HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1979-07-09 Special 321 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL July 9 , 1979 A Special Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was called to order by the Mayor at 7 : 30 p .m. on Monday, July 9 , 1979 , at the City Hall with the following members present : Mayor Ralph Lowe City Manager Jim Morgan Councilman Ed Zeitler City Secretary Bobbie Henry Councilman Loren Wood Councilman Paul Maaz Councilman Tom Lay Councilman Dale Whittenburg Councilman Vickie Black With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following business was transacted : „��, OPENING BIDS ON WATER LINE (From WW #5 to Greenbriar) � Unit prices : Labor only 7-M Inc. Utilitec , Inc. Ben Felts � Piping around Well #5 $3000 $1200 $5000 � 400 ft. 18 in. water line $6/ft . $6/ft $7 . 86/ft . Q 1600 ft. 12 in. water line 4 . 50/ft . 5/ft 6 . 90/ft . 2500 ft . 12 in. water line 4 . 50/ft . 5/ft 6 . 90/ft . Date work to begin Immediately Within 7 days of contract award Time to completi.on 20 days 30 days 60 da s Y MOTION: (Whittenburg) To refer the bids to the City Manager �� for review and recommendation. / Second : Wood �� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Due to need to get this work started , Mr. Morgan tabulated the bids and recommended awarding rthe bid to 7M Incorporated as the low bidder. � MOTION: (Whittenburg) To award the bid for the water lines3�/�� from WW #5 to Greenbriar to 7-M Inc . , Robbie Mora , Owner. /�/h Second: Maaz ��/ Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �j7, OPENING OF BIDS ON MOWING TRACTOR FOR PARKS DEPARTMENT - The 7 following bids'were opened and read : Lansdown & Moody - Ford Mod . 1700 (with discount) $4 ,667 . 64 Alvin Implement - Rubota 4 , 748 . 00 Webster Bicycle - John Deere 6 , 200 . 00 J. I. Case - Case 7 ,295 . 21 MOTION: (Maaz) To refer bids to the City Manager for review. /i� Second: Zeitler ��/, Vote : Unanimous FOR �l.�y MOTION CARRIED /� � AWARDING OF BID ON LEASE CAR FOR CITY MANAGER - Mr. Morgan has revlewed the bids and recommended the Impala from Gulf Coast Leasing as the low bid. MOTION : (Whittenburg) To award the bid to Gulf Coast Leasing for a Chevrolet Impala. /,(1� Second : Maaz �L�/ Vote : FOR (6 ) Whittenburg, Maaz , Zeitler, Wood , Black , Lay /9 AGAINST: Lowe MOTION CARRIED �22 DRAINAGE BOARD RE CASTLEWOOD PROJECT - Lee Nichols , Chairman of the Drainage Board, pointed out that the drain tile going into Cowards Creek at the site of the new Castlewood Bridge is not in accordance with the past policy of the city whereby tile enters a creek at an angle downstream and near the bottom of the stream. He said this practice has been recommended by former city engineer Heaney and had been used to prevent erosion due to a concentrated forceful flow of water into the creek during heavy rains , and to prevent the back-up of the creek into drain tile . Robbie Mora made some suggestions as to how this could be done at the least cost to � the city, and he was asked to work with the City Manager in coming up wirth a recommended solution for reetifying the present instal- lation. DISPATCHING SERVICE - Recurring problems and complaints regarding the city' s dispatching situation prompted Mayor Lowe to propose the appointment of a committee to study the problem and make a recommendation to Council on how to improve the system. Council was in agreement with the idea , and the following committee was appointed : Fire Departmetn : Bill Brown Ambulance Service : Ken Camp Council : Tom Lay and Dale Whirttenburg Police Department : Jimmy Holland and Barty Craft Citizen at Large : Ray Goodnight Consultants : Mary Cooper and Lisa Hanson (former dispatchers) Jim Morgan was designated to set up a meeting as soan as possible and to serve as temporary chairman until rthe group can elect a permanent chairman. EMERGENCY VEHICLE GAS PURCHASE - A£ter discussion and several suggestions , Mr. Morgan was directed to work with Wartex to see if a program can be worked out whereby city employees who are subject to emergency call will be allowed to purchase gasoline when needed. FISCAL AGENT - RECOMMENDATION FOR BOND RATING - Harry Granberry reported that the City' s ability to sell bonds is being hampered by its lack of a rating by Moody in New York, and he reccmmended that a trip be made to New York to acquire such a rating. He recommended that he , the Mayor, City Manager , and Council finance liaison Paul Maaz go as a delegation to meet with the Moody people on Wednesday , July 18 . '���� MOTION: (Zeitler) To accept the recommendation of the Fiscal Agent to send delegates to New York for the purpose of obtaining a bond rating from Moody. Second : Wood Vote : FOR (6 ) Zeitler , Wood, Lay, Maaz , Black, Whittenburg ABSTAINING : Lowe MOTION CARRIED OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER ��/r/� MQTION : (.Zeitler) As of tomorrow, that the Friendswood News be � designated as the official newspaper of the City. Second: Black Vote : Unanimous FQR MOTION CARRIED INSURANCE PROPOSAL - Finance Officer Bill Thompson presented a proposal for Employee Group Insurance and Workmen ' s Comp Insurance througfi Texas Municipal League for a savings of approximately � $17 , 000 for the year. Council will take this under study along with the proposed budget for 1979-80 . CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS - Council spent some time again in reviewing and discussing these recommendations , and the City Secretary was direeted to type and furnish copies of the changes as were agreed on for further consideration by Council. WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following warrants were approved for payment : 3�3 General Fund 1867 - Cal Western Life Ins . $ 3 ,140 . 74 1868 - Claude Wright & Assoc. 2 ,400 . 60 1869 - International Harvester 783 . 07 1870 - League City Body Shop 770 . 25 1871 - Wartex Oil 1 , 360 . 36 1858 - Texas Electric Wholesalers 3 ,415 . 02 W&S Fund 1715 - Cal Western Life gg� . 20 i W&S Construc- tion 153 - Petromas , Inc. ' 1 364. 64 > Waste Disposal 295 - Gulf Coast Waste Disposal 4, 7gg , gg 297 - George Lamb & Associates 1, 335 . 70 Capital Projects 214 - Coenco, Inc. 4 657 . 41 � ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. � The meeting was adjourned. � � � _s�,�e�J�-� � e�L City Secretary � APPROVED: Ma or alph L����-