HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1980-06-02 Regular 29 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL June 2 , 1980 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, June 2 , 1980 , with the following members present : i Mayor Dale Whittenburg City Attorney John Olson ' Councilmen : Paul Maaz City Manager Jim Morgan - Paul Schrader City Secretary Bobbie Henry Mary Brown Loren Wood Vickie Black Edward Zeitler With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following busi- � ness was transacted: q—{ INVOCATION - Rev. Karl Newman, Friends Church � �r READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting � of May 19 and of a Special Meeting of May 26 , both approved as corrected. � ANNOUNCEMENT - Mayor Whittenburg announced that communication.- with FEMA is continuing on funds to rebuild flood damaged streets and he is still working with the County regarding surfacing of certain streets in the city. OPENING OF BIDS ON MOVING SEWER PLANT - The following bids were opened and read by the Mayor � i � Phillips Crane & Rigging Co . $44 , 500 . 00 ' ._.' General Weldzng & Fabricating 12 101. 00 Boyd Naegeli , Inc. 11 ,000 . 00 Mayor Whittenburg proposed that since the vital need for this plant is pass.ed, that in lieu of spending money on moving this $2500 plant , it might be wise to salvage any usable motors and parts and sell the tank where i� is . Council vo.iced no opposi- tion to this idea. MOTION: (Zeitler) To refer the matter to the City Manager for study and recommendation back to Council. �O Second : Schrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED PETITTONS & COMMUNICATIONS l. Glen Summers appeared before Council to protest scheduling of an additional softball league for play on Monday nights rather than making them a part of the existing men' s league. This decision had been made by the Parks Director and/or Parks and Recreation Board. The Mayor, speaking for the Council , asked that the problem be carried back to the Board in the hope that any disagreement could be resolved at that leval. ; He also emphasized that local groups should be given priority � on use of city recreational facilities . 2 . The Parks Board asked permission to request a "letter of retroactivity" from the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department which would enable the City to negotiate , if they so desire , for purchase of SERA Park without jeopardizing the possibility of a 50% grant through the State. This is a formality and in no way obligates the City to move forward on such a purchase. MOTION: (Maaz ) To approve the request of the Parks Board. �4;/� Second: Zeitler Vote : FOR ( 6 ) Maaz , Zeitler , Black, Schrader; Wood, Wnittenburg. AGAINST: Brown MOTION CARRIED 30 CONSENT AGENDA MOTION : (Wood) To adopt the Consent Agenda with Item 5 amended(to eliminate from the present bid the sidewalk on Sunset) . Second : Maaz Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED These items were : I l. 518 Water Line - Because the City has been unable to acquire right-of-way outside the State Highway ROW,. permission has been obtained to lay this line in the State ROW. Petromas Engineering is altering the plans for relocation of the line. This item was by way of information only. 2 . Calling public hearing on June 9th and 16th for reappro- priation of Revenue Sharing funds originally budgeted for street construction , now proposed to be used to cover the over-run on Skrla' s contract for streets and bridges under the bond project. Authorization to call hearings requested. 3 . Budget Calendar - Mr. Morgan outlined his plan for presenta- tion of his proposed calendar and scheduling department heads to meet with Council on budget matters ; also proposed was calling public hearing on the budget for August 11. 4 . Signal control for traffic at Sunset and Spreading Oaks - Cost approximately $5 ,000 ; Morgan proposes to transfer this amount from street materials budget. Couneil concurred. 5 . Author3zation to advertise for bids on bike trails from the Atrium Building walk to Sunset on the north side of Spreading Oaks and from FM 518 to Woodlawn on the north side of Shadow- bend. The Sunset walks will be a separate bid after deter- I mination has been made on a bridge on Sunset. 6 . Resolution #9-80 gives the Clear Creek Drainage District an easement across 1776 Park for use as a high-water by-pass on Clear Creek. REPORTS AND OTHER BUSINESS 1. Malcolm Collins presented a "Preliminary Cost Estimate" on storm sewer improvements in Sunmeadow Subdivision totaling $178 , 015 with alternates which would reduce the amount to $141,495 . Mr. Morgan proposed that funds remaining in the drainage budget would cover removal of inlet plates and replacing these with grates (estimated to cost $4 ,200 ) which Council felt would considerably improve drainage in Sunmeadow and should be done as quickly as possible. � �t$b MOTION : (Schrader) To replace the plates with grates as outlined, utilizing drainage funds for the work. Second: Maaz Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 2 . Ken Camp reviewed briefly standard operations procedure for various city personnel and reported on the progress of the County-wide preparedness program which includes a series of flood gauges located on the Creek. I 3 . PROPOSED BOND ELECTION - Jan Jordan of Underwood-Neuhaus discussed the proposed street bond election, noting that a $1, 500 , 000 issue would necessitate a 15� tax increase. She outlined work which needs to be done prior to actually calling an election. Councilman Maaz suggested that the election be delayed pending receipt of more defined information on surface water, citing the possibility of presenting a bond issue for both streets and water on the same ballot. This met with general approval from Council. 