HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1980-06-16 Regular 35 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSL400D CITY COUNCIL June 16 , 1980 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday , June 16 , 1980 , at 7 : 30 p.m. with the following members present : � � Mayor Pro-tem Paul Maaz City Attorney John Olson ' Councilmen: Loren Wood City Manager Jim Morgan �._ Mary Brown City Secretary Bobbie Henry Ed Zeitler Paul Schrader Vickie Black With a quorum present , and with Mayor Whittenburg absent , the following business was transacted with Mayor Pro-tem Maaz chair- ing the meeting: �"� ,� INVOCATION was given by Rev. Norman Fry , First Baptist Church � READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of June 2 and a Special Meeting of June 9 approved as corrected. °� Minutes of the workshop session on June 9 are to be presented Q for approval at the next meeting. PUSLIC HEARING ON REVENUE SHARING FUNDS - For this second hearing on this subject, Mr. Morgan explained that these are funds which have previously been budgeted for street repairs and are now being considered for transPer to capital projects on streets to pay an overage on the street bond program. No comments were forthcoming , so the public hearing was closed. REPORTS FROM TH'E COUNCIL i_ Councilman Wood reported on the last meeting with the Drainage District which included clarification on some points from the workshop last week. These will be incorporated into the minutes of that meeting. The District also encouraged city representa- tion to the Clear Lake Council of Mayors . (Their present by-laws permit membership by cities touching on the lake) He reported that Counseling Service has an active summer program and YNOC has their job placement operation going and anyone needing a teen-ager to work can cal1 .482-3470 . Councilman Schrader, representative to the Regional Flood Task Force , said he will be attending a meeting Saturday when the group will discuss coo�dination of the various drainage plans . � Councilwoman announced a meeting at the Fire Station Tuesday evening for those interested in working with a committee to secure donations for a fire truck. TENTATTVE AWARD OF BID ON AC'CE'SS ROAD TO BLACKHAWK PLANT - Bids were opened at the C�ty Hall on June 10 , and a letter from David Guggemos of Engineering Science tabulated the bids and made recommendation on award. iMOTION : (Schrader) That the contraet be tentatively awarded __ to Brown and Root , Inc. as low bidder at $613 ,360 . 00 /�� contingent on approval by EPA. �j� Second: Wood 0 Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTIQN CARRIED SALE OF OLD CITY CARS MOTION : (Schrader) To sell the 1973 Dodge for $100 and the 1976 Dodge for $150 as bid by Frank Eastep , on recommenda-��/ tion of the City Manager. �� Second: Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED - 36 ACCEPTANCE OF RANCHD VEHJO II - All facilities have been com- pleted exeept testing of water lines . This will have to wait until the water line down FM 518 to service the subdivision has been completed. This line is being contracted by the City with the Developer sharing in the cost , and incompletion of the line is due to city problems and is in no way the fault of the developer. � n`rn` MOTION: (.Zeitler) To accept Rancho Vehjo with the stipula- � l�� tion that no occupancy permit will be granted until water lines have been tested; that a letter so stating be filed with the subdivision plat to inform prospective purchasers of this condition. Second: Black Vote : FOR (5 ) Zeitler, Black , Maaz , Wood, Schrader ,�,�; .;�,, AGAINST: Brown MOTION CARRIED MIRACLE MILE SUBDIVISION - The three ordinances pertaining to rezoning for Miracle Mile were withheld from the agenda o.