HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1978-04-17 Regular 121. MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL April 17 , 1978 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall at 7 : 30 p.m. on Monday , April 17 , 1978 , with the following members present : Mayor Ralph L. Lowe City Attorney William Olson Councilman Tom Lay City Manager Jim Morgan Councilman R. J . Blanken City Secretary Bobbie Henry Councilman Paul Maaz Councilman Dale Whittenburg Councilman Loren Wood Councilman Ed Zeitler With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following business Q was transacted : �- INVOCATION - By Councilman Wood � READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting of � April 3 , approved as corrected. � PRESENTATIONS - A plaque was presented to James Evans £or eight �[ years as Court Judge . A plaque was also read for Ted Trigg , Prosecutor, who has served the city six years , but was not present to accept the plaque. A Certificate of Appreciation was presented to Bruce Goss , Chair- man of the Library Board , who has been honored by being named Library Trustee of the Year for the State of Texas . APPOINTMENTS - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT - Two alternate positions on �D�'7g the Board of Ad�ustment were filled by temporary appointments by Mayor Lowe of Elvia Salyer and John Crosby. PRESENTATION OF PETITION RE CASTLEWOOD REALIGNMENT - Mrs . Deania Ratcliff presented Council a petition bearing some 200 names opposing relocation of Castlewood bridge and street . No action was taken on the petition. SAFETY ENGINEERS REPORT - Mr. John Hudson gave a detailed report on a safety study , made at Council request , on the present and proposed routing of Castlewood Street . OPENING OF BIDS ON STREET PROGRAM - The following bids were opened and read: ���"7'� Brown & Root , Inc . Base Bid : $1 , 864 , 916 . 88 300 days Skrla , Inc . Base Bid : 1 ,416 ,771 . 85 240 days MOTION: (Maaz ) To refer bids to the City Manager and Engineer /7^ for study and recommendation . /q/� Second: Lay J � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED OPENING OF BIDS ON CITY HALL ANNEX - Bids read as follows : /� 7'��� Volume Builders $129 ,000 135 days E. L. Taylor 114 ,290 150 days Tom Burke Co. 72 ,675 63 days MOTION : (Blanken) To refer bids to Architect and City Manager for study and recommendation to Couneil . n� Second: Wood / Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 1.22 AWARDING OF BID ON REPAIRING CURBS IN DUNBAR ESTATES /�� " 7M ���� MOTION : (Zeitler) To accept the recommendation of the City 8 Manager and award the bid to Northeast Houston Construction and Equipment Co . , Inc . for $19 , 250 , contract to be signed on receipt of a certified check from U. S . Homes in amount of •$&-,-r@-6 made payable to the City. ,��� ��'SQ Second : Wood � � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ��� �� PARK RE�ULATIONS - Regulations in keeping with the Parks Ordinance have been prepared and presented by the Parks & Recreation Committee for Council approval . R'J� MOTION: (Blanken) To adopt the Park Regulations as presented. Second : Maaz Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED /1 MUTUAL AID AGREEMENT WITH HOUSTON POLICE DEPARTMENT - Houston I � 0-7'b Police Department has proposed a mutual aid agreement with the Friendswood Police Department . Chief Wright recommends that the City enter into negotiations for such an agreement . (�/„ MOTION : ( Lay) To authorize the Chief to proceed with the W mutual aid agreement with Houston. Second: Zeitler Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED I�I _�� PETITIONS FOR ABANDONMENT OF DEDICATED ROADS - Mr . Stanley Weinstein, Trustee , requests abandonment of 5 acres of platted roads located in Burgess Subdivision , Goerge W. Patterson Survey No . A-645 , Galveston County , Texas . The City Attorney is to draft a letter setting forth the require- ments for legally abandoning the road. Dr. C. Boone requested abandonment of an extension of Castlewood, a 40 foot roadway from its point of intersection with the South- westerly line of Greenbriar Avenue approximately 1700 feet in a Southwesterly direction along the Northwesterly line of the R. Hoppel Survey, A-83 and the Southwesterly l.ine of the Friendswood High