HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1977-04-18 Regular _ _ � � � MINUTES Of A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL April 18, 1977 � A Regular Meeting of the friendswood City Council was held in the regular meeting place at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, April 18, 1977, with the following members present: � Mayor Ralph L. Lowe Councilman Paul Maaz — Councilman R. J. Blanken Councilman Tom Lay Councilman Richard Haken With a quorum present, and with Councilmen Ed .Zeitler and Clyde Raney absenty tf�e following business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of Special Meeting of March 14 approved as corrected. Minutes of Regular Meeting of � March 21 approved as�read. Minutes of Regular Meeting of April ` 4 approved as read. Msnutes of Special Meeting of April 11 j approved as corrected. s� ;s� ANNOUNCEMENTS & COMMUNICATIONS 1 . Mayor Lowe read a proclamation setting forth May l , 1977 � as "Law Day U.S.A. " 2. George Lett announced that the Friendswood Quaker Breakers will hold a "country & western" dance at Jones Hanger on Friday, Apri1 29. He presented the Council with complimentary tickets to the affair. 3. P, J. Mize outlined the schedule forrthe Country Fair on April 23, and invited the Council to- participate in a volleyball game during the activities. 4. Mayor .Lowe introduced Mr. Hardy Jarrell and Mr. V1rgi1 Schi�ltz �-. of the Highway Department who were present in connection with Judge Holbrook's presentation of the proposed County Bond Election. OPENING OF BIDS ON STATION WAGON FOR FIRE DEPARTMENT - The following >v - 77 bids were-.opened and_read:. - . Chick Smith Ford $6,228.05 A, 6. Collins. Ford ; 6,156.66 Bob Pagan Ford 6,158.65 Bud Brown Ford 6,418.91 MOTION: (Maaz) To refer the bids to the City Manager for review and recommendation back .to Council . Second: Haken Vote: Unan.imous FOR MOTION CARRIED AWARDING OF BIDS �ON WATER LINE TO SUNMEADOW -.:Mr. .Morgan recommended ��- �7 that the labor contract be awarded to David .Wyte Construction Company as low bidder, and materials. contract to Util.ity Supply Company w�jp was low bidder on materials. On recommendation of the Attorney, award was not�made due to the fa�t: that c7earance has not been received on right-of-way from the Highway Department. If, this has been-accomplished,,the awards..will-;be made at the next meeting. PRESENTATION OF PLASUES: - Mayor Lowe presented plaques of apprecia- tion for their service„on ths City Council to Benny Baker and William Patton. An additional plaque was presented to Mr. Patton for six years �service as Municipal Court Judge. � �- Q� _ _ Page 2 - April 18, 1977 �I� -�'7 COUNTY:.;R�AD BOND ELECTION - County Judge Ray Holbrook made a presentation on the 6ond issue which � includes wideniahg. of FM 518 from Castlewood to Chigger Creek bridge, and for resurfacing of Sunset within the City, He asked for Friends- wood's 'support on the issues. MOTION: (Haken) To endorse and support the bond issue as presented. Second: Lay Vote: Unanimous �50R MOTION CARRIED i UNFINISHED BUSINESS ��, _7� 1 . Lightinq of Stevenson park - Sky Hoff reviewed plans for lighting tn Stevenson Park and requested Council to trans- ferfunds within the Parks Department budget to provide the $5,535 necessary for the work. MOTION: (Blanken) To approve transfer of funds to take care of the cost. of installing lighting in Stevenson Park. Second: Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED y�_ �� 2. Electrical Board Ap�ointment MOTION: (Lay) To appoint Mr. Harold Rawley to the Electri- cal Board to replace Richard Haken. Second: �Haken Vote: Unamimous FOR MOTION CARRIED y�_�, 3. Beautification Committee - Mrs. Millie Perner asked that two additional members be appointed: to this Board. This is to be done next meeting. y� _�� 4. Street Bond Project - Mr. Malcolm Collins of Coenc�, Inc. presented Gouncil with a proposal to perform prelim9nary engineering for tlie project as proposed by the Street Bond Committee, at a fee of .4% of the total construction cost. Complete project engineering fee would be 6% (including the :�4�j�';x��:�r��l•i��n:itn�ry engineering is estimated to take about 3 weeks; design phase to take approximately 4 months. Following a closed session at the end of the meeting, the motion was made: MOTION: (Haken) 6o enter into a contract with Coenco, Inc. to do the preliminary engineering. phase on the proposed street program. Second: Lay Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED f�- �� �. Friendswood West - Mr. Brewer introduced his Attorney, Paul Silvia, and Fernando Williams , Planner. Ken