HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1979-06-11 Special 3OJ �INUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL June 11 , 1979 A Special P�eeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, June 11 , 1979, at 7:30 p.m. with the following members present: Mayor Ralph Lowe City Manager Jim Morgan Councilman Tom Lay City Secretary Bobbie Henry Councilman Ed Zeitler Councilman Paul Maaz Councilman Loren Wood With a quorum present, and with Councilmen Black and Whittenburg absent, the following business was transacted: l . Computer Presentation - Finance Director Bill Thompson introduced (� representatives from TBM who explained the computer system which �. Thompson is proposing to lease for the City. Council agreed with � the concept, but asked for more details , particularly on capacity � of the system. No official action was taken. �[ 2. Crown Central Re uest to la Pi eline in Cit Right-of-Wa - In dis- � cussion with Max Vater, rea Manager, an Bi c n rews , Land Manager, Council proposed a plan for Crown paving Lundy Lane as compensation for use of the right-of-way. Mr. Morgan is to get an estiman� on the cost of this paving. The Crown men are to comfer with their people and come back to Council for further consideration of the matter. 3. �Lif�epa�ck V - Ambulance representative, Ken Camp, introduced Mr. Johnson w oh demonstrated the heart-monitoring machine. Camp stated that if the City would pay $3,000, that the additional $3,000 for purchase of the machine would be donated by citizens . Council will take the matter under con�ideration. 4. Taxi Service - Bonnie Denardo outlined plans for a local taxi service. Council asked that she pursue availability of insurance coverage, and information as to what restrictions and charges are levied by other cities for such a business , and that she then re�urn to Council for further discussion. 5. Road Committee - Ken Truman, speaking for the Committee to recommend qualified streets for County work, named Moore Road, Westfield, and Rustic Lane. Joe Mars�al of Lundy Lane will join Truman, Janis Hill , and Joe Lockridge i� studying other roads which might later be recom- mended for County work, This item will be placed on next week's agenda for action. 6, Water to Clover Acres - The procedure for running lines to this area was discussed. Generally, Council felt that the City should lay the line, with each property owner paying his prorata share of the cost at the time he �aps into the line. Mr. Morgan is to consult with the attorney on legality of this plan. 7. Counselin Service - Pl.ans for expansion of the building in Stevenson Park w re pFesa�ted fQ� Council review. Mr. Morgan said he proposes to include $35,000 in the proposed 1979-80 budget for this expansion, and ask for bids to come in about the time that funds would become available. Council concurred. The Counseling Board has requested that they be permi,tted to chanqe their by-laws to specify one board meeting every other month rather than each month. MOTION: (Maaz) To authorize the proposed change in the Couns�ling Board by-laws. ��j/ Secondt Lay sc�� Vote: FOR ( 4 ) Maaz, Lay, Wood, Lowe � AGAINST: Zeitler MOTZON CARRIED �o� 8. Purchase of SERA Park - Janet Berthiaume requested that Council appoint a committee to study advisability and method of purchasing the Shell Recreation property at fM 528 and Winding Way. Council advised her to go back through the Parks Department for their recommendation on the subject. 9. Develo er's Bond for Re ency Estates - In order to obtain building permits prior to comp etion and acceptance of facilities in this subdivision, Dr. William Jones has requested that the City accept � a cash bond in lieu of a written bond from a bonding company. Council explained that this could be done by submission of a check made payable to the City in an amount equal to cost of the proposed improvements , and as a portion of the work is completed, that part of the cash could be returned to the develpper. Mr. Morgan tvas instructed to authorize issuance of building permits after receipt of the necessary check and its handling in accordance with instruc- tions from the City Attorney. 10, 0 enin Bids on A urtenances to Water Well #5 - Only one bid has been received, and Mr. Morgan explained t at t e invitation for bids ran a week late in the newspaper; he requested that opena:ng of the bids be postponed for one week to give full timing on the public notice. Council approved. 11 . Awardinq Bid on Street Department Dump Truck � ��1+'�Q MOTION: (Maaz) To award the bid to the only bidder, Bud Brown � Ford, as recommended by the City P4anager. Second: Wood Vo�e: Unanimous FOR MOTI(1N CARRIED 12. Increased Sewer Rates to WC&ID 108 - No new information on the matter. It will be reviewed next week. ���� \ 13. Water Line to Rancho Vehjo II - As requested by Council last week, Petromas ' Tom Roach estimated possible water demand from all the land in this area when and if it is developed, and said that on this basis a 12" line would be needed; however, he felt that other access to water might be available by the time this land builds out, and that he felt a 10" line would be adequate for more than double the demand for Rancho tVehjo II. (The developer of Rancho Vehjo II proposes to pay 45% of the cost of this line; the City to pay 55% ) In discussing method of financing, Mr. Morgan recommended the issuance of time warrants, if the attorney so approves. � �,�jr�n MOTION: (Maaz) To authorize the City Manager to go. out for bids � �� on a 10" line to RanchoVehjo II , and recommend method of financing the City's protion, with the developer paying his pro-rata share of the total cost. Second: Zeitler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 14. Elevated Water Stora e - Tom Roach recommended a 1 ,000,000 gallon elevated storage tank to be located at Water Well #5 to serve the City until approximately 1986. He used the number 3700 gpm as peak flow, and recommended that lines from the tank should be 18" diameter. Line routing and sizing for the distribution s,ystam Hiere outlined on a m�p furnished Council . Roach also highly recommended completing the water line down Sunset between Castlewood and Briarmeadow. A ' report on progress of WW #5 was also given. 15. Castlewood Bri�d e - Mr. Morgan reported that the reon tractor will have to c ose the old bridge before work can begin on the �new bridge. With the street paving on Castlewood still incomplete, he was instructed to make sure residents who have been using the brigde can get to their driveways from the other direction before tearing out the bridge. 30� 16. Gasoline Shorta e - Councilman Lay reported that the Chief of Police is planning to contact all service station owners in the City to work out a plan for making the customer lines less hazardous to moving traffic. 17. Warrants for Approval - By unanimous vote, the following warrants were approved for payment: , General Fund Check # 1650 - Cal-Western Life Ins. $ 3,434.29 1719 - Pearland Lumber Co. 716.40 1720 - Conroe Creosoting Co. 3,728.00 1721 - General Electric 2,384.00 1722 - Gal . County Health Fund 680.41 1724 - Friendswood Hardware 1 ,469,26 1725 - Rosenberq Library 791 .91 1726 - Monroe Calculator Co. 505.43 � 1727 - White's Mines 2,505,96 '�' 1728 - Wartex Oil 716.04 � W&S Fund � Check # 1668 - Cal-Western Life In�. $ 1 ,025.49 1679 - CPS - Alvin 2�zpg g� Q 1680 - Stonies Welding & Fabricating 2,500.00 Capital Projects #205 to Skrla, Inc, for $31 ,596.72 was approved contingent on Mr. Morgan 's determination that certain clean-up and correction work has been done. 18. Closed Exec�t�ve Session - Sec. 2 g, Art. 6252-U VTCS ' 19. Selection of New Librarian - Mr. Morgan was given approval by the � Council to ire t e replacement librarian he has recommended, 20. Adjournment - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. �r� iC ty Secre� APPROVED: US � a`� of c--W--2 Ma or �'alph L. Lowe