HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1979-04-23 Special 28� MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEF.TING Of THE FRIENDSWOQD CITY COUNCIL April 23, 1979 A Special P1ee�ing of the Friendswood Cit,y Council was hel� at the City Hall on Monday, April 23, 1979, at 7:30 p.m, with the following members present: Hon. Mayor Ralph Lowe City Manager Jim Morgan Councilman Tom Lay Actinq City Secretary Moonyeen Wriqht Councilman Paul Maaz Councilman Dale Whittenburg Councilman Loren Wood Councilman Ed Zeitler Councilman Vickie Black With a quorum present, and with the City Secretary absent, the following business was transacted: ,��. ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR � 1 . Muscular Dystrophy Association carnival to be held at Clear Lake City �I on Saturday, May 26, 1979; proceeds to go to aid muscular dystrophy � victims. � 2. Letter regarding Nat.ional Secretaries Association breakfast on Apri1,.25, 1979 at Holiday Inn on �lasa Road I . Bobbie Henry, Cit,y. Secretary, was designated to attend. 3. Letter from City of Pearlan� extendinq invitation to Council to attend opening of the Pearland Municipal Swimming Pool on Saturday, May 5, 1979. Mayor Lowe asked that Councilman Wood reoresent the Gity at this event. 4. A personnel session will be scheduled for next meeting to consider appointment of a �4ayor Pro-tem. 5. Letter from Roberts & Associates indicating an interest in working with the Gity on their water system. 6. Letter from Reed & Clements expressing an interest in architectural ivork on the library expansion. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS 1 . Surfacin of Lund Lane - C. M. Thornton requested that Lundy Lane be inc u ed in the request for Galveston County to surface certain roads in the City. Council agreed to request the Street Committee to innlude this in their study, Recommendations of this committee will be referred to the County, 2. Texas Department of Health letter re city water supply - In line with a request from Eaqles Point Subdivision for approval of their water distribution system, the Health Department has notified the City that certain corrections must be made in the Cit.y System and nneration, includ- ing additional overhead storaqe. Mr. Morqan reporteci that some of these items have been correcte�i, He is to so inform the State and also exalain the City's situation regardinq surface water which has superseded instal- lation of overhead tanks. 3. New Police Officer - Chief Wright introduced Kenneth Howaniec who has recently been hired as a patrolman in the Police Department. BLACKHAWK REGIONAL SEWER FACILITY � 1 . Amendment to Enqineerinq-Science Contract MOTION: (Lay) To accept the amendment to the contract which will � allow Fngineering-Science, Inc. to inspect the construction of the access road to the plant. � Second: Wood � Vote: FOR (6) Lowe, Lay, Black, P1aaz, Whittenburg, blood AGAINST: Zeitler MOTION CARRIED 288 2. Status P,eport on Blackhawk Rroject - Milton Windler reported that approval nas not been received on Contract II which is the southern part of the North Interceptor force feed sector. The design of the ton half of the North Interceptor syphon system should be available on May R, 1979 for Council review. Re the alternate route proposed across Frenchman's Creek property, the State Historical Commission believes there may be Indian moMnds in this � area, and a registered archeologist has been engaged to make a determi- nation on this question. An additional alternate route has been surveyerl but the information is not yet available for study. 3. Gravity Syphon Desiqn =. Joh�n Stonesifer asked if fnqineerinq Science has been officially authorized to proceed with this design. If it is deter- mined this has not been done, it will he included on the next. Council agenda. 4. MUD 55 Allocation of Federal Funds - Correspondence from MIiD 55 to the City and to GCWpA restates TDI^IR and FPA decision that they are grant eligible, and states that they will not release bond funds for the nlant without assurance that their participation is on an acceptable basis. They propose that in lieu of receiving money representinq their allo- cation capacity in that they will settle for 125,000 qpd additional capacity in the Blackhawk Plant, this amount to be deducted from the City of Friendswood 's originally desiqnated capacity. A letter of aqreement setting forth these conditions was submitted for the City's consideration. ��f `q MOTION: (Wood) To authoriae the Mayor to siqn the letter of agreement on behalf of the City. Second: Maaz Vote: FOR (6) Wood , P1aaz, Lowe, ulhittenburg, Lay Rlack � P,GAINST: Zeitler P10TION CARP,IFD r� � �S' 5. Pipeline Crossinq Across Blackhawk Access Road - FXXON has requested � � reimbursement for lowering �heir pipeline across the extension of Blackhav�k Boulevard necessitated by building of the access road to the. sewer plant. Estimated cost of this pro.iect is $5,800. Milton l+lin�ller stated that this expense will probably be grant el�qible. �� / I P10TION: (Lay) To approve reimbursement of FXX�N for actual cost of lowerinq this line. Second: Zeitler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTI(1N CAR.RIF.[� GROCE COMPANY DISCHARGE Pf.RMIT - Mr. Morgan reported that the Cit,y Attorney feels that sufficient information has been supplied for the City to make a determination on whether or not to oppose this permit application (from a legal standpoint) ; Council , however, felt that an engineer's oninion would be necessary to ascertain what the effect of the effluent would be on the citizens of Friendswood. An offer has been received from Jim Tarr to study the matter and make recommendation to the Council from that standnoint, �5/,.�j P10TI�N: (Maaz) To engage Jim Tarr at a fee of $1 ,500 to study the � �-1 available information and make recommendation to the Council on what nosition they should take. Second: b.lhittenburg 11ote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 41ATER WELL SITF IN SUNMEADOW - P1r. Morgan was authorized to spend $501 .00 as proposed to get t is ot cleaned up, seal the old well , and get it in shape for selling. FEDERAL PARTICIPATION IN BRIDGE CONSTRUCTI�N - Mr. Morgan recommended that t e City request availab e funds be used on the Sunset crossinq on .Coward's Crk. �� ^� P10TION: (Lay) To accept the recommenciation and request assistance on / the bridge over Coward 's Creek on Sunset. Second: Glood Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTIO�! CARRT.F.D 28;) AGENDA ITEMS DEFERRED TILL MFXT MFFTIDIG 1 . Fire Department Dispatching problems. 2. Traffic control during rush hours around schools. 3. Request from Schneider and Moore Properties to connect 11F3 townhouse units into the Forest Bend sewer line for treatment 6y the City. The,y were instructed to have this reauest come throuqh the b!ater District. WARRANTS FOP APPRf1VAL Capital Projects Check #155 - Coastal Testing � A 5,824.69 Revenue Sharing Check #161 - Roberts & Associates $ 500.00 Mc1TI�N: (Maaz) To approve payment of the two warrants. Second: Whittenburg (� Vote: Unanimous FOR �10TIf1N CAI?RIFD � ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting ad.journ. � The meeting was adjourned. � �"L �� � City Secretary �?� l/ APPROVED: O ��o����� May r R�: Lowe