HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1979-06-04 Regular 301
June 4, 1979
A Regular Mee!ting of the friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall
on h1onday, June 4, 1979, at 7:30 p,m. with the follwoing members oresent:
P1ayor Ralph Lowe City Attorney John Olson
Councilman Paul P1aaz Cit,y Secretary Bobbie Henry
Councilman Vickie Black Acting City Mananer Melvin
Councilman Tom Lay P4einecke
Councilman Dale !�Ihittenburg
Councilman Fd Zeitler
41ith a quorum present, and with Councilman i�lood absent, the followinq
business was transactec�:
� IPJVOCATION by Rev . Paul Thornburg, f'riends Church
� April 2, 1979 Regular - Apnroved as read
� April 9, 1979 Special - Approvecl as read
April 16, 1979 Regular - Aparoved as corrected
April 23, 1979 Special - Approved as corrected
f?ay 7, 1979 Reqular - Approved as corrected
May 14, 1979 Special - Approved as corrected
P1ay 21 , 1979 Regular - Approved as corrected
l . City Manager P1organ is at a meeting in Corpus Christi .
2. Mayor Ralph Lowe participaCed today in openinq cer,emonies for new
Plainlanr! Savings building.
3. f4ayor Lowe has been in contact with Representative Lloyd Criss relative
to the MTA legislation, and will continue to work on this nro.iect.
4. Ptayor Lowe has invited Senator Babe Schwartz and Lieutenant �overnor
[�ill tfobby to attend Friendswooci 's 4th of ,luly celebration. P,enresentative
Lloyd Criss is also being invited to this event.
1 . Police Chief Wright was present to �liscuss the oroblem of stalled
cars on main thoroughfares as a result of the qas shorta.ae, and nossible
alternate to having the cars towed away resulting in a $35 retrieval fee.
Sugqested solution was to urqe citizens to leave the kevs in their car
when they leave to seek �as , so that the car can be move�i out of the
line of traffec. Also, that the hoo�l be raise�i anc� the emerqenc,y blinker
light be turned on to warn other drivers that the car is stalled.
2. Friendswood Communit Antenna TV - Mr.Kamin made a presentation on
services this company would offer and fees to be charqed if thev shoul�l
be awardecl a franchise to install cable TV in Friendswood. The renre-
sen tative from MECA, who has already re�uested a franchise, also snoke
and answered some questions from the Council for comnarison of the two
3. Don Barrias and Ted Bogrin asked for ao�roval of the "�!utt-Shell " sewer
s�s�ems for Rancho 1/ehiio II , and for City �artici�ation in oinin�
City water to the subdivision. Roqrin estimateri that, a 2,100' City line
loop the Polly Ranch System would cost aonroximately $?.4,000. A 10"
line from this loop at Leisure Lane to the City limits , 6,100' woulci
cost $102,500, and could be shareci 45% by the developer and 55% hy the
It was Council 's wish to size the line sufficiently to serve all future
development alonq this line, an�i Tom Roach was asked to make a determi-
nation as to this size. Mr. Morgan is to report if funds are available
'that would make this pro,ject possible hefore the new fiscal year.
4. Plutt-Shell Sewer S stem - Report from Malcolm Collins ; Mr. Collins
explained the process involved in this treatment, said he woulci favor
it over the traditional septic systam and woul� not hesitate to recom-
m end its use on lots of 2 1/2 acres or more. A poll of the Council
indicated that they would not be o�posed to Planninq Commission 's
permitting the use of the Nutt-Shell System in Rancho Veh,jo II on
an experimental basis in view of the platted lot sizes (2 1/2 to
4 1/2 acres) .
5. Crown Central Petroleum Company - has renuestec� permission to lay a �
transfer line going from the new well-head to their storaqe tanks
down a portion of the Citv's right-of-way on I_unciy Lane. �ince Lundy
Lane will be considerecl in the future for imnrovement which would
necessitate additional right-of-wa,y, Council requested th�t f.rown
be invited to come in next week to rliscuss the possihility nf their
having to move this line when the roadwork is cione.
f1PFNING �F BIDS - flnly one bid was receive�i on the �treet Denartment r+um�
truck, this %�rom Bud Brown For�i for $17,532. �
��1�,��, t10TION: (Lay) To refer the biri to the City ^1ananer for his
review and recommen�lation.
