HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1976-09-20 Regular -'.'"_"_' . MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING OF THE FRIENDSWOOD CITY COUNCIL September 20 , 1976 A Regular Meeting of the Friendswood City Council was held at 7 : 30 p.m. on Monday, September 20 , 1976 , at the City Hall with the following members present : Mayor Ralph L. Lowe Councilman Richard Haken Councilman William Patton Councilman Tom Lay Councilman Benny Baker Councilman Paul Maaz With a: quorum present, and with Councilman Ed Zeitler absent, the following business was transacted: ANNOUNCEMENTS COMMUNICATIONS FROM THE MAYOR l. Galveston County Mayors & Councilman's Association meeting on Wednesday, September 22 , at 7:30 in La Marque. 2 . Mayor Lowe will attend a meeting in Judge Holbrook' s office Thursday afternoon to discuss a proposed County road bond election. 3 . A meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 28, at 8 p.m. in the High School Auditorium for the purpose of hearing the Corps of Engineer' s latest plans for flood control on . Clear Creek. PETITIONS & COMMUNICATIONS - Mr. Ray Vassel asked that some j _7 action be taken to correct a drainage problem on Misty Lane. He was assured that the matter will be investigated and any correction possible be made. PUBLIC HEARING ON ANNEXATION At 8 : p.m. Mayor Lowe recessed the Council Meeting and opened the Public Hearing on the proposed annexation of one parcel of land in Galveston County and two separate parcels in Harris County. He read the published "Notice of Hearing" and letters from Harold Gore and Dan Moody, Jr. requesting that the land not be annexed. Mr. Harold Wallace, Executive Vice President of Mortgage & Trust, speaking for interested parties in Harris County, made a proposal in lieu of annexation whereby those parties would pay a prorata share of the cost for long-range facilities such as the regional sewage treatment plant , trunk lines , and surface water. Mr. Wallace stated that a great deal of the land is in the flood plain, and that the land holders are not presently in need of any services from the City. He requested that the Council consider the stated proposal and agree to discuss it in greater detail at an informal meeting next Monday night. Mr. Gail Whitcomb, land owner, and Mr. C. Wallace Robinson of Republic National Bank of Dallas, representing the Jones Estate and Trust, also urged reconsideration by the Council. -- Mr. Gerald E. Love, President of the Forest Bend Homeowners Association, opposed annexation of the shopping areas in Forest Bend and Wedgewood, stating that he represented every civic leader on Harris County side of Clear Creek. -- - - - - -------- - - ---- --------- ------- , - - --- ----- It was decided that a11 interested parties would be welcome to meet with the Council next Monday night to discuss details of 'the offer. Mr. Richard Caulkins of Exxon' s Law Department stated that the Exxon holdings are no burden to Friendswood and ask no services from Friendswood . He stated that he liked Mr. Wallace ' s . proposal, and that his company would be willing to assist the City financially. After determining that there were no others present who wished to speak to the subject, the Mayor stated he would entertain a motion to adjourn the Public Hearing . MOTION: (Haken) To close the Public Hearing on the subject of annexa.tion and take the matter under advisement . Second: Baker. Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Mayor Lowe adjourned the Public Hearing . REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING RECONVENED EXCUSED ABSENCE FOR COUNCILMAN ZEITLER MOTION:. (Lay) To excuse the absence of Councilman Zeitler due to his continued illness. Second :Patton I, Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Selection of Auditor for 1976 Audit MOTION: (Maaz) That Lairson-Fitch be engaged for the annual audit based on a $250 increased fee over last year. Second: Haken . Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Regional Sewer System - The question tabled from the last meeting was whether the engineers should be instructed to proceed with plans for a 27" extension gravity feed line for the interceptor from plant #1 to Plant #2 or to revise plans on the basis of a forced feed line for this interceptor. MOTION: (Patton) To untable the discussion on the regional sewer system. Second : Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED In discussing the question of the type of line, Councilman Lay pointed out that the cost at the time of construction a year hence might alter the decision; he stated that he would vote to proceed with the gravity line but would reserve final judgment until a later date. Councilman Patton pointed out that the cost ot operating a forced feed line over a period of time might be more than the difference in initial cost. MOTION: (Patton) To instruct the engineer to continue with plans for the gravity line . Second: Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED , ( i Sewer Modifications - Mr. Morgan reported that instruments are now being calibrated and will be installed this week; testing will then begin. Laboratory equipment is to be delivered next week. ����' Up-graded Sewer Permits - Discussion was when and how to present a new application for revised permits in view of complete sewer modification to Plants #1 and #2 . . , MOTION: (Haken) To call a special meeting for next Monday night to consider application for amended sewer permits . Second: Patton Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED �'� i , � SEWER TAP POLTCY - Mr. Muzny, who is building in Friendswood l�� J �� �---� Forest , asked for information about getting a sewer tap across the street from the lin�. He was told that the City would bore under the street , install a "Y" sinc:e each tap accommodates two houses, cap off one lin.e, and his tap would be made into the other side of the "Y" . Bringing the line to the "Y" would be for the City' s account ; his charge would be $250 , the standard tap fee, ORDINANCES � � � Ordinance #262 - Electrical Rates - Second Reading � � AN ORDINANCE PRESCRIBING RESIDENTIAL AND GENERAL SERVICE � � RATES TO BE CHARGED BY COMMUNITY PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY FOR THE SALE OF ELECTRICITY WITHIN THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD TEXAS; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH MOTION�:; (Patton) To approve second reading of Ord. 262 . Second: Baker Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED 'f ; Ordinance #264 - Tax Rate - Sedond Reading ; ; ; j AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ASSESSMENT , LEVY AND COLLECTION �"" OF AD VALOREM TA;XES FOR THE CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, FOR THE YEAR 1976 AND FOR EACH YEAR THEREAFTER UNTIL OTHERWISE '.'. 1�ROVIDED: �.;AN� REPEALING 11LL; ORDINANQES A�1D PARTS'.'.�F O.R�INANCES IN CONFLI�.T HEREWITH. MOTION: (Lay) To approve se"cond reading of Ord. 264 . Second: Haken Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Ordinance #265 - CO ' s for Firetruck - One reading only. ��,7- 7�O AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF $55 ,000 CITY OF FRIENDSWOOD, TEXAS, CERTIFICATES OF OBLIGATION, SERIES 1976 ; RATIFYTNG CONTRACT;AND CONTAINING OTHER PROVISIONS RELATING TO THE SUBJECT. MOTION: (Lay) To approve and adopt Ord. 265 on one reading . � Second: Patton Vote: Unanimous FOR MOTION CARRIED Ordinance #261 authorizing placement of stop signs at certain streets was not read for the third time due to the fact that it was posted on the agenda as a "Speed Zone Ordinance. " Mr. Morgan presented figures he proposes to include in an ordinance � increa5.ing garbage rates , this� being a factor in the 1977 budget adopted September 13 . WARRANTS FOh APPROVAL - Unanimous approval to pay the following : General Fund: #2549 - Bay Area Photo Service $ 970 . 00 2550 - Bell Telephone Co. 635 . 66 2551 - Community Public Service 902 . 28 W � S Fund: #1128 - Community Public Service 1, 601 . 44 _ 1130 - McKen.zie Equipment 558 . 00 - - --- ---- --- --- --- - -- ---- - ----------- � �� 5� W � S FUND (cont ' d) #1.132 - Environmental Products $ 6 ,939 . 40 1133 - T.A. Kilgore 695 . 71 1134 - MeCracken' s Inc . 10 , 226 . 83 1135 - Dixie Chemical 648 . 25 1136 - The Rohan Company 868 . 23 1137 - Utility Supply 5 ,174 . 00 1138 - R. Bruce Carter, Agent 633 . 39 1139 - Environmental Products 8 , 500 .00 . i � I I � W � S Fund Check #1129 to Friendswood Hardware � Supply for $1, 037 . 70 , was approved pending verification of the various amounts with actual purchases. ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting ' adjourn. � c _ –y�a��-��;--�G�� �,-� 2��.e��. City Secretary APPROVED: � � � � � ''� �..��'`.�-_ Mayor �Ralph L. Lowe �