HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1977-01-10 Regular ` � �{,;�,r m f�� P�' MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL January 10 , 1977 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at the City Hall on Monday, January 10 , 1977 , at 7 : 30 p.m. with the following members present : �� i ` Mayor Ralph L. Lowe ' ' Councilman Benny Baker � � Councilman Tom Lay Councilman William Patton Councilman Pau.l Maaz ' Councilman Richard Haken With a quorum present, and with Couneilman Zeitler absent, the following business was transacted: READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of a Regular Meeting � of December 20 , approved as read. � � ANNOUNCEMENTS � COMMUNICATTONS FROM THE MAYOR Gz�l � C�7 l . Ralph Somers has been reappointed to the Coastal Subsidence Board as representative from Galveston County. 2 . PROCLAMATION - Jaycees Week. Dr. Floyd Williams announced that an award will be given to the Outstanding Young Man . of the Year at a brunch on January 22 . PETITIONS � COMMUNICATIONS l. Sherwood Allen of 414 Avondale reported that a storm sewer f�- 7� � line runs under his hduse and asked the City to move it. j � He was advised that lot and building lines were moved by � the developer after these lines were installed and the City has no liability for the situation; however, it was agreed that the City will abandon the line easement under the house if the Allens will furnish materials and lay a by-pass line along the side of their lot. 2 . Mr. Shumilak of Emperial Estates Y Maintenance Committee � . 7� asked for a refund on taxes paid for the subdivision park over the past two years , in view of the fact that prior to ' that time the City had assessed the park at only 10% of the value. Mayor Lowe asked for exact figures on payments made and legality of tax reduction. 3 . Relative to °the Harris II proposed subdivision, Mayor Lowe asked that each Councilman explore the situation for a 3- �7 possible solution of these lots being subdivided without proper streets and other facilities . The Planning Commission has asked for ruling from the Council on this unusual problem. 4 . Surface Water Study Committee Report - Councilman Patton � reported that the Committee has not made a decision on � � 7 7 recommendation of an engineer for this study at this time. ( ��';i SEWER LOTTERY - The first three names to be drawn will be eligible � for sewer permits . All names were drawn for order as alternates . � order was as follows : (1) Nlichael Storey ( 2) Robert La Garlin ( 3) Janice Hill (4) Jessie Skinner ( 5) Bob Sollie (6 ) T. C. �-�_��% Skeete ( 7) P. T. Hoye ( 8) Dr. James Fairleigh (9 ) H.A. Reveire (10 ) Bob Parker (11) Tom Kent (12 ) Richard Burns . -- - . ,�.;� � -- --- ----- Page 2 f> - 7 7 LIABILITY INSURANCE FOR CITY OFFICIALS - Mr. Morgan made a report on such insurance which would pay $1 Million for each la�a suit with $5 , 000 deductible covering the Mayor, Councilmen, Manager, Chief of Police, Secretary, Treasurer. Cost: $9 ,938 for three years . He is to make .further investigations into the subject. INVESTMENT OP PARK TRUST FUND (177'6 PARK) ' �- 7� MOTION: (Haken) To proceed with drafting of an ordinance -- pursuant to the donation of money for a trust fund for 1776 Park and depositing of the money in long term CD' S with interest to come to the City once each year. Second: Lay Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED � _ 7r� INVESTMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT FUNDS MOTION : (Maaz) To place funds from the Industrial Districts in the General Fund. Second: Baker Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED MOTION: (Haken) To a ro riate $20 000 from PP A , the General Fund for street repairs . Second: Lay Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED GROUND LEASE AGREEMENT WITH KINGSPARK-WHITEHALL - The City Attorney was asked to examine this document and give his comments on it before renewal by the City. � I� STREET AND BRIDGE BOND STUDY COMMITTEE - Mayor Lowe has � �~ �� suggested that a committee of 12 to 15 people be appointed to study the questions of priorities , types of streets , etc, relative to a street bond election. He presented a list of people he proposes to appoint, with the idea of having representation from all areas of the city, and asked that these people , and any proposed by the Council be requested to appear at next week' s meeting when the Committee will be officially appointed and charged. , Harry Granberry, Fiscal Agent, will be asked to attend this meeting also . EMPLOYMENT RETIRENTENT PLAN - Councilman Haken is studying a number of plans which have been submitted to the City Manager, and will make a report on this at the next Council meeting. ORDINANCES - Ordinance #T-12-B - Rezoning (Crown-Oil Well) AN ORDINANCE CHANGING THE ZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY FROM R-1 TO SPECIFIC USE (OIL WELL) ; CHANGING THE ZONING MAP ACCORDINGLY; COMPLYING WITH ORDINANCE 174 OF THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE. MOTION: (Patton) To approve Ordinance #T-12-B ! on third and final reading (and to assign i ' permanent number 173) . Second: Maaz ' Vote : Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED WARRANTS FOR APPROVAL - By motion of Councilman Maaz, second, and unanimous vote of the Council , the following warrants were approved for payment : .$' v`y� General Fund 2988 - Albritton Trucking $ 3 361 . 50 2989 - International Disposal 1 �012 . 00 2990 - Rosenberg Library � 936 . 87 2991 - Houston Engine Tuning 1 425 . 69 2992 - Wartex Oil 2 ,129 . 49 ' � 2993 - Truman Taylor Ins . 5 , 802 . 50 � 2994 - Friendswood Bank 4 , 025 . 94 __� 2995 - Aetna Life � Casualty 2 379 . 48 2996 - R�I Pipe � Supply ' 607 . 69 Water � Sewer Fund 1319 - RCA Inc. 1 , 982 . 90 1320 - Mainland Construction 4 , 723 . 63 1321 - Harris-Gal. Coastal Subsidence 2 , 965 . 17 1322 - Dixie Chemical 909 . 30 �J 1323 - VWR Scientifie 554 . 20 � �' ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting �"'� adjourn. The meeting was adjourned. � ��r����-'-�--�rs. G�C • City Secretary � APPROVED: � ( ! - � �__ � � ayor � � i �..�-