HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1978-05-15 Regular 1�5 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL ' May 15 , 1978 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall at 7 : 30 p. m. on Monday , May 15 , 1978 , with the following members present : Mayor Ralph Lowe City Manager Jim Morgan Councilman Ed Zeitler City Attorney John Olson Councilman Loren Wood City Sect . Bobbie Henry Councilman Dale Whittenburg Councilman Tom Lay Councilman R. J. Blanken With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following business was transacted : � INVOCATION - Rev . Allen Gunderman , Hope Lutheran Church � READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting � of May l , approved as read. Minutes of a Special Meeting of � May 8 , approved and corrected. � � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR l. The Mayor read a proclamation setting this as Police Week, and announced that he had presented a proclamation to the Autumn Hills Rest Home proclaiming this week as Rest Home Week. 2 . Council members met with the Subsidence Board this week and received a permit to drill a new water well . 3 . The Highway Department has agreed to install a signal light on FM518 at the Fire Station to be used at the time of fire calls . 4 . Mayor Lowe met with representatives from Pearland and Harris County to request extending the name "Dixie Farm Road" to Highway 3 on what is presently known as Choate Road, on completion of Pearland ' s bridge across Clear Creek which will connect these two roadways . Harris County people were in agreement with the proposal; they also indicate that the Harris County portion of the road will be surfaced in the near Puture. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS 1. Mitch Mitchell again appeared to discuss paving of Leisure Lane from FM 518 to Winding Way , specifically as an entrance- way to his proposed subdivision. He proposed participation by the City and adjacent property owners , and wanted a definite date when this might be accamplished. Council was agreeable to the concept , but could not commit to a definite timing , and said that this particular project would have to be considered as part of the overall city plan. Mayor Lowe appointed a committee consisting of Councilmen ,�(o'��� Blanken and Whittenburg and Glen Cress of the Streets and Bike Trail Committees , with two other members of the Street Committee to be selected , to study the concept of participa- ' tion street projects and set up guidelines for same . 2 . Mrs . Beverly Lanmon addressed Council on desirability of getting that portion of Leisure Lane beyond Winding Way paved, citing the length of time these homes have been in the City and the fact that until three years ago they �ain- tained their own road. She also asked that width be consider- ed in improving the first section of Leisure Lane because of the heavy traffic to the Church of Christ and school bus traffic on the road. 136 l��,�� REPORT FROM THE CHARTER STUDY COMMITTEE - Bob Stewart presented copies of the report with an explanation of how the committee reached their conclusions , recognized members of the committee for the effort expended , and stated that the committee is ready to go through the proposed changes with Council at a meeting next week if Council so desires . V�i�a MOTION : (Lay) To accept the report for study , and thank the committee for their efforts . Second : Zeitler Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �3�v�� OFFER OF SMALL PARK IN SUNMEADOW - Mr. Morgan reported that � the Attorney says the property can be conveyed to the City with the residents doing the maintenance work, but the 'City will be liable Por any damages or injuries related to such maintenance work. �� MOTION: - (Maaz) Not to accept the offer from Sun- meadow for the park property. Second : Zeitler ` Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �� �' 7 � TRAFFIC CONTROL RECOMMENDATIONS - Mr. Morgan , under the new traffic controls procedure, advised Council that steps are being taken to prohibit parking in front of the building at the corner of FM 518 and Willowick, and if this can not be accomplished through cooperation by the owner, signs will be erected and no parking will be allowed which obstructs the , view on this corner. I�� _ � g CLOSING OF OLD WHISPERING PINES - Mr. Morgan presented his proposal for closing the old section of