HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1979-06-18 Regular 3 0'1 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL June 18 , 1979 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Couneil was held at the City Hall on Monday, June 18 , 1979 , at 7 : 30 p.m. with the follow- ing members present : Mayor Ralph Lowe City Attorney John Olson Councilman Dale Whittenburg City Manager Jim Morgan Councilman Loren Wood City Secretary Bobbie Henry Councilman Tom Lay Councilman Vickie Black Councilman Paul Maaz With a guorum present , and with Councilman Zeitler absent , the following business was transacted : Q INVOCATION - Rev. John Cartmill, Friends Church � READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of � June 4 , approved as corrected. Minutes of a Special Meeting of June 11 , approved as read. � �[ ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR 1. Mayor Lowe and Jim Morgan met with representatives from Alvin and Pearland on June 12 to discuss surface water. A second meeting has been set up for July 10 . 2 . Crown Petroleum has withdrawn its request to lay an oil line down the right-of-way on Lundy Lane since the well they were drilling in the area was dry . 3 . The contractor has given notice that the old Castlewood bridge _ will have to be torn out before construction can begin on the new bridge. Mr. Morgan is to assure that citizens in the area will have ingress and egress to their driveways during this construction. 4. Mayor Lowe called attention to an article in last week' s Journal wherein it was indicated that the Mayor had been involved in "fixing tickets" or "fixing police officers" who ticketed his friends . Police Chief Wright stated that he had never known Mayor Lowe to interfere with an officer in the exercising of his duty, nor had he ever had a ticket "fixed. " Mayor Lowe invited Council to appoint a committee to study and make a determination on the question if they felt so inclined. Council did not wish to pursue the matter. 5 . Police Lieutenance Keith Still, who has been with the force for 10 years , is resigning to mvoe to Georgia. The City employees plan a picnic in the park on Friday in Keith' s honor. 6 . The legislation which will permit Friendswood another vote on participation in the MTA is awaiting signature by the Governor, and Mayor Lowe suggested that the City may be able to hold an election on this subject in November of this year. 7 . Mr. Morgan reported on the Groce Company permit hearing on June 10 . The hearing has been continued until July 17 . 8 . Councilman Wood reported that the YNOC program to find jobs for teens during the summer is now in operation. 9 . Mr. Morgan reported that the Blackhawk Plant •is now 16% complete , and work is progressing satisfactorily. He also stated that not all of the North Interceptor plans have been accepted by EPA for bid request yet. 10 . Mayor Lowe reported that Senator Schwartz and Mayor Chuck Doyle of Texas City have written to the Governor requesting additional gasoline allocations for this area. ��o OPENING OF BIDS ON APPURTENANCES TO WATER WELL #5 - The one bid received was opened and read as follows : Kilgore Construction Company : For a concrete block control building with electrical and control systems according to city specs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21 , 897 . 75 ����r/� MOTION: (Whittenburg) To refer the bid to the City Manager � for study and recommendation. Second : Wood � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED RECOMMENDATION OF COMMITTEE ON REQUEST FOR COUNTY ASSISTANCE ON CITY ROADS - Ken Truman reported that the committee has not been able to contact Commissioner Hopkins regarding help on streets other than the ones originally studied , and recommended that the city proceed with request for help on Moore , Westfield , and Rustic. C �r�/� MOTION: (Lay) To recommend these three roads to the County c 7 for paving by the County. Second : Maaz Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED� �� /' d HIKE & BIKE TRAILS GRANT - Joe Tennison and Janet Berthiaume requested permission to submit a request to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for $30 , 000 to match the bond issue for hike and bike trails . They stated that this request has not been offici- ally approved by the City Parks Board, although they are both members of this Board. Mayor Lowe stated that he felt this was a project of the Hike/Bike Committee , and read a letter from Glen Cress , Chairman of that committee , asking if they should pursue the trails project . A discussion resulted in the following motion: 'I �� I�^ MOTION : (Wood) To approve submission of the grant request. �< <' Second : Whittenburg Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Mrs . Berthieume rthen requested permission to submit to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department a request for grant of $1, 500 to match interest which has been earned by the $10 ,000 trust fund for 1776 Park , for the purpose of building jogging paths in the ' 76 Park. This request was not a recommendation of the Parks Board. I �Iyn ►� MOTION : (Lay) To authorize the Parks Department to request � Ot+oCA �1, 500 matching funds grant for g � � Second: Wood joggin trails in 76 Park. Vote : FOR ( 5 ) Lay , Wood, Black, Whittenburg , Maaz AGAINST : Lowe MOTION CARRIED SELECTION OF AN ENGINEER FOR THE WATER LINE DOWN FM 518 - Mr. Morgan was asked to ivestigate the matter and make recommendation back to the Council next week. Petromas and Municipal Engineers have both indicated interes-t in doing this work. �'���i W�R RATES TO WC&ID 108 - Mayor Lowe reported that the Water District ' s attorney, Herman Little , has asked for an appointment to discuss this subject with him on Wednesday at 10 : 00 a.m. He wanted conc�,yrence oF the Council on this meeting which he also as.ked be attended by the City Manager and one Councilman. Council , i was agreeable to the meeting and Councilman Lay was designated to attend. A report on this meeting will be made next week. CHARTER COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATI.ONS are to be placed on the agenda for study nexf Monday night . 31� ORDINANCES #79/14 - Franchise with MECA for Cable TV - Second Reading MOTION : (Maaz ) To approve second reading of Ord. #79/14. Second : Whittenburg Vote : FOR (4) Lowe, Whittenburg, Black, Maaz AGAINST ( 2 ) Lay, Wood MOTION CARRIED #79/15 - AN ORDINANCE AMENDING RESOLUTION N0 . 1-79 , AS AMENDED BY ORDINANCE N0. 329/79E SO AS TO PROVIDE FOR THE SALE AND DELIVERY OF REVENUE BONDS - One reading only required. MOTION: (Lay) To approve Ord. #79/15 on one reading. `�3� Second : Whittenburg � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 9 � WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - The following warrants were unanimously �, approved for payment : � General Fund 1740 - Automatic Date Processing $ 542 . 54 � 1741 - Bell Telephone 1, 242 . 80 C� 1742 - International Disposal 3 165 . 75 ,Q 1743 - CPS (Friendswood) 1 ,940 . 88 1744 - Gerry Pate, Engr. 7 ,401 . 88 W&S Fund 1687 - Dixie Chemical 2 , 593 . 75 1688 - CPS 4 , 742 . 94 Revenue Sharing Fund 162 - City Pavers 7 , 257 . 51 Waste Disposal Fund 283 - Engineering Science 9 118 . 90 284 - Engineering Science ��g2 , 09 ' 285 - Engineering Science 10 710 . 99 286 - Engineering Science 1� 685 . 44 287 - LEM Construction 228 , 831 . 91 W&S Construction Fund 150 - Layne Texas 34 141. 50 151 - Toxcon Engineering 1 �500 . 00 152 - Petromas , Inc . � 600 . 00 CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION (Sec. 2 (f) & (g) Art . 6252-17 VTCS) No action resulted from this meeting. ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meerting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. �y � APPROVED: City Secretary � oS �r-u,-� M yor Ralph Lowe