HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1980-05-05 Regular 1"1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL May 5 , 1980 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, May 5 , 1980 , at 7 : 00 p.m. with the following � members present : � Mayor Dale Whittenburg City Manager Jim Morgan _,,, Councilman Mary Brown City Attorney John Olson Councilman Paul Maaz City Seeretary Bobbie Henry Councilman Ed Zeitler Asst . City Manager Melvin Meineke Councilman Paul Schrader Councilman Loren Wood Councilman Vickie Black With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following business � was transacted: � � INVOCATION - Reverend Bill Al1an , Church of Christ � READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a regular meeting of April 21, approved as read; Minutes of a special meeting of � April 28 , approved as corrected. ANNOUNCEMENTS AND COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR l. Mayor Whittenburg raised the question of returning the meeting time to 7 : 30 , which met with approval of the Council. f1 resolu- tion will be drawn up for passage .at the next meeting to cover this , and the Special Meeting of May 12 was called for 7 : 30 . 2 . Friendswood has been invited to participate in a meeting with _ the Galveston City Council on May 8 , at 12 noon, to discuss the new appraisal program, specifically costs involved. Mayor Whittenburg said he would like to have Bill Thompson attend, and Councilman Zeitler said he would also like to be in attendance. 3 . Regarding repairs to flood damaged streets , the Mayor stated that he would like to see the FEMA funds accomplish as much as possible and, to that end, he has asked Commissioner' s Court for help. He was told that if the street to be repaired inter- sects a county road, that the county will furnish the machinery and labor to do the work if the City will furnish the material. Yet to be determined : which streets would fall in this category and will FEMA be receptive to this arrangement. On the $220 , 000 loan proposed so that the street work can pro- ceed pending receipt of FEMA funds , Mr. Morgan reported that three banks were contacted for interest rates and none were interested in making the loan. Also , he said that borrowing the funds from General Fund would cost the city some $2 , 500 in lost interest over what the Friendswood Bank would charge for the loan. No action will be taken on this until such time as a payment for street repairs is due . I PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS _ Fred Musgrove of the Galveston County Tax Office , discussed the County as the Tax Appraisal Distriet as the least expensive option for the cities to take. Members of the Council felt that they need more information on this subject , and will await a report from the City-School Committee (Councilman Zeitler) on their recommendations , and information obtained at the meeting in Galveston on the 8th. COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE PLANNING & ZbNING COMMISSION Miracle Mile Rezoning - Chairman Wicklander presented the recommenda- tion from P&Z to rezone the commercial areas as requested on the 18 following conditions : 1 . A written commitment from the developers for a 20 ' minimum width greenbelt along FM 528 . 2 . Require a maximum percentage of parkland as specified by the subdivision ordinance (40 acres ) . 3 . Agreement to meet maximum drainage requirements of the city and drainage commission. � The City Attorney advised that such requirements would be in order on consideration of a subdivision plat , but rezoning should not impose conditions . -�%� Amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance - P&Z proposed that the ordinance be changed so that cash value could be required of a subdivider in lieu of the 10% of the gross area Por park land. They also propose that the ordinance be revised to limit any increase in rain water runoff in new developments . These matters will be taken under consideration by Council. �� (�` ��-`MOTION (Wood) To table the rezoning for Miracle Mile pending �x"(X(l further study by Council. ��"� Second: Schrader Vote : FOR ( 6 ) Whittenburg , Wood, Schrader, Brown , Maaz , Black AGAINST : Zeitler MOTION CARRIED The Mayor proposed that the engineering firm of Morman , Mock & Green be asked to look at the zoning request and advise Council of their opinion. Updating of the Comprehensive Plan - P&ZC requested that this plan , which was completed in 1968 , be updated to reflect present condi- tions in Friendswood. Council felt that this shou�d be done by professional planners and engineers , working with and through the Planning Commission. On revising the Subdivision Ordinance , the P&'� Chairman , City Manager, City Attorney, and one councilman will do the preliminary work. Exchange of Information with League City Planning Commission - In the interest of solving mutual problems , P&Z requested that they be permitted to exchange subdivision information with League City Planning Commission. �,xrQ� MOTION: (Black) To approve the proposal of the Planning Commission �� 0 regarding working with League City. Second: Schrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED COMMERCIAL GARBAGE PICK-UP - Councilman Maaz proposed that instead of contracting with a single firm, that each commercial establish- ment in town be allowed to make arrangements for their own garbage pick-up. Council as a whole , however , felt that the city contract- ing for this service for all commercial pick-up would be more satisfactory. Mr. Morgan is to secure quotes from several companies for Council consideration. I ORDINANCES I #80/2E - Alcoholic Beverages in Parks - Emergency reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 13-56 OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY CODE TO PROHIBIT THE POSSESSION OR CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WITHIN A PARK WHILE PARTICIPATING OR ATTENDING ANY ORGANIZED ATHLETIC EVENT OR PRACTIQE SESSION FOR AN ORGANIZED ATHLETIC EVENT; PROVIDING A PENALTY OF ANY AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ( $200 . 00 ) ; AND PROVIDING THAT AN EMERGENCY EXISTS . ('�j�.���}y� MOTION: (Black) To adopt #80/2E as an emergency ordinance. � �-� Second: Schrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 19 #80/2 - Alcoholic Beverages in Parks - lst permanent reading AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 13-56 OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY CODE ���_T4'. PROHIBIT THE POSSESSION OR CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES WITHIN A PARK WHILE PARTICIPATING OR ATTENDING ANY ORGANIZED ATHLETIC EVENT OR PRACTICE SESSION FOR AN ORGANIZED ATH!LETIC EVENT; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF ANY AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS ( $200 . 00 ) . MOTION: (Wood) To approve £irst reading of Ord. #80/2 . Second: Black Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #80/1 - Adopting an Emergenc Operations Plan - Third & Final Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, GALVESTON COUNTY, TEXAS , CONTAINING A PREAMBLE; APPROVING AND ADOPTING AN EMERGENCY OPERATIONS PLAN FOR SAID CITY. � I ,� MOTION: (Blaek) To adopt Ord. #80/1 on third reading. f� � Second : Wood '�-/�D� � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Q � CHECKS �'OR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote, the following ehecks were �[ approved: General Fund #3841 - Armco, Inc. $ 2 ,032 . 80 3842 - Baker � Taylor Co. 1 ,031 . 70 3843 - CPS 2 , 326 . 08 3844 - Coenco , Inc. 2 ,230 . 00 3845 - Gulf Division-Ashland-Warren 785 . 50 3846 - Preston Fleet Sev. 507 . 50 3847 - Sunset Printing 617 . 50 3848 - 3M Company 516 . 60 - Water & #2415 - Lone Star Meter Sev. 548 . 00 Sewer' �'und Capital Projects #1027 - Skrla, Inc. 65 ,252 . 79 1028 - Coenco , Inc . 1 ,489 . 63 Waste bisposal #459 - Texas Sterling Construction 74 ,495 . 86 Funcl CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION - Following the closed session dealing with personnel, the following actions were taken : MOTION: (Schrader) To engage Underwood, Neuhaus & Co. as � the City' s financial advisor and fiscal agent. �� Second: Maaz pD Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � MOTION: (Black) To appoint Richard Atcheson as Alternate Muni- cipal Court Judge , and authorize him to fill the bench until a Judge is appointed. �j Second: Zeitler �//p� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Q ADJOURNMENT - A motion was introduced that the meeting adjourn. All voted for the motion except Councilman Zeitler. He voted "No. " ' The meeting was adj,ourned. ���� � z��� C.ity Secretary APPROVED: r Mayo� itte ur