HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1980-04-28 Special 13 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL April 28 , 1980 A Special Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday , April 28 , 1980 , at 7 : 00 p.m. with the following members present : � Mayor Ralph Lowe City Manager Jim Morgan Councilman Vickie Black City Secretary Bobbie Henry Councilman Mary Brown Councilman Paul Schrader Councilman Loren Wood Councilman Ed Zeitler With a quorum present , and with Councilman Maaz absent , the following business was transacted: T-I � INVOCATION was given by Councilman Wood at Mayor Lowe ' s request . � The Mayor welcomed all the people in attendance and commended � the number who exercised their prerogative to vote on the 26th. � He expressed his continuing interest in the city and his support � of the newly elected Mayor. PETITIONS - Janet Berthiaume requested information on the status of the Hike/Bike Trails committee and bond program. Mr. Morgan stated that, having failed to secure federal grant money for this project , the committee has opted, with Council concurrence , to proceed with building trails as far as the $30 ,000 will go , and engineering is now being done in preparation for bid requests . I Also, at her request , Mayor Lowe read the names of the Hike/Bike Committee. I J CLOSING BUSINESS - The Mayor read letters into the record which he had written to various people he has worked with on his pro- posed "intenim flood plan" releasing them from any personal commitments to him as mayor and asking that they continue to work with the new mayor. Relative to a committee he had appointed to handle acquisition of right-of-�aay for the County at FM 518 and FM 528 , he stated that since this committee has never met , and one member is no longer on the council , he was dissolving that particular committee. He reviewed briefly his and Councilman Brown' s attendance last week at the Drainage District meeting. CANVASSING THE APRIL 26 ELECTION - Mayor Lowe read an order and resolution canvassing the election and declaring Dale Whittenbu.rg as Mayor. Votes were as follows : Dale Whittenburg 988 votes Ralph Lowe 906 votes Motion was made by Councilman Brown , seconded by Councilman Black, and voted unanimously to adopt the results of the election. _I Mayor Lowe then turned the meeting over to former Mayor Pro-tem Loren Wood (in the absence of Mayor Pro-tem Maaz) . Wood expressed appreciation to Lowe for his years of service ta the city , then recessed the meeting for a reception for Mayor Elect Whittenburg. At 8 : 15 p.m. , the Mayor Pro-tem called the meeting back into session. He introduced "Buster" Brown , candidate for State Senate , and Commissioner Paul Hopkins who is seeking another temr for that office. Last , he introduced Judge Ray Holbrook who was to administer the oath of office to the new mayor. OATH OF OFFICE - Judge Holbrook administered the oath to the new Mayor Dale Whittenburg, who then took the Mayor` s chair, with 14 Councilman Wood returning to his own seat , and the meeting was returned to the business on the agenda as follows : STREET AND BRIDGE COMMITTEE - Chairman John Lewis asked for some guidance regarding how extensively his committee should go in making their report on streets to be included in a bond issue. He was told that basically their recommendation should deal with a list of streets in the order of their priority, along I with some general estimate of cost for each. This report is due May 26 . Mayor Whittenburg suggested that Council might wish to start investigating the city ' s bonding ability and procedure for calling such an election. Fiscal Agent Harry Granberry is to be requested to attend next week' s meeting to discuss these matters . APPOINTMENT TO HIKE/BIKE TRAILS COMMITTEE - The Mayor stated that he wanted to appoint Janet Berthiaume to this committee, and asked for concurrence from Council . �U`� MOTION: (Black) For the appointment of Berthiaume to the Hike/Bike Trail Committee. Second: Schrader Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED RESOLUTION R4-80 - A RESaLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AND THE CITY SECRETARY TO ATTEST A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS AND IKE HALL, INC. , FOR THE REPAZR OF CERTAIN STREETS WITHIN THE CITY DAMAGED BY FLOOD WATERS. �j`x� MOTION: (Schrader) To adopt Resolution R4-80 . � � Second: Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED _ The Mayor stated that he would like to talk to FEMA regarding use of the funds toward complete rebuilding of a street with addition of city funds . EQUIPMENT FOR NEW FIRE STATION - This committee is to meet on Tuesday afternoon at 5 : 00 p.m. MEETING WITH DRAINAGE DISTRICT - Councilman Brown said that at the meeting last Tuesday , the Drainage Board stated that they will be willing to come to a workshop meeting with Council , that when they receive information from the Corps of Engineers , they will transmit such information to Council , and a joint meeting should be held at a Monday night workshop at City Hall around the middle of May in preparation for the Corps meeting here near the end of May. LETTERS FROM MAYOR LOWE READ EARLIER IN THE MEETING - Councilman Brown felt that the letters are detrimental to the City and that they sould not be sent out . After some discussion, she moved : ^���D MOTION: (Brown) That the City Attorney be consulted before � � mailing the letters out . Second: Black Vote : FOR (2 ) Brown, Black AGAINST (4) Whittenburg, Schrader, Wood, Zeitler MOTION FAILED REGIONAL SEWER PLANT AND LINES - Mr. Morgan reporte� .that with , deposit of funds with the Court , the city is free .tq proceed to utilize the easements which were handled through condemnation. ' However, he reminded that EPA has yet to approve going out for bids on this portion of the line. , MIRACLE MILE SUBDIVISION - P&Z Chairman Bob Wicklander said that the report was not compl�ted and would be forthcoming for the next Council meeting. 15 Bruce �oss asked that P&ZC be directed to take into consideration the impact on the schools and cost to citizens for such large developments as the Miracle Mile. Jim Vogus stated that some attention should be given to utilization of solar energy when considering new development in Friendswood. SPEED LIMIT IN RENWICK PARK - Mr. Morgan reported that in dis- cussion with the Police Department , it has been decided to set the speed limit within the park at five miles per hour. Council had no objection to this . BORROWING MONEY FOR STREET REPAIRS - Mr. Morgan has recommended that since the FEMA funds may be some time in being received, that the City arrange to bor�row $220 , 000 for a period of 90 days so that the street repair work can begin. This amount would also provide surface treatment to E1 Dorado and Tower Estates , these at an approximate .cost of $20 , 000 . Interest on the loan would be around $5 ,100 and would come from unappropriated monies in the sales tax fund. Councilman Brown requested that the City � Manager contact other banks to see if a better interest rate could be £ound. �"0 (p MOTION: (Zeitler) To accept the City Manager ' s recom- /]j,� � mendation subject to obtaining interest quotes from at �� � least two other banks and honoring the best rate. Q Second : Schrader � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED STREET SURFACING BY COUNTY - Joe Lockridge asked for the status of this work. Mr. Morgan said that all of the right-of-way has not yet been acquired, and Councilman Black volunteered to take over this responsibility. Mr. Lockridge said he would be happy to work with her. WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following warrants I_. were approved for payment : General Fund #3753 - Friendswood Phillips 66 $ 838 . 16 3754 - Rosenberg Library 1 330 . 77 3755 - Wartex Oil 1, 545 . 51 Water & Sewer Fund: #2385 - CPS 1 ,986 . 57 W&S Construction Fund #1830 - Petromas , Inc. 613 . 92 Waste Disposal Fund #458 - LEM Construction Co . 319 , 821. 55 Check #459 to Texas Sterling Construction , Inc. in the amount of $74 ,495 . 86 was held over. PARK LAND - The offer from SERA Park owners was discussed; Morgan is to d cuss the matter with the Parks Department this week. Also discussed was the question of subdivisions dedicating 10% of their area (or an equivalent in cash to purchase land elsewhere ) for park land. ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. ' C i t y�S�x/_�,� � APPROVED: Mayor Dale Whittenbu . g