HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1980-07-07 Regular `39 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL July 7 , 1980 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, July 7 , 1980 , at 7 : 30 p.m. with the following members present : � ' Mayor Dale Whittenburg City Attorney John Olson Councilmen : Mary Brown City Manager Jim Morgan Paul Maaz City Secretary Bobbie Henry Ed Zeitler Loren Wood Paul Schrader Vickie Black With a quorum present, and with none absent , the following business � was transacted: � INVOCATION was given by Rev. Donald Isenberg , Church of the Nazarene . � READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting � of June 16 and notes from a workshop with the Drainage District ,d on June 9 , both approved as corrected. ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE MAYOR - Mayor Whittenburg announced that he has nominated Larry Bell to serve on the H-GAC Planning Commis- sion at request of Judge Ray Holbrook. PRESENTATION OF PLAQUES - The Mayor presented a plaque and name plate to former mayor Ralph Lowe , and a plaque , name plate and � portrait to former councilman Tom Lay. OPENING OF BTDS l. Since no �ids caere received on the portable sewer plant , Mr. Morgan asked that any action on this be deferred for later. 2 . For a signal light at Sunset and Spreading Oaks , the following I�ids were opened and read : Material : Jean M. Sales Ins . $3 , 069 . 66 Signal Engineering 2 625 . 00 , Installation: Statewide Signal & Elec. 1 ,500 . 00 B & E Corporation 3 440 . 00 Ashford Electric 4 , 500 . 00 MQTTON: (:Maaz) To refer the bids to the City Manager for tabu- �/�, . lation and recommendation. E� Second: Sehrader � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 3. Hike & Bike Trails bids were opened and read as follows : Friendswood Suilding Company $48 ,666 . 00 (Bond included) Metro Contractors 58 ,272 , 00 (No bond) �� MOTION: (Maaz1 To refe.r bids to the Cit Mana er >��,.�2r.-�zl�e�..�L�.�-r�-� — --- Second : Zeitler y g �"`"�,�, ,y���,,,,.,,,�,�k-lo-.- Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED f�p� PETITI'ONS '& COMMUNTCATIONS dQ EXXON representative Charles Keeble proposed that the City renew the Industrial District Contract which e'xpires September 15 , for whatever numHer of years the city desires , on the basis bf 50% of what taxes would be should the city annex the area. Council accept- ed the proposal and will take it under consideration. ri0TT0iv : (Wood) To evaluate t�e dat� and- try to bring_._to_ vote__ /�j next week. � Secon-d : Pfaaz VOTE : Unanimous F�R. MOTION CA$RIED � 40 PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION Chairman Bob Wicklander advised Council that his group is studying the subdivision ordinance for ways to regulate drainage in proposed subdivisions . Dave Ballard proposed a plan whereby the required park land reserve in these developments could be designed as "holding ponds" during high water and utilized as parks the rest of the time. P&ZC will be working with the Drainage District on developing a city-wide drainage plan as a part o£ their "Master Plan" revision. It was suggested that some $25 ,000 to $50 , 000 might be needed for engineering work in up-dating the city ` s master plan, -��� 1 i REZONING REQUEST FROM ERNIE MATT was referred to P&ZC; however, Council proposes. to call a public hearing jointly with P&ZC for August 4 to consider the subject. CLot on Willowick) PARKS BOARD request re SERA Park was deferred until next Monday night. PIPELINE REGULATIONS - Dennis Holt , member of P&ZC and active on the Pipeline Committee which has proposed various legislation dealing with pipelines , presented ordinances on excavation of land and restrictions on new pipeline easements and products transported through the city, both for Council consideration. CONSENT AGENDA MOTION: (Sehrader) Adoption of the consent agenda. Second : (Black) Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Items on the Conaent Agenda were : 1. Calling joint hearing with P&ZC for rezoning for retirement homes for July 17 . 