fossler of the Planning Commission reviewed their. meetings with Mr. Brewer and the prior dwner of the land. Mr. Brewer .stated that they are now p9anning to go back to the original plat with 90 .ft. lots, and asked Council for a deci�sion on formation of a water district or de-annexation of the property .during development. He was advised that Council is awaiting an opinion from the City Attorney and as soon as this is re- eeived, an effort will be made to reach a decision. �ng_�7 6, Surface Water, - Mr. Morgan reported on a meeting with the Subsidence Destrict relative to the consortium on sufface water for this area. Also, the report from Walsh Engineer- ing resulting from their study on sources of surface water for Friendswood was distributed to Council Members. The Council will study this report before making any further commitment to the consortium. � � � Page 3 - April 18, 1977 7. Issuance of Sewer Permits - Fourteen permits remain to be 9� �� issue out o the 80 approved by TWQB recently. Mr. Morgan has 14 requests for permits since the last Council Meeting. Question was whether to fulfill the requests using up all of the remaining permitted permits. MOTION: (Maaz) That the remaining permits be issued to cover the 14 requests received, speeifying that permits will expire if building has not begun -- within 90 days. Second: Lay �ote: FOR jd4) Maaz, Lay, Lowe, Haken AGAINST (1 ) Blanken MOTION CARRIED 8. Employee Retirement Program - Councilman Haken reported on �°� � �7 his study of the various programs presented for consideration, onpaomee.tm�ig`t'with department heads of the city and their ,� approval of Texas Municipal Retirement System, cost to the � city of this latter system, and ma,de recommendation that the � TMRS be adopted. � ia MOTION: (Haken) To proceed with the a�ecessary ordinances i� to adopt TMRS 'fior the City of Friendswood. Second: Blanken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 9. �Traf���fic Surv_�e�y - The agreement for the survey was tabled iG/ ' ?� ast m1 eeting for review by the Council . MOTION: (Haken) To untable the agreement subject. Second: Blanken Vote: Unanimous fOR MOLION CARRIED � 10. Additional Police Car - Mr. Morgan recommended that an /°�-'"�7 - a itiona car be provided for the PD, and suggested transfer of his new car to PD and investigation of leasing a car for the City Manager. Council directed him to get cost figures for leasing a car. 11 . Parks & Recreation Board A ointments - Deferred till next meeting so that recommendation from t e Board may be taken into consideration. CLOSED PERSONNEL SESSION - Engineer for the street bond program was discussed and decision made as set forth in #4. above. Mr. Morgan informed Council that Bakeer Naseef, Director of �D 3-I� Public Works, is resigning May 9, and that he plans to appoint Mr. Melvin Meinecke as Streets%Drainage/Sanitation Superintendent at $13,000 to fill the vacancy. WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By unanimous vote, the following warrants were approved for payment: GENERAL FUND � Check No. 507 - Sagety Light Company. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 609.90 Check No. 508 - South Houston Concrete Pipe Inc. . . . . 687.96 � Check No. 509 - Albritton Trucking Company. . . . . . : . . . 924.00 Check No. 510 - Gulf Coast Limestone, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . 14,612.14 Check No. 511 - Christianson-Keithley:, Inc. . . . . . . . .'. 1 ,329.56 Check No. 512 - Rosenberg Library Association. . . . . . . 1 ,399.64 Check No. 513 - International Disposal Corporation. . 1 ,375.79 Check No. 514 - Galveston County - Public Health Fund 562.33 �, r. �� - - _ _ _ __ `�: e::9 Page 4 - April 18, 1977 Check No. 515 - Community Public Service. . . . . . . . . . . 969.58 Check No. 516 - Jack Sollock. Chrysler-Plymouth. . . .70�}31 .56 Check No. 518 - Custom Metal Fabricatars. . . . . . . . . . : 975.00 Check No. 519 - Bell Tel,ephone Company. . , . . . . . . . . . 516.66 WATER AND SEWER FUND r � Check No. 238 = I�.P,S. Municipal Pipe 'Service. . . . .$ 642.50 Check No.. 239 - , Dixie Chemical Company. . . . :. . . :. . . 518.25 Check No. 240 - The Rohan Company. . . : . . . . . . .:. .:. . 679.33 Check No. 241 - Community Public Service. . . . .' :`. . . , il 678.10 Check No. 242 - Engineering-Science, Inc. . . . : . . . . . 6,513.52 Check N .. 243 - Walsh Engineering, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 6,900.00 ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the'meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. �...a— t� l , , , City Secretary APPROVED: Mayor ''�?�` � , � �-, ,