HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1980-12-01 Regular 89 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL December l , 1980 A Regular Meeting of the Priendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, December 1, I.1980 , at 7 : 30 p.m. with the following members present : Mayor Dale Whittenburg City Attorney John Olsan � Councilmen : Paul Schrader City Manager Jimi�IMorgan Viclki� Black City Secretary Bobbie Henry ' Paul Maaz _ Mary Brown Edward Zeitler Loren Wood With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following business was transacted; INVOCATION was given by Reverend Bob Sinclair , United Methodist � � READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of October 6 , October � 13 , and October 20 were all approved as corrected. �� ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE MAYOR - Mayor Whittenburg announced that a meeting has been set for December 9 for mayors of all the cities C( involved to meet with Councy officials to. discuss the proposed increase in fees for the landfill. He also announced that next Monday night , December 8 , he is asking Commissioner Hopkins and George MacDonald from the County to meet with Council and property owners involved in right-of-way needed for widening and turn lanes at the intersection of FM 528 and FM 518 . He hopes that this meeting will be the means of finalizing acqui- , sition of right-of-way for this project. PETITIONS - Bill Hursta , President of the Kingspark/Whitehall Civic Association , requested adjustment of sewer charges for the subdivision swimming pool. With initiation of the new rates based on water usage , their sewer charge is about $30 , and he stated that the restrooms are not being used and water from the pool empties into the storm sewer, so they feel this is an unfair charge . Council referred the matter to the City Manager who , after clarify- ing some of the points discussed, will make a recommendation back to Couneil. HOUSTON LI"G$TI'NG "& PO�IE'R R'ATE 'I:NCREA'SE - Resolution #14-80 and attached Rate Order authorizes HL�P to charge the rates approved by -fbhe PUC; however, should Houston secceed in getting this rate decreased for their citizens , the lower rate would also be used for HL&P customers in Friendswood. MOTION: (Wood) To approve Resolution #14-80 and accompanying Rate Order. /, Second : Zeitler C� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � LOAD LIMIT FOR D�VIL"S DIP BRIDGE - With construction to begin soon on the North Interceptor sewer line which will cross the creek at this bridge , Mr. Morgan recommends that a load limit be set which would prohibit heavy equipment , loaded dump trucks , ete. from going _ over the small bridge. MOTION: (Schrader) To adopt the City Manager' s recommendation and set a load limit of 5 , 000 lbs . for Devil 's Dip Bridge.� Second: Zeitler � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � Q 90 CITY MANAGER VACATION - Mr. Morgan has asked permission to carry over his remaining five days of vacation until January so that he can use the time while his son is on leave from boot camp. Cq�J� MOTION: (Maaz ) To approve the vacation request . V�� Second: Wood Vote : FOR ( 6 ) Maaz , Wood, Whittenburg, Black, Schrader , Brown AGAINST: Zeitler MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE ON NUCLEAR WASTE AND HAZARDOUS MATERIALS - The City � Attorney has requested permission to meet with the two committees involved and try to come up with an ordinance which will control storage of nuclear wast and transportation of hazardous materials within the City of Friendswood, hopefully all in one ordinance . Couneil approved Olson ' s meeting with these committees jointly to discuss the contents of the �rdinance . REPRESENTATION TO HOUSTON-GA�,VESTON AREA COUNCIL I� �' MOTION : (Maaz) To designate Councilman Wood as delegate and Councilman Schrader as alternate to HGAC General Assembly. Second: Black Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED HUMANE DEPARTMENT OPERATION - DOG ORDINANCE - in a eFfort to up- grade the department operations , Councilman Schrader introduced the following motions : MOTION: CSchrader) To have the City Manager negotiate proposed �� contracts for constructin� an indoor facility at the City Hall Annex adjacent to the existing outdoor pens , incorporat- ing these pens , work to be done under the supervision of the City Manager, with cost not to exceed $12 ,000 . City Manager to present proposed contracts to Council on December 15 for - decision. Second: Zeitler Vote : FOR (4) Schrader, Zeitler, Maaz , Wood --' AGAINST ( 3 ) Black, Brown , Whittenburg MOTION CARRIED � MOTION: (Schrader) To discontinue agreement with the SPCA at San Leon when this facility is operable. Second : Zeitler Vote : FOR (4) Schrader, Zeitler , Maaz , Wood AGAINST ( 3 ) Black, Brown , Whittenburg MOTION CARRIED `�� MOTION : (Schrader) Revise Chapter 3 , Art. II of the City Code , �� "Dogs and Other Pets ; Rabies Contxol" as follows : A. Extend the qu�arantine time from seven days to ten days . B. Require that rabies vaccinations be given by or under the control of a D.V .M. C. Delete all reference to voice or sight command except when animal is on owner' s property. D. Modify the language in Sec. 3-17 to require Humane Officer to "attempt to notify owner. " E. Increase the maximum penalty from $100 to $200 . Second : Wood - Vote : FOR (4) Schrader, Wood, Maaz , Whittenburg AGAINST ( 3 ) Zeitler, Black, Brown MOTION CARRIED �a�/QJ� MOTION: (Schrader) To initiate an ordinance to deal with soei abandonment of animals. Second : Zeitler Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � 91 MOTION: (Schrader) To adopt a resolution modifying the fee schedule as follows : �Q 7�lst pick-up $10 . 