� the request of the developer; it was placed back on the agenda at the request of Councilman Brown. A discussion on this subject prompted the City Attorney to state that when an ordinance has been read on first reading, it must appear on subseguent agendas for regular meetings until it is finally adopted unless it is withheld by a vote of the Council. At the request of Councilmen Brown and Wood, Mr. Morgan had prepared and read a report on the financial impact of this sub- division , fully developed , on services of the City. Then the following motion was made : �^�„ MOTION: (.Black) To table the three ordinances pertaining to �_��.�� Qf'� the Miracle Mile subdivision to permit further study of ��� the impact report. - Second: Schrader Vote : �n �� FOR ; � MOTION CARRIED 7'a��9/��lY$��°, j�, 1'OlJ/Y ORDI.NANCES �1ZEAD #80/6 - Food Handling Regulations - Second Reading MOTION : (Black.) To approve second xeading of Ord. #80/6 . Second : Schrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #80/7 - Es.tablishing monthly water rates - Second Reading MOTION: (.Schrader) To approve second reading of Ord. #80/7 . Second : Zeitler Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #'80/8 - Establishing Board of Adjustment Fee - First Reading MOTION: (Woad1 To approve first reading of Ord. #80/8 . Second: Black Vote : FCR ( 5) Wood, Black , Maaz , Schrader�,: B.rown AGAINST : Zeitler MOTION CARRIED #80/9 - Changing Names of Certain Streets - First Reading i MOTION: (Wood) To approve first reading of Ord. #80/9 , � 8econd : Zei��er Vote : FOR (6 ) Wood, Black, Maaz , Sch�.ader , Brown , Zeitler AGAINST: None MOTION CARRIED "'`"'�APPROVAL OF QUAKERS GLEN SEWER LINES - Lines in this small subdivision have passed inspection but the system is inoperable due to its dependence on some uncompleted sewer work in Regency Estates . � 3'7 MOTION: (Black) To accept the subdivision with the stipulation that no building permits will be issued until the ��� sewer system is operational , and that a letter so / stating be filed with the recorded plat for the ���� protection of prospective buyers . Second: Schrader Vote : FOR ( 5 ) Black , Schrader, Zeitler, Maaz , Wood I I A6AINST : Brown MOTION CARRIED I WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - Motion made and seconded that the __ following warrants be approved for payment : General Fund: #4102 - Albritton Trucking $ 1, 022 . 34 4103 - Alvin E quipment 936 . 56 4104 - Bay Concrete Products 1 , 343 . 10 4105 - Claude Wright & Associates 608 . 09 4106 - Coenco, Inc. 5 ,432 . 00 4107 - Emergency Products 724. 00 ,� 4108 - Galveston County Health Fund 747 . 91 � 4109 - Gemeg Oil Co. 418 . 31 � 4110 - General Electric 1, 087 . 00 4111 - Gulf Division-Ashland Warren 523 . 25 � 4112 - Hill Sand Company 8 ,991 . 80 � 4113 - Ike Hall, Inc. 22 , 643 . 08 �( 4114 - I .B.M..�. Qorporation 1 , 386 . 66 4115 - Jones Air Compressor 1 ,391. 00 4116 - Olson & Olson 600 . 00 4117 - The Rohan Co. 2 ,060 . 62 4118 - Texas Industrial Sev. 617 . 63 4120 - TML Workmen ' s Comp Fund 2 ,143 . 56 4119 - TML Insurance Trust 3 , 816 . 36 4121 - Wartex Oil 6 ,209 . 62 j W&S Fund: 2503 - IBM Corporation 693 . 34 1 2504 - Lone Star Meter Sev. 543 . 60 -- 2505 - Maintenance Engineering 1 , 379 . 78 2506 - R&R Truck & Trailer Repair 641. 20 2507 - TML Insurance Trust Fund '74g , �� 2508 - TML Workmen' s Comp Fund 658 . 76 2509 - Utility Supply Co . 948 . 18 W&S Construction Fund: #1837 - Petromas , Inc. 1,941. 19 Waste Disposal Fund: 465 - Coenco , Inc. 971. 00 466 - Houston Chronicle 1 , 612 . 68 Capital Projects Fund : 1034 - Coenco , Inc. 2 ,223 . 00 1035 - Skrla, Inc. 11 , 805 . 59 ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. ��� � ��� City Secretary APPROVED: l_ � """" ��.;��i:� Mayor Dale Whittenbur