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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1980-11-03 Regular �1
November 3 , 1980
A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at
the City Hall on Monday , November 3 , 1980 , at 7 : 30 p.m. with the
following members present :
Mayor Dale Whittenburg City Attorney John Olson
i Councilmen: Mary Brown City Manager Jim Mongan
, Vickie Black Acting City Secretary Ruth Henry
Paul Schrader
Loren Wood
Paul Maaz
Ed Zeitler
With a quorum present , and the City Secretary absent , the following
business was transacted:
� INVOCATION - Rev. Paul Carroll , New Life Assembly Church
(� l. Retirement Home - Representatives from Crest Realty proposed
� rezoning of a parcel of land on FM 2351 to be used as a re-
Q tirement home by prospective purchasers ; however, they wish
a special dispensation to install 25 units per acre rather than
the 18 permitted in order to qualify for FHA funding. Council
explained that this would not be possible , but they would not
oppose the rezoning for lB units under the City zoning ordinance.
MOTION: (Black) To refer to the Planning Commission for their
consideration and calling of a public hearing. ��,�
Second: Sehrader y��
-- 2 . Community Appearance Board - Dr. Bill Jones , Doris Heard and
Tom Lay asked that cane be taken on the proposed commercial
garbage p�&ns to assure that the aity has control over the way
in which this work is done to assure that app�arance of the
business section is maintained.
A letter was also read from the Chamber of Commerce requesting
that opinions of the business people be considered in changing
the garbage service.
l. Rustic Lane Engineering Study - Malcolm Collins reported that
there are possi�ilities of alleviating some of the build-up
of water in the area during heavy rains , but none could be
implemented without transferring the extra water to other resident-
ial areas within the city. �utting Westfield down or install-
ing larger culverts under the road would be two of these methods .
He was asked to make a further study of the situation and return
to Council in two weeks .
2 . Fire Truck for Sunmeadow Station - Di�ssucussion continued on
financing of the truck with the City Attorney advising that funds
beyond the present fiscal year could not be pledged for the
! purchase
MOTION: (Schrader) To instruct the City Attorney to change
the date on the contract from October 1 , 1981 to . �j
September 30 , 1981 to stay in compliance with the law. �/�-
Second: Wood �
Vote : FOR (6 ) Schrader, Wood , Black , Maaz , Brown , Zeitler �CJ
3 . Johnson-Loggins IDitch Study - A statement of Work for this
study, written by the Clear Creek Drainage District , was
acceptable for presentation to Gerry Pate as part of the
guideline for his study of this problem. It will be submitted
to Mr. Jim Green of the Harris County Flood Control District
for further handling.
4. TML Reporting - Councilman Wood proposed that representatives
attending TML next week make reports back to Council on
information acquired which would be helpful to Friendswood. I
5 . Report of Public Utilities Regulatory Policies I
C��� MOTION : (Maaz ) To instruct the City Manager to set up dates
for public hearings in March on public utilities rate-
making process in compliance with the report .
Second : Zeitler
��� MOTION : (Zeitler) To authorize the Mayor to execute any
necessary reports relatice to this process .
Second: Schrader
Councilman Schrader reported on further study of evacuation patterns
during periods of disaster. He also proposed that the City look
again at maintaining its own dog paund and concentrate on more
stringent enforcement of the dog:-,ordinance.
Councilman 4doQd said that the Drainage District agrees that during
time of flooding, the city will be permitted the u5�e of their heavy
equipment . He also proposed that the City plan and participate in
a Student Government Day wherein students from the high school would
be initiated into the actual workings of city government For a day.
This has been done several times in the past .
On the Cost Reduction Program which he proposed recently , Councilman
Wood says he has discussed this with Mr. �`iMorgan as proposed by Council
with some encouraging results .
l. HL&P Rate Increase - HL&P , reports Mr. Morgan, is agreeable to
furnishing the Cisy with a bond to cover any possible overpayment
�'rom cus,tomers as a result of initiation of new rates which might
Fze in excess of those later approved by the Public Utility Comm.
2 . Letters to Customers Explaining New Sewer Rates - It is agreed
that s.uch a letter ehould be sent out with the next bills .
��� MQTIQN: (Wood) To authorize the Mayor to write and sign such
a letter and mail out with the next water and sewer bills .
Second : (.Maaz)
Vote : FOR (6) Wood , Maaz , Whittenburg, Black, Schrader, Zeitler
3 . B,razos River Authority � A letter from BRA advises that the
City's concern with the proposed enlargement of culverts under
their canal in Brazoria County would need to be resolved with
the Brazoria County Conservation and Reclamation District #3
before the project would be considered for approval by the BRA.
The Mayor will submit the city' s con�.cern and reguest for con-
sideration of Priendswood' s position on the project to the
District #3 .
Ord. #80/17 Changing zoning of prope�ty on Willowick from C-1
to R-2 - Third and final reading.
MOTION: (Wood) To approval on third reading and final !��
adoption of Ordinance #80/17. /^,
Second : Maaz c���
Vote : FOR (6 ) Wood , Maaz , Black, Whittenburg, Brown Schrader
� Ord. �80/18 Prohibiting Wood Shin les or Shakes on Multi-family
Dwellings Amending 1979 Edition of the Standard Bldg. Code)
MOTION: (Wood) To approve first reading of Ord. #80/18 .
Second: Zeitler
Ord. #80/19 Relating to Commercial Garba e Service - First Reading
� MOTION: (Zeitler) To table the ordinance for two weeks .
� Second : Black �b�
� Vo�e : FOR (5) Zeitler, B1ack , Whittenburg , Maaz , Wood � p
� AGAINST (2 ) Schrader , Brown MOTION CARRIED p�
� WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - The following warrants were unanimously
approved for payment:
General Fund : #4979 - Missouri . Pacific RR $ 3 ,111. 67
4980 - Motorola C&E 3 , 523 . 23
4981 - TML (Medical Ins . ) 4 , 681. 46
4982 - Wartex Oil 2 � 99� 2�
Water & Sewer #2791 - Gulf Coast Waste Disposal $55 ,132 . 93
2792 - Gulf Coast Waste Disposal 21 ,769 . 22
- ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned.
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City Secretary from pes and
notes )
�_�� !�-n��` *�,
Mayor Dale Whittenburg
November 3 , 1980
In conjunetion with the regular Council Meeting, a public
hearing was held, having been duly published and proper notice
having been given in accordance with zoning laws , jointly with �I
the Planning and Zoning Commission. Subject for the hearing '
was a request by Robert Doss for rezoning of a certain parcel
of land described as a 3 . 20 acre tract out of a 67 . 354 acre
tract of the B. T. Masterson Survey located partly in
Brazoria County and partly in Galveston County , said 3 . 20
acre tract being wholly within Galvestion County. He is asking
that the property be rezoned from R-1 to M-l.
No property owner within 200 feet of the tract appeared to
be heard at the hearing.
The Public Hearing was adjourned, with Planning & Zoning Com-
mission to reach a decision on the matter and make recommenda-
tion to Council. �