Whispering Pines by placing a baracade in line with the Hatcher property to afford him access to his driveway. The balance of the abandoned road- way will be disposed of by (1) deeding orie half to Clint Hackney in exchange for the new right-of-way which he donated to the City and ( 2 ) allowing the New Life Church to purchase the half of the roadway next to their property through the procedure of street abandonment . Council approved this proposal. � �� _ � � PARKING AREA AT CITY HALL - The Planning Commission says that the parking lot must be blacktopped to conform with city law. Mr. Morgan reported that this will be done after the base material has had sufficient time to set , and when budget funds will be available for the topping. � �-I a _ 7 � CITY HEALTH OFFICER (luC MOTION: (Wood) To confirm the Mayor' s appointment of Dr. ���'v Richard Conway as City Health Officer for. the next fiscal year. Second : Lay Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 1 ,��_ � � SIGN REGULATIONS - A number of comments were made on the copy as presented by the Council Committee , and several corrections were made to the copy prior to submitting to the City Attorney for his study as to legality and enforcability. � Q/„ MOTION: (Maaz) To refer the sign regulations to the City � l�(J Attorney for review and comments back to Council , and discussion with Council prior to actua�lly drawing up an ordinance. . Second: Blanken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED "13� AGREEMENT WITH TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS AND PUBLIC /ff� "�g TRANSPORTATION RELATIVE TO SIGNAL LIGHT AT FIRE STATION - where�nthe City agrees to exercise no control over the sign without written authority from the Highway Department , and that the City will be responsible for police enforeement required for securing obedience to the signal. MOTION (Zeitler) To authorize the Mayor to sign q�y agreement with the Department of Highways and � Public Transportation concerning the signal � light at the fire station. Second : Whittenburg Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED WATER WELL - A letter from the School Board proposes to trade ��C- % the City a 100 ' X 250 ' behind the football stadium for a 4Q ` wide strip of Castlewood bordering the high school site. It is on this land that the City is considering drilling the new water well and placing a storage tank. 0 '�' MOTION - ( Lay) That the City Manager write a letter (� to the school accepting the concept of their �� � proposal, and begin making up specifications � for the new water well . Secbnd : Maaz '� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MOTION : (Blanken) To direct the City Manager to review the Water Engineer' s report and discuss with him implementation of the well and distribution system,�Q' based on the best and most economical system for � immediate needs but compatible with the long-range water plan. Second : Lay Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MEETING WITH PLANNING COMMISSION - Council will meet jointly J�f� "i with the Planning Commission at 6 : 30 p .m. on Thursday , May 18 , to discuss a master plan for the city , subdivision approval , streets , septic tanks , procedures „dual meeting , parks , etc . One item on parks is designation on plats of "City Parks" and desirability of the city owning these small park areas . The City Secretary is to notify members of the Commission by phone of this meeting. REZONING FOR HIDDEN COVE - This item which was added to the agenda after the closing time , will be deferred until next Monday. ORDINANCES #302-E AGREEMENT BETWEEN CITY & STATE ON FIRE STATION TRAFFIC SIGNAL - Emergenc Reading AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPROVAL OF THE AGREE- MENT DATED MAY 15 , 1978 BETWEEN THE STATE OF TEXAS AND THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , FOR THE INSTALLATION , CON- STRUCTION , EXISTENCE , USE , OPERATION, AND MAINTENANCE OF HIGHWAY SIGNAL PROJECT AT THE LOCATION SHOWN ON EXHIBIT l , ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF, IN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD; PROVIDING FOR THE EXECUTION OF SAID AGREEMENT ; AND DECLARIN6 AN EMERGENCY. MOTION: (Lay) To approve and adopt as an emengency, � Ord. #302-E. /� Second : Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 1 138 T-4A - ANNEXATION ON FM 528 - Third & Final Readin ����� CERTADNwLIMITSEANDDBOUNDARIEDEANDLANNEDONGNTOATHEYCITYIOF _ E�IENpSW,OQD_.ALL OF :THE. ,AREA WITHIN SUCH LIMITS AND BOUNDAR•, IES ; PROVIDING THAT THE PASSAGE OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL NOT IMPAIR OR AFFECT ANY OTHER ORDINANCE ANNEXING TERRI- TORY TO THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD. OR ANY OTHER ANNEXATION ORDINANCE WHETHER PASSED ON ONE OR MORE READINGS AND NOT YET PASSED ON FINAL READING ; AND PROVIDING A SAVINGS AND I SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. MOTION: (Lay) To approve and adopt on third reading Ord. I #T-4A (and assign permanent number 303 ) Second : Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Ord. #T-5A - FLOOD DAMAGE PREVENTION - 2nd reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD SETTING FORTH FINDINGS OF FACT RELATIVE TO FLOOD HAZARD AREAS WITHIN THE CITY; SETTING OUT ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE FOR FLOOD INSURANCE INCLUDING VARIANCE PROCEDURES ; OUTLINING PROVISIONS FOR FLOOD HAZARD REDUCTION AND STANDARDS FOR AREAS OF SHALLOW FLOODING; SETTING STANDARDS FOR SUB- DIVISION PROPOSALS ; INCLUDING A REPEALING AND A SEVERA- BILITY CLAUSE . MOTION : (Lay) To approve second reading of Ord. #T-5A. Second : Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Ord. #T-5B - HYDRO-LOCKS ON FIRE HYDRANTS -Second Reading AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING THAT ALL FIRE HYDRANTS WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , TEXAS , BE EQUIPPED WITH A CONNECTING DEVICE KNOWN AS A "HYDRO-LOCK" OR ITS EQUIVALENT; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY . MOTION: (Blanken) To approve second reading of Ord . #T-5B . Second : Zeitler Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Ord. #T-5C - HOUSE NUMBERING - Second Reading AN ORDINANCE REQUIRING STREET ADDRESS NUMBERS TO BE DISPLAYED ON OR IN FRONT OF EVERY BUILDING OR STRUCTURE IN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , TEXAS , USED OR INTENDED TO BE USED FOR RESIDENTIAL, BUSINESS , COMMERCIAL, EDUCATIOIJAL, RELIGIOUS , GOVERNMENTAL, OR SIMILAR PURPOSES ; PROVIDING THAT SUCH STREET ADDRESS NUMBERS SHALL BE READILY IDENTIFIABLE FROM THE STREET UPON WHICH SUCH BUILDING FACES ; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY. MOTION : (Wood) To approve second reading of Ord . #T-5C. Second : Lay Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Ord. #T-SD - REZONING FOR SPECIFIC USE (OIL WELL) - First Reading I AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM � R-1 TO SPECIFIC USE (OIL WELL) ; CHANGZNG THE ZONING'�MAP ACCORDINGLY; COMPLYING WITH ORDINANCE 291 OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE . ' MOTION: (Whittenburg) To approve first reading of Ord. #T-SD. Second: Zeitler Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 1�J WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - The following warrants were approved for payment : Gen. Fund #221 - Rosenberg Library Assn. $ 846 . 86 222 - Wartex Oil 682 . 03 224 - Pearland Lumber Co . 719 . 36 225 - Community Public Service 1 829 . 36 226 - R�I Pipe and Supply �777 , 00 227 - Webster Bicycle & Lawnmower Supply 1 ,190 . 00 W&S Fund #959 - Western Auto 588 . 00 960 - Infinite Interest 882 . g� 961 - Buyers Supply 1 ,206 . 25 962 - Ad Valorem Records , Inc . 604. 81 963 - Community Public Service 3 224 . 34 964 - Naylor Pipe Cleaning 1 � 400 . 00 � Cap. Projects Fund #138 - Traffic Engineers , Inc. 854 . 84 Check #196 from the Waste Disposal Fund to Slip Liners in the amount of $144 , 382 . 55 was not approved pending determination by Q the City Manager that all clean-up work has been completed. � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVED TELEPHONE SERVICE FOR CITY HALL - Mr. j�7- 7 � � Morgan furnished Council with a proposal fnom the T2lephone Company for an expanded system of telephones far the� '.City '� Hall , for their study. � CITY PICNIC - Mr. Morgan outlined plans by the Parks Director I '{�- 7 � and himself for a picnic to be held at Stevenson Park on June 3 . Participants would be city employees and members of . all committees , commissions and other volunteer groups involved in city government , along with their families . Games and contests are also planned for the day. ADJOURNMENT - Motion was made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. ��� �-' .��z� City Secretary APPROVED : � p � i.i ! ��b-�-�r-e Mayo Ralph owe