HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1977-12-19 Regular ��' MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL December 19 , 1977 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held in the Council Chambers at the City Hall on Monday , December 19 , 1977 at 7 : 30 p,m. with the following members present : Mayor Ralph Lowe Councilman Ed Zeitler Councilman R. J. Blanken Councilman Paul Maaz Councilman Tom Lay Acting Secretary Ginger Bailey Councilman Richard Haken City Attorney John Olson Councilman Loren Wood With a quorum present and none absent , the following business was transacted : INVOCATION - By Reverend Ron Allen , £riends Church � APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of Regular Meeting of December 5 , '�' approved as corrected. Minutes of a Special Meeting of December � 12 approved as corrected . � ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE MAYOR - Mayor Lowe expressed his apprecia- tion to the citizens for their support over the past years , and � to the guests for their presence and concern. Recognition was given to Tom Bass , Harris County Commissioner ; V . D. Schultz and Hardy Jarrel7 ,Texas Dept. of Highways � Public Transportation; and representatives of WC&ID 108 . � ROAD IMPROVEMENT REPORTS Mr. Schultz reported to Council the possibility of a turning lane �d1�7� off FM 518 into Whispe.ring Pines with an acceleration lane east and west to eliminate the sharp curve. This project would extend 600 feet toward Clear Creek from FM 518 , being 30% state and 70% federal funded. A bond would be needed to carry to Clear Creek. The probably completion date is March l , 1978 . He stated that improvements to other roads in question would be over a 20 year period, FM 518 being in the second 5 year period and FM 2351 in the final ten year period. This time span is der�ived from the demands and financing weight by the legislature . ]�r. Jarrell commented that there are not ample funds at the present time . Information fos� the project is updated every year or two and' re- worked every five years . PARKS AND RELATED ROADS - Mr. Bass stated that the traffic counts should be informative and the next adjustment considering Baybrook Mall should be taken into consideration. He stated that other road improvements in process whieh should help traffic flow of 3�a -�� the area are Beamer, signals for FM 2351/Blackhawk, FM 528/Black- hawk, and Friendswood Tink/I-45 . Turning lanes are also being encouraged. Harris County has made an offer for park land on FM 2351 with a maximum of 270 acres . Also a new San Jacinto College campus has been proposed for January 1979 at Beamer and Choate Roads which the County will acquire access for to Beamer from FM 2351 from tax funds and private developers . REGIONAL SEWER PLANT STATUS - Dave Guggemos reported that the only delay for Phase II is an amendment for access road into the plant. This should be acquired by January l , 1978 . • SURFACE WATER AND ELEVATED WATER TOWERS - Jerry Roach of Petromas , Inc. gave a summary of cost and distribution analysis report on ,3'�'.3" �; surface water for the City. The three basic sources available are Brazos River, City of Houston , and Clear Creek. He stated that the City must have 40% storage capacity and suggested a large storage tank be located in the southwest qudrant of the Cirty. At the present time the city has a 16% increase in water requirement and lines do not have capacity to carry this water. 78 All of this information is in the written report which is to be studied further by Council. Mr. Ralph Somers of the Subsidence District stated that a treatment plant in the southeast portion of Houston may benefit Friendswood by increasing water avail- ability from Lake Houston. ����� PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENTS & OATHS OF OFFICE MOTION : (Blanken) To approve reappointment of Harold D. Rawley to the Planning & Zoning Commission ' I Second : Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MOTION: (Lay) To appoint Jim Tarr to the Planning Commission Second : Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Mayor Lowe administered the oath of office to the appointees . ��s_ � � REZONING - EXCAVATION/LAKE (Letzerich and Kil ore) Mr. Letzerich stated the excavation of the lake should be com- pleted in 3z to 4 years , therefore the alloted five years would be ample. The sides are to be gradually sloped to an approximate depth of 30 feet . On completion of the project there will be a barbed wire fence around the 40 acres encompassing the lake . Mr. Letzrich and Mr. Kilgore were in agreement to meet these conditions and all other speci£ications requested by the Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council . MOTION: (Wood) To approve permit for Special-Use - excava- tion/lake , subject to all agreements and conditions asked for by the Planning & Zoning Commission and City Council , and as agreed to by Mr. Letzerich and Mr. Kilgore. Second : Blanken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �?��-77 STREETS IN ELDORADO ESTATES - Mr. Carol Bowling, president of the E1Dorado Estates Civic Club, representing 26 property owners of the subdivision , asked for improvement of ElDorado and Lundy Lane , or an alternative to the dust problem. Council informed him that consideration of street improvements come on a priority basis and the City can not differentiate. A letter must be obtained from the property owners requesting the streets be oiled. 