2 . Approve letter refusing mutual aid fire agreement with Houston and surrounding cities . (Friendswood Fire Dept. prefers to sign individual agreements with various cities ) -- 3 . Authorize City Manager to request volunteer rationing of water by all citizens . 4. Authorize City Manager to pursue connecting Friendswood and Pearland water lines on FM 518 for emergency purposes . 5. Authorize setting of water and sewer rates and deposit fees by resolution rather than by ordinance. 6 . Authorize advertising for bids on the City-ownec� lot in Sunmeadow. 7. Appointment of Mark Faber as assistant Fire Marshal. CITY MANAGER REPORTS AND REQUESTS Mr. Morgan suggested three alternatives for commercial garbage pick-up, i. e. (.l) issuance of a franchise to one company; (2 ) signing a contract with one company; or (3 ) licensing of any private collector caho can meet the city ' s minimum requirements . He also suggested that Council consider having residential garbage collection tI� by contractors rather than by the city. 'F/�1� MOTION : (Brown) To look into licensing and regulations for commercial garbage collection. Second: Zeitler Vote : FOR ( 6) Brown, Zeitler, Maaz , Wood, Schrader , Black AGAINST : (1) Mayor Whittenburg MOTION CARRIED Out-of-state conference for Fire Marshal - For this conference , i cost to the City would be 219 . 00 . Mr. Morgan questioned the breaking of a policy not to underwrite out-of-state conferences � for city personnel , and asked for Council opinion. `� I� MOTION: (Maaz) To authorize attendance of the Fire Marshal to [ the meeting based on the low cost to the city. Second: Wood Vote : FOR (.6 ) Brown , Whittenburg, Maaz , Wood, Schrader , Black AGAINST: Zeitler MOTION CARRIED **Council aske.d P&ZC to bring in one or two master planning firms , to i:nform Council of work required and approximate cost to up-date City' s Comprehensive Plan. 41 REPORTS FROM COUNCIL 1. Councilman Wood endorsed the comprehensive plan study by P&ZC and presented some proposed steps for the study. He also presented the names of new officers of the Drainage Board. 2 . Councilman Maaz reported that plans for surface water for , , the five interested entities are prqgressing , with a contract ' proposal for'`AUr�h � � -�---- �---- - i expected by I August. The group is now discussing engaging Gulf Coast _ Waste Disposal Authority as agent for all five entities to do engineering and installation of the line at a fee of 1% , prorating the cost among all parties . �°a contract with Gulf Coast . 3 . Fire truck for Sunmeadow - Councilwoman Black discussed paying for a truck through donations , making collection via water bills , and what would be done if only part of the cost of a truck was received by donations . Unwilling to commit the city '� to pay the full amount of shortage after donations , the consensus � was that they would consider a lease-purchase arrangement. � FVFD representatives stated that they have had an offer of a � truck for $95 , 000 with 90-day delivery, and could furnish a � lease-purchase contract for examination by the City Attorney. Council expressed willingness to proceed with the volunteer � donation trial for 90 days while awaiting delivery of the truck, if contracted for. The Attorney stated that a lease- purchase arrangement might necessitate getting bids . 4. Councilmen Schrader and Brown are making a review of the Code of Ordinances , and requested in-put from city personnel or Council Members as to improvements and changes that should be made to the code . ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS RESOLUTION #9-80 - RESOLVING BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS THAT THE CHANGES IN RATES FOR ELECTRIC SERVICE G+IITHSN THE CITY AS PROPOSED BY HOUSTON LIGHTING & POWER COMPANY TO BECOME EFFECTIVE AUGUST 5 , 1980 , BE SUSPENDED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS BEYOND SAID PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE , UNTIL DECEMBER 3 ,, 1980 , SUBJECT TO AN ADDITIONAL SUSPENSION OF UP TO 30 DAYS SEYOND SAID DATE UPON FURTHER RESOLUTION OF THTS COUNCIL. MOTI'QN: (.Black) For adoption of Resolution #9-80 . /� Second : Wood �/� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 'CJ ORDINANCE #80-3 CHANGING ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN MIRACLE MILE SUBDIVISION