31 4. MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT FOR USE OF PERSONAL CAR BY CITY EMPLOYEES MOTION : (Zeitler) To increase the mileage reimbursement 9(� from 15� to 20� . 7� Second : Schrader / Vote : FOR ( 5) Zeitler, Schrader , Whittenburg , Wood, Maaz �� AGAINST: Black, Brown � � WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote, the following warrants were approved for payment : General Fund #3981 - Automatic Date Processing $ 600 . 21 3982 - Albritton Trucking 2 , 062 . 06 3983 - C & M Landscape 2 ,591 . 30 3984 - Hunter Chemicals 965 . 79 3985 - Morris Office Supply 1, 089 . 13 3986 - Mustang Auto Supply 639 . 75 y°� 3987 - Wartex Oil Co . 1 ,162 . 66 � 3988 - Olson & Olson 7 ,820 . 00 � W&$ Fund #2478 - CPS 1 ,849 . 37 � Cap. Projects Fund `� #1032 - Skrla , Inc . 11, 800 . 00 � W&S Construction Fund #1836 - Texas Securities 25 ,000 . 00 ORDINANCES #80/2 - Alcoholic beverages in parks - Third & final reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 13-56 OF THE FRIENDSWOOD A� CITY CODE TO PROHIBIT THE POSSESSION OR CONSUMPTION OF h ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WITHIN A PARK WHILE PARTICIPATING L� OR ATTENDING ANY ORGAINZED ATHLETIC EVENT OR PRACTICE SESSION FOR AN ORGANIZED ATHLETIC EVENT; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF ANY AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS C $200 . 00 ) . MOTION : (Wood) To pass on third reading and adopt Ord. #80/2 . Second ; Schrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #80/3 - Rezoning Miracle Mile from R-1 to R-3 - First reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ORDINANCE N0. 291, PASSED AND APPROVED ON NOVEMBER 7 , 1977 AND KNOWN AS THE ZONTNG ORDINANCE OF THE CTTY, BY CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN PARCELS QF LAND FROM R-1 to R-3 ; CHANGING THE ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. MOTION : (Zeitler) To pass Ord. #80/3 on first reading Second : Maaz Vote : FOR (4) Zeitler, Maaz , Schrader, Whittenburg AGAINST (3 ) Black , Brown , Wood MOTION CARRIED #80/4 - Rezoning Miracle Mile from R-1 to R-4 - First reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ORDINANCE N0. 291, PASSED AND APPROVED ON NOVEMBER 7 , 1977 AND KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY, B1' CHANGING THE ZONING OF A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND FROM R-1 to R-4 ; CHANGING THE ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. MOTION: (Zeitler) To pass Ord. #80/4 on first reading. Second: Maaz Vote : FOR (4 ) Zeitler , Maaz , Schrader, Whittenburg AGAINST (3 ) Black , Brown , Wood MOTION CARRIED 32 #80/5 - Rezoning Miracle Mile from R-1 to C-1 - First reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ORDINANCE N0. 291 , PASSED AND APPROVED ON NOVEMBER 7 , 1977 AND KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY, BY CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN PARCELS OF LAND FROM R-1 to C-l : CHANGING THE ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY; AND PROVIDING FOR OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. MOTION: (Zeitler) To approve first reading of Ord. #80/5 . - Second: Maaz Vote : FOR (4 ) Zeitler, Maaz , Schrader, Whittenburg AGAINST ( 3 ) Black, Brown , Wood MOTION CARRIED #80/6 - Food handling regulations - First reading AN ORDINANCE DEFINING FOOD, POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS FOOD, FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENT , TEMPORARY FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISH- MENT, REGULATORY AUTHORITY, UTENSILS , EQUIPMENT , ETC. ; PROVIDING FOR THE SALE OF ONLY SOUND, PROPERLY LABELED FOOD; REGULATING THE SOURCES OF FOOD; ESTABLISHING SANITARY STANDARDS FOR FOOD, FOOD PROTECTION, FOOD SERVICE PERSONNEL,, FOOD SERVICE OPERATIONS , FOOD EQUIPMENT AND UTENSILS , SANITARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS , AND OTHER FACILITIES ; REQUIRING PERMITS FOR THE OPERATION OF FOOD SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS ; REGULATING THE INSPECTION OF SUCH ESTABLISHMENTS ; PROVIDING FOR THE EXAMINATION AND CONDEMNATION OF FOOD; PROVIDING FOR THE EXAMINATION AND CONDEMNATION OF FOOD; PROVIDIN� FOR INCORPORATION BY REFERENCE OF THE TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, DIVISION OF FOOD AND DRUGS "RULES ON FOOD SERVICE SANITATION 301. 73 . 11. 001 - . 011" ; AND PROVIDING FOR THE ENFORCEMENT OF THIS ORDINANCE , AND THE FIXING OF PENALTIES . MOTION: (Maaz ) To pass on first reading Ord. #80/6 . Second : Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED I #80/7 - Establishing monthly water rates - First reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 18-3 (a) OF CHAPTER 18 OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY CODE ; AND ESTABLISHING MONTHLY WATER RATES FOR CUSTOMERS CONNECTED TO THE CITY' S WATER SYSTEM. MOTTON: (Schrader) To pass Ord. #80/7 on first reading. Second : Zeitler Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION (Sec. 2 (g) Art. 6252-17 VTCS) Following this session , the following action was taken : q�'Q /� MOTION : (Schrader) To appoint Larry Smith and Dr. Jim 0�.� Bowman to the Radioactive Materials Committee. Second : Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. ��=�e�� /�� s �-�--� yG�G City Secretary APPROVED: � Mayor Dale Whit nb rg 4