HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1977-06-20 Regular � ) MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL June 20 , 1977 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held in the Council Chambers at City Hall on Monday , June 20 , 1977 , at 7 : 30 p.m. with the following members present : Mayor Ralph Lowe Attorney Wm. Olson , Jr. Councilman Edward Zeitler City Manager Jim Morgan Councilman Clyde Raney City Secretary Bobbie Henry Councilman Richard Haken Councilman 'Tom Lay Councilman R. J. Blanken Councilman Paul Maaz With a quorum present , and with none absent , the following � business was transacted: � READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of June 6 , 1977 � approved as corrected. � ,� ANNOUNCEMENTS � COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR � l. Mayor Lowe talked to TWQB relative to funding for a subregional sewer plant in the proposed Friendswood West area and was told that an area would have to have been 75% complete in 1972 to be eligible for such funding. Information will be available Monday on funding for the Blackhawk plant . 2 . Proclamation - Setting for June 24 as "Ham Radio Operator' s Field Day. " PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS - Mr. Bob Gardner, who owns the bees which prompted a complaint to the City , reported that he has taken steps to alleviate the problem. No further action was indicated. UNFINISHED BUSINESS - From the City Manager 1. The street oiling pro�ect on Lundy Lane is progressing but with minor problems to be solved. The ball park parking lot is being deferred pending decision on which material will work best where people will be walking. 2 . Drainage on Mist Lane is awaiting completion of engineering. 3 . SP #2 Blower - Flexible hose has been wrapped; louvre on door �.�-v-; has been blocked. No additional decibal tests have been made. It was suggested that decibal count be taken after each modification and with the blower turned off to determine the relativity of -the sounds . 3 . Roberts Auto Supply drainage - Mr. Morgan, with the Building �4/-�7 Inspector, will work for a solution , possible connecting Roberts drain into the Sonic Drive-In drain prior to entry into the Highway Department ' s line . 5 . Bid Invitation for Garbage Truck (Budget Line Item) /S J-�7 MOTION : (Lay) To authorize Mr. Morgan to advertise for bids for a new garbage truck. ' Second : Haken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 6 . Dunbar Estates II - Acceptance of Facilities - Mr. Morgan /"� `jV �7 reported that all requirements have been completed ; Councilman Haken said that he has satisfied his questions ; Mr. Morgan then recommended that the facilities be accepted for maintenance . 16 A %question was raised regarding build-up of certain lots and the flooding effect on Village Green homes . Mr. Ken Cathy of U. S . Homes said his company will deed to the City a drainage easement and install drains to eliminate the possibility of worsening flood danger in Village Green from the Dunbar houses . MOTION : (Maaz) To accept facilities in Dunbar II for city maintenance . Second : Blanken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �S/- �� 7 . Sewer line extension on Briarmeadow - A developer who plans to build between the new elementary school and �unset has requested information and city participation in extending the sewer line from below Merriwood to his property. Mr. Morgan is to determine how much rise is possible in this line , i. e. how much further out it can be utilized , what size line the developer will need, and if it will serve the city' s .purpose then the City will participate in the cost for a larger line . l��, r�p 8 . Su lemental bud et ap ropriation - Mr. Morgan presented � a proposal for .expending 112 ,600 from the Industrial Complex funds for eguipment and services for the balance of this fiscal year. It was suggested that instead of the slope mower ,for Drainage , that this work be done by contract and that a water truck be included in the Street Department to replace this item. With this exception ,the attorney was directed to draw up an appropriation ordinance for posting and reading on July 11. MOTION : (Maaz) To instruct the Attorney to draw up an ordinance adopting the budget items . (copy attached) Second : Lay Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED City Barn/City Hall Annex - In connection with the budget, ls/� - 7�J suggestion was made that consideration be given to building a new city building to house certain city departments and to provide additional storage for equipment. A committee composed of Councilmen Lay and Raney, with the City Manager , are to study the proposal and contact the School District regarding the. possibility of a joint project. OTHER UNFINISHED BUSINESS , ���,�7� l. Street Bond Election - Harry Granberry , the City ' s Fiscal Agent ,was present to discuss the proposed street bond elec- tion. MOTION : (Raney) That ,August 13 be tentatively set as the date for holding a $1 ,3�0 ,000 street bond election. Second: Maaz Vote : FOR (6 ) Raney , Maaz , Lowe , Lay , Haken , Blanken AGAINST (1) Zeitler MOTION CARRIED MOTION : (Haken) To instruct Mr. Granberry and Mr. Olson to proceed with the necessary steps to call the bond election. Second : Blanken � Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION .CARRIED (5� �/r 2 . Surface Water - Council agreed to interview engineers who may be qualified and interested in making a study of the City` s alternatives for surface water. A letter will be sent to selected firms inviting them to make a presentation. If possible , some interviews will be set for a special meeting on July 5 . The Attorney advised that interviews with such professional people can be held in executive session. 