lynn Chatham Lloyd Rathburn Dr. Bill Jones Ted Thomas (temporary from school) Second: Zeitler Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED COST EFFECTIVE PROGRAM - Mr. Morgan presented two suggestions he has received for cutting operating costs . He was directed to proceed with whatever suggestions he felt were practical which did not require Council action to implement , and to bring a recommendation on those which would call for Council action. 1�8 � PROCEDURE FOR HANDLING ZONING REQUESTS - Suggestions have been i made by the City Secretary and the Planning Commission for expediting these requests . These suggestions will be integrated, and the resulting prosedure presented to Council for approval and adopting a fee schedule. , REVISIONS TO CITY CODE - Council reviewed a number of pro- I posals from Council Members and City personnel regarding change� to the Code. These will be referred to the City Attorney for his review and possible rewriting. Several new ordinances proposed by the Police Department will also be reviewd by the Attorney to determine whether they are covered by State law. , ADJOURNMENT - Motion was made and seconded that the meeting I ad�ourn. The meeting was adjourned. ' �-7 I City Secretary APPROVED : It�. Mayor �