School property. Members of the Council will meet with the parties involved to discuss this request . �,a��� request was presentedF�to theEMallorBlastNweekNThisOaL COMPANY - This y ppointed committee will meet Tuesday night to discuss the pipeline . �� MOTION: (Blanken) To refer the request to the Planning & Zoning Commission. Second : Lay Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCE - T-4A - Annexation on FM 528 - First Reading AN ORDINANCE EXTENDING THE CITY LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS , TO INCLUDE ALL LANDS AND AREA WITHIN CERTAIN LIMITS AND BOUNDARIES AND ANNEXING TO THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD ALL OF THE AREA WITHIN SUCH LIMITS AND BOUNDARIES ; ' PROVIDIN� THAT THE PASSAGE OF THIS ORDINANCE SHALL NOT IMPAIR OR AFFECT ANY OTHER ORDINANCE ANNEXING TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, OR ANY OTHER ANNEXATION ORDINANCE WHETHER PASSED ON ONE OR MORE READINGS AND NOT YET PASSED ON FINAL READING ; AND PROVIDING A SAVINGS AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE . MOTION: CWhittenburg) To approve Ord. #T-4A on first reading. Second : (Zeitler) Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED / ��� WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - The following warrants were approved for payment : General Fund Check #2109 - City of Pearland CLandfill) $ 1 , 350 . 00 2129 - Pearland Lumber Co. 560 . 02 119 - Bell Telephone Co . 925 . 25 120 - Wartex Oil Co . 2 ,1'7g , �g 121 - Texas Industrial Services , Inc . 585 . 70 122 - Ridge Electric Co . 1 ,687 . 24 123 - Rosenberg Library Assn . 993 . 36 124 - Community Public Service 1, 700 . 93 Water & Sewer Fund Check #1604 - Albritton Trucking Co. 1 , 620 . 00 1608 - Dixie Chemical Company 662 . 80 Q 1611 - Infinite Interests 686 . 00 � 932 - Community Public Service 3 ,859 . 56 � 933 - Meter Repair Service 1 ,234 . 20 � ""S ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. � The meeting was adjourned. � _�-�, � ��. ���� Crty Secretary APPROVED: Ma� �� "�.. � . 7ClE��IEIE+�� lEl��'s� 1� J�I�]L$� , �l�� e . i260 SUL ROSS. � . HOUSTON,�TLXAS , 77098 1-713-5E3-8165 Apri1 1U, 1978 • I �� Mr. Jim Morgan City P1anager 709 Willowick Ave. Friendswood, Texas 77546 Dear Mr. P4organ: Attached is an analysis of traffic flow on the existing section of Castlewood between Merriewood and FM 518. Our analysis recommends the re- alignment of the roadway and the construction of a new bridge to provide safety along the roadway to both vehicles and pedestrians. Please review the analysis and if you have any questions, let me know. Sincerely, � �'0 U���3 i��� , Guv ohn W. udson, Jr. F , President � JWH,Jr./jd � ATTACHMENT rr'' - - ----- _ _ .. . __.. � ,, _ _ ._... . _... . . 1 • A �..� � � � M ! / • I \J ' I . . . I ��• . ' . Y TRAFFIC ENGINEERING ANALYSIS CASTLEWOOD AVENUE INTRODUCTION ' ' Castlewood Avenue is a 22 to 27 foot asphalt roadway between fM 518 and �� k Greenbriar. The section of roadway between FM 518 and Merriwood has been proposed for reconstruction. The 9mprovements will include realignment of the roadway between Merriewood and the timber br.idge across Cowarts Creek. The plenned 27 foot roadway and bridge will provide a sidewalk behind the curbed roadway. The pedestrian walkway across the bridge will be separated from the travelway .by guardrailing. The proposed sidewalk will extend from Cedarwood to Merriewood. Opposition has been generated by adjacent property owners questioning traffic safety, drainage and environmental aspects of the realignment., This analysis discusses traffic safety and circulation of the existing and proposed roadway. ALIGNMENT The ex9sting roadway between tha bridge and Merriewood was recommended for realignment in the 1967-69 Master Plan for Friendswood, as prepared by Bovay Engineers. The realignment has been shown on the base maps since that time. The realignment of the roadway was planned in 1974 but cancelled when cost over- runs and inflation caused the Castlewood Avenue and Willowick projects to be deleted from the Capital Improvement Bond program. The extreme curvature of Castlewood Avenue begins just northeast of the bridge spanning Cowarts Creek. The following series of curves are encountered by the motorist: TRAFFIC ENGINEERS INC. � , ' , _ _._.__..._____ _.. . .. _.._. .. �\ � , + � • . ' � , CURVE RADIUS 1 255' RIGHT 2 407' RIGHT 3 147' LEFT 4 298' LEFT 5 94' LEfT ' 6 98' LEFT , This series of curves takes place ov,er a length of 557 feet between the bridge and Fairdale. At Merriewood, all traffic is stopped and flow continuing on Castlewood must turn right or left depending on the direction of travel . The safety portion of this report presents data relating to the reported accidents along the roadway. The proposed realignment would straighten out the roadway to the maximum degree permitted. An exact straight alignment can not be achieved because of the ground water storage tank located northeast of the Imperial Gardens sUbdivision park. The proposed realignment would result in two curves with a 286 foot radius. each. According to design standards, this curvature would provide a 35 MPH design. It is not anticipated that the speed of the roadway will be 35 MPH and is only mentioned as a design parameter. The existing facility has a design speed in the range of 15 to 20 MPH. Naturally, greater speeds can be achieved, but are not de- sireable. The proposed roadway should have a 30 MPH speed limit. It is the responsibility of a governmental agency to provide the safest road- way design possible because each driver cannot be monitored or controlled. Speed bumps, holes in the streets and abrupt curves on public roads should not be permit- ted because they pendlize the safe or careful driver more than the careless driver. For example, the faster one drives over a speed bump, the less disruption the driver TRAFFIC ENGINEERS INC. - ---------.._ _. ... _. _----- _..._ . _. . . .. _- _ __ _..__ _ � � 9 t ' „ . r ' ' ! �. � � .. � � . experiences. Roadway curves and discontinuitieS should be developed within the sub- division plat and not involve so called "collector" streets like Spreading Oaks and Castlewood. These streets should be designed to disperse vehicles from the residen- tial streets to an arterial system such as Sunset, Greenbriar and FM 51"8. Proper realignment of important streets is necessary, as is Castlewood Avenue now and Green- � . briar at FM 528 in the future. TRAFFIC VOLUMES In 1977, Castlewood Avenue carried 1 ,531 vehicles daily. A parallel r4adway, Spreading Oaks carried 1 ,627 vehicles daily. Roadways such as these should be plan- ned to carry 3,000 to 5,000 vehicles easily and safely. The major streets such as Sunset and Greenbriar can carry up. to 10,000 vehicles daily while fM 518 will easily handle 25,000 vehicles. A deficient design of one roadway can lead to an over burden on the adjacent roadway or improper usage of residential streets designed to carry less than 1 ,000 vehicles daily. The continued development of Castlewood to Green- briar should not create large traffic volumes that would over burden the design. Continued trafific flow across FM 518 is not ideal for flow on Castlewood. Therefore, future traffic assignments to Castlewood would still be patterned to attract the short trip type of traffic generation. Long trips outside of Fr9endswood to the north and east would be attracted to FM 2351 and FM 528. These roadways have ada- quate right-of-way to be improved for larger traffic volumes. Traffic generation from future developments southwest of Greenbriar should be designed to generate traffic to Greenbriar and then to FM 2351 or FM 528 for long trips. Additional traffic will be generated along Castlewood Avenue in the future but not to a degree that would be considered unsafe or heavy on a properly designed facility. Without realignment, the additional traffic assignment to Falling Leaf and onto a curving Castlewood Avenue alignment plan could be considered undesireable from a design standpoint. TRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC. �.. -------.._....._ _ _ -----._ ._ _. _ . . ____ _ _ _ ___._...---___..._____... , . `�,'_ . � � � i ' � ' � .. SPEED AND ACCIDENTS Radar checks of vehicular speeds on Castlewood were made by the Friendswood Pol9ce Department on April 6th and 7th. The speeds were clocked to determine the present speed of vehicles utilizing this roadway during the various peak� traffic times. Time periods were chosen to check traffic during the school lunch break, school dismissal and after work peaks. The radar units were located between Cedar- wood and Falling Leaf to determine the 85th percentile speed of vehiclea from each direction. The Table below shows the 85th percentile speed from each direction dur- ing the various tirrie frames. The checks were made under dry or ideal pavement con- ditions. CASTGE�400D AVE. AT COWART'S CREEK BRIDGE 85th PERCENTILE 85th PERCENTIIE TIME PERiOD N/B TRAfFIC S/B TRAFFIC 12:OON -1 :54PM 35MPH 32MPH 2:50P -3:50PM 27MPH 26MPH 5:30P-6:18PM 30MPH 30MPH The above speeds ind9cate the degree the current speed. limit of 20 MPH is being abused under dry pavement conditions . 7he safe vehicular speed necessary to negotiate the series of curves has been determined to be 15-20MPH, depending upon pavement conditions. As can be seen, the variations indicate that Student dr9vers are not totally responsible for excessive speeds in the area. ACCIDENTS A total of seven accidents have been recorded on this section of roadway since December 1 , 1974. All involved vehicles traveling over the posted speed limit and loss of control was a factor in each collision. Six were one car accident's and one of these resulted 9n an injury. The other five involved only property damage to ve- TRAFFIC ENGINEERS INC. < _. -- _ ----.__ ._ .__ ____._._--_...__. . . .. ----._.__ _ ..__..._ .._.. _..._....___..._-- - �� . . 1 A I ' � � / �. � � � .. n . � • , hicles, trees and the bridge railing. The seventh collision involved two. cars traveling opposite directions. No injuries resulted from this accident. Four collisions occurred under dry pavement conditions and three under wet conditions. These collisions dre detailed on the fbllowing table: ' TIME DATE PAVEMENT ' INJURY * . CONDITIONS OR PROPERTY , � DAMAGE � � � 12-28-74 2:OOPM WET PDO 8-04-75 8:18PM WET 1-B 2-14-75 11 :14PM D{tY PDO 1-14-75 7:20AM DRY PDO 2-28-76 8:39PM , DRY PDO 3-OS-76 11 :45PM DRY PDO 3-03-78 1 :55PM WET PDO The accident rate per million vehicles **has varied for each year researched. It was 1 .79 in 1974, 5.37 in 1975, 3.58 in 1976 and 1 .79 thus far in 197$. , * PDO - PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY B INJURY = SERIOUS VISIBLE INJURY ** ACCIDENT RATE _ #ACCIDENTS X 1 ,000,000 ADT x 365 SUMMARY The proposed design represents a safe design for a minor collector street such as Castlewood Avenue. Additional traffic will be attracted to Castlewood but not to a degree that would be considered congested or unsafe. Future develop- ment of the land south of Greenbriar should not generate significant volumes to Castlewood. The existing facility roadway must be improved to provide a safe, ef- f9cient roadway for both pedestrians and vehicles. Future realignment changes such as Greenbriar at FM 518 must be cbntinuously reevaluated. TRAFFIC ENGINEERS, INC. �� , � • . . ' ` � .. . �/ J� /\ J �" � . _ .` � _ .. � ' l –/ / ^I — � y ' .. � 9 /J � ' � . / �/ ` ` � �� � .� � � . .. o , _ --,_, _ �_ , ➢ � , o .;r /! —' l ' _ �. ' t : � ,= �, C 11 ,` 1 1 1 ;� .. , �: : . , i . . �' . , . I nrJ� r (1 1 T �, , . � ` i O1 I ` 11�� � _ i. 52 0 ' `� 1 '',`� ' . C`• ' . .. -.f .� . � � 3v. � �/c�7.. �` � �` '��} . . '. es�.4i' i �'�. �' �:,. .� � f.� � ' ; ; i . � � e. � � : R' �:� ; � � (�:. --�� �_. � , , ;.:�` ,� ,?�"`°�• " v' 2 t � ; } i =-�-. � �y '�e_ . - ��f 4 �;s_ ,.�i'� _ , � } _� _ ./ _ �:i`t D:3���.1a"S•J� N��w,.:. ,�< 'Gi-<a."� ; N ! ; � . . A�� •� . y . .�✓. � G4i 1•:. � .+�- �'33 >ej O: �� l q � . � . � � � :�,;v i d� /,1'y. vR9 . Y`T,9Ri .z r�., � P : t Q ' :r ti. ¢ . _4 � 9`Y \� p . �� ;V.:� \ ' '�' �ti��. 8 , � �c,<�I�-� ,'� � � ;Z 1 \ °v \ •� ' -V °' .. . r- "9���° . c}\� � t i� .. 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GPS� '��, F � � �� � Q � '� g ' �W�?od" .� �,`y �� �y�gu� F'� r �--- '— � `'�-�'p--- — — �2`j� , \ a vy Q, ' �yo �.� i o� � ti I � 9 i ,�; ,��* 9�' r j 9 y � �L � p I FtiG � ; � � ..•�.../'�T '. .� I `rQ'4,� ��, / � d r ` ^ � r . � � � � • . � , MAX. SAFE SPEED DEFINED BY FORMULA: V = R(e+•f) 15 where V = Max, safe speed R = Radius of curve . E = Super elevation (0.10) F = Side friction factor (0.16) existing conditions: R = 98.7' V = Max. 98.7 x (.26) x 15 V = Max. 384 = 19 MPH PROPOSED DESIGN R = 286' V = Max. �86 x (.22) x 15 V = Max. 943.8 = 34MPH TRAFFIC ENGINEERS. INC, -_ _ _ __ __ _ _... _- __ -. ._.._ ...__.._ . .. . ��... , � . . : - ' / ,