HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1979-09-10 Regular ��J MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL September 10 , 1979 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, September 10 , 1979 , at 7 ; 30 p.m. with the following members present : Mayor Ralph Lowe City Manager Jim Morgan Councilman Tom Lay City Attorney John Olson Councilwoman Vickie Black Acting City Secretary Ruth Henry Councilman Dale Whittenburg Councilman Loren Wood Councilman Paul Maaz With a quorum present , and with Councilman Zeitler absent , the following business was transacted : � INVOCATION by Reverend Robert Russum, Church of the Nazarene � READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting � of August 20 and Special Meeting of August 27 , approved as correc- ,� ted. Minutes. of a Special Meeting of August 30 , approved as read. � ANNOUNCEMENTS & CONTMUNICATIONS 1. Mayor Lowe attended a meeting September 7 , with Corps of Engineers and representatives from Brazoria , Harris and Galveston Counties along with several Mayors along Clear Creek. The Corps of Engineers are working on the 25/75 year plan trying to adopt a plan along the 31 miles of Clear Creek and hope by February 1980 to be able to present a complete picture for the Creek. 2 . Disaster Committee - Counc�lman Wood made the following report: Ken Camp was elected cha3rman ; Vice Chairman is Rev. Bill Sterling ; Secretary, Letha Camp . Lt. Russell Williams will handle reseue procedure ; Marhsall Durham will handle media and public communication; Walter W'ilson will be in charge of opening evacuation centers; Jim Morgan will handle emergency needs of citizens . TENTATIVE AWARD OF BTD ON NQRTH IN'I"ERCEPTOR LTNE MOTTON: (Flhittenburg) To award the Clover Acres gravity col- � � lection system (.Contract #6) to the apparent low bidder, � � 7-M Inc. in the amount of $112 , 777 . 50 . � 1� Second : Maaz / Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � MOTION : (Whittenburg) To tentatively award (subject to TDWR and EPA approval) the Hlaekhawk Force Main (Contract #2-A) to the apparent low bidder, Texas Sterling Construction , Inc. /� q E• P. Brady, Ine. (a j�oint venture) for the bid amount of / $937 , 940 . 00 . /, Second : Woad �J /��j� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ^ � I MOTION: (Whittenburg) To tentatively award the North Inter- 1r-�� `� ceptor (Contract No. 2-B) to the a `� Company, Inc . for the bid amount oPP$624tg25w00idder, BRH / Second : Wood • ��� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �y �9 BUILDING OFFICIAL - George Calk, Building Official , appeared before Council to express his concern regarding reduction of the personnel in his department. Council left final decision to the City Manager. ��6 COL. E. A. KEISSLING REPORT - Col Keissling reported on the situation with the City of Houston regarding surface water. He feels the City of Houston legal department is not being responsive in the preparation of the contract documents and suggested a representative of City Council and other members of the consortium appear with him before the Subsidence District Board. Col . Keissling and Council discussed transportation of sewerage from Clearwood to the North Interceptor Line. As a result , the City Manager, Milton Windler and Col. Keissling are to meet and discuss the use of the North Interceprtor. � ' � GALVESTON COUNTY TAX APPRAISAL DISTRICT - Property Tax Code I 1 � changed in the last session of the legislature to have one appraisal ,` � district in each county. A city lying in more than one county may � choose to be a part of either district . iQ��r/� MOTION : (Lay) That the City of Friendswood choose to be a � � part of the Galveston County Appraisal District . Second : Maaz Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT - BRIDGE REPLACEMENT AND REHAB PROGRAM - Agree- ment from the State to survey, inspect , appraise and inventory bridges on public roads and streets . Because of the enormity of the task, the Highway Department proposes to contract with con- sulting engineering firm who will first be schooled and then assigned specific areas in which to perform the inventory and rating. r�`�I�� MOTION : (Wood) To sign the agreement with the State Department ru � of Highways and Public Transportation. , Second : Whittenburg Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE #79/23-E - Sewer Users Fee's - Emergency AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE N0 . 