HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC Minutes 1976-07-19 Regular � �n7
July 19 , 1976
A Regular Meetin.g of the Friendswood City Council was held at
the City Hall on Mon.day, July 19 , 1976 , at 7 : 30 p.m. with the
, following members present :
, � Mayor Ra1ph Lowe
�"°- Councilman William Patton
Councilman Paul Maaz
Councilman Tom Lay
Couricilman Richard Haken
With a quorum present , and with Councilmen Zeitler and Baker
absen,t , the following business was transacted:
� READING AND APPROVAL OF MINUTES - Minutes of July 12 approved
� as corrected. (Wordin.g of Councilman Lay' s motion re surface
� water)
l. Mayor Lowe has talked with Mr. Omar Poorman, Chief Engineer
for the Texas �Iighway Department regarding realigning and /�,��7�'
. paving Whispering Pines . Mr. Poorman informed him that the
State will go out for bids on this project this fall.
$60 , 000 has been allocated to the project .
2 . Brookside Village in Pearland has petitioned County Judge Ray
Holbrook to cut Clear Creek deeper to give them better
� drainage . . Mayor Lowe stated that the problem is that
! entities above Friendswood are seeking to put more water
T; into the Creek causing further flooding in Friendswood. The
planned meeting for this month has been postponed due to the
absence of Harris County Commissioner Tom Bass .
3 . The Mayor, ,Councilman Lay and Councilman Patton met Saturday
morning to discuss subsidence and surface water for
EXTENSION OF AVONDALE - Mr. Morgan reported that he has been in ���. �(
contact with Mr. Offenberger �aho agrees to furnish all material �
to bring this extension up to city specs to ten feet past the
driveways of the two houses involved, with the city crew doing
the work. Blacktopping has not yet been agreed to.
_ CITY WATER TO BRAZORIA COUNTY - Mr. Dick Aarndt reported that the ���_7�p
group has formed a Homeowners Association and has engaged an
attorney to draw up official papers , all for the purpose of
having a legal organization to contract with the city for water.
Mr. Larry Frost , President of the Association , was informed
that if an agreement is reached the Association would be responsible
for cost of the line from the City' s present water line ; a
master meter would be placed at the County line , and one billing
� sent to the Association. The Association would maintain a11
lines within Brazoria County.
� ._. MOTION : (Patton) To en.ter into negotiations to sell water to
� the people from Brazoria County as requested.
Second: Maaz
Mr. Morgan gave figures on water production and consumption
which indicated su�ficient surplus water to supply this area
for some time to come.
_ - ----- - - - ------- --- ----- ------ -- -- -----------_ - - --
� � �
��� �- 7� SEWER TAP LOTTERY - Under the court order , the City may now
� � issue six sewer taps . Ten requests have been received to be
included in the lottery. The names were placed in a box and
drawn. in the following order:
l. Phillips Alternates : #1 Dolson
2 . Salier #2 Bailey
3. Nye #3 Godfrey
4. Muzny #4 Gerard
5 . Baker � ;
6. Starkey .
` �
If on.e. of the six drops out , the first alternate will be issued
a permit , etc. Names of any alternates who have not received
a permit when a new drawing is held will be placed back in the
drawing on request .
��� ,� SURFACE 41ATER - The meeting on Saturday included representatives
� from Friendswood, WC�ID 108 , Clearwoods , and the Subsidence Board.
Discussion involved getting the water acx�oss the Gulf Freeway at
the lowest possible cost. Friendswood is asking for 3 ,000 ,000
gallons ca,pacity in �he line. The inten.t of the consortium is
to use the financing by the Texas Water Devel'opment Board on
20-40 year bonds at 4-1/2% interest. Mayor Lowe asked Councilmen
Patton , Lay and Maaz to serve as a committee to work with the
surface water situation.
J � �,_ .7 / BRIDGE BOND ISSUE - Mayor Lowe has asked the Planning Commission
to study �he need for bridges on Greenbriar , Sunset , Winding Way ,
and possibly Castlewood. Other Councilmen felt that a combined i
street and bridge bond might be advisable . Commissioner Ken Fossler '
stated that the Planning Commission is working on a thora.ughfare
plan which will serve as a long-range guide to such needs . Mr.
Morgan suggested that the City Engineer make a study of streets
i �
most in need of paving, and estimate cost for the work. �
., GARBAGE TRUCK PURCHASE - Mr. Morgan reported that one of the '--�
�'��`��� garbage trucks has become inoperable and requested permission to
immediately purchase one new truck. The City Attorney said this
could be done if the Council declared the situation to be an
emrrgency effecting the health and safety of the community.
MOTION: (Patton) That Council declare an emergency in the
Sanitation Department requiring a new vehicle for
adequate garbage pick-up.
Second : Maaz
Mr. Mor an rese e
g p nt d quotations obtained today from dealers who
can give immediate delivery of a truck: �
Chick Smith Ford $15 ,639 . 71
Bud Brown Ford 15 , 520 . 00
Alvin Equip. (International) 13 ,020 . 00 (It was
determiend that this bid was not in conformance
with specs )
MOTION : (Patton) To purchase a Ford truck from the low bidder.
Second: Lay
Vote : Unanimous �OR MOTTON CARRIED
� I
1 �� � 7(� ORDINANCE #T-7A was presented for first reading. This is an
` amendment to the Subdivision Ordinance excepting division of
five or less lots with city facilities available from require-
ments of Or,dinance 210 . The Council were not in agreement with
the entire contents of the ordinance as presented.
MOTTON : (Patton) To table for workshop next Monday night.
Second : Haken
Vote : Unanimous �'OR MOTION CARRIED
� � �
WARRAN.TS .� The £ollorcaing warrants were approved unanimously
l�y the. Counc.i..l;
Gene;ral Fund 2257 - Wartex Oil $ 1, 820 . 85
2258 .� Community �ublic Service 1 ,386 . 49
225� � Safety Lights 1,022 . 50
2260 -� �Jhites 534. 98
� ; 2261 � �arnett � Sons 5 ,058 . 00
i j W�S �'und 975 -� Community Public Service 1 ,440 . 74
�76 � The Rohan Company 2 , 038 . 94
Wa�-te Disposal
Fund 121 �- E,ng�..neering Science 2 ,0 04 . 2 2
ADJOURNMENT - Motion made and seconded that the meeting adjourn.
The aneeting was adjou.rn.ed.
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� C�ty Secretary
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Mayo Ralph. L, Lawe
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