HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1977-08-01 Regular 2e MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL August l , 1977 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, August l , 1977 , with the following members present : � Mayor Ralph Lowe Councilman Tom Lay Councilman Richard Haken Councilman R. J. Blanken Councilman Paul Maaz Councilman Clyde Raney With a guorum present, and with Councilman Zeitler absent , the following business was transacted : � MINUTES FOR APPROVAL - No minutes were presented. Minutes of �. the July 18 meeting will be presented at the next regular meeting. �� PRESENTATION OF CHECK FOR INTERNS WITH COUNSELING PROGRAM - Mayor Lowe presented a 500 check to Mr. Jim Benson , coordinator of ���_ �� �[ Criminal Justice Programs with the University of Houston at 4;( Clear Lake as the City ' s portion of salary for the student interns who haue been working with Lou Lonzi on the Counseling Program. Mr. Lonzi also introduced Ms . Barbara Lehman of the State Communi- tity College Coordinating Board who gave a brief review of the college intern program. Some discussion of the program followed. PETITION - Mr. Rowland Billard requested repairs to the road and �ga-�� drainage near his home at 23 Wilderness Trail. Mr. Morgan stated � that this road is not being maintained by the City because it is considered a private road. Council requested that he check on the drainage to see if the City can do some work to alleviate the problems in this area. Mr. Hal Rawlins requested that 20-mile per hour signs be posted at the end of Mandale and at Tower and Estate Streets in Tower Estates . OPENING OF BIDS ON GARBAGE TRUCK AND PACKER - Sealed bids were ���-77 opened and read as follows : Pak-mor Ford LN800 1976 $22 ,200 20-30 days del. 1977 22 , 600 20-30 " 19�8 22 , 250 90-100 " Plus $700 for container Davis Truck & Equip . Ford LN800 Heil Mark IV 1977 21 ,983 . 60 30 days del. 1978 21, 583 . 60 90-100 days del. Plus $800 for container MOTION : (Lay) To refer the bids to the City Manager for study and recommendation back to Council Second : Raney Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ; PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION OF POLLY RANCH - No one appeared to�� 7, speak to the proposed annexation. MOTION : (Lay) That the Public Hearing be closed. Second : Raney Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MOTION : ( Lay) That the Attorney be directed to draw up the necessary ordinance for the annexation . Second: Haken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 28 STREET BOND BROCHURE - A brochure for mail-out was presented by the Street Bond Committee and was given full approval by the Council. ���' �7 QUAKERS LANDING LOT - Mr. Morgan reported that the buyer of Odom' s home want to lease the lot owned by the City. The Attorney said that the lease amount would have to be in line with the value of the property. It was suggested that Mr. Morgan advertise again for bids on the property before going into a lease agreement. i Ig�_ �� RULES FOR USE OF STEVENSON PARK MULTI-PURPOSE AREA - The Parks i & Recreation Board presented rules Por use of the tennis courts and the area in general. One change to item 12 , making changes to the policy subject to Council approval was made . MOTION : (Blanken) to approve the policy with the one change . Second : Lay Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ZONING ORDINANCE - Councilman Raney stated that he would like to see some action taken to adopt the ordinance before he leaves the Council. He made a motion "to accept the recommendation of the Planning � Zoning Commission and proceed with adoption of the new zoning ordinance. " The City Attorney advised that the motion was out of order since the agenda did not indicate any action on adoption of the ordinance. The motion died for lack of a second. The ordinance will be placed on a special workshop agenda for next week. ���� 7 J RESIGNATION OF COUNCILMAN RANEY - Mayor Lowe read a letter of resignation from Clyde Raney due to a transfer out of the city with his employer. MOTION: (Haken) To regretfully accept the resignation of ' Councilman Raney, such to become effective at the ' end of this night ' s meeting. Second : Blanken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED CLOSED PERSONNEL SESSION - Appointment of a replacement for Kenneth Fossler on the Planning Commission was discussed , and selection of an engineering firm for surface water study was made. Both items were handled in open session on reconvening. i PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT - Mayor Lowe appointed P.J. Mize � g�� 7 I to this position and asked for Council confirmation. MOTION : (Haken) To �onfirm the appointment of P.J. Mize . Second : Raney Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ¢� �n SURFACE WATER ENGINEER - Although an engineer has been selected, � � Council agreed that before their work begins the City should be in��receipt of the report from the consortium relating to water from Houston. . MOTION : (Lay) To enter into negotiations with Petromas Incorporated for surface water study. Second : Maaz Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED I ORDINANCES T-6A - Gas Rate Increase - Third & Final Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS FIXING AND ORDERING THE RATES TO BE CHARGED BY ENTEX, INC. , FOR GAS AND GAS SERVICE TO RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS WITHIN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS , ESTABLISHING THE EFFECTIVE DATE THEREOF, REPEALING FLL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. (Maaz) ' MOTION : To pas Ord. T-6A on third reading (and assign No. 280 ) Secont : (Lay) Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ��� Ord. T-6B - Speed Zones on FM 528 and FM 518 - Third & Final AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLI- SHED FOR VEHICLES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ARTICLE 6701D, VERNON' S TEXAS CIVIL STATUTES , UPON THE BASIS OF AN ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC INVESTIGATION, UPON CERTAIN STREETS AND HIGHWAYS , OR PARTS THEREOF , WITHIN THE CORPORATE. LIMITS OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD AS SET OUT IN THIS � ORDINANCE ; AND PROVIDING A PENALTY OF A FINE NOT TO EXCEED $200 FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE . MOTION : (Haken) To adopt Ord. T-6B on third reading Cand assign permanent number 281) Second: Blanken _ Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED BLACKHAWK PLANT - Mr. Morgan reported that Engineering Science ���"�� has requested an increase in the cost to cover a road to the plant site in liew of using a roadway as planned which was to Q have been built by a subdivision developer. Cost over-run will �' be $578 ,000 if the right-of-way is purchased and $431 ,000 iP � the subdivision right-of-way is used. Engineering Science is Q to come in next week to discuss the matter with the Council. � '� WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL Q General Fund : Check # 101 Mustang Auto Supply $ 979 . 31 102 U of H at Clear Lake 500 . 00 1003 Bell Telephone 752 . 38 1004 Wartex Oil 977 . 40 1005 Hall ' s Insurance 2 ,745 . 00 1006 �eneral Welding 1 ,532 . 19 � 1007 Davis Trucking � Equip. 960 . 15 1008 R&I Pipe 615 . 85 1009 Cal-Western Life Ins . 2 ,431. 69 Water & Sewer Fund : 464 M. P. S . Municipal Pipe 3 ,935 . 00 465 Dixie Chemical 794 . 60 466 Glynn Electric 762 . 50 Waste Disposal Fund : 146 Slipliners , Inc. 51,128 . 10 W&S Construction Fund : 115 Utility Supply 69 ,105 . 88 116 David Wight Con�truction 33 ,366 . 63 ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. �City ecretary APPROVED: ����' �'�,�,�. Mayor R ph L. Lowe