256 PASSED AND APPROVED ON � DECEMBER 15 , 1975 , AND ENTITLED '!AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE DISCHARGE OF INDUSTRIAL WASTES I'NTO THE SANITARY SEWERS OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS ; ESTABLISHING A PERMIT SYSTEM; ESTABLISHING A SYSTEM OF CHARGES FOR SERVICES RENDERED; REGULATING UNSEwEREP AND MISCELLANEOUS DISCH"ARGES ; PROVIDING FOR ENFORCEMENT ; CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; PROVIDING A PENALTY; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, " BY STRIKIN� ALL OF PARAGRAPH 9 OF SECTION 1 THEREOF AND SUBSTITUTING THEREFOR A NEW PARAGRAPH 9 , BY APDING TO SECTION 18 THEREOF A NEW SUBSECTION G AND A NEW SUBSECTION H, AND BY STRIKING ALL OF SUBSECTION D OF SECTION 19 AND SUBSTITUTING THEREFOR A NEW SUBSECTION D; PROVIDING FOR COST RECOVERY FOR DOMESTIC SEWER COLLECTION AND TREATMENT; AND PROVIDING OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. Section 2 . An emergency exists which requires the passage of this ordinance on one reading for the reason that federal parti- cipation in the Blackhawk regional sewer plant requires the establishment of rost recovery for domestic sewage colleetion and treatment . Due to the mandate of the EPA, federal funds will be withheld for such sewer plant until passage of an ordinance establishing such cost recovery. Because timely completion of the Blackhawk plant is of critical im�o�ance to the health, safety and convenience of the people of'E'riendswood , the risk of il having federal funds withheld for such project constitutes a public urgency which requires passage of this ordinance . 1Q�n'�� MOTION: (�hittenburg) To adopt Ord. #79/23E on one reading . ►o�l� Second : B7�ack Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE #79/19 - Fees for Cable TV - 3rd and final reading AN ORDINANCE DETERMTNING AND FIXING SCHEDULE OF RATES TO BE CHARGED BY THE MECA CORPORATION IN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS ; CONTAINING OTHER MATTERS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. �4� MOTION: (Maaz) To adopt Ord. #79/19 on final reading. /r Second : Black vJh„ Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED `� ORDINANCE #79/24 - Adopting 1979-80 Budget - One reading only ✓ AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , TEXAS , GENERAL BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1979-80 ; MAKING APPRO- PRIATIONS FOR THE CITY FOR SUCH FISCAL YEAR AS REFLECTED IN SAID BUDGET; AND MAKING CERTAIN FINDINGS AND CONTAINING CERTAIN PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. MOTION : (Wood) To adopt Ord. #79/24 on one reading. /p Second : Maaz fd D� u Council went into discussion regarding the 1/3 counselor and �9 1/2 fire marshal and the fire marshal ' s car. It was decided to vote these items separately. � MOTION: (Wood) The 1/3 counselor be included in the budget . !A� `� Motion died for lack of a second. d�y� � MOTION: (Lay) The fire marshal job be removed from the budget 7� as a line item and be placed in surplus . � Q Second : Maaz Q„/ � Vote : FOR ( 4) Lay , Black , Wood , Maaz �J ry� AGAINST: (2 ) Lowe , C�7hittenburg MOTION CARRIED �� REVISED ORIGINAL MOTION: (.Wbod) To adopt #79/24 General Budget for 1979-80 placing l/2 counselor, fire marshal � s job and fire marshal ` s car as; surplus , not line items. �Q Second : Maaz 7 /,, Vote : Unanimous FOR ���' MOTION CARRIED � ORDINANCE #79/25 - Adopting 1979-80 Revenue Sh'aring Budget AN ORDINANCE APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE CITX OF FRIENDS�,+]OOD, TEXAS , REVENUE SHARING BUDGET FOR THE FI:SCAL YEAR 1979-80 ; MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY FOR SUCH FISCAL YEAR AS REFLECTED IN SAID BUDGET; AND MAKIN6 CERTAIN FINDINGS AND CONTAINING CERTAIN PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE BUSJECT. MOTION: (Lay) To adopt #79/25 Revenue Sharing Budget . �Q Second : Maaz � /�� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �Q ORDINANCE #79/26 - Adopting Ordinanee setting tax rate for 1979 / AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT , LEVY AND COLLECTION OF AD VALOREM TAXES FOR THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS , FOR THE YEAR 1979 AND FOR EACH YEAR THEREAFTER UNTIL OTHERWISE PROVIDED: AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. MOTION : (Lay) To adopt Ordinance #79/26 . �j� Second : Maaz ��/ Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �� WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following warrants were approved Por payment : General Fund #2178 - A-B Emblem Div. of Conrad Ind. $ 630 . 00 2179 - Albritton Trucking 1, 900 . 86 2180 - Alvin Equipment 711 . 40 2181 - Baker & Taylor 571. 49 2182 - Bob Hamric Chevrolet 6 ,206 . 95 2183 - Cal Western Life Ins . 3 , 676 . 34 2184 - Conley-Lott Div, of Nichols Mach. 2 , 368 . 16 2185 - Davis Truck & Equip. 1, 617 . 08 2186 - Factory Sales Uni£orms 558 . 42 2187 - Friendswood Phillips 66 Sev. 561. 59 3188 - Galveston Co. Health Fund 680 . 41 2189 - Gulf Div. of Ashland-Warren 1 , 757 . 52 �48 w190 - I . B.M. CorP• 847 . 72 2191 - International Disposal 3 ,174 . 26 2192 - T. A. Kilbore 583 . 08 2193 - Library Bureau 1 ,071. 55 2194 - McVeigh Service Center 881. 40 2195 - Proven Products 846 . 50 2196 - Rosenberg Library 880 . 01 2197 - Texas Dept . of Corrections 930 . 69 2198 - Tires Inc. 1 ,119 . 26 2199 - Wartex Oil 1, 845 . 74 2200 - Wartex Oil 520 . 70 Water & Sewer Fund 1817 - Cal Western Life 1 ,010 . 97 1818 - CPS 2 ,295 . 70 1819 - CPS 1 , 358 . 85 1820 - Service Equipment & Supply 566 . 10 Revenue Sharing Fund 164 - City Pavers 1 , 232 . 36 165 - Roberts & Associates 500 . 00 166 - Texas Pipeline Co. 15 , 871. 28 CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION - No action resulted from this meeting. ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. Acti�y ecr ary Ruth Henry APPROVED : Mayo Ralp-���