HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1980-05-19 Regular 23 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL May 19 , 1980 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, May 19 , 1980 , at 7 : 30 p.m. with the following members present : iMayor Dale Whittenburg City Attorney John Olson Councilman Paul Maaz City Manager Jim Morgan Councilman Ed Zeitler City Secretary Bobbie Henry Councilman Loren Wood Councilman Paul Schrader Councilwoman Vickie Black Councilwoman Mary Brown(arrive late in the meeting) With a quorum present , and with Councilwoman Brown absent during � the first part of the meeting, the following business was trans- � acted: (� INVOCATION was given by Rev. John Barfield of the Methodist Church. � READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular meeting � of May 5 and of a Special Meeting of May 12 were approved as Pr �P'F'X��S corrected. G G� °� ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 't�'� ,�c`� ('�rowrV d�m11A� � G��� 1. The Mayor and Councilman Schrader/1attended a meeting/ last week with the Corps of Engineers� and it is their opinion that if the three sponsors , Galveston and Harris Counties and the Brazoria Drai:nage District remain united, that the Corp ' s � ten year flood plan will be implemented. 2 . A flood meeting is being held tonight in Sagemont and the Mayor has asked a representative to attend this meeting. 3 . Mayor Whittenburg has asked Councilman Schrader to serve on the Mayor' s Task Force. There will be a meeting of this group on Thursday of this week. 4. Schrader, before being elected to the Council , was serving on the Disaster Preparedness Committee . Mayor Whittenburg appointed Gail Buckner to replace him on this committee. 5 . The Mayor, Engineer pon Roberts , and Public Works Director Melvin Meineke will meet with Commissioner Paul Hopkins Tuesday to discuss the wark the County has committed to do on certain city streets . OPEN BI:DS ON OLD CITY VEHICLES - No bids were received , and Mr. Morgan asked for permission to advertise again for bids . MOTION: (Maaz) To authorize advertising for bids again on these �' vehicles . �� Second : Zeitler p� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS � l. Members o£ the Jaycees asked permission to lease the small city park area in Dunbar Estates , their plan being to install play equipment and maintain the park, and at some future time to build a meeting room for the Jaycees and other groups. The Attorney said the city can not enter into a lease for this property burt could sign a maintenance contract with them for the installations so long as the meeting room was available to other groups in the city. Mr. Morgan is to pursue the matter with the Jaycees . 2 . Bruce Kimmel presented a check from the Lion' s Club to the Police Department for pamphlets and printed matter covering safety education to be distributed as a part of the PD safety 24 program. Pledges were also made by Mayor Whittenburg and Councilmen Maaz and Zeitler to the program. SPECIAL REPORTS l. Councilman Wood has contacted the members of the Hike and Bike Committee and submitted a list of those who wish to continue to serve. These are : Joe Tennison , Ed Balaam, ; Charles Baumgardner, Patricia Riley , Sandy Anderson , Ken � Truman, Levenia Belan, and Janet Berthiaume. Dave Ballard , ' who is doing the engineering for the bike trails , will make a report to Council next week on these plans . 2 . Councilman Wood also reported that the Clear Creek Drainage District plans to meet in a workshop with Council on June 9 to jointly discuss the future flood plans . 3 . Malcolm Collins presented results of his study of drainage in Sunmeadow with a drawing indicating the points of inade- quacy in the system. He was requested to make a cost estimate for the recommended improvements to inlets and storm sewers . No work is planned for the renovation of Chigger Creek at this time. 4 . Status report on various projects which have been referred to the City Attorney : Mr. Olson stated that he is reviewing and preparing ordinances on water tap fees , street name changes , and subdivision ordinance revisions. He is also to write a contract to be executed with the Fire Department and pursue the law-suit regarding street right-of-way on Winding Way at the old creek crossing. The use of service station driveways as used car lots was discussed but it was decided that this problem may be diminishing and possibly no action will be necessary. 