HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1977-03-14 Special 4� 5 MINUTES OF A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL March 14, 1977 A Special Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, March 14, 1977, at 7:30 p.m. with the follow- in� members present: Mayor Ralph L. Lowe Councilman William Patkon Councilman Richard Haken Councilman Benny Baker Councilman Thomas Lay Councilman Paul Maaz With a quorum present, and with Councilman Edward Zeitler absent, the following business was transacted: PETITIOIVS & COMMUNICATIONS �, ;1.. Mr. Guy Wilkinson, Galveston County Health Department, was � present to answer questions regarding a food handling ordin- � ance which the Nealth Department has requested Council to � pass. After some discussion it was consensus of the Council � that they do not feel Friendswood needs this ordinance. 2. Mr. Ralph Shomberg of the Jaycees invited Council Members to attend a candidate's night at the High School auditorium on March 30, at 7 o'clock. 3. Mayor Lowe read a letter from Floyd Williams of the Jaycees clarifying the fact that the Jaycees will be assisting the City in plans for the 4th of July rather than to have "taken over" the entire project. „__. 4. Mayor Lowe introduced Carol Boggin of Red Carpet Realtors and Bill Welsh of Eureka Vacuum. He had invited them to appear before the Council to discuss portable trailer signs with flashing lights which each had installed as new tenants in town. In the absence of an adequate sign ordinance, an appeal �:was made to them to eliminate these signs. Both agreed to eliminate the flashing lights and to replace the signs when the 30 day rental has expired. 5. Kenneth Fossler, Chairman P&ZC, presented the Commission's �g 3 �� finalized revision to the Zoning Ordinance, and recommended that it be enacted as presented or, if changes are made, that such changes be discussed with the cbmmission. Mr. Fossler requested a workshop with the present Council before election so a Workshop was scheduled for March 28. A second workshop with new Council Members will be held on the first workshop night in April . In this connection, Mayor Lowe presented some figures on the ecomony of"90 foot lots versus smaller lots , in view of the fact that the City has received some requests for approval of lots smaller than presently required. No action was taken on this subject. 6. Mr. Vern Brewer was present to speak on the subject of his � '�J �7 --- request for permission to form a water district to serve the Friendswood West Subdivision. Af�ter some exchange of informa- t�on and discussion, the motion was made: MOTION: (Patton) To let the attorney s�udy the petition and advise the Council next M;onday night. Second: Baker Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED _— --- � e� �,� _ _ _ -- — — — —-- —� �, Page 2 - 3-14-77 ��- '7 7 WATER DISCONNECTS FOR NON-PAYMENT - Mr. Morgan has requested M&C-77-5 that the disconnect fee be increased from $2.50 to $10.00 to cncourage timely payment of water bills. MOTION: (Patton) To increase the reconnect fee to:;�10.00. Secon : Baker Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED TOWER ESTATES - ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT - An undeveloped portion � 6 " 7 7 of Tower Estates 12 lots are being proposed for replat into 3 tracts , and will be presented to Planning Commission this week. It has been requested that septic tanks be permitted on these tracts. Consensus of the Council was that septic tanks would not be acceptable; that the City Engineer is to make a feasibility study on installation of properly sized lines and lift station to take care of the development. �� 7 � DUNBER ESTATES - BREAKDOWN OF CURBS - U. S. Flomes has requested the City participate in replacing curbs which are breaking down in view of the fact that the facilities have been accepted by the City for maintenance. (Mr. Morgan's M&C-77-9) It was the " Council 's decision that the City has no responsibility for damage done by construction trucks; that this is the responsibility of the builder or homeowner. ��, _ 7� NEW BLOWER AT SEWER PLANT #2 - (M&C-77-9) This blower, installed as part of t e modifications , being the same make as the old blower, has brought complaints from nearby residents as being noisy. Suggestion was made to move the intake to the inside of the blower building to try to alleviate some of the noise. ��, �7 SEWER LINE TO HIGH SCHOOL STADIUM - Owner of property parallel to this line, located on school property and maintained by the school , has requested permission to tie on to the line to service his property. School officials have suggested that the school dedicate the line to the City, along with as easement of 10'" , that the cost of the line be determined, and that persons connecting to the line pay a prorata share to the school until the school has recieved reimbu�sement of their investment. (M&C-77-8) Council felt that this is a recurring situation and that an ordinance should be drawn up setting forth a policy on the matter. �� �� BUILDING PERMIT fEES- The Building Inspector requested that fees be increased to conform with higher fees charged by other cities. It was Council 's opinion that no decision should be made until further study of the subject. WATER LINE TO SUNMEADOW - The engineer's report indicates that the ��" 77 solution to an alternate water supply to Sunmeadow would be a 12" line from Fox Meadow to Sunmeadow at an approximate cost of $144,000. Mayor Lowe stated that "One of the prime reasons for this line is that there is only one water well serving a lot of people in Sunmeadow area. This line would be a back-up supply for them, and the City will use the Sunmeadow funds for this alternate water supply in the interest of the health and welfare of the area. " City Engineer Tom Heaney will be directed to proceed with drawing up the plans and specs and request will be made for bids on the line as soon as possible. ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. � � APPROVED: City Secretary � ��� _�..��, .� a`M yor