HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1977-02-21 Regular - � _�� 'q. � MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL February 21 , 1977 A dZegular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall at 7 : 30 p.m. on Monday, February 21 , 1977 with the following members present : I � Mayor Ralph L. Lowe —' Councilman Benny Baker Councilman Richard Haken Councilman Tom Lay Coun�ilman Paul Maaz With a quorum present, and with Councilmen Z.eitler and Patton absent, the following business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting '� of February 7 approved as corrected; Minutes of a Special Meeting 7" of February 14 approved as read. � '� ANNOUNCEMENTS � COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR r7 l . Mayor Lowe congratulated Sky Hoff as new chairman of the Parks & Recreation Committee and commended past chairmen Grace Baker and R. J . Blanken for their service . 2 . Order Calling City Election - Mayor Lowe read an order '�� 77 calling an election for Council Positions 2 , 4 , and 6 for April 2 . i PUBLIC HEARING ON ELECTRICAL RATE INCREASE ,��_7�7 ! Mayor Lowe opened the public hearing by calling on Mr. Charles -- Mills of CPS who briefly explained the request from his company. Mr. Olson reviewed Por Council the possible procedure which the City may take in making a decision on the request , and prior to a final decision by the State Utilities Board. Mr. Olson made a request for specific inPormation from CPS to be made available for the next public hearing. Mr. Mills asked that all questions and information requests be trans- mitted to him in writing prior to the time of the hearing. Friendswood citizens Marion Haynes , Bob Barth, and George Latt spoke to the subject primarily from the point of dissatisfaction with certain services of CPS . MOTION: (Haken) To temporarily recess the public hearing and reconvene it at a later date on advice from the Attorney with proper notification of CPS . Second: Baker Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS l. Mrs . Becky Hendrick of the Welcome Wa on Club reported that f� �� the organization has donated 850 to the Friendswood Library, � $100 to the Herita e Museum one _ g , piece of play equipment for Stevenson Park, and 5550 to the Community Counseling Service to purchase equipment for Park Place . She announced that plans are to hold Open House at this building on Sunday, February 27 , from 1 to 5 p .m. and invited the Council and public to attend. 2 . Officer Bob Doss of the Police Department invited the entire Council to attend the Police Meeting at 7 : 30 p.m. on March 9 . � � �� _ _ `7 � �� 3 . Bicentennial Re ort - John Tirado who served as Chairman of the Bicentennial activities during the past two years , made a final report and turned the records over to the City. A round of applause and words of praise from the Council were given for a job well done by Mr. Tirado . Sky Hoff accepted the 4th of July files from Mr. Tirado on behalf of the Recreation Board and stated that the JC ' s have volunteered to sponsor the 4th of July celebration this year in cooperation with the City. Dr. Lloyd Williams of the JC ' s � clarified that they are offering their services , would expect financial support by the City, and would work with the Parks ' and Recreation Board on the projeet. MOTION : (Baker) To support the request from the Parks Board to appoint the JC' s in an authoritative position for the 4th of July, with the City' s support . Second: Maaz Vote : unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ,��_7 7 4 . Budget Transfer for Receptibnist'/P&'ZC Secre'ta'ry' Salar - In a memo to Council, Mr. Morgan requested that funds from the Planning Commission budget for a hal£-time secretary be transferred to Administration and Administration then provid- ing the Planning Commission the necessary secretarial service . MOTION: (Haken) To approve the City Manager' s request and authorize the budget transfer as stipulated. Second: Maaz Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 5 . Library Funds - The question of how to handle fines and extra income from library activities was postponed for the next workshop. �y,�� 6 . Erosion at Castlewood Brid e - Areas of the sl�es at the end of Castlewood Bridge are eroding and Mr. Morgan estimates that cost of corrective measures is about $2 ,000 . Council directed him to proceed with repairs to prevent damage to the bridge itself. �� 77 7 . �ening of Bids on Dump Truck For Street Department - The following bids were opened and read: Bud Brown Ford $13 , 938 . 95 Bob Robinson Chevrolet 14 , 502 . 34 J. Marks Chevrolet 14 , 597 , 97 MOTION: (Haken) To refer the bids to the City Manager Por study and recommendation. Second: Maaz Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ���_77 8 • Awarding of Bid on Sewer Rehabilitation - A tabulation of bids and recommendation from Engineering Science , Inc . that the low bid from Shur-flo be accepted by Council is necessary before the bid is submitted to EPA and TWQB for their approval. MOTION: (Haken) That the Council award the bid for sewer rehabilitation to Shur-flo subject to approval of EPA and TWQB. I Second: Lay Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED ' �g-��/ 9 . Shrubs�,for Tower Estates Sewer Plant Landscagin� - $600 has been a proved for blind Pencing for the plant; actual cost was $500 . Request has been made that the remaining $100 be used for shrubs to be placed around the plant . MOTION: (Lay) To approve use of the $100 for shrubs . Second : Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � � � ORDINANCES #T-2A - First Readin AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A POLICE RESERVE FORCE FOR THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD; PROVIDING THE METHOD AND STANDARDS FOR APPOINTMENT OF RESERVE POLICE OFFICERS ; PRESCRIBING THE AUTHORITY OF A RESERVE POLICE OFFICER; CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUB- JECT; AND REPEALING CHAPTER 14 SECTIONS 14-5 THROUGH 14-9 , -_ BOTH INCLUSIVE , OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY CODE . MOTION: (Haken) To approve first reading of T-2A. Second: Baker Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED T-2B - First Readin AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE CONFIRMATION, ACCEPTANCE AND ADOPTION OF A CERTAIN TRUST AGREEMENT DATED DECEMBER ,' 21, 1976 , BY AND BETWEEN MARY LOUISE FIRCH SOULE AND HUS- � BAND, HAROLD M. SOULE AND THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS . i � MOTION: (Baker) To approve first reading of T-2g Second: haken Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED T-2C Amending the Subdivision Ordinance was tabled for two weeks at the request of the Planning Commission to permit them to study the ordinance and make recommendat- ion to the Council . WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - The following warrants were approved for payment : - General Fund: #206 - Rosenberg Library $ 1 011 . 98 208 - Cal Western Insurance 1, 750 . 78 209 - Tires , Inc . 939 . 00 210 - AT�SF RR Co . �25 �2 211 - Albritton Trucking 1 501. 50 212 - Bell Telephone 'B29 �� 213 - CPS 836 . 77 214 - Aetna Life & Casualty 1 211 . 21 � Water & Sewer #106 - Environmental Product 866 . 74 107 - CPS 1, 533 . 55 Waste Disposal#130 - Engineering Science Inc. 38 , 162 . 75 General Fund Check #207 to Courts , Inc . was not approved until after discussion with the contractor and engineer at next workshop . ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. Cit���y APPROVED: 1�C�� Ma o��, �`�1 r3-w"A---