HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1979-04-02 Regular 2�� MINUTES QF A REGULAR MFETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL APRIL 2, 1979 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Couneil was held at the City Hall on Monday, April 2, 1979, at 7:30 p.m. with the followinq members � present: � � � Hon. Mayor Ralph Lowe Councilman R. J. Blanken Councilman Ed Zeitler Councilman Paul P1aaz Councilman Loren blood City Attorney John Olson Councilman Dale Whittenburg City Manager Jim Morgan Councilman Tom Lay City Secretary Bobbie Henr,y With a quorum present, and with none absent, the followinq business was transacted: �.�. I . INVOCATION by Rev. Paul Thornburg , Friends Church � II. READING AND APPROVAL OF P4INUTES - Minutes of a Sdecial Meeting L� of P1arch 12, and a Public Hearing of P�arch 15, approved as read. �( P1inutes of a Regular Meeting of March 19, approved as corrected. Q III. ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FR�M THE MAYOR 1 . The Heritage Society will hold its annual bar�e�ue and auction this next Saturday night. 2. The Episcopal Church is celebrating its 28th anniversary next Sunday with services and programs throughout the day. 3. The softball game scheduled between Council members and softball coaches has been canceled because of work being done that day by CPS on installation of new lights. 4. Councilman Wood, on behalf of the Community Counseling Services , commended Mayor Lowe on the success of his efforts in getting H-GAC funding for the Counseling Service for the aext fiscal ,year. IV. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS 1 . Mr. William Philben of the Groce Company, discussed with Council a processing plant which they propose to onerate in Manvel ; effluent from the plant would eventually run down Coward 's Creek through i� Friendswood and into Clear Creek. MOTION: (Blanken) To request an extension on the permit hearing set for April 12, to enable Friendswood to acauire �. sufficient information on which to base a position. /,y Secoud: Wood /�y Vote: Unanimous FOR P40TION CARRIED � 2. Jim Tarr has submitted his resignation from the Planninq R �oning Commission. No action could be taken, however, due to the fact that i� was not an agenda item. 3. F.ntex has requested an increase of 57¢ per customer ner month for gas consumption. Representatives were present to explain the request and answer questions. MOTION: (Blanken) To defer decision until the attorney can / , study the matter and make recommendation. �CY�� Second: Zeitler �� Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIE� 6LACKHAWK PLANT PROJECT - Mr. Steiber, ESI , gave a status report on plant construction. A n�w concept for the North Interceptor Line was �iscussed at length and it was decided to devote next Monday niqht to a workshop on this subject in an effort to reach a decision. �78 '��� �� AWARDING �ID ON CASTLEWOOD BRIDGE � ^�� MOTION: (Whittenburg) To award the contract to Skrla and proceed lp F with the project. Second: Zeitler Vote: FOR (6) Whittenburg, Zeitler, Maaz, Lay, Lowe, Wood AGAINST (1 ) Blanken MOTION CARRIED Malcolm Collins made a report on progress of the street paving. Council requested that the contractor be more deligent in cleaning up debris as a job is completed and that more extensive testing of the streets �e made. CURRENT STATE LEGISLATION - Councilman Blanken pointed out certain legislation being considered which would place controls on MTA and possible release Friendswood from participation in the future. Ud6`.GR MOTION: (Blanken) That Council officially support Senate Bill #865 and the Meyers Sales Tax Bill . Second: Zeitler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED BIDS. ON PARK RESTROOM - Mr. Morgan reporteci that these bids had run approximately 50% over the expected amount and available funcls. ��/r� MOTION: (Whittenburq) To re;ject the bids. � � Secoad: Zeitler Vote: Unanimous FOP, MOTION CARRIF.D WIIDFRNESS TRAIL - Owners have requested they be allowed to construct a security building at the entrance to the subdivision. Mr. Morgan auoted the attorney as saying that since the subdivision streets are public streets , no prohibition can be made on who travels on them. Since Planning Commission had originally heard this request, it was pointed out that it is not within their jue•isdiction to rule on such a request. SURFACE WATER - Councilman Blanken reported that the consortium is pressing Houston for prices on par:chase of water from them. QRDINANCES - (Retroactive to January 1979, .,ordinances will be numbered starting with #1 prefixed by the year, with each additional ordinance carrying the next consecutive number. To conform to this change, the following ordinances are numbereci in this manner. ) #79-6 - Retaininp Sales Tax on Utilities - 2nd readin f10TI0M: (Maaz) To approve second reading of �rd. #79-6. Second: 41ood Vote: Unanimous FOR M�TION CAR.RIF� #79-7 - Rezpning part of pilqrim's Point - 2nd readinq P��TION: (Blanken) To apnrove second reading of f)rd. #79-7. Second: Zeitler Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTIf1Pl CARR.IED #79-8 - Rezoninq TV Tower nroperty - 2nd readinq MOTION: (Lay ) To approve second reading of Ord. #79-8. Second: 41ood Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTInpa CARRIFD 79-9 - Rezoninq Cornett prooerty for duplex 2nd readinq MOTION: (Wood) To approve second reading of �rd. #79-9. Second: Blanken Vote: Unaimous FOR MOTION CARRIFn #79-10 - Rezonin for Oil blell - lst readinq MOTIOfJ: (Maaz) To approve first readinq of �rd. #79-10. Second: Blanken Vote: Unaimous FOR P�OTIOPI CARRIFD 27�3 #79-11F - Abandoning a portion of Castlewood (re �n1L1 #5) Emergency Reading MOTION: (Lay) To pass Ordinance # 79-11E on one readinq. � Second: Wood Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTIQN CAR.RIE� �9 i 4JARRAMTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous .vote of tl9e Council , the followinq � warrants were approved for payment: General Fund #1301 - McVeigh Service Center $ 1 ,028.04 1302 - Morris Office.:Supply: .. 942 88 1303 - Wartex Oil Co. 2,174.11 W&S Fund #1550 - CPS (Alvin) 1 ,7st2,67 1551 - Industrial Armature blorks 1 ,010.60 1553 - McKenzie Equipment Co. 604.16 � 1554 - The Rohan Company 692,5ti � Cap. Projects #187 - Infinite Interests 820.00 � 188 - Rl�tritt�rn Truckinq 8R£i.04 � 189 - Skrla, Inc. 73,�428.16 �[ 190 - Coenco 5,343.60 � ADJOURPJP1ENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting ad.iourn, The meeting was adjourned. City Secretary APPROVED: �����--�.,,� 61a or lph Lowe