1�' NEW BUSINESS l. Park Ordinance - A proposed ordinance setting out general /'����� rules Por use of city parks has been reviewed by Council. MOTION : (Zeitler) To refer the ordinance to the City Attorney for his review and writing in proper form. Second : Blanken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 2 . County Tax Exem tion for Older Citizens - A letter has been /�0- 7% written to Galveston County Commissioner' s Court advising that this Council feels that $6 ,000 exemption for over-65 citizens on County ad valorem taxes is acceptable . 3 . Proposed New Post Office Location - Postmaster Glen MeDonald ����7� has requested Council s statement that an area on FM 518 near Whispering Pines is acceptable as a Post Office location � and that it is zoned properly for this use . . Council felt ,� they could not take formal action on an undefined location , there being several possible lots in the area mentioned. � Mr. Morgan was instructed to write a letter saying that � generally the city is in agreement with that general arr:a, „� however, for a Post Office building. `� 4. Rezoning to Specific Use - Lake-(Letzerich) The Planning /(�? - �i Commission has recommended rezoning of this R-1 property to permit the digging of a lake . MOTION : (Raney) To call a public hearing for July 11 on rezoning of Mr. Letzerich ' s property) Second : Blanken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 5 . Resolution re Annexation of Polly Ranch - Resolution #77-3 1�3 '�1 calling a public hearing on annexation of Polly Ranch: A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE INTENTION OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS , TO INSTITUTE PROCEEDINGS TO ANNEX CERTAIN TERRITORY ; DESCRIBING SUCH TERRITORY; SETTING A DATE , TIME AND' PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING AT WHICH ALL INTERESTED PAI2TIES SHALL HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO BE HEARD; AND PROVIDING FOR THE PUBLICATION OF NOTICE OF SUCH PUBLIC HEARING. MOTION: (Blanken) To adopt Resolution #77-3. Second : Haken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ���-?7 6 . Friendswood/Pearland Committee re Hausman development - Development of this property lying within the city limits oF Pearland would necessitate use of Friendswood streets for aecess and Friendswood utilities . To resolve the problems involved, Councilmen Blanken and Maaz were asked to meet with Pearland representatives to discuss the matter. ORDINANCES #T-5A - PROVIDING FOR PARTICIPATION IN THE TEXAS MUNICIPAL ` RETIREMENT SYSTEM - Third and Final Reading MOTION: (Haken) To adopt on third reading Ord. #T-5A (and assign permanent number 277) ' Second : Lay Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #T-SB - ADOPTION OF SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFITS FUND UNDER TMRS FOR ALL CITY DEPARTMENTS - Third and Final Reading MOTION : (Haken) To adopt on third reading Ord. #T-SB and assign permanent number 278) Second : Zeitler Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 18 #T-6A � AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS FIXING AND ORDERING THE RATES TO BE CHARGED BY ENTEX, INC. , FOR GAS AND GAS SERVICE TO RESIDENTIAL AND COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS WITHIN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS , ESTABLISAING THE EF£ECTIVE DATE THEREOF , RE- PEALING ALL ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH AND PRO- VIDING FOR SEVERABILITY. - £irst Reading MOTION: (Lay) To approve first reading of Ord. #T-6A i Second : Blanken Vote : lJnanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED #T-6B - AN ORDINANCE ALTERING THE PRIMA FACIE SPEED LIMITS ESTABLISHED FOR VEHICLES UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF ART. 6701D, (changing speed limits in FM 518 and FM 528)- First Reading MOTION : (Haken) To approve first reading .of Ord. #T-6B. Second: Lay Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote of the Council , the following warrants were approved for payment : General Fund 804 - R&I Pipe and Supply $ 680 . 36 805 - White ' s Mines 1 ,551. 88 806 - Miller Freeman Ford g24, gg 807 - Rosenberg Library 1 ,438 . 34 808 - Albritton Trucking 1 , 349 . 18 809 - International Disposal 1 ,256 . 56 810 - Chemical Applicators 659 . 00 811 - Barnett & Sons � Inc. 629 . 50 812 - Bell Telephone Co. 607 . 01 813 - Community Public Service 1, 651. 44 814 - Friendswood Independent School 3 , 024. 00 Water � Sewer Fund 367 - Layne Texas 1 ,446 . 72 368 - The Rohan Company 976 . 52 369 - MPS Municipal Pipe Sev. 520 . 00 370 - Dixie Chamical 1 ,056 . 60 371 - General Welding & Fabricating 893 . 44 372 - Community Public Service 3 ,971. 38 ADJOURNMENT - Motion was made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. ������ J�� '-K�-City Secr ary APPROVED: ,��--�1�� o`l'/`,4S�"ci-��.,4-� ayor R/alph L. Lowe ` � 1 � S. � " SUPPL�N'TAL BUDGET REQITESTS , 0 Departrnent Pur e Amount Administration � Base Station and Radio $. 