5 . Fire Equipment - Discussion revolved around methods of equiping the Sunmeadow Station with one truck from the central station plus a mini-pumper which can be purchased for about $21 ,000 . Mr. Morgan will discuss this possibility w{ithx�the Fire Department(.?. Donations were also discussed. (IirE VG`i','. Ir'L'COrv�(v�'N�l���oKS 'T[a t' �cIJ\ PMEr�� C���G{��c�. � 6 . Water Line to Clover Acres - D�iscussion included possibility of property owner participation through furnishing of labor and/or equipment, It was also proposed that Mora, who is presently installing a sewer line in this subdivision , also lay the water line , but the most likely suggestion was that the city purchase the material and Utility Department workers install the line. This will be discussed again on June 9 . APPOINTMENTS C12r,�.,_ MOTION: CFlood) To appoint Dr. Richard Conway as City Health a� Officer for another �u Year. CS�K�i, 19Sn to 3„�rc_. l � �98t� Second: Zeitler Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Board of Adjustment appointments will be discussed next week. Nuclear Waste Study Committee - Mayor Whittenburg appointed I Gl,r��� mr��{ Fred Krch, Jim Wells , and Glenda Roberts to explore the , nuclear waste question in Friendswood. He asked for Council ratification of this appointment. MOTION : (Wood) To ratify the appointments to a Nuelear �/r�� rt� Waste Committee. a��� �b Second : Maaz Vote : FOR ( 6 ) Wood, Maaz , Whittenburg, Black , Schrader , Brown AGAINST: Zeitler MOTION CARRIED 25 Liaison Appointments - Mayor Whittenburg announced that he was making the following liaison assignments : Ed Zeitler - Police Department Vickie Black - Fire Department and Library Mary Brown - Planning & Zoning Commission Paul Schrader - Parks & Recreation and Community Appearance Board Paul Maaz - Finance and Surface Water ' Loren Wood - YNOC, Community Counseling Service , and Drainage District OTHER BUSINESS l. Rancho Vehjo II has not completed some required drainage work , thus could not be accepted at this -time . 2 . Rezoning for Miracle Mile - The Planning Commission recommen- � dation was for rezoning 144. 04 acres to R-3 , 55 . 23 acres � to R-4 , and 72 . 89 acres to C-1, with a commitment from the � developer of a 20 ' minimum width green belt along FM 528 and � 40 acres for park land. ,� Council consideration was to deduct the green belt and a � 10-acre tract which the developer proposes to donate to the city For a civic center from the total C-1 resulting in the rezoning of 57 acres of C-1; to reduce the requested R-3 requested by 25 acres , thus rezoning 119 acres to R-3 instead of 144. 03 acres ; to let the 55 acres ofi R-4 stand as reco.mmended. MOTION: (Maaz) To direct the City Attorney to draw up (j an ordinance for rezoning 57 acres from R-1 to C-l. �I�J Second : Zeitler /b� � Vote : FOR ( 5 ) Maaz , Zeitler, Schrader , Black , Whittenburg Q AGAINST (2 ) Brown , Wood MOTION CARRIED MOTION: (Maaz) To direct the City Attorney to draw up an ordinance for rezoning 119 acres from R-1 to R-3 . �/�/ Second : Zeitler 4i p` Vote : FOR (5 ) Maaz , Zeitler, Schrader, Black , Whittenburg QU AGAINST: (2 ) Brown , Wood MOTION CARRIED MOTION: (Maaz) To direct the City Attorney to draw up � an ordinance for rezoning 55 aeres from R-1 to R-4 . Second: Zeitler �� Vote : FOR ( 5 ) Maaz , Zeitler, Schrader, Black , Whittenburg AGAINST ( 2 ) Brown , Wood MOTION CARRIED WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following warrants were approved for payment : General Fund #3874 - Bell Telephone Co. $ 1 185 . 74 3875 - CPS (Friendswood) 2 , 530 . 91 3876 - Factory Sales Uniform Co . 611. 83 3877 - F. W. Faxon Co. 1, 146 . 00 3878 - George Freer 650 . 43 3879 - Galveston Co. Health Dept. 747 . 91 3880 - Hall' s Insurance 1 ,232 . 80 3881 - I . B.M. 1 ,386 . 67 3882 - International Disposal 3 ,231. 58 3883 - Jefifries Stripimg 987 . 31 3884 - Jones Air Compressor 793 . 69 3885 - Knori Associates 2 , 335 . 00 3886 - Mustang Auto 641. 00 3887 - Olson & Olson 600 . 0- 3888 - Preston Fleet Service 1, 605 . 00 3889 - Safety Lights 594. 00 3890 - Texas Industrial Sev. 788 . 54 3891 - TML - Insurance Trust 4 , 014. 59 3892 - TML Workmen' s Compensation 2 ,482 . 18 3893 - Wartex Oil 4 , 686 . 67 3894 - Claude Wright & Associates 1 ,608 . 00 26 Water & Sewer Fund : #2424 - Ad Valorem Records gs� , pg 2425 - CPS 5 ,260 . 54 2426 - IBM 693 . 33 2427 - Maintenance Engineering 1 , 379 . 78 2428 - R & R Truck & Trailer Repair 773 . 90 2429 - TML - Ins . Trust 618 . 96 2430 - Longhorn Date Sev. 3 , 500 . 00 Waste Disposal Fund: #460 - BRH Construction 4 , 710 . 33 � �I 461 - Engineering Science 44 ,137 . 36 ; 462 - LEM Construction 433 , 714. 50 W&S Construction Fund: #1831 - Luedermann-Durham ' 1 ,800 . 00 1832 - Turner Collie & Braden 3 , 322 . 31 ORDINANCE - #80/2 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 13-56 OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY CODE TO PROHIBIT THE POSSESSION OR CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WHTHIN A PARK WHILE PARTICIPATING OR ATTENDING ANY ORGANIZED ATHLETIC EVENT OR PRACTICE SESSION FOR AN ORGANIZED ATHLETIC EVENT; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF ANY AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ($200 . 00 ) . MOTION: (Zeitler) To approve second reading of Ord. #80/2 . Second : Maaz Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. Cit��`r 9til�l tary APPROVED: �a� Mayor Dale Whit n urg I