FROM R-1 TO R-3 - Second Reading MOTION: (Zeitler) To adopt #80-3 on second reading. Second : Schrader Vote : FOR (6 ) Zeitler, Schrader, Maaz., Whittenburg, Wood , Brown AGAINST: Black MOTION CARRIED � ORDINANCE #80-4 CHANGING ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN MIRACLE ! j MILE SUBDIVTSION FROM R-1 to R-4 - Second Reading. MOTION: (Zeitler) To adopt Ord. #80-4 on second reading. Second: Maaz �/� Vote : FOR (.5 ) Zeitler, Schrader, Maaz , Whittenburg , Wood AGAINST (.2 ) Blacl�, Brown MOTION CARRIED ORDINANC'E #80-5 CHANGING ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN MIRACLE MILE SUBDIVISION FROM R-1 to C-1 - Second Reading. MOTION: (Zeitler) To adopt Ord. #80-5 on second reading. � Second : Schrader ra�7 , Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Q�l 42 ORDINANCE #80-6 ESTABLISHING REGULATIONS FOR FOOD HANDLING AND REQUIRING PERMITS ; PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT AND FIXING PENALTIES. ���'� MOTION: (Zeitler) To pass on third reading and finally adopt Ordinance #80-6 . Second : Schrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE #80-7 AMENDING SECTION 18-3 (a) , CHAPTER 18 I OF THE CITY CODE, ESTABLISHING MONTHLY WATER RATES . i "�� MOTION : (Schrader) To pass on third reading and finally adopt Ordinance #80-7 . Second : Black Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE #80-8 ESTABLISHING A FEE OF TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS FOR ALL APPLICATIONS TO THE BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT WHEN A PUBLIC HEARING IS REQUIRED. Second Reading MOTION: (:Schrader) To pass Ord. #80-7 on second reading. Second : Wood Vote : FOR (6 ) Schrader , Wood, Black, Maaz , Brown , Whittenburg AGAINST: Zeitler MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE #80-9 CHANGTNG THE NAMES OF CERTAIN PUBLIC STREETS Second reading. MOTION; (.Zeitler) To pas.s Ord. #80-9 on second reading . Secorid : Schrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED __ ORDINANCE #80-10 SETTING STANDARDS FOR PRIVATE SEWAGE �I FACI:LITIES; PROVIDING FQR LICENSING , PERMITS , FEES , ENFORCE- MENT , APPEALS , AND A PENALTY. First reading. MOTION: (Black) To pass Ord. #80-10 on first reading. Second: Schrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION pursuant to Sec. 2 (g) Art. 6252-17 of VTCS - No action resulting from meeting. WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote of the Council, the following warrants were approved for payment : General Fund 1 D - Texas, A&M Business Office 800 . 00 #4226 - La Quinta Motor Inn - : :,i $ 893 . 36 4227 - Alvin Equipment 1 , 564 . 00 4228 - Baker & Taylor Company 723 . 50 4229 - Bell Telephone Co. 1, 530 . 68 4230 - Claude Wright & Associates 1 ,183 . 45 4231 - Coenco , Inc.- 598. 00 4232 - CPS 2 , 567 . 51 4233 - W. S. Darley � Co. 597 . 40 4234 - Factory Sales Uniform Co. 581. 70 4235 - Gloger Tractor 1,480 . 50 � 4236 - International Disposal Corp. 2 484 . 86 4237 - JMB Tire Co. �813 . 84 4238 - Morris Office Supply 1 279 . 32 4246 - Rosenberg Library Association 2 �169 . 91 4240 - South S�de Camera 1 , 013 . 55 4241 - TML Woekmen ' s Compensation Fund 947. 00 4242 - TML Woekmen ` s Compensation Fund 3 194 . 00 4243 - Wartex Oil Co. 6 ,618 . 37 4244 - Whites Home-Auto 543 . 47 4245 - J. Lee Construction Co. 2 ,368 . 50 43 Water & Sewer Fund #2526 - CPS $ 6 ,576 . 60 2527 - David Rent Co . 564. 00 2528 - Dixie Chemical Co. 950 . 00 2529 - TML Workmen' s Compensation Fund 555 . 00 i � Capital Projects Fund , #1038 - Decorative Carpets , Inc. 12 , 323 . 00 - 1039 - Coenco, Inc. 1, 856 . 00 Water & Sewer Construction Fund #1838 - Petromas , Inc. 1 , 919 . 54 Waste Disposal Fund � #467 - Engineering Science 1,457 . 60 � 468 - LEM Construction 474 , 806 . 18 (� 469 - Texas Sterling Construction 13 , 772 . 94 (!� 470 - Texas Sterling Construction 17 ,575 . 00 � Coenco, Inc. 2 , 918 . 10 � Revenue Sharing Fund checks #2406 to Skrla, Inc. and #2407 to Coenco, Inc. were not approved pending further inspection of the job. ADJOURNMENT - Motion was made that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. , I _ ' `�`+-�-e V ��c�LC. City Secretar`-�� APPROVED: �� Mayor Dale Gdhittenbur �