3��-7� RESOLUTION - PARK GRANT APPLICATION - #77-12 . A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD DESIGNATING CERTAIN CITY OFFICIALS AS BEING RESPONSIBLE FOR ACTING FOR AND ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD SN DEALING WITH THE TEXAS PARKS AND WILDLIFE DEPARTMENT FOR THE PURPOSE OF PARTICIPATING IN THE LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND ACT OF 1965 ; CERTIFYIN6 THAT THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD IS ELIGIBLE TO RECEIVE ASSISTANCE UNDER SUCH PROGRAM. MOTION: (Blanken) for approval of Resolution #77-12 . Second : Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ��g--�� OPENING OF BIDS ON QUAKER' S LANDIN� LOT - The following bids � were opened and read : Samuel Jacobs , Sage Development Co . $7 ,500 . 00 M. P. Smith, M. P . Smith Homes Inc. 9 ,600 . 00 MOTION: (Lay) To refer the bids to the City Manager for study . Second : Blanken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ��� .4 ��COMMUNITY YOUTH FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITIES COMMITTEE - Councilman 3,�2 �l` �I Wood asked that an ad-hoc committee of creative thinkers well qualified by their capability and familiarity with youth of the community be established. This committee is to determine spare time needs of the youth and various inexpensive ways to meet the needs . Wood is to be liaison to the committee from the Council . Wood was asked to obtain more information on objectives of the committee and all Councilmen were asked for committee membership suggestions . MOTION : (Wood) to form an ad-hoc youth opportunities committee and recommend objectives , guidelines , committee membership and schedule target in closed personnel session next Council meeting. Second : Blanken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ��SAFETY BIKE TRAILS/SIDEWALKS PRIORITY STUDY - Councilman Wood 3�0�7 7 asked for a study to determine needs and priority of fulfillment � of needs for safety trails used for bikes and walking/jogging. � Consideration to be given to safety of school children and older people as well as normal use by all ages . Safety , health and � well being of people and energy savings are driving factors . (`� Assignment to street committee was recommended . Hike and Bike � Trail Committee Chairman has agreed to be assigned to Street � Committee subject to approval by Council to centralize all information generated on this subject to date . Possibility of using grant funds was mentioned. After some discussion about city funding, rthis item was referred to next Councll workshop meeting January 23 , 1978 . ( '°These two items appear here as rewritten verbatim by Councilman Wood as corrections to the minutes . ) AMBULANCE - Mayor Lowe announced that the request for an ambulance has been denied by the Moody Foundation. '"`DISCUSSION OF GREENBRIAR - A letter has been received from the ' 3�/' 7� Drainage District concerning the problems of Greenbriar. MOTION : (Blanken) To ask the Planning & Zoning Commission to look into this drainage problem. Second : Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ����Secretaries Note : This item is apparently referring to the three newly approved sections of Coward Creek Subdivision, tho no mention was made of this in approving these minutes . ORDINANCES Ordinance 295-E - Emergency Reading - Speed Zone on FM 518 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SPEED LIMITS DURING CONSTRUCTION OF MH 351 WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF FRIENDSWOOD AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THEREOF . MOTION: (Haken) To approve emergency reading of Ordinance 295-E Second : Lay Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Ordinanee T-12A - Traffic Regulations - Second Reading AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR AND ESTABLISHING RULES AND , REGULATIONS GOVERNING VEHICULAR AND PEDESTRIAN TRAFFIC ON THE PUBLIC STREETS WITHIN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD , TEXAS ; CREATING THE OFFICE OF CITY TRAFFIC DIRECTOR; PRESCRIBING THE RESPONSIBILITIES AND AUTHORITIES OF THE CITY TRAFFIC DIRECTOR; PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF TRAFFSC CONTROL DEVICES REGULATING SPEED, TURNING MOVEMENT , CROSSWALKS , DIRECTIONS OF MOVEMENT , STOPPING AND YEILDING, PARKING, AND CLASS AND TYPE OF VEHICULAR 80 TRAFFIC ON CERTAIN STREETS ; CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT; PROVIDING A PENALTY; CONTAINING A REPEALING CLAUSE , AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. MOTION: (Zeitler) To approve second reading of Ord. T-12A. Second: Blanken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Ordinance T-11B - Rezoning School bus barn/tennis courts - Third and final reading , AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM R-1 TO SPECIFIC USE (Bus Storage Facility and Tennis Courts ) ; CHANGING THE ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY ; COMPLYING WITH ORDINANCE 291 OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE . ' MOTION: (Lay) To approve Ord. T-11B on third reading (and assign permanent number 293 ) Second : Wood Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By motion, second, and unanimous vote , the following warrants were approved for payment : General Fund: #1638 - Community Public Service $ 1 ,488 . 72 1639 - Texas Industrial Service 513 . 70 1641 - Wartex Oil 2 ,030 . 73 Water & Sewer #748 - Community Public Service 3 , 608 . 13 Fund 749 - H-Gal. Subsidence Dist . 2 ,633 . 75 750 - The Buyer' s Supply Co . 1 , 365 . 25 751 - Dixie Chemical 536 . 25 752 - The Rohan Company 1 ,031. 12 Waste Disposal #166 - Engineering Science - Amount : $ 88 ,948 . 99 � WAS HELD FOR FURTHER STUDY. NOT APPROVED. ORDINANCE (addendum) Ordinance 294-E - Changing meeting date - Emergency AN ORDINANCE SETTING THE TIME AND DAY OF THE FIRST REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS , FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY , 1978 , AND DECLARING AN EMERGENCY. MOTION : (Woods) To approve Ord . 294-E on emergency reading. Second : Blanken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The m— eeting was adjourned. 9 i^ ! � cti �C y Secr tary APPROVED: �/�R�iPh��