HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1979-01-08 Regular I 22`) MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL January 8 , 1979 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, January 8 , 1979 , at 7 : 30 p .m. with the following members present : ! Mayor Ralph Lowe City Attorney William Olson Councilman Paul Maaz City Attorney John Olson Councilman R. J. Blanken City Manager Jim Morgan Councilman Tom Lay City Secretary Bobbie Henry Councilman Dale Whittenburg Councilman Loren Wood Councilman Ed Zeitler With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following business was transacted : � INVOCATION - Reverend John Cartmill , Friends Church � READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Special Meeting of � December 11 , and a Regular Meeting of December 18 , approved as � corrected. � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR l. Proclamation of January 21 and 27 as Jaycees Week in Friends- wood was read by the Mayor and presented to Dr. Harris Nussenblatt , who , in turn , invited the Council to attend the Jaycees Banquet on January 19 and to submit nominees for their Distinguished Service Award. 2 . Certificates of Appreciation from the Pearland City Council were presented by the Mayor to the Friendswood Police Depart- ment , the Friendswood Volunteer Fire Department , and the Friendswood Medical Arts Clinic for their services to citizens of the area affected by the pipeline explosion in October. 3 . On January 22 , the City will host a meeting of Highway Depart- ment people and mayors from surrounding cities to discuss the possible solutions to traFfic increase in the area. 4. Councllman Whittenburg was asked to present plaques he brought back from a recent trip , to the City Manager and City Secretary , as a lighter side to the meeting. PETTTIONS & COMMUNICATIONS l. Diek Atchison presented a check For $100 from the Friendswood Lion' s Club to the Community Counseling Services in keeping with the Lion' s Club �ipose of helping the youth of the community. 2 . Freddy Musgrove , on behalf of the Sunmeadow Civic Club , invited the Couneil to attend their meeting on Thursday night to hear C. R. Johnson , Galveston County Tax Assessor/Collector speak. BUSINESS ITEMS l. Resolurtion #1-79 Authorizing the sale of $1, 750 , 000 Revenue �' �� Bonds - Harry Granberry reported on a trip to Austin on December 19 accompanied by the Mayor and City Manager to talk to the Water Resources people about these bonds . He explained conditions set forth in the Resolution relative to conditions of the Water Resources purchase of the bonds at 5 . 5% interest . MOTION : (Lay) To adopt Resolution #1-79 authorizing sale of /'7G the $1, 750 , 000 revenue bonds . / Second : Whittenburg Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �30 L � 1`1 2 . Regional Sewer System - A letter from Gulf Coast Waste Disposal �L Authority to the Mayor asked that the City agree to the follow- J ing conditions : a. The city shall provide to the Authority $230 ,658 to cover part of the grant ineligible costs of the Blackhawk plant . Payment of this amount will have no effect on the Partici- pant shares of the plant which are : Participant Percent Capacity City of Friendswood 66 . 55% 2 . 0 M�D Clearwoods ID 15 . 38% . 5 MGD Harris County MUD #55 15 . 38% . 5 MGD Harris County MUD #142 7 . 69% . 25 MGD b. Change orders determined to be grant ineligible shall be prorated among the Participants according to their respec- tive eprcentage shares . Change orders determined to be grant eligible shall be prorated in the same manner with each participant paying its percentage of the local share. c. The city agrees to provide all necessary building permits and construction approvals as may De necessary for the expansion of the Harris County MUD #55 interim plant providing all city ordinances are complied with by Harris County MUD #55 . Such approvals by the City shall not be arbitrarily withheld. A discuss.ion of the points with Jim Thornton of GCWDA followed. a/ /'�a MOTION : <Lay) To authorize the Mayor to sign by way of � a � agreement the letter from Jack Davis of GCWDA dated January 5 , 1979 . Second: Wood Vote : FOR (5 ) Lowe , Lay, Wood , Whittenburg , Zeitler AGAINST (2 ) Maaz , Blanken MOTION CARRIED 3 . Representative to. Subsidence Board - The term of Ralph Somers on this Board will expire on January 31 , and Couneil has been asked for their opinion of reappointing him. �f� MOTION : CLay) To support the reappointment of Ralph � � Somers to the Subsidence Board. Second: Whittenburg Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � -\ 4 . Street Program - Two letters from Skrla , Inc. , contractors ��/ on the street paving program, were discussed. One letter states that a 15% increase in the overall contract will be necessary due to hold-up in the work by the city ; the other letter raises the cost of a concrete bridge on Castlewood from $90 ,000 to $121 ,000 . Engineer Malcolm Collins was asked to comment on these letters . He advised that the delays had not cost the contractor because they always had another place they could work ; and he felt an increase in the bridge cost might be in order but felt the 34o increase was excessive. The Attorney was asked to examine the contract in view of these facts and advise Council . ORDINANCES #323 - Sign regulations (On advice of the Attorney , this ordinance will go through all three readings for a second time) - 2nd Reading � MOTION: (Lay) To approve second reading of Ord. 323 . Second: Blanken Vote : FOR ( 6) Lay, Blanken, Lowe , Wood, Whittenburg, Maaz AGAINST (1) Zeitler MOTION CARRIED 2��. #325 - Designating Library as second posting place for ordinances . MOTION : (Wood) To approve second reading of Ord. #325 Second : Blanken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #326 - Revision to Subdivision Ordinance to include density requirements the same as those set forth in the Zoning Ordinance MOTION: (Blanken) To approve third and final reading oF Ordinance 326 . �� Second: Whittenburg �(�. Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote of the Council, the following warrants were approved for payment : � GENERAL FUND #802 - Pearland Lumber Company $ 689 . 05 �. 803 - Texas Industrial Services 510 . 52 804 - Kilgore Construction Co . 38 ,523 . 70 � 805 - County of Galveston Public Health 680 . 41 [] 806 - Cal-Western Life Ins . 3 ,442 . 86 �[ 807 - Houston-Galveston Area Council 4 , 696 . 80 ,� 808 - Claude Wright & Associates 2 , 161. 50 809 - Truman Ta�lor Ins . 1, 496 . 28 810 - Miller Freeman Ford 1 ,151. 04 811 - Wartex Oi�. 3 , 879 . 18 812 - Clson & Olson 2 , 360 . 00 W&S FUND 1307 - The Buyexs Supply 1 , 537 . 25 1309 - CPS (Alvin) 1 , 367 . 50 1310 - Dixie Ch�mical 662 . 80 1311 - CPS (Friendswood) 550 . 86 1312 - T & T Tapping 6 ,722 . 18 1313 - Eagle Pibe & Supply 568 . 00 1314 - Shur-Flo�, Inc. 540 . 00 1315 - The Rohan Company 1 , 074 . 92 1316 - Ad Valorem Records 705 . 85 1317 - Maintenance Engineering 1, 526 . 02 1318 - Olson & Olson 6 , 200 . 00 1319 - Cal-Western Life Ins . 1 ,086 . 46 1308 - Petromas. Inc . 2 ,600 . 00 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND 159 - Skrla, Inc. 64 . 424 . 15 162 � Skrla , Inc. Sg 79b 97 CLOSED EXECUTIVE SESSION - Following the closed session , Mayor Lowe annou,E�ed that there had been a discussion relative to handling of the problems arising from the sewage treatment contract. No official action was taken as a result of this meeting. ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. � � City Sec��r�eta� � APPROVED : -` a �' ---�-�-K-H=e_.__