HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1979-11-19 Regular -cJ, � � �c��
November 19 , 1979
A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the
City Hall on Monday , November 19 , 1979 , with the following members
presenrt :
Mayor Ralph Lowe City Attorney Sohn Olson
Councilman Ed Zeitler City Manager Jim Morgan
_. Councilman Loren Wood City Secretary Bobbie Henry
Councilman Dale Whittenburg
Councilman Tom Lay
Councilwoman Vickie Black
Councilman Paul Maaz
With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following
business was transacted:
�- INVOCATION given by Mark Williams , Minister in Training , Methodist
� Church.
0 READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of
� November 5 , approved as read. Minutes of a Special Meeting of
�[ November 12 , approved as corrected.
Mayor Lowe met this week with other mayors in the area at the
Community Junior College in Alvin to discuss drainage . He also
attended a meeting with Mayor Frutiger of Nassau Bay in the oFfice
of Ron Paul to discuss the flooding problems oP the area. He
will be meeting again soon with the Corps of Engineers to get
their in-put relative to the Tri-County Plan.
BID OPENINGS - One bid each was received for the following projects
and were opened and read by the Mayor :
Repairs to streets damaged by floods
Ike Hall, Inc. $202 ,182 . 76
MOTION: (Lay) To refer to the City Manager for contact and _iJ�
negotiation with FEMA for sufficient funds to cover the `C /
contract or permission to draw the allowable funds via force x
account to go as far as possible with the repairs . " 1
Second : Black
Re�airs to Community Counseling Service Building One bid was re-
ceived as follows :
Jesse H. Doucette Flood repair work $8 500 . 00
Remodeling work 7 ,350 . 00
MOTION : (Zeitler) To refer bids to the City Manager for study�
and recommendation. ��
Second : Wood ��
PETITION FROM IMPERIAL ESTATES - Mrs . Lynn Chatham reported that
her subdivision is taking responsibility and paying for disposition
of flood trash in their area, and asked that the City clean out the
drains and do whatever is necessary to the curbs so that the water
does not stand along the streets . Mr. Morgan is to investigate
the matter and report back to Council next week.
CHARTER REVISIONS - Councilmen Wood and Maaz met this week to define
the charter changes to be presented to voters .
MOTION: (Maaz ) To instruct the City Secretary to start procedur�j��,
for calling an election in January for this purpose . .L
Second : Black
The City Attorney will compose the correct wording for each
change as it should appear on the ballot .
�� STREET NAME CHANGES - Street names to be changed were defined
f/�' as : A-Bar to Fencepost ; B-Bar to Saddle ; D-Bar to Horseshoe ;
J° Richmond to Mills ; Larkspur to Evergreen.
p�,��ll�fq MOTION: (Zeitler) To instruct the attorney to draw up an i
� � ordinance making these changes .
Second : Whittenburg
l. Mr. Morgan reported that estimated cost for opening up
drainage ditch in Kingspark/Whitehall is $2 ,000 . He, Meineke &
Councilman Wood are to attend the next Drainage Board meeting
along with citizens from Kingspark/Whitehall , to answer any
C����� questions on behalf ot the city which might arise re this work.
�2 . City Engineer Malcolm Collins reported that estimated cost
for a low-water crossing on Windsong would be approximately
$4 , 500 . There was some discussion about closing the road
to through traffic if it is determined that residents of the
one house beyond the creek has an alternate means of ingress
and egress . Mr. Morgan is to explore this question and report
back to Council next week.
3 . Mr. Collins discussed the impact of opening the storm sewer
in Kingspark/Whitehall , stating that although this would put
the water from Brazoria County into the storm sewer system '
instead of it running into the subdivision , it would at the �
same time. reduce the capacity of the system to take water
from the subdivision drains , and thus causing no change in
the potential flooding.
4. A question as: to whether additional opening under FM 2351 would
give Clover Acres relief from flooding is to be investigated
by Collins. If he finds, this would help , the Highway Department
will be requested to do this work.
SUNMEADOW FIRE STATION - Tom Rogers presented revised plans in
accordance with request from Council last week. Legal description
of the land is now available for drawing up of a deed by the attorney.
��q�I/Q MOTION : (Whittenburg) To authorize the City Manager to go out
� � for bids on the fire station.
Second: Zeitler
SURFACE WATER - Tom Roach reported that WC&ID 108 and Clearwoods
are both interested in surface water from Houston, but would prefer
purchasing on their own rather than buying from Friendswood. He
is to work up figures on pro-rata share in the line coming from
WATER RATES - Mayor Lowe appointed a Council committee composed
of Maaz , Zeitler, and Black to make a srtudy of the rates
in view of the new developments in surface water , and to make a
recommendation back to Council . '
APPOINTMENTS - Mayor Lowe proposed designation of H. B. Langford
to fill a vacancy on the Harris-Galveston Subsidence Board , and
Leonard W. Robbie for reappointment to the Gulf Coast Waste Disposal
Authority Board.
��^ MOTION : (Maaz ) To concur with nominata�on of H. B. Langford , Jr.
o(,��r/� to the Subsidence Board.
� � Second: Black
MOTION : (Zeitler) To approve nomination of Leonard W. Robbie �
for reappointment to GCWDA.
Second: Lay / ,
Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED i��j�
MOTION: (Maaz) That the city observe Thursday and Friday , ��
November 22 and 23 as Thanksgiving holidays . �
Second: Whittenburg /
Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ,Q
WARRANTS - The following warrants were unanimously approved for 7
payment :
General Fund #2664 - Bell Telephone $ 1 ,042 . 30
2665 - CPS 2 , 259 . 49
2666 - IBM 810 . 00
2667 - International Disposal 2 ,200 . 40
Q 2668 - J. Lee Construction 6 ,150 . 00
'�' 2669 - Lairson , Young & Co . 2 ,929 . 00
� 2670 - Metro Chrysler-Plymouth 670 . 25
� 2671 - Mustang Auto 1 , 896 . 85
� 2672 - St. Paul Ins . Co. 1 , 385 . 02
2673 - Texas Industrial Sev. 544 . 40
Q 2674 - Tires , Inc. 508 . 26
2675 - Turner Electric 1, 816 . 60
2676 - Wartex Oil 5 , 578 . 07
2677 - David Wight Const. 912 . 50
W&S Fund 2011 - Ad Valorem Records 1 , 041. 92
2012 - C. P. S. 5 ,749 . 62
2013 - Dixie Chamical 1 ,138 . 65
2014 - Luedemann-Durham 2 , 500 . 00
2015 - Naylor Supply 592 . 00
2016 - J. M. Reed Plumbing 532 . 63
Cap . Projects 240 - Coenco, Inc. 3 395 . 01
241 - Skrla , Inc . 45 , 319 . 50
242 - Stoner Construction 6 , 750 . 00
CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION - (Sec. 2 (g) Art. 6252-17 VTCS - No
official action as a result of this session.
ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn.
The m-- eeting was adjourned.
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