2,500.00 Mobile Radio 1,200.00 ' Administrative Assistant 4,000.00 Part-Time; Receptionist 1,300.00 . Calculator 300.00 Police Additional Patrol Shift $ 30,000.00 , Investigative Assistant 6;000.00 Records Clerk 3;OOOo00 Mobile Radio 1,200.00 Streets Air Compressor W/Tools $ 8,000.00 6-10 Ton Steel Wheel Roller 15,000.00 2 Additional Employees 5,400.00 I?rainage Slope Mower $ 19,000.00 Sanitation 1 Additional E�nployee $ 3,000.00 Engineering Equipment S 2,500.00 Water & Sewer Trailer to nansport Backhoe $ 4,800.00 Water Dept. Service Man "3,000.00 2 Stumier Iaborers 2,600.00 � T�'�YAL. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . .S112,600.00 , _._ v ..._. .... -_ __ posi ion on tFie Planning & Zoning Commission . 7 . Mrs . Gloria Baker asked that the entrance to Heritage Estates which was damaged by the City, be repaired. Mr. Morgan said he would follow up on this . ' 8 . Mr. Charlie Coe asked that repairs be made to prevent garbage trucks from dripping hydraulic oil on driveways , and that something be done to correct the littering at Safeway Store on FM 518 . Mayor Lowe asked that the Beautification Committee look into ways of improving this situation . 20 9 . Mr. P. J. Mize requested that the storm sewer inlet at Lexington and Castlewood be repaired to keep children from climbing down into the drainpipe. Mr. Morgan is to take care of this problem. 10 . Councilman Haken expressed thanks for the work of the Jaycees on the 4th of July celebration. Mayor Lowe also thanked the Jaycees and other volunteers who helped to make the celebration a great success . , 11. Declarations of Election - Mayor Lowe presented certificates from County Judge Ray Holbrook to Paul Maaz , R. J. Blanken , and also had one for Clyde Raney relative to the election in April. ADJOURNMENT TO CLOSED SESSION FOR INTERVIEW WITH Petromas , Chas . R. Hale , Altec Engineers , and Walsh Engineering. RECONVENE TO OPEN SESSION (10 : 30 P.M. ) ���- �7 12 . Interim Judge for Municipal Court in July - Judge Evans , who will be out of town on court day in July , has recom- mended Joe Draughan to replace him. MOTION: (Maaz) To appoint Joe Draughan as Judge for the July session of Municipal Court , contingent on satisfactory check-out by the City Manager. Second : Haken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ��, �7 13 . Hausman ➢evelopment on Pearland/Friendswood Boundary - � A committee composed of Blanken, Maaz , and Morgan met with the Pearland Planning Commission and City Manager Billy Wolf regarding the three cul-du-sac , 29 lot development � lying within Pearland city limits but having access only through Kingspark-Whitehall streets in Friendswood. � Councilman Maaz reported that Pearland is agreeable to having the development proceed as a part of Pearland and when it is completed they will deannex the area and permit Friendswood to annex it . MOTION: (Maaz) To accept the report and instruct the City Manager to proceed toward a formal agreement with Pearland regarding the Hausman development . Second : Haken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Other subjects discussed at the meeting included extension and connecting of water lines , with two-way meters , between the two cities on FM 518 , and use by Friendswood of Pearland ' s solid waste landfill. Mr. Morgan and Mr. Wolf will discuss the details of these matters . >�9,�� 14. Swimming Pool Petition - A petition , presented last week by Kim Stetchinski of Longwood Park and signed by 247 Friends- wood residents , requested that the City build a public swimming pool. Council officially accepted the petition and Councilman Haken was appointed to pursue the matter with the Parks & Recreation Board. 15 . The appointment of a Charter Review Commission and second reading of Ordinances T-6A and T-6B were deferred until next week since these items could not be handled at a Special Meeting. 21 WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote , the following warrants were approved for payment : General Fund Check # 910 - Armco Steel $ 1 ,302 . 46 911 - A. T. & SF RR 1 ,083 . 92 912 - Cal-Western Life 2 ,179 . 95 913 - Courts , Inc. 16 ,188 . 90 914 - Custom Metal Fabricators 650 . 00 915 - Gaylord Brothers 821. 51 916 - Gulf States Asphalt 1 ,652 . 01 917 - Charles Mallynn 1 ,000 . 00 918 - Mustang Auto Supply 1, 318. 62 919 - R � I Pipe & Supply 951. 79 920 - M.P. S . Municipal Pipe 630 . 00 921 - Albritton Trucking 1, 342 . 27 � 922 - Wartex Oil 5 ,651. 36 ,�, 923 - International Disposal 1 ,498 . 11 924 - Hungry Farmer Catering 2 ,650 . 00 � 925 - Whites Mines 1 ,517 . 75 Q 926 - Alpha Enterprises 1 ,094 . 00 QWater & Sewer Fund 411 - Cal Western Life 598 . 63 412 - Dixie Chemical 636 . 25 414 - Tretolite Division 2 , 438. 70 429 - Rohan Company 1 ,214 . 00 W&S Construction Fund 113 - Albritton Trucking 2 ,951. 25 - Waste Disposal Fund 144 - Rohan Company 608 . 40 CLOSED PERSONNEL SESSION - Several personnel items were discussed ; however, no definite decisions were made which would necessitate formal action by the Council. ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 1 : 00 p.m. � C� �.,C�C._ City Secretary APPROVED: �5y� c�-t..�-- Mayor Ra ph L. Lowe