00 �� 2nd pick-up 20 . 00 3rd and subsequent pick-ups 30 . 00 Board fee per day 3 . 00 Second : Maaz �I Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ENFORCEMENT OF SIGN ORDINANCE - Enforcement of this ordinance was -- discussed, particularly on portable signs . Councilman Brown suggested that posting expiration date of the permit on the sign itself would make it possible to authorize a wrecker service to pick up the signs after that date and store them for a redemption fee to be paid by the owner of the sign. Council will request Planning Commission to call a public hearing to consider this change to the sign ordinance which is a part of the zoning ordinance. � Action will be taken at the next Council meeting. S'I RANCHO VEHJO II - ACCEPTANCE OF FACILITIES FOR MAINTENANCE - Mr. � Morgan advised Councll that all installations have been completed � and he recommended acceptance of the subdivision. � MOTION: (Black) To accept Rancho Vehjo II facilities for maintenance. /�� Second: Wood � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED REGENCY ESTATES - REQUEST FOR EXCEPTION - Developers have requested issuance of occupancy permits for four model homes prior to completion and acceptance of the entire subdivision. The request was denied. EXTENSION OF WATER LINE IN CLOVER ACRES - Residents on Westfield in Brazoria County (outside the city limits ) have requested that — they be permitted to run a line to that area from the existing water line on FM 2351. Mr. Morgan pointed out that rthis would make water available also to residents inside the city living on Westfield. MOTION : (Zeitler) To approve the request subject to the follow- ing conditions : _ry� �Y l. Cost of all labor and materials be borne by parties l other than the City of Priendswood. � 2 • Water line be a minimum of six inches . 3 . Construction and installation of line be in accordance with City spevifications . 4. City to prepa,re and pay for design. 5 . Customers outside City limits to pay one and one-ha1P times the regular rate charged inside City limits . Second : Maaz Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED COMMERCIAL GARBAGE COLLECTION - ADVERTISING FOR BIDS MOTION: (Wood) To authorize the City Manager to advertise for bids on commercial garbage collection. � Second : Schrader D/ Vote : FOR (6 ) Wood, Schrader , Whittenburg, Black , Maaz , Zeitler AGAINST: Brown ORDINANCE #80-18 ADOPTING REVISION TO STANDARD BUILDING CODE - Final MOTION: (Wood) To pass on third reading and finally adopt Ord. 80-18 . Second: Schrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Q� � - - � 92 WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following warrants were approved for payment : General Fund #5129 - TML Trust Fund $ 4 , 718. 87 W&S Fund #2830 - Gulf Caost Waste Disposal 9 ,151. 98 Waste Disposal Fund #495 - Engineering Science 57 ,025 . 17 496 - LEM Construction 151 ,394 . 16 CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION - Sec. 2 (g) Art . 6252-17 VTCS . No action was taken as a result of this meeting. i ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meet g was adjourned. � � c������_ City Secretary VED: � �,��, Mayor Dale Whittenb g WORKSHOP NOTES December 8 , 1980 A Workshop Session was held at 7 : 30 p.m. on Monday , December 8 , 1980 , with two subjects scheduled for discussion. Council Members present were : Mayor Dale Whittenburg — , Councilman Loren Wood Councilman Paul Schrader Councilman Mary Brown ACQUISITION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR INTERSECTION AT FM 518/528 - Al1 property owners involved were invited to be present to discuss the question with Council and with the County ROW Director, Mr. McDonald. Of the six property owners involved, Tom Manison , George Gillies , and a representative from Schneider-Moore attended the meeting. Mr. McDonald stated that an agreement has been reached with W. K. Wooters and the papers are now being prepared. None of the persons in attendance made a commitment , but each said they would be willing to talk with Mr. McDonald later in the week. REQUEST FOR INCREASE IN FEES FOR LAND FILL FROM BROWNING-FERRIS � The City has been notified through the Commissioners Court of this request and Mayor Whittenburg is to meet with other mayors tomorrow to discuss the matter. Council felt that the cities should have access to records which could justify such an increase , since it involves special dirt moving and amounted to approximately a 50% increase in the fees . The Mayor will bring up this point at the meeting. B. Henry , City Secretary