Second: 4lhittenbura
Vote: Unanimous Ff?R. P10TIOD! CARRTFD
SPECIAL REPORT - Councilman Blacl; reported on a meetinq of the f;alveston
County Mayors and Councilmen 's Flssociation in Texas Cit,y last week. She
was elected Secretary/Treasurer for the cominq year and says that the.y
have some interesting proqrams planned.
1 . Whisperinq Pines Bridqe - Harris County has requested that the Citv
share the cost of repairs to this bridc�e. Galveston County refuses
to share the cost as their engineer thinks the bridqe is in noocl !
condition. Commissioner Rass has aqain asked the Cit.y to narticinate.
J �o�.��?Q F1pTI0Pl: (P1aaz) To re�uest Malcolm Collins to surve.y the con�!ition
� � of the bridqe an�l report to Council .
Second: !dhittenbura
Vote: Unanimous FfiR MQTI�M CARRTF�
2. N1C&ID 108 Rate Increase - P10 new information available. �1r. ��orqan
will be asked to report on this next week.
3. Groce Comnany Permit Nearinq - Fngineer Jim Tarr has reoorte�! that
effluent requirements are less strinqent for this comnany than for
municipalities (specifically Friendswoo�i) ; however, he and the Citv
Attorney felt that appearance at the hearing on this narticular
matter might not be a�visable in view of the cost. Instead it was
suggested that a letter be sent to he entereci into the records of the
hearing settinq forth the City's opposition to this �lescrenency in efflu-
ent requirement.
�����q f10TI0N: (Lay) To instruct the Attorney to nrepare such a letter
to be submitteci to the hearing examiner.
Seconcl: Bl ack
4. Castlewood Riqht-of-Wav - P9r. 1lorgan has rec�uested authorization to
make final offer to owners of a small nortion of'lanci neede�. for the
new Castlewood bridge.
�1��,'� MOTION: (P1aaz) To so authorize the City Manaqer after he has an
official an�raisal on the land and a resolution
has been adopted ,hy Council .
Second : Zeitlar
Vote: Unanimous FnR r+n7Tn� fFlP.RTFn
NF.W BUSINESS - Appointment of City Health Officer
f10TI0f�: (Maaz) To appoint f)r. Richarrl Conway as Cit,y Nealth Officer �/,,q...
for the coming year. u/7
Second: Black ` a
Vote: Unanimous FOR P10TION CARRIFiI �
ORDINANCES - #97/14 - Cable TV Franchise to MFCA - First Readinq
MOTION: (P�aaz) To approve first reading of Qrd. #97/14,
Second: Black
Vot�: FOR (5) P4aaz, Black, Lowe, Ulhittenburq, 7_eitler
REPORT OM �In, 5 !�IATFR �n1FLL - Tom Roach reported that Layne-Texas is on
schedule with this .job, with the test hole to be completed this week.
CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSIOP! - Under Sec. 2 (g) Art. 6252-U VTf.S.
� �a official action resulted.
� WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote, the following warrants H�ere
� approved for payment;
�[ General Fund
,�;( Check P�o. 1594 - Jacob Printing Company q 717,gy
1635 - McVeiqh Service f,enter 1 ,304.95
1636 - Albritton Truckinq 2 129.50
1637 - Lunsford Door & Service 1 ,005.00
1638 - Wartex flil 2,041 .00
1639 - Motorola, Inc. 3,434.00
1640 - Texas Flectrical 4lholesalers 25,400.77
1641 - Houston-Calveston Area Council 2,P�F3.64
1642 - Mustang Auto Supply 667.01
1643 - Russell R� Smith Leasing 2,417.50
1644 - Pearland Lumber Co. 1 ,835.73
W&S Fund
1663 - Infinite Interests $ 630.80
1664 - Dixie Chemical 642.00
1665 - 6�neral Weldinq R Fabricating �50.00
bl&S Construction
149 - Mora Construction $ 16,620.00
Capitel Projects Fund
206 - Coenco, Inc. $ 3 ,767.25
207 - Fllbritton Trucking 1 ,6453.00
208 - Coastal Testing l.ab 1 211 .75
Waste Disposal Fund
282 - Coenco, Inc. $ 4,279.58
ADJOURNMENT - Motion was made and seconded that the meetinq ad.journ.
The meeting was adjourned.
Ci�'"Secretar'ey—L —.-tr`� -
Ma or R lph L. Lowe