HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1977-05-16 Regular � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING Of THE FRI�NDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL May 16, 1977 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, May 16, 1977, with the following members present: Mayor Ralph Ilowe Councilman Tom Lay Councilman Paul Maaz Councilman Richard Haken Councilman R. J. Blanken Wmth a quorum present, and with Councilmen Raney and Zeitler absent, the following business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Mee�ing of May 2, approve as corrected, Q ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR '� l . The traffic light to be placed at fM 518 and Spreading Oaks � by the Highway Department will make Friendswood a "two-light � City." � 2. The Mayor and City Manager met with the Subsidence Board last week to discuss further the City's plans for surface � water. 3. Mayor Lowe met last week with Harris County Judge Jon Lindsay to discuss the up-coming Corps of Engineers Clear Creek hearing in Friendswood. 4. The County road bond issue passed with 30 �aotes from friends- wood deciding the $83 million road improvement project in Galveston County. 5. Councilman Raney' s son is graduating tonight, explaining his ' absence; Councilman Zeitler is still in the hospital . PRESENTATION OF PLAQUES - Mayor Lowe presented plaques to each /.� ���`� of the 18 high school students who were �lected to office for Student Government Day on March 7. REPORT FROM ENGINEER ON PRELIMINARY WORK FOR STREET BOND PROJECT ) ��" 7� Ma colm Collins reporte t at he wil have fina figures for t e dext Council meeting. It was suggested that the City may want to consider including that part of Whispering Pines which will not be done by the State Highway Department. Firm decision was not made on this. SURFACE WATER - Joe Wilhelm, Galveston County Water Au�Chority, ��� - 7� C. J. Holgrave, Houston-Galveston Subsidence Board, and Jack Wallace, MUD 55, discussed with Council the various methods of acquiring a satisfactory �surface water supply, properly treated for the City and surrounding area. COMMUNITY COUNSELING BOARD - The Board presented a proposed budget �a7-�7 for the balance of the fiscal �ear and requested Council approval in order to continue the program even though funds have been depleted which had been budgeted earlier. MOTION: (Blanken) That $8,000 be appropriated from surplus unappropriated funds to continue the program till October 1 . � Second: Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED U. S. HOMES RE DUNBAR ESTATES - Mr. Ken Caffey, speaking for U.S. /�2�'�77 Homes, asked tha City to bear part of the expense of replacing faulty curbing in Section x which was accepted by the City prior to acquisition by U.S. Homes. Council deferred any decision till after discussion with the City Attorney. 8 As a result of a closed session with the Attorney, it was decided that tests and investigations would have to be made to determine if the City might be liable for part of the problem. No official action was taken at this time. i��- 77 BUDGETING OF INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT FUNDS - A memo from Mr. Morgan to Council set fort is propo�a for use of these funds. The Council will workshop this request on May 23. Chief Wright will be asked to attend the meeting to discuss his requests . I LEASE CAR FOR CITY MANAGER - Mr. Morgan reported that he had ��o - �� been uaa6le to get any firm prices except for a Chevrolet at $173/month and Ford for $175/month. MOTION: (Maaz) To authorize the City Manager to proceed to lease one of these cars for his personal use, his choice prevailing. Second: Lay Vote: FOR (4) Maaz, Lay, Haken, Lowe AGAINST (1 ) Blanken MOTION CARRIED CHARTER COMMITTEE - Mayor Lowe stated that the appointments.are to be made at the first meeting in July, and asked that each Councilman be prepared to submit one name. CITY HEALTH OfFICER ��/-79 MOTION: (Maaz) To appoint Dr. Richard Conway as the fiealth Officer for another year. Second: Lay Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �3� 7,� GALVESTON COUNTY HEALTH BOARD i MOTION: (Lay) To approve the appointment of the five persons . i as presented by the Board. ' Second: Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MOTION: (Lay) To approve the proposed change in the operating agreement between the Board and participating cities whereby a majority of the cities could make appointments rather than the presently required unanimous vote from participants. Second: Maaz Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED COUNTY AMBULANCE PLAN - Mayor Lowe reported that three members of the Friendswood Ambulance crew will attend a meeting on Wednesday to hear the proposal ofi the County. ��� �� TRAFfIC LIGHT AT FM 518 AND SPREADING OAKS MOTION: (Haken) To authorize the Mayor to sign the agreement with the Highway Department relative to placement of the tratfic light at Spreading Oaks on FM 518. Second: Blanken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ORDINANCES #276E - Placement of Traffic Liqht at Spreadinq Oaks &5��8 I MOTION: (Blanken) To approve #276E as an emergency ordinance. Second: Maaz Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ��' , Ord. #274 - Denying increase request from CPS - Second permanent readinq MOTION: (Lay) To approve second reading of Ord. 274. Second: Blanken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Ord. #T5-A - Providinq for participation in the Texas Mu m ci al Retiremen� S stem MOTION: (Lay) To approve first reading of Ord. #T-5-A. Secon3: Blanken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Ord. #T5-B - Subscribin to Su lemental Benefits Fund of t e MRS. MOTION: (Lay) To approve first reading of Ord. #T5-B. Secon^Tc : Blanken O Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED '� WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - The follawing warrants were unanimously � approved for payment: � ,� 6eneral Fund #645 - Wartex Oil $ 605.25 ,� 646 - H-GAC 4,109,30 647 - Joe Brown gpg,67 648 - Davis Truck & Equip. 517.27 649 - John Watson, Landscape Illum. 2,858.50 650 - International Disposal 1 ,272.40 654 - CPS 1 ,135.83 655 - Safet,y Lights 2,184.15 656 - Bay Concrete 914.28 657 - Concrete Service Co, 1 ,303.40 W&S fund #300 - Engineering-Science 1 ,596.86 301 - Johnson Laboratories 272.00 303 - CPS 1 ,670.61 305 - Tretolite Division 1 ,625.80 - Ridge Electric 605,25 Waste Disposal Fund #140 - Engineering-Science 94,809.85 ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. C��cretary APPROVED: a�R��. L� s'i l-�---