HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1978-04-03 Regular 1 �3 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL April 3 , 1978 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall at 7 : 30 p .m. on Monday, April 3 , 1978 , with the follow- ing members present : Mayor Ralph Lowe Councilman R. J. Blanken Councilman Loren Wood City Manager Jim Morgan Councilman Richard Haken City Secretary Bobbie Henry Councilman Edward Zeitler City Attorney John Olson Councilman Tom Lay With a quorum present , and with Councilman Maaz absent , the following business was transacted : � INVOCATION - by Reverend Norman Fry , First Baptist Church � N READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting Q of March 20 , approved as corrected. � ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR � 1. Mayor Lowe welcomed Mayor Leonard Cruse of League City and the many citizens who were in attendance. 2 . Councilman Maaz is in Washington , D. C. with a delegation to request further funds for the Clear Creek Project . 3 . Friendswood West progress has been hampered by negotiations relative to pipelines in the area. 4. Softball season opened last Saturday with some 1500 adults and children involved in the program. 5 . April 13th wi11 see the Lighthouse program in Friendswood , _ this being a TEA project to highlight cooperation between . the city, school, and citizens of the community. In the afternoon of that same day , the multi-purpose area in Steven- son Park will be dedicated. 6 . PROCLAMATION - Galveston County Fair Week, was presented to �a�q Whitaker. K CANVASSING OF ELECTION - A resolution was read declaring the 9�- 7 � results of the April 1 election as follows : $1 , 500 , 000 Sewer Bonds For : 347 Against : 89 City Officials Mayor Ralph Lowe 456 Mack Buchannan 1 Mrs . C. R.Newman 1 Marion Haynes 1 Gary Krch 1 Gerald Love 2 Council Pos . #1 Thomas Lay 497 i Robert Laguarta 113 Council Pos . #3 Edward Zeitler 424 P . J. Mize 1 Council Pos . #5 Freddy Musgrove 126 Tom Turcich 67 Dale Whittenburg 388 Steve Johnson 8 MOTION: (Blanken) To approve the resolution canvassing the ,�`/� officials election (copy attached hereto) . t �J� Second : Lay �� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 114 ���� MOTION: (Blanken) To adopt Resolution #78-3 setting forth results of the Bond Election (copy attached hereto) Second: Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED OATHS OF OFFICE - Mayor Cruse administered the oath of office to Mayor Lowe; Mayor Lowe then administered the oath to Thomas Lay, � Edward Zeitler, and Dale Whittenburg . , A plaque and his name plate were presented to outgoing Councilman � I Haken and Mayor Lowe voiced appreciation for Mr. Haken' s seven years of service to the community. AWARDING OF BID ON AMBULANCE - Mr. Morgan recommended awarding the bid to the low bidder , Prestige Vehicles Inc , 3500 Parkway , Arlington, Texas , for $22,596.42 . �`�Q MOTION: (Lay) To accept the recommendation of the City Manager 0 and award the bid to Prestige Vehicles , Inc . Second: Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � � ., � 3 OPENING OF BIDS FOR CURB WORK IN DUNBAR ESTATES - Only one bid was received on this work , this being from Northeast Houston Construction & Equipment Co. , Inc . , for $5 . 50 per linear £oot , e with the approximate footage of 3500 estimated at $19 ,250 . I^D MOTION: (Lay) To refer the bid to the City Manager for review � and recommendation back to Council Second: Blanken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED PUBLIC HEARINGS i�� - �g 1. Annexation along F.M. 528 - Mayor Lowe explained that this , I the second mile into Harris County , does not include the roadway, but is a 500 foot strip along the League City side of FM 528 for the purpose of controlling development in the area. Since no one in the audience asked to speak on the matter , the public hearing was closed. ��-��� 2 . Sign Regulations - Revision to Zoning Ordinance - Copies werr made available of the proposed regulatioiis as recommended by the Planning Commission with footnotes of proposed changes by the Council. Eighteen people spoke on the subject , with a majority favoring a strong sign ordinanee . Since much was said regarding the size of a free-standing sign , Mr. Morgan was directed by Council to compile a list of all present signs in the city measuring over 50 square feet. � �� � �� CITY MANA�ER REPORTS AND POSSIBLE ACTION l. Interim sewer plant - Mr. Morgan recommended that the city purchase a 150 , 000 gallon package plant at a cost of approxi- mately 75� per thousand gallons , which would take care of development in the near future . Although it was definitely not decided that the plant would be purchased at this time , I authorization was given to Mr. Morgan to request bids as a first step toward final consideration of such a move. MOTION : (Blanken) To authorize advertising for bids r„I � ^� on a 150 , 000 gpd package plant both on a completely �l� � � installed basis and separate quotes for supplies and installation. Second: Zeitler Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 11� 2 . Planning Consultant - Mr. Morgan said he is not yet prepared �/- � � to make a recommendation on this matter. Council voiced approval of the presentation made by Mormon , Mock & Green , and Councilman Lay mentioned Roberts & Associates as a possible candidate for this position. MOTION: (Zeitler) To make arrangements to have a repres- � j entative from Mormon , Mock & Green give a presentation , to Planning & Zoning Commission for their appraisal. �7 Second: Whittenburg `� Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 3 . Tower Estates Water System - Mr. Morgan reported that he has y� -� � received a letter from an attorney representing the owner of the water system stating that the system will go out of operation in 45 days . Mr. Morgan plans to contact the Utilities Commission to see if this service can legally be nancelled � before some other source of water can be arranged for the area. � 4 . Tennis Court Lights - Mr. Morgan reported that the Parks & � Recreation Board are opposed to the meter system for lights (� at the courts in Stevenson Park, but his recommendation is ,y� to continue with the meter installation. � MOTION : (Zeitler) To accept the recommendation of the City Manager to continue installation of the coin (��� system at the tennis courts . "'L7 Second : Blanken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 5 . Castl-ewo'od realignment - Mayor Lowe requested engagement of �'� J� Traffic Engineers Inc . to study and give an opinion on the proposed relocation of Castlewood , with their decision to be available before bids on the street program are received - April 17 . Council concurred. 6 . Coward Creek Drainage - Contact has been made with the Drainage 9S~ � District and the County. The District will join the city in setting out the criteria for an engineering study of how to handle the drainage situation at the Castlewood Bridge location , and the County may be able to help with the survey . in cooperation with the City Engineer. Mr. Morgan will be meeting with Mr. Nichols of the District to develop a statement of work for this program. 7 . Sewer Line between Chester Drive to Westfield - Engineering 9�" 7 � Contract . This line is a joint project of the city and the developers of Coward ' s Creek Subdivision which has been approved by Council. Mr. Morgan requested that engineering for this project be awarded to Municipal Engineers who are involved in development of the Subdivision. Council agreed that Municipal Engineers should proceed with specifications and advertising for bids on this line . NEW BUSINESS I 1. Mayor Lowe proposed a "Guardian Review Committee" to review � by-laws of the various citizen committees to assure that there � are no infringements on legislative powers or administrative duties , and possibly to ascertain if there are conflicts of interest in any of the decision-making positions . Council felt that this is a responsibility of its own and could not be del�gated to others . 2 . Pay Increase for Employees - Mayor Lowe stated that dependent % /�7� cost for employees hospitalization insurance has been increased some $30 per month, and recommended that a salary increase be given to cover this . Mr. Morgan was requested to study budget funds and report back to Council next week. �.i� (�� ��� 3 . Resolution #78-4 - Confirming a ointments to the United Board of Health : Mae S . Bruce , Consumer; Edgar Ray Hendrlek , Engineer; M. W. Brantford, Dentist ; M. L. Ross , �A� M.D. �� MOTION: (Lay) To adopt Resolution #78-4. Second : Whittenburg Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � �c�..�� 4. Renaming "Old City Park" to "Arena Park" - Request made by the Parks & Recreation Committee. �� MOTION : (Blanken) To adopt the name of "Arena Park" for the old City park as requested. Second: Lay Vote : FOR ( 5 ) Blanken, Lay , Lowe , Whittenburg , Wood AGAINST (1) Zeitler MOTION CARRIED �p� �� 5 . Calling a Public Hearing on Rezoning for Oil Well - Huisache j Operating Company has requested rezoning of a drill site in the Bofysil property on FM 528 . (In line with interpretation of the latest Zoning Ordinance , zoning requests will first be directed to the City Council who may call a joint hearing to be held by the Council and the Planning Commission. ) Decision was to call a joint hearing on this request . /�_/,,, MOTION : (Wood) To call a joint hearing of the City Council ��� and the Planning & Zoning Commission to consider the request from Huisache for rezoning from R-1 to Specific Use (Oil Well) , such hearing to be held at 8 : 00 p .m. on Monday , April 24 . Second : Lay Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ' Notice will be published and Planning Commission and interested parties to be notified. ��1 �� 6 . Fees for Subdivision Plat Approval - The Planning Commission has proposed the following fees in connection with approval of subdivision plats : Preliminary Plat . . . . . . . $10 . 00 plus $1. 00 per lot Final Plat. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 . 00 plus $3 . 00 per lot �� MOTION : (Wood) To approve the subdivision fees as recommended. Second: Whittenburg Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 7 . Telephone Company and Entex rate increase requests - These items were referred to the City Attorney for his study and recommendation back to Council . OLD BUSINESS - Surface Water - Mayor Lowe reported that he has invited Joe Wilhelm of the Galveston County Water Authority to come back before Council to discuss this subject . Mr. Morgan reported that he has not received any new information from the City of Houston. ORDINANCES - #T-3A - Rezoning for Oil Well - 3rd & Final Reading AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM R-1 TO SPECIFIC USE (OIL WELL) ; CHANGING THE ZONING MAP � ACCORDINGLY; COMPLYING WITH ORDINANCE 291 OF THE CITY OF ��� FRIENDSWOOD KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE . MOTION : (Blanken) To approve third reading of Ord . T-3A , Cand assign permanent Number 301) Second : Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 11i CLOSED PERSONNEL SESSION - No action resulted from this session. WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following warrants were approved for payment : WASTE DISPOSAL FUND Check No . 187 - Gulf Coast Waste Disposal Authority . . . . $3 ,000 . 00 WATER & SEWER FUND Check No. 907 - Infinite Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 , 564 . 40 Check No . 908 - The Buyer' s Supply Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . 789 . 25 Check No . 909 - The Rohan Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 726 . 53 Check No . 910 - Meter Repair Service , Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 , 080 . 00 Check No. 911 - Community Publie Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ,195 . 81 Check No. 913 - Petromas Incorporated. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 ,985 . 52 � �- GENERAL FUND OCheck No. 2080 - Wartex Oil Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 , 389 . 15 � Check No. 2081 - Landscapes By Bishop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 545 . 20 E( Due to the fact that we have temporarily run out of General Fund checks , the following invoices are submitted for approval for payment when the checks are received : Check No. 107 . . . .Hill ' s Sand Company , Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4 , 858 . 00 Check No . 108 . . . . Creative Timbers , Inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 550 . 00 Check No . 109 . . . . Library Bureau. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 526 . 00 Check No. 110 . . . . Galveston County Health Distriet . . . . . . 562 . 33 Check No . 111 . . . .Truman Taylor Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 , 500 . 00 Check No. 112 . . . . Ca1 Western Life Insurance 'Company. . . . 3 , 629 . 37 ADJOURNMENT - Motion was made and seconded that the meeting ad- journ. The meeting was adjourned . �� >�� � �7 `Ci� t�y S�—S.� tary APPROVED